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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 413 KB, 1200x1600, pulled pork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6531196 No.6531196 [Reply] [Original]

Saturday night dinner?

Hungry man pulled pork meal.

I like to throw it on a couple buns

>> No.6531206

eating BEFORE you drink? enjoy not getting drunk

after I'm fully drunk tonight I will dine on tuna cakes, cheesy mashed potatoes, mixed veggies with butter and maybe some bread

>> No.6531230


incorrect. You should eat around 2 hours before drinking. You should never drink on an empty stomach.

However this meal seems more appealing after drinking. Prior to drinking I usually just have a grilled ham and cheese, or a bowl of chicken noodle soup.

>> No.6531240

You'll get the same drunk, drinking after eating as you would not eating. It'll just hit you harder, and a bit later. It's a bit of a problem with the college crowd actually.

Always some stories every year about kids who went out and drank too much and didn't realize it until they hit them and then got alcohol poisoning.

Although, you should probably have something in you before you start. I can't imagine alcohol being very good for stomach lining.

>> No.6531463

yeah i follow this rule too

otherwise you get hungry halfway thru your drunk and you either press on and get a stomach ache, or you eat something and slow down your drunk.

the food you eat before the drunk is like the foundation built before the house.

any type of meat and vegetables wrapped in carbohydrates will do

>> No.6532159

>hungry man pulled pork

oh god. slop with some kind of bbq slop.

>> No.6532184

yeah i usually eat a nice piece of bread from a bakery before i drink then like halfway through the night we hit up a place for a nice meal
always helps not getting too drunk

>> No.6532196
File: 114 KB, 579x570, pepefeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw don't drink because find alcohol not very nice tasting.
How do I get rid of my babby palate /ck/? I've learnt to enjoy raw onions and anchovies and stuff but alcohol just don't cut it. I know it's not so good for you but I want to be able to enjoy a night out with buddies at least.

>> No.6532200
File: 325 KB, 810x1080, dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im about to eat this thing and then throw up maybe
also cry a little possibly

>> No.6532685

Stop being a bitch.
There's no magic way.

>> No.6533037

>eating BEFORE you drink?
first thing that popped into my head when i opened the thread

i'll be drinking and figuring out what i want to do with some chicken livers i bought on impulse (dirty rice sounds pretty good)

>> No.6533054

>eating BEFORE you drink? enjoy not getting drunk

absolute bullshit

drink before eating -> sloppy drunk and shitty hangover
eat before drinking -> stay buzzed all night with no hangover

always eat

>> No.6533083

If that corn was custard and that thing in the corner a brownie I'd have no problem eating that.

>> No.6533090

start with mixed cocktails or light beer where you can't taste the alcohol. learn to associate the light taste of alcohol with the fun and enjoyment of getting drunk

>> No.6533094

>can corn degeneracy

>> No.6535000
