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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 257 KB, 1600x1200, Tuber_brumale_-_Vue_sur_la_tranche_coupée.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6526824 No.6526824 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: pretentious ingredients

>> No.6526828

Is a truffle pretending to be a cat? Is it pretending to be of a higher caste than it actually is? Is it putting on airs? Does it affect a mode of speech or other mannerism unnatural to itself? How can a truffle, something that is decidedly inanimate, choose to be pretentious?

This is a bad thread.
You ought to be ashamed.

>> No.6526829
File: 141 KB, 500x375, Avocado-Bacon-Eggrolls-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I see the cool hipsters lined up, showing off their iPods, waiting ostentatiously to pay out the nose for avocados, I just scoff and realize how I'm the only smart person around. When will this fad end? So we can have normal food again.

>> No.6526830

Fucking love them. If that's pretentious, I'm a pretentipos fuck.

>> No.6526831

stay a flyover pleb faggot.

>> No.6526837

Hello there, you seem like you're trying very desperately to fit in, great job quoting those barely related memes (despite them actually originating from reddit-- but don't be embarrassed!)

If you'd like to stick around try and relax a little, don't worry about shouting how "in tune" you are with the "hivemind", you're allowed to have your own opinions and we very much encourage you to share them!

>> No.6526842

This reply doesn't make sense.
It is a bad reply.
It is bad and you should feel bad.
You ought to be ashamed.
Be ashamed for your bad reply and thread.
Go on. Start feeling ashamed of yourself. I'm really rather disappointed in you, Anon. Bad show.

>> No.6526845
File: 284 KB, 537x647, lick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like Edgar...

>> No.6526846
File: 321 KB, 1200x900, pho U mane .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pho/ck/ U for this shit.

>> No.6526847
File: 170 KB, 768x1024, 2014-11-20-lammilie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Show us on the doll where the bad reddit touched you

>> No.6526922

What makes a black truffle pretentious? The fact that it's a luxury ingredient? Luxury ingredients are only pretentious if someone really can't afford them and just uses them to show off. Otherwise they're just luxuries.

>So we can have normal food again.
I am so fucking glad I have absolutely no idea what the fuck "normal" food supposed to be. Sounds like something I would not want to eat unless I was somewhere there the traditional cuisine was particularly delicious. In some parts of Italy or France the "normal" food is amazing. What passes for normal in most of the English speaking world is usually pretty shit.

>> No.6526931

Fuck you, truffles are awesome.

If they were cheaper, I'd put that shit on everything.


>> No.6526936

What makes black truffle pretentious is the overestimation of the price compared to how many other mushrooms that can do its job just as well -- if not better -- for a fraction of the price.
But it's not just an issue about the price, really, it's an issue about how chefs in TV-shows always glorify the truffle like it's some kind of sacred ingredient. They flip shit if you use things such as truffle oil because apparently that's sacrilege, and whenever you want to make something fancy, (such as a 'fancy' (albeit gimmicky) burger) the motherfucking truffle -- which could have been EASILY replaced by a more common mushroom -- strikes again.
Even the fact that you call it a "luxury ingredient" (which it sadly has been deemed as by general consensus) shows how pretentious it is.
It's like caviar. You don't buy the most expensive fish eggs because you think it's REMOTELY worth the price or effort, only because it glorifies your existence to stuff your face in 5 minutes with more money than the average person makes in a month.

>> No.6526939

>not carrying a fist-sized truffle and a personal supply of fois gras with you everywhere you go

stay pleb, /ck/


>> No.6526942

What can I use as a replacement?

>> No.6526944

And here we have Pretentiousness: The Post
Of course advocating for the black truffle.

How low are you emotionally that you must show off with examples of others?

>> No.6526946

In a burger as I used as an example? Champignon.

>> No.6526947

They sell caviar at walmart now, same with escargot

>> No.6526948

That wasn't even bait and you still ate it up the the sinker.

>> No.6526950

Champignons are the new truffle. You heard it here first

>> No.6526958

If the cost of luxury goods is an issue to you then buying them would be pretentious. But they would not be pretentious to a price insensitive customer.

Of course many chefs glorify luxury ingredients. If you run a very upscale restaurant most of your clientele are price insensitive customers. That's not being pretentious. That's knowing your audience.

>> No.6526972

Doesn't surprise me, but the escargot is probably sub-par and the caviar not from that beluga sturgeon piece of shit. If anything, the fact that someone decided to make cheaper versions of it suggests that it's something people want to achieve; being able to eat that. Not because it's good, because it isn't, but because it's a self-realizing goal, or maybe something that is accompanied by social status. Either way, you don't get what you pay for.

But that is pretentious. You basically use it just because you might as well, you could do well enough without it, it wouldn't matter, people would love your fucking food anyway because it would be goddamn good, but you take it the extra length and become a pretentious asshole for the sake of putting the last nail in the only-rich-people-coffin. The value of the ingredient far exceeds its worth ONLY because it makes people feel better about it. Because it makes it exclusive. Is that not pretentious?

>> No.6526973

You mean... common mushroom? The little white ones sold in every supermarket everywhere ever? As a swap-in for truffles of any sort?

Oh, you, you big silly, you!

I've never had truffles on a burger. Our go-to was to have summer truffles because they're the cheapest. Like €30/kg or so. Still costly, but not prohibitively so. And they're so strongly flavoured that a single truffle costing like ₤10000 (about $5US back then) was enough for four people.
We'd have it freshly shaved on butter-and-cheese pasta.
If ever I have truffles on a burger, I'd probably go with summer truffles. It'd add a tiny additional cost, like $1 per burger.

>> No.6526975
File: 120 KB, 866x465, gold_flakes_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know what pushes people to take so many delicious things and fuck their shit up. There is no possible way this could work. Add bonus for pic related getting involved

>> No.6526983

And you think something like chili-fried champignons would not do its job just as well for even less of a price? I mean really, who do you think you're fooling? The truffle only tastes that good because you make yourself believe it. In the same way those bacon memer kids relish an only decent product simply because it's cool. You might enjoy truffle that much, I don't know, but it's not because the truffle is that good then. It's just your state of mind contributing to it.

>> No.6526986

>if I think this potato is a cucumber it will work just as good

>> No.6526992

Zucchini and aubergine would've been a more reasonable comparison. Instead you just ran out of things to say because you realize that I'm right. Truffles are overvalued.

>> No.6526997

I'm not arguing about price, but saying champignons and truffles are interchangeable is retarded

>> No.6526999

>The value of the ingredient far exceeds its worth ONLY because it makes people feel better about it. Because it makes it exclusive. Is that not pretentious?
It's only pretentious if you're using a luxury ingredient to set yourself above the punters who don't know any better and couldn't afford it anyway.

But when it comes to a rare, seasonal ingredient that has to be harvested in traditional manner that's going to generate some hoopla. They same way people get excited about ramps every spring on the East Cooast. If cost isn't an issue to you and you're just excited because it's truffle season that isn't the least bit pretentious. You're just in a privileged position and enjoying some of the perks available to you.

>> No.6527007
File: 6 KB, 275x183, mud%2Bpies[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this will be more to your satisfaction?

>> No.6527008

No, I don't think they'd make an adequate swap in because they taste nothing of truffle.
It'd be delicious, but it wouldn't taste of truffle. It'd be like swapping in shallots for garlic chives or something. It might be very, very good and the two are closely related, but they taste nothing like one another.

>> No.6527016
File: 59 KB, 400x624, The_Fox_and_the_Grapes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6527017

you are a good poster

>> No.6527027

Also, it has nothing to do with pretense. It has to do with flavour. If a common mushroom could taste like a summer truffle, even if only a bit, I can tell you with absolute certainty that I would never, ever spend the extra dosh on truffles ever again.

For example, I no longer live in EU and where I live now, penny bun mushrooms (porcini) are entirely non-existent fresh at the typical grocery. If I wanted to cook something that needed fresh penny buns, I had to order fresh ones from an importer and pay out the wazonga for it.
Then, on a whim, I tried swapping in fresh shiitake for them once (for some reason, I can get fresh shiitake but not fresh penny buns; go figure).
Guess what? While the flavour isn't quite spot on, it's close enough that I no longer spend a fucktonne of money on penny buns at all anymore. The shiitake cost about a quarter the price and make for a decent enough swap in. They carry a lot of the same flavour profile, even if they're not identical.

I don't care the prestige these ingredients are supposed to carry. I care about them because they taste good.
Similarly, I fucking hate real saffron and actually prefer safflower, so I use that instead because I don't have half a fuck to give about looking posh when buying saffron.

>> No.6527078

>Also, it has nothing to do with pretense. It has to do with flavour.
This. And you'll find most of the luxury foods have amazing flavor. Caviar, foir gras, jamon serrano, wild caught smoked salmon, Grand Cru Burgundy... What do these things have in common? They are all produced by traditional methods. They can't be industrially produced. This makes them rare, and because they are desirable also expensive. Steak used to be in this category as well, until we figured out how to raise cattle in industrial farms. Suddenly anyone could afford a steak. But the best steak? Few people can afford that, because it isn't industrially farmed.

This has nothing to do with pretentiousness. The best stuff has always been only for the upper class. If you're not a member of the upper class and you make a big show of eating it to show how classy you are THAT is pretentious. But if you have access to the best stuff and you enjoy it because it's fucking delicious that isn't the least bit pretentious.

>> No.6527100

>Also, it has nothing to do with pretense. It has to do with flavour.

I agree with you guys. But not everyone is like that. Some people buy expensive shit not because of the flavor, but to show off their wealth or to impress other people.

>> No.6527121

To be fair, I can't justify the cost of Iberian ham when Parma ham is nearly as good at a fraction of the cost.
I don't like real caviar, preferring instead so-called 'swamp caviar,' so that's right out for me, as well. Swamp caviar, despite its name, is paradoxically not as strongly flavoured as the real stuff.
And wild smoked salmon isn't that expensive. Costs about the same as Parma ham (about $18/lb). The thing is, a lot of these expensive foods fall in the "just a dab'll do ya!" category meaning that they're very strongly flavoured so despite the sticker price, a little bit goes a long way. 100g of summer truffles costs €3 and is more than enough for four people, meaning that it costs €0.75 per serving. That ain't so bad.

Similarly, a quarter pound of smoked salmon will set you back about $5, but has a strong enough flavour that it's enough for about six servings.
Just a dab'll do ya.

>> No.6527132

The people doing that are pretentious. The food itself isn't.

I was in a tea shop once and a certain zomg so famous rapper came in and asked what the most expensive tea they had was. Then he bought their entire stock. That's not only pretentious, but rather cunty as well.

>> No.6527158

>Some people buy expensive shit not because of the flavor, but to show off their wealth or to impress other people.
If they're showing off their wealth that still isn't pretentious. That's just tacky. It's only pretentious if you're really not that wealthy, but buying this stuff just to impress others.
>Just a dab'll do ya.
That's not just because these foods rich and/or strongly flavored. It's also because these foods are traditionally served at meals spanning several courses, where you're not eating much of any one food in particular - the meal is several smaller dishes. Soup to nuts, as the expression goes.

>> No.6527168

Things with Earthy flavors.

>> No.6527171

see >>6527132
It is pretentious if you're buying it without knowing anything about what you're buying or how to use it and the only reason is to show that you can afford to waste money. I doubt a rapper buying the most expensive tea in a shop simply because it's the most expensive tea in a shop would know anything about how to use said tea.

If someone buys, for example, dried truffle simply because of its cost and without knowing how to use it, that'd be pretentious. I grew up with dried truffle in some dishes. My mother would grate it into butter sauces for certain things. That's how to use it.
If someone buys it then soaks it in hot water like one would a typical dried mushroom, the purchase of the item was for pretentious reasons.

>> No.6527220

>If someone buys, for example, dried truffle simply because of its cost and without knowing how to use it, that'd be pretentious.
I'd argue that isn't necessarily true. If eating truffles is something people of your station do then eating them is not pretentious, even if you don't appreciate them, It's like eating at a Cipriani restaurant. People do not pay those prices because the food is amazing. It isn't - it's just good. People pay those prices because they're rich, and that's the place where their rich peers eat. That isn't pretentious. If you're not rich and you're eating at a Cipriani restaurant because you want to look/feel rich that is pretentious.

>> No.6527245

you posted the same pic on reddit and no one cared then, either

>> No.6527310

>being canadian
yeah I'm okay with being a pleb if thats the only alternative.

>> No.6527332


>> No.6527340

Well I guess you've never had truffles eh?

>> No.6527353


>admitting you saw my pic on reddit

what are you gay stalking me on the interwebs?

>> No.6527356

>using the wrong basil
You ought to be ashamed.

>> No.6527396

I think this anon makes a good point. A Big Mac-loving ditch digger might call Five Guys pretentious, while a rice-and-bean-scrounging co/ck/tard might call a Big Mac pretentious. Pretentiousness has both an unappreciative and a try-hard element to it, spending more than you should for the wrong reasons.

>> No.6527498

>pending more than you should for the wrong reasons.
That's it. Pretentiousness is ENTIRELY a matter of intent. If you eat luxury foods to appear more wealthy/sophisticated/worldly than you are it's pretentious.

Luxury foods themselves are not pretentious. There's nothing inherently pretentious about enjoying luxury things. But they do attract pretentious people because they're symbols of their aspiration.

>> No.6527506

But there's a reason why this food is awesome. It goes with a lot of foods and has healthy fats that keep you satiated. People should be having more of it.

>> No.6527525

I'd say buying X without knowing how to use X just because you can afford X is pretentious.

Isn't buying X without knowing how to use X giving the impression (IE putting on airs/pretense) that you know what X is, what X is worth and how to use X?

>> No.6527585

Not necessarily. Let's say you're super rich, and all your super rich friends have big boats. You don't know dick about boats, but having one sounds like fun. So you buy one and hire a boatman to take care of it for you.

I don't think that's pretentious. That's just what very wealthy people do.

But if your friends all have boats and you buy a bigger boat than you can afford just to show off that's pretentious.

But appreciation counts toward pretentiousness if someone is trying to appear more sophisticated than they are. Someone who makes a big deal out of eating truffles to show everyone their sophisticated taste is probably being pretentious. But if you really don't appreciate them, but order them because it's truffle season and they're on the menu at one of your favorite restaurants, so why not? I wouldn't call that pretentious. Again, that's just what rich people do.

>> No.6527609

That's what I'm getting at. If Max Mustermann's buying it simply because it's a Veblen good and not because you actually appreciate it, despite whether or not you can afford it, Max is pretentious, wouldn't you agree?

>> No.6527616

>not because you actually appreciate it
>not because MAX actually appreciateS it
Sorry about that.

>> No.6527623

>despite whether or not you can afford it
>despite whether or not HE can afford it
Fix'd. Again. Fuck.

>> No.6527698

No. If you're rich enough you may buy something because it's supposedly the best in its category. Especially if it's something you're not particularly well informed about, why bother with less than the best if you can easily afford it? At a certain point rich people aren't really making many of their own decisions about exactly how their money is spent. They have people for that.

Say a super rich guy is throwing a party. Do you really think he's going to trouble himself about what kind of champagne or caviar will be served to the guests? Maybe if he's a food and wine buff. Otherwise he just leaves it to his assistant to hire a party planner and make it happen. The party planner looks at who he's working for and who is on the guest list and decides anything less than Pol Roger and Beluga would probably not be appropriate.

Only a percentage of the people at the party will be food and wine buffs who really appreciate these things. But everyone will enjoy being served champagne and caviar, and you can afford it, so the party planner did his job correctly.

I don't see that as pretentious. I'm lucky enough to have been to a couple parties like that in Switzerland. The hosts weren't the ones drinking the champagne or eating the caviar. They were hanging out with the celebrities and catching up with their banker friends. The only reason champagne and caviar were offered was because that's what's expected at that kind of a party.

Posh? Posh as fuck. Pretentious? It didn't strike me as such. Just what rich people do. But for a punter like me it's a treat to eat real caviar off the skin between my thumb and forefinger.

>> No.6527740

That was a good read

You should be a writer

>> No.6527748

>You should be a writer
Thanks. I am. Just slumming it here.

>> No.6527762

I also have been to similar gatherings.

The guests at such events are generally pretentious. They might have posh money, but they've hardly posh tastes. When they wince whilst "enjoying" their caviar and other supposed goodies, it's obvious: they're pretending to like the stuff and continue to eat it just to save face. That is, by definition, pretentious.

As I said earlier, I rather dislike saffron. The price doesn't factor in to my like or dislike of something but the fact that I legitimately enjoy safflower over saffron is fortuitous in that I don't have to spend a bunch of dosh on it. Same is true of the caviar example I gave earlier ITT.

>> No.6527835

>The guests at such events are generally pretentious.
The hangers-on the rich attract are usually the most pretentious people you can get. Those fuckers derive their entire validation from association with wealthy people.

>> No.6528000

avocados are great if you have a tree or something in your neighborhood, but they are not worth the current price at all.

We need to start an avocado planting campaign to increase the supply to be on par with apples. when I was younger you never had to pay for apples because someone always had a tree that produced more than they could possibly eat or sell.

>> No.6528810

>Is it putting on airs?

Yes because it's in reality a lump of dirt but it pretends to be a fancy richfag food.

>> No.6528820

>as you can tell by my posh wording and my affected disdain for "new money", I am a true patrician

You are so transparent it hurts

Also no one pretends to like caviar, it's about as inoffensive as it gets unless you're a no-onions-tier picky manchild. Even if you don't love it, you're indifferent towards it at best.

>> No.6528838

I prefer salmon eggs to beluga caviar.
Pretty sure I am a huge fucking pleb.

>> No.6528878

how much are avocados near you? never in my life have i seen an avocado that wasn't reasonably priced unless it was organic

>> No.6528881

Not that anon but I live in Washington state and the best price I've ever come across, regardless of time of year, was 4 medium size avocados for 5 bucks.

>> No.6528915

oh i thought that was pretty reasonable, i probably have no idea what i'm talking about though. were they cheaper before this fad or something?

>> No.6528952

They're cheap as all fuck back in my hometown in Texas. My mom was telling me a few weeks ago she got 4 for a dollar. So I paid 4 bucks more for exactly the same amount of product. It's complete horseshit. All we have going for us in WA are cheap cherries. Cheap, cheap CHEAP cherries. Which is good.

>> No.6528957

There is no "fad", it's just NEET shut-ins who get all their food information from fast food menus

>> No.6528984

It did become viewed as a super food over the last 4-5 years, I never saw one in my life around boston until about that time.

>> No.6528996

>food deserts are real
I've lived in NYC for the last 15 years and there's never been an availability issue here. Before that the Midwest, and before that the west coast. Never had issues finding them in any of those places either.

What kind of ghetto do you live in?

>> No.6528998

Does anyone on 4chan actually know what the word pretentious means? Why is everything a meaningless buzzword now it makes everything boring.

>> No.6529013

I've had truffle with various cheeses and with foie gras. Its good and has a unique pungent flavor but I wouldn't pay as much as people expect for black truffle-- I could see why some would pay that much for it though

>> No.6529020

I had before truffle too. Not sure what's so bad about it other than being overpriced.

>> No.6529046

The high price makes people shoehorn it into everything they can and misuse it just to show off how rich they are. It's a good flavor, and not one you can really replicate with other ingredients. Goes great with mushrooms, cheeses, eggs, simple pasta dishes, red meats, etc, and a just a little bit goes a long way. It doesn't go so well with lobster, desserts, or ketchup, but that doesn't stop people from putting it in there and charging 120 samolians a head for a tasting menu.

>> No.6529169
File: 132 KB, 540x357, morel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why buy truffles when you can forage up some delicious morels for free? Pic related, they're in season right now. C'mon guys, get out there and grab all you can, while you can!

>> No.6529209

Being in a social situation and behaving as expected isn't pretentious. Your argument doesn't work if they were at shitty home party and drinking because others are.
Despite different circumstances, it's the same situation. You have a very liberal definition of pretentious.

>> No.6529340

Can you still poke people on facebook?

>> No.6529538

You're supposed to point out pretentious things, not be pretentious yourself

>> No.6529545

>lives in CA
>endless avocados

>> No.6529559

>while you can
Cause they'll be extinct within the next century if not sooner at this rate?

>> No.6529581

i live in california so these are cheap and everywhere. i love avocados.

>> No.6529622

I think that was the joke, Anon.

>> No.6529626


Avocados are cheap but I live next to CA. I've had them for twenty something years now I never got what people mean by meme food regarding those.

>> No.6529630

Can someone here remind me WHY Reddit is bad again? The only shit subreddits are the ones relating to 4Chan. Honestly they seem like pretty decent people to me, and the discussion can get just as heated there as it does here. My only problem is the upvote system that supports hivemind by showing you everyone else's opinion before you can share your own. The memes aren't even an issue because nearly every subreddit has a "no memes" rule that ends up actually working for them pretty well, unlike here when the autists spouting them can just switch IPs and continue shitposting. Sure you can make a new account but that's just a big enough hurdle that most people don't.

Is it seriously a meme here to call other people out for using memes because they like or dislike certain foods or ingredients?

Oklahoma here. They're like fifty cents a piece and nobody freaks out about them. Guac isn't even too overused. The main problem is chain restaurants selling guac because it's always fake mass-produced guacamole-style play-doh.

The only people I've met who hate guac for being popular and not just because they aren't fans of it are pretentious cunts posting in /ck/.

>> No.6529680

No, you're just stupid. An "I don't like thing but will pretend to like thing around people who like thing so that people who like thing will like me" sort of attitude is pretentious. You know. Cuz you're pretending to like thing when you don't like thing. Pretending is a part of being pretentious.

>> No.6529684

>speaking english properly is pretentious
Well don't dat jus' beat all, missuh!

>> No.6529708

I remember a period of my life when I was near constantly accused of being pretentious. I was really just a mirror for people to project assumptions on, there wasn't much of a me to see. What I became in their mind was almost all them. I desired nothing, and I never thought about them nor how I was perceived or some sort of stature within the group. These were parts of my life strangely created by others.

It was maddening and very lonely. Taught me that most accusations of pretentiousness do not stem from an accurate or meaningful perspective, and the more it is evaluated, the more fault is apt to shift to the one seeing fit to think of things that way.

>> No.6529711

You sound pretentious. You pretender, you.

>> No.6529715

Things have come full circle. Something tells me I'm back here for a reason.

Otherwise I would have ignored this pretentious topic.

>> No.6529730

Twas a joke, Anon.
'ave ya got a tinge o'the 'tism there, m8?

>> No.6529737

I'm doing the same psychoactive compounds I was back then. I haven't slept in days, and I've mostly lost my memory. Hence, full circle.

Need to learn if anything ever really changes.

>> No.6529739

Go away, Sceak. And never return. Nobody loves you. You have no friends. And your nipples are saggy/puffy monstrosities.

>> No.6529742

Never have nor will use a tripcode.

>> No.6529769

>I wasn't really trying to be pretentious I swear!
>my post was the only one in this entire thread written with correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling

Please just accept defeat, anon. You were caught, and it was bad.

>> No.6529774

I fail to see what's pretentious or even posh about that post or its wording.

>> No.6529786

>caviar is "inoffensive"
You've never had caviar, have you? Or are you one of those morons that doesn't know what caviar is and thinks that caviar is the same as roe? Roe is inoffensive. Caviar is rather strong-tasting and very, very salty.
You've outed yourself as a know-nothing. How embarrassing for you.

>> No.6529803

> Caviar is rather strong-tasting and very, very salty.

See: "I'm a picky man-child who freaks out at raw onions, cilantro, and all forms of seafood"

And it is not "rather strong tasting", unless your baseline is cucumber slices with the skin sliced off on white bread (untoasted) with the crusts sliced off.

Those people aren't pretending. They're normal. You, on the other hand, are projecting like a 1970s dad with a fresh batch of vacation slides, because you think: "how could they possibly not be making gagging noises right now".

Waste of oxygen. Too bad your parents didn't know how to use birth control.

>> No.6529812

Caviar is strong tasting. You're pretending to know what you're talking about. You're putting on airs. That means you're pretentious. How sad.

>> No.6529817


Strong tasting compared to what? Maybe you're thinking of that dyed lumpfish "caviar" that tastes like salt and chemicals? Or more likely you're the kind of picky little snot-monster who throws a tantrum when presented with a piece of meat that has visible anatomical features, such as bone or skin or fat.

>You're putting on airs.

Right, I must only be pretending not to be a picky man-child. Everyone had bad parents just like you.

Kill yourself.

>> No.6529823

avocado is delicious you little twink faggot

>> No.6529856
File: 42 KB, 625x626, 1431522638030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6529859

as a frenchman i am just puzzled
"what can replace truffle? mushroom."

>> No.6529865

i honestly don't understand why anyone would pummel the taste of truffle in a burger...
truffle has a strong and distinct taste, that's why you use it as main flavour otherwise it's pointless.
it's best used with pasta, pizza with cream base, or omelette.. i don't get it.
It's not supposed to be use like you would use regular mushrooms

>> No.6529935

But Anon: the only person having a tantrum here is you. You're really, very sad. :-(

I'd bet a certain Anon above would argue that they don't have a strong flavour at all and that we're picky children for saying that they do. :-)
I do rather like truffles, however.

Trolls used to be artful. Pity, isn't it?

>> No.6530405

>mfw ate kale and avocados before they were popular

>> No.6530650


>> No.6530699

Truffle dishes should not be overpowering when the truffles are used in moderation. Perhaps you are thinking of some horrible dish drenched cluelessly in cheap truffle oil? You picky, self absorbed infant. Go post another one star yelp review saying the Thai food was too spicy.

>> No.6530703

You sound really rather upset, Anon, and incapable of even the most basal tiers of understanding. Perhaps you ought to give yourself a rest. You might feel better.

>> No.6530720

>know there's bound to be tons of the near the river at our weekend place
>locals won't share their hiding spots because we don't own a tractor like all the cool farmers around there
I'll find you by myself, you delicious wrinkly bastards.

>> No.6530724
File: 216 KB, 1600x1072, birdsnest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual bird's nests.

>> No.6530731

>mango salsa
>mango habanero hot sauce
>tacos with avocado

>> No.6530739

Organic anything.

>> No.6530751

>mango habanero hot sauce
Aw. I bought some two days ago because I like http://www.prissys.com/content/vidalia-onion-peach-hot-sauce and can't find it in my area anymore (and I don't want to order a box of five).
I figured mango habanero hot sauce would be similar and I wasn't far from the mark. Am I pretentious for genuinely liking both of these two things?
Also, Prissy's makes some damned good stuff. Highly recommend it, if you don't mind buying five at a time (the fuck's /that/ about?).

>> No.6530907


>> No.6530917

Your mothers pussy

>> No.6530959


Don't listen to that faggot. He most likely just doesn't like those things for some reason or another (probably muh authenticity) and so he has decided that they're pretentious when it's really just him.

>> No.6531014

I don't think it's a muh authenticity sort of thing, but meh.
I've never had the other two things (mango salsa nor any taco with avocado or even guacamole in it) so I can't judge on them, but the mango habanero hot sauce is really nice on fried chicken. You know what, actually? I'm gonna defrost and reheat some fried thighs I made a while back and have some with some mango habanero hot sauce right now. The sweet heat goes really very well with the fattiness of the chicken.

>> No.6531031

If the food is not prohibitively expensive to the common person, then it's not a pretentious food. Pretentious implies an elite class of people have access to it, therefore they tout it as being better than cheaper, more widely accessible things.

>> No.6531039


Try making chicken wings with the sauce. They're delicious.

>> No.6531073

actually i said ingredient not food which wood imply all the pretense is on the chef. and pretentious doesn't mean expensive like you imply it has more to do with being cultured.

>> No.6531078

Rhino horn. It adds nothing but prestige to a meal, and represents being so pretentious that you're willing to put pressure on an endangered population.

A runner up is the bird nest that is used in bird nest soup. The nest itself tastes like nothing, reportedly.

>> No.6531080

>individual ingredients aren't food

well ok

>> No.6531084

That's an idea.
I could pat-dry-and-deep-fry like when making buffalo wings but swap the typical butter-mounted Frank's for butter-mounted mango habanero hot sauce.

Perhaps rather than blue cheese dressing, some salted, plain Greek yogurt with coriander leaves. Its cool temperature plus dairy's natural ability to reduce the sensation of chili heat in the mouth seems like a good pairing. And coriander goes well with lots of things to begin with.

But what to have in place of the celery?
And what to call it if not buffalo wings?

>wood imply

>> No.6531087

>salt is food


>> No.6531089


You just took it to the next level. That sounds really good. I never would have thought of cilantro+greek yogurt.

You can still just call them chicken wings. It's okay.

>> No.6531093

That's it. Pretentiousness is ENTIRELY a matter of intent. If you eat luxury foods to appear more wealthy/sophisticated/worldly than you are it's pretentious.

This exactly. If you can reasonably afford truffles and eat them because you like them, that's just enjoying food. If you eat truffles to seem rich or cultured, that's pretentious.

>> No.6531095


yes, salt is food. it provides nourishment to the body. it is necessary to your existence.

>> No.6531175

At the end of the day though there are for more annoying things one could be than pretentious. It's a pretty small sin compared to being whiny, dull or just a bitch.

Also the perception of pretentiousness varies widely depending on the person. There are people on this board who find the simple act of having a glass of wine with dinner pretentious, because they live in a world where drinking anything other than beer would be emasculating. An Italian or French place where the names of the dishes on the menu are actually in Italian or French? Someone who regularly eats at white tablecloth joints probably expects that. Someone who regularly eats at diners might find it pretentious.

Even though pretentiousness is a matter of intent the PERCEPTION of it is a function of the expected norms of the observer. People generally see the norms of those richer and/or more worldly than they as pretentious, because if THEY acted that way it would be.

>> No.6531194

then by that logic so is sunlight since it gives you vitamin d

>> No.6531197

>also using the third definition. pleb.

>> No.6531207

>first definition is: any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy, promote growth, etc.

anon pls stop pretending to be retarded. I don't want to believe you're actually that dumb

>> No.6531210

argue that with the linguists at the dictionary company, then. if you think your logic is better.

>> No.6531222

Not that guy, but I'm a linguist. The people at dictionary.com are lexicographers. There's a difference. Huge one, actually.


We (linguists) don't write dictionaries.

>> No.6531236

That's cool.

Alright >>6531194, you have your target. Petition the lexicographers to change the definition to fit what you think it ought to be.

>> No.6531243

It would be if you could eat it.

>> No.6531251

>that's cool
Don't you have a wee on my leg and tell me it's raining.

Us linguists tend to be a rather boring bunch.

My brother is an actuary and my best friend a theoretical mathematician. I know boring, trust you me.

>> No.6531256

Oh, and lexicographers are even more boring than linguists. Just ask anyone who has ever talked with Susie Dent.

>> No.6531262

Nah seriously, I like learning new things. That's cool.

What I don't like are kids like this guy in my class, who is an English major, and he tries extremely hard to insert fluff words in every sentence. It's so obnoxious trying to review his shit, because it oozes 15th century try-hard. So if you're not like that in your profession, that's just fine.

>> No.6531385
File: 22 KB, 216x216, InaGarten_731_10_n_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my.

Where do I begin...

>> No.6531396

>if you don't have the time, space and money to raise your own poulet de Bresse then slaughter, pluck and clean it to make into stock, storebought stock is just fine :: le smugface ::
Lying bitch wears shoes.

>> No.6531590
File: 201 KB, 955x500, richest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's also a 1%er, so the whole "barefoot" thing is a slap in the face to people who actually don't have shoes.