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File: 73 KB, 540x720, is pepsi ok?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6533552 No.6533552 [Reply] [Original]

>I'm sorry we don't have coke.

>> No.6533559

That's okay. I'll have a double cheeseburger and a large fires and a diet pepsi.

>> No.6533563

>implying theres a difference

>> No.6533565

I leave the restaurant every time that happens. Pepsi is literal cancer: the soft drunk. Coke is god's gift to men.

>> No.6533566

>im sorry sir we don't have double cheeseburgers or fries

>> No.6533567

there is. if you tasted both side by side you'd notice a difference.

>> No.6533571
File: 68 KB, 980x552, 6a00d8341c60fd53ef01543393d186970c-1024wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no coke

>> No.6535200

Grown ups drink dark liquor and light pop. This is a fucking fact. Take ur dark shit back to the 3rd grade u fucking homo

>> No.6535238

Mountain Dew is legitimately better than both.

>> No.6535262

Pepsi is so fucking inferior.

>> No.6535270
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>> No.6535288

There used to a restaraunt around here called Cheeburger Cheeburger. They only served chheseburgers (you had to verbally request no cheese), didnt have coke, etc etc. Loved that place. They had about 100 different shake/malt flavers and you could mix up to 3 flavors at a time. Plus they had about 12 different cheeses and more toppings than you could imagine, no to mention burgers that went up to a full pound of beef. I miss that place dearly.

>> No.6535297

Great story 10/10

>> No.6535331


I've got one down the street 👌

>> No.6535357

"Can I have a large pepsi"

"Sorry mam we only have coke products"

"Fuck fine a fuckin coke then"

>> No.6535592
File: 40 KB, 317x466, op_his_thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, we don't have a good thread. Would you like this shitposting instead?

>> No.6535616

Why not sell hoth?

>> No.6535618
File: 208 KB, 624x654, 1419435423485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6535623

fuck you and that childish name.

>> No.6535652

Coke tastes stronger, while Pepsi is sweeter. If that makes sense.

>> No.6535655


>> No.6535657

they would fight

>> No.6535662

dumbass its contracting rules.

pepsi won't sell you syrup if you're buying syrup from coke, and coke won't sell you syrup if you're buying syrup from pepsi.

and most chains have regional contracts in exchange for better pricing, you can buy boxes of pepsi and coke for 25 dollars a box if one mcdonalds sells pepsi and on the other side of town the mcdonalds sells coke, but if the regional manager of both of them agrees to only sell coke, coke sells them boxes for 18.

>> No.6535731
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>I'll have a coke and vodka please
>is pepsi okay?
>one coke and pepsi coming up

Do customers appreciate my joke or do they just laugh to make me go away?
If I find out they hate this I'll probably cry a little bit.

>> No.6535736

I think that's on-tier with the "It doesn't have a sticker, does that mean I get it for free :)?" joke at a retail store.

>> No.6535745

I don't drink soda anyway. Diabetes in a can.

>> No.6535746


>> No.6535750

That's okay, I prefer Sprite

>> No.6535768

I think it's autismal, but to each their own.

>> No.6537238

Target's little cafe has both coke and Pepsi in their fountain

>> No.6537244
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>> No.6537261

Flyover faggot detected