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6534876 No.6534876 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for a nice recipe for meatball pasta. Any ideas?

>> No.6535427

>Keep the sauce simple. I usually go with Hazan's butter and onion sauce. Get a quality can of tomatoes, add it to a pot with a halfed onion and some butter. Keep it on medium high, lid off, for 40mins. Strain out onions.

>For meatballs, boil milk and stale bread until you get a thick porridge. Let it cool and add it to your beef. Egg, parmesan or pecorino, and any herbs you desire. Parsely is always a must. A little ground nutmeg. Don't overpack your meatballs when rolling them. Handle them gently.

> Roll the meatballs in breadcrumbs and fry with vegetable oil (not olive). When they get a nice colour, drop them into the sauce. Let them simmer for 40mins.

>> No.6535431

> Roll the meatballs in breadcrumbs and fry with vegetable oil (not olive)
can't tell if troll

>> No.6535433

How so?

>> No.6535445

>To give your meatballs a nice colour, heat will be cranked fairly high.

>Olive oil shouldnt be cooked at high heats. Creates undesirable flavours.

>> No.6535452

must be the serious tone overall. I just can't tell.
EVOO can be used without trouble for frying breadcrumbs
although, why bread the meatballs in the first place? surely the sauce will taste much better if you brown the actual meat instead of some tasteless breadcrumbs

>> No.6535463

also in general the recipe is stupid
you develop a nice fond by browning the meatballs, take them out, deglaze the pan with a bit of wine or balsamic or even just with the tomato and by doing so start the sauce
in this way you don't lose any flavor

>> No.6535466

Disagree about the olive oil.

As for the bread crumbs, this is just really a matter of preference and what you grew up eating. No two italian familis make meatballs the same way.

And to be clear, always make your own breadcrubs. The grocery store ones are terrible.

>> No.6535472

>doesn't know how to green text

>> No.6535475

> disagree
based on what
> matter of preference
the other way is objectively tastier.
btw you are also missing out on a lot of flavor by not sauteeing your onion

>> No.6535481

>based on what?
Science and Google, nigger.
>Objectively better
Sure. If you say so m8.

>> No.6535482


>EVOO can be used without trouble for frying breadcrumbs

why does its low smoke point and overpowering flavour suddenly not become a factor used to fry breadcrumbs?

>> No.6535493

> Science and Google, nigger.
iow you never tried
> if you say so
know those roasty golden brown bits that stick to the bottom of the pan when you've fried meat? they're chock full of meaty roasty flavor and... you don't have any in your sauce variant. so mine is better. objectively

>> No.6535495

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) does not have an overpowering flavor because it's extravirgin - i.e. very refined i.e. nearly tasteless
also the smoke point is not an issue because bread can brown as low as 120-125 Celsius

>> No.6535505
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>spending a beautiful Sunday afternoon arguing about meatballs on a Japanese message board.

I'm going out to play. Give my sauce a try, OP. It's objectivle better than anon's balsamic glazed deep fried olive oil balls.

>> No.6535512


>Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) does not have an overpowering flavor because it's extravirgin - i.e. very refined i.e. nearly tasteless

i think you need to check your facts buddy

>because bread can brown as low as 120-125 Celsius

not particularly effectively, and that's still high enough to make using an unrefined olive oil fairly pointless.

>> No.6535523

which I realize I did not give, so
meatballs and pasta:
ground beef, milk+bread, cilantro (it's an ingredient not a flavoring, be real fucking generous with it), other herbs as desired, salt, pepper, nutmeg. mix into sticky little balls about 1.5 cm diameter
throw some pancetta in a pan, let it leak some fat, brown the meatballs, take them out (but not the pancetta crisps) and reserve
dunk the pasta in salted, boiling water
sautee some onion in the same pan
deglaze with red wine or balsamic
tomato paste (from fresh!) goes into the pan at this point, turn heat as high as it will go, let it bubble.
return the meatballs to the pan
wait for the tomato paste to get slightly orange-y
pasta should be ready at this point. take it out and dunk it into the sauce, remove the pan from heat, stir gently
add a ladleful of pasta water if you want a runnier sauce
garnish with cilantro and serve

>> No.6535530


>> No.6535534

> you need to check your facts
and you need to stop listening to Jamie Oliver when it comes to how much EVOO you should put in your food
> not particularly effectively
the fuck is that supposed to mean? starches start caramelizing at 120 and that's that. they don't caramelize harder if the heat is higher - just faster
> using unrefined olive oil
I did not suggest such a thing
> pic related, mfw

>> No.6535535

How can it be objectively better?
You make no sense.

>> No.6535536

yes, cilantro. only "american-italians" use parsley and that's just because they don't know better

>> No.6535538
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captcha ate my pic

>> No.6535539

Fuck off Rachel Ray with your gay ass acronym

>> No.6535546
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want me to call it "'stravergine", bby? would that get you hard?

>> No.6535548

You are a paki.

>> No.6535550


jamie oliver? really?

>I did not suggest such a thing

that's what extra virgin olive oil is.

> starches start caramelizing at 120 and that's that.

caramelisation happens at temperatures a lot hotter than that. maillard happens at lower temperatures but both are still very slow below around 140.

>> No.6535555

> caramelisation happens at temperatures a lot hotter than that
caramelization of starches starts at 120

>> No.6535557

*extravergine, dickhead

>> No.6535564


that's not caramelisation dude. you can dextrinise starches at temperatures close to that low in very low moisture conditions but no, you're basically wrong.

>> No.6535565

You're an extra virgin.

>> No.6535567

try it

>> No.6535568


hahaha ok.

>> No.6535573

just set your oven to 120 and put a mound of potato starch inside
what have you got to lose? you might learn something, too

>> No.6535575
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Anon's famous cilantro balls. A famiy tradition.

>> No.6535584
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>> No.6535587

>stinking up your kitchen with burnt starch for the next three days

Are you "450 degrees for ten hours" guy?

>> No.6535595

No, sir, I do not hold that honor.

>> No.6535598


yeah i bet you've done that.

>> No.6535631

in a high school chemistry lab no less

>> No.6535677

*475 for five hours then turn down to 425 for another 3 hours

>> No.6535735

why the fuck would anyone use cilantro in meatballs? Meatballs and spaghetti is an italian dish, and you will never find cilantro in any italian dishes. Cilantro is disgusting, by the way. Also, I use parsley in my meatballs, and fortunately I'm not american-italian.

Anyway, here's a simple recipe for meatballs:

Chop up some parsley, some garlic, and some onions. Mix it in the ground beef, along with salt, pepper, olive oil, maybe a few dashes of garlic powder or two, breadcrumbs,parmesan cheese and an egg. I feel sorry for people who can't make estimations on how much they need for each ingredient in dishes.

>> No.6535738


>why the fuck would anyone use cilantro in meatballs?

to put the flavour of the cilantro in the meatballs

>> No.6535743

>tomato sauce


>> No.6535754


are you joking

>> No.6535767

I'm not. And, I really fail to see any reasons why you would find that combination reasonable or appealing.

>> No.6535776


well you already said you don't like cilantro so no shit

but surely you could just look to any of the 2x10^fucktons of recipes that combine it with tomato to see it's not a weird combo

>> No.6535789

I don't like cilantro so fair enough for you to say that. And yeah, tomatoes and cilantro is a reasonable combination.

Tomato SAUCE and cilantro isn't, and never will be

>> No.6535799


that is a weird distinction.

>> No.6535811

well here's how I see it. If you put cilantro in a salad with tomatoes and add some sort of acidic component, it could be good. Just like using parsley in salads... Oh. wow. I think I just realised both these herbs can be used interchangeably lmao.

But apparently, people who like cilantro find it to have a lemon-sort of flavor. Why would you add lemon citrus to a sauce? Maybe it's just cause I find cilantro tastes like perfume.

dear diary,

>> No.6535817


>Oh. wow. I think I just realised both these herbs can be used interchangeably lmao.

yeah they often pretty much are.

>Why would you add lemon citrus to a sauce?

i like lemon zest in tomato sauce personally.

>> No.6535825

I've never encountered that before, and I've been trying my best to explore as many different cultural cuisines. I'd like to give it a try actually. Any dish recommendations?

>> No.6535880

you add it fresh to the sauce at the end for a fresher scent, and less for flavor.

when you eat pho with cilantro, you smell it more than you taste it.
same idea.