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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6528700 No.6528700 [Reply] [Original]

So, a cat my dad got as a kitten when i was born just died at the age of 22. Im sad as fuck and broke but want to eat something to make me feel better, any comfort food suggestions?

Pic related, something ive made before when sad.

>> No.6528703

Make something you had as a kid. Maybe a big thing of spaghetti or mac&cheese with hotdogs

>> No.6528708

Can't go wrong with some beef stew served over mashed potatoes for comfort, or maybe french onion soup with a heaping pile of gruyere, or some fried chicken and coleslaw and various sides.

I'm sorry Anon, get comfy soon.

>> No.6528717


You know I'm pretty sure the concept of buying young children animals that are sure to die in their teens is deliberate

>> No.6528721

Both of these ideas sound great. Thank you very much. I think ill make beef stew and mashed potatos since that used to be one of my favorite meals next to hotdogs and ramen.

>> No.6528728

Fish toast for me.

>> No.6528729

Man it's hard not to make spaghetti look appetizing as fuck. A nice amount of sauce, some parmesan and then chopped parsley? It's so simple but so pretty with all of that color contrast.

Italy's White, Green, and Red makes sense.

>> No.6528762

Its true. Never once had bad spaghetti in my life.

>> No.6529263

grilled cheese and tomato soup. super simple, filling, cheap, and nostalgic.

>> No.6529505

put what meat you can get from the cat and make a nice juicy cat steak, at least now you know a part of your beloved cat will always be with you :)

>> No.6529523


breakfast burrito. errytime everytime

>> No.6529530

Can't really be helped; cats and dogs are the usual pets, and both have lifespans of about 8-15 years normally.

It's arguably worse to buy a long-lived pet like a parrot, since they bond so tightly with their humans, and most people get the birds later in life and die long before the bird does. A friend in high school inherited his grandfather's parrot, and it will probably be around for his kids to grow up with.

Pet bird shops are full of emotionally distressed older parrots that need a new home.

>> No.6529531

fried fish sticks and custard

>> No.6529537

Sympathies, OP. Make some brownies.

>> No.6529549

>any comfort food suggestions?
Cook and eat your cat OP that way he can be with you forever.I can think of nothing more comforting the this.

>> No.6529561
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make some slop

>> No.6529573

go in an animal shelter and take one

>> No.6529591

while I have a feeling that people telling you to eat your cat are doing it out of ill-mannered humor, there is some merit to eating the bones. it's an old japanese tradition where lords and heads of households would eat the post cremation bones of their most loyal or valuable followers, so that they would be serving them for the rest of their lives. if you think of it as calcium and other minerals incorporated into your own skeleton, it really could last for several decades at the very least.

>> No.6529594

Does anyone else think that "comfort food" is a thing that fat people do?

I'm skinny and I've never felt "comforted" by food, not even the foods I ate as a child

>> No.6529598

if you live in a foreign country for a few months and experience culture shock, comfort food aligns with being homesick.

>> No.6529599

damn, thats exactly the kind of shit i make when i have no idea what to cook but have a bunch of random ingredients laying around.

>> No.6529611


Having comfort foods? No, most people have those on some level even if they aren't actively aware of them.

Talking about your comfort foods? Yes, mostly lardasses.

>> No.6529620

>I've never felt "comforted" by food
This is not a normal experience. There is definitely something wrong with you.

>> No.6529790
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Pic related is what your cat would've wanted. Sorry for your loss.

>> No.6530376

>taking pleasure in being poor

>> No.6530411

I'm sorry, feel better OP :(
I like warm buttery fresh baked vanilla muffins

>> No.6530413

>any comfort food suggestions?

Fuck comfort food, go AT ONCE to the nearest Indian or Thai place and eat something really hot and spicy.

>> No.6530417

>comfort food
Fuck off landwhale

>> No.6530429

Also skinny reporting in.

You're abnormal; comfort food is a psychological and physiological normality. The thing that can add to being overweight/obese is overindulgence and/or emotional eating.

>> No.6530430

Stop you're scaring the children with your edginess

>> No.6530439


What's the difference between "comfort food" and "emotional eating"?

I would argue they are the very same thing: attempting to use food to affect an emotional change.

>> No.6530440

Suck a fiery shitdick you worthless fucks.

>> No.6530444

youre autistic

>> No.6530454


>> No.6530457

>Does anyone else think that "comfort food" is a thing that fat people do?

Yes. I agree 100%.

>> No.6530458
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Nice trips m80

>> No.6530460

>eating when you're sad
This is literally a thing only lardasses do. Go eat a jar of mayonaise.

>> No.6530486

"Emotional eating" is eating (usually crap) when you are sad or angry or stressed or whatever the fuck. "Comfort food" is just that- comfortable.

Comfort is often characterized by pleasant memories and familiar activities. So comfort food is something easy to prepare, that produces some nostalgia or has sentimental value: like traditional food. So it's hard to properly define comfort food, as it is very idiosyncratic.

It's cold and rainy outside and you cook yourself a hotpot of your favourite things. The smell fills the house and the steam coming of it alone warms you up. It's just comfy.

>> No.6530494

>The smell fills the house and the steam coming of it alone warms you up. It's just comfy.

So in other words, the food makes you feel better? Sounds like "emotional" to me.

>> No.6530497

Nah. 6', 155lbs skellington, I fucking love me some comfort food. Something warm and savoury and caloric is calming, makes your brain squirt happy juice

>> No.6530505

holy shit you're fucking retarded. why cant autists accept that theyre wrong?
>google comfort food
>google emotional eating
how fucking hard is that you fuck

>> No.6530507

If you go that way ALL eating is emotional eating. No one eats just because- they eat because they need to, enjoy it and feel better when they do; especially when it's something yummy and tasty.

Comfort food is a food that produces a high state of comfort. Simple as that.

>> No.6530509
File: 101 KB, 640x640, Z-Black 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's emotional,
but it's not "emotional eating"
You'd know if you were capable of reading, after all anon already explained it to you.
Maybe you're just a little too simple minded to comprehend longer posts?

>> No.6530529

>how fucking hard is that you fuck

It's not hard at all. But the definitions seem pretty much the same.

>You'd know if you were capable of reading,

I'd know better if someone was capable of explaining the difference in a logical and concise manner. Because what 6530486 posted did not make the difference clear. But hey, blame the reader is what 4chan is all about, right?

>> No.6530535
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>the definitions seem pretty much the same

>> No.6530542

I did explain it as straightforward as it gets. It's not rocket science, there is no equation to express it: it's two somewhat vague expressions.

Emotional eating is usually utilized in the context of eating BECAUSE of emotions, not to produce, emulate or recreate any emotions.

Comfort food is different in the sense that you are trying to PRODUCE a sense of comfort, comfort happens to be tightly bound to emotions.

>> No.6530574


Thanks. Now we're getting somewhere.

You fail hard. The difference is the intent.

Comfort food is a FOOD that happens to elicit feelings of comfort.

Emotional eating is a DISORDER characterized by over-eating in an attempt do deal with an underlying problem.

One is a food. The other is a medical condition. How hard is that to explain clearly?

>> No.6530586

comfort food is a type of food:
mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, fried chicken, etc
emotional eating is a coping mechanism like faggots that cut themselves or going out for a drive when youre upset

>> No.6530648


>> No.6530653


Comfort food is my mom's lasagna.
"Emotional eating" is sucking down an entire row of oreos straight from the package because you're too lazy to cook.

>> No.6530705

>you're not allowed to have emotions
I'm not even that guy, you're just taking machismo ridiculously far.

>> No.6530711


Nothing wrong with having emotions.
There is, however, something wrong with doing self-destructive shit to deal with them.

>> No.6530716

you should learn how to read critically. nothing in that post should lead you to draw the conclusion that you did.

>> No.6530767
File: 63 KB, 550x412, montecristo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've made pic related when sad, then you need to make yourself a Monte Cristo. It is not the weak "french toast sandwich" the internet would lead you to believe. I'm talking grilling the meats (shaved turkey slices and shaved ham slices). I'm saying you need preserves, raspberry, cherry, something bright. You want a white cheese that melts beautifully into your sandwich but offers that bittersharp backnote (most use swiss). You want the french toast made from a hearty bread that can stand up to this sandwich (this isn't Sunday brunch french bread for french toast. Might I suggest cinnamon walnut wholegrain instead?). I can do without the powdered sugar, because if you want more sweetness (you better have the preserves to slather on), then real maple syrup is better, but turn to the preserves first. Enjoy. Enjoy it vociferously with no shame for your sadness and the half a messy sandwich you have smeared across your face and plate, anon.

>> No.6530775


>What's the difference between "comfort food" and "emotional eating"?
When you're eating some delicious food, and you take enjoyment and pleasure out of it in a very nostalgic or reminiscent kind of way, then you are actively enjoying comfort food. Basically, you are having emotion stemming from the food.

If you have an emotion or emotional experience and respond to that emotion by seeking out food, then you are emotionally eating.

They're actually opposites. You see? One is the result and the other is the precursor. Also people use the word interchangeably and excusefully because they're retards trying to make themselves feel better (with food too), but I would argue you're also a retard for believing their degradation of emotions and the English language.

>> No.6530787

Man, my family dog is started to get old and it's really making me sad. Last time I saw her, she had a slight limp and needed a little help getting in and out of the car. I am going to be distraught when the regal beagle dies :_:

That being said, swiss steak is hands down my comfort food. Tons of mushrooms, onions, thick gravy, with tender meat, mash potatoes and some greens. My mom always makes it when I come home and it just makes me feel so safe and happy.

Close second, fried and breaded pork chops with baked mac-n-cheese. Another one of moms staples.

I'm going to text my mom and tell her I love her.

>> No.6530798
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>> No.6530803

>sad because cat died
Cats are for fags dude
>inb4 "but I'm a fag"

>> No.6530904

I don't think I've seen a single thread on this board go without some form of shitposting in the last year or so. It's fucking ridiculous. I wish shit heads would fuck off back to /b/, /v/, /r9k/ or /pol/ or wherever the fuck the came from. Even the most innocent of threads aren't safe from it. Just fuck off.

>> No.6530929

people have been saying the same thing since i started coming here six or seven years ago, snowflake

>> No.6530936

Stop saying this word whenever you can't think of something to say.

>> No.6530945

That's not why people say "snowflake". It's got nothing to do with "can't figure out what to say". It's a statement that your opinion is no better than anyone else's, you special little snowflake you.

>> No.6530950

M*, you're arguing with the wrong person. I actually agree with you apart from your autistic choice of words.

>> No.6530958


I'm not arguing with anyone. I agree with >>6530904 entirely. I was just explaining the meaning behind the "snowflake" insult.

>> No.6530964

He never claimed his opinion was better.

And you are objectively wrong. The board hasn't changed at all ever.

>> No.6530972

I don't think there's a difference. Even consider OP's case: his pet died, and now he wants "comfort food" to make him feel emotionally better about the death of his pet.

It's the very definition of emotional eating. We don't know more about him to say whether it's a clinically diagnosable as a disorder, but "comfort food" is disordered eating.

>> No.6531005

food can make you happy, like anything else, it's not a problem if you're not abusing it

>> No.6531126

>single thread on this board go without some form of shitposting in the last year or so
And OPs whining blogpost isn't shitposting?
Also OPs image looks awful and something a fatass would make and eat, so why is it shitposting people call them out on it?

>> No.6531851

Edgelords are eternal Anon.

>> No.6531855

>implying the edgy comments about the dead cat aren't shitposts by underage faggots

>> No.6531876

Anything vietnamese, japanese, Korean food are my comfort foods. I'd probably go Korean bbq or pho for comfort foods

>> No.6532028
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>> No.6532211

go get some chinese food.

>> No.6532222
