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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6526379 No.6526379 [Reply] [Original]

Have your tastes changed now that you're older and cooking for yourself? Do you like things now that you hated before? Do you hate things now that you liked before? Are there still things you don't like to eat?

I used to absolutely hate

Cilantro (Coriander leaves)
Raw onions

But now I like that I can imagine how things taste and think to myself, "Some coconut in this would be delicious. This could use a little more cilantro."

I still can't eat a lot of seafood because I think the taste is pretty strong. I grew up on everything but seafood so there's still some learning to do.

How about you guys?

>> No.6526389

I got into making myself steaks last year, and am pretty good at it now.

I can also eat peppers, mushrooms, and onions now, a for a while I'd mince garlic and add that to hot dogs. Was never into anything like that as a kid.

>> No.6526390
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Huh, quite similar, I learnt to appreciate raw onions and vinegar also, still can't get over coconut, especially the shredded stuff people put on their sweets.

This happens to be my least favourite chocolate right now, funny enough I can appreciate coconut milk as an ingredient.

>> No.6526401

Olives I've learned to love. Pickles too.

Still hate raw mushrooms. Still dislike avocado. Still dislike cilantro.

I hate all cheese.

>> No.6526442


why is the dog crying?

>> No.6526448

The only thing I've ever disliked is the taste of black licorice; as such I did not like things with a strong taste of anise or fennel. Eventually I realize that those things I had tried were just awful and that anise and/or fennel can be used to make great dishes.

Black licorice still tastes awful to me though. I've tried to like it, I just can't.

>> No.6526492

>used to hate: olives, capers, blue cheese, black coffee, basically everything with a strong taste
>started getting shitfaced on poor whiskey every weekend when I was 20
>worse than anything I'd ever tasted, but worth it to get drunk (also mixing is for pussies)
>a few months after that started liking all of the above since my brain was like "at least it's not as bad as whiskey, s'cool"
>eventually learn to like whiskey as well

T-thanks, alcohol.

At this point I'll eat pretty much anything. The only thing I never got a taste for was anise-flavored anything. Just tastes like medicine to me.

>> No.6526512

Hated onions, eggs, fish, and celery as a kid...now love them all, I could probably live on eggs and nothing repulsed me more as a kid.

Hated green beans, mushrooms, cabbage, cauliflower, and stronger seafood like mussels and oysters as a kid....still hate them all

I don't hate anything I used to enjoy other than "nacho cheese" aka cheese dip/sauce, I'm very much in touch with my inner child and occasionally indulge it...still love my fast food (I'll even buy myself a happy meal if theres toys I like), chips, candy and sweets, microwave crap like pizza bagels etc etc

>> No.6526517

I now think:

-frozen pizzas are trash
-most soda is trash
-peppers, onion, and mushrooms are wonderfull
-I used to dislike potatos and now I like them
-refried beans are pretty good
-my enjoyment of mac'n'cheese has decreased

>> No.6526520
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>I'll even buy myself a happy meal if theres toys I like
Are you serious? If there's toys you like?

>> No.6526530
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Meh, I collect Transformers stuff and ponies.

>> No.6526533


Yeah. I never had happy meals growing up so now that I can afford them I do.

>> No.6526553

When i was a kid i would hate most vegetables, i loved the flavor of mushrooms but would not eat them due to the texture, and i would also not eat fish.

Now i am older i eat pretty much everything and can cope eating everything even if i dislike it, mushrooms i ignore the texture now, vegetables i also eat. Fish i tried and really do enjoy most fish, only they are so full of fucking bones, i hate not being able to just chow down on my food without worrying every second some tiny bone is going to cut the inside of my throat and ruin the rest of my meal, so i avoid fish.

>> No.6526585

Why did you hate potatoes before? They're so versatile and delicious.

>> No.6526587
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ketchup for my well-done steak?
no way
I want to taste the meat!

no way!

feels good to be grown up man

>> No.6526599


Really bland. My mom usually cooked them mashed at dinners or fried on a skillet and they never compared in flavor to the other items.

It wasn't until I ran out of food living alone when potatoes+eggs+ketchup was a new favorite meal.

>> No.6526605

Sounds like she didn't use enough salt or butter for the mash and not enough spices for fried potatoes.

>> No.6526756

Used to hate wheat bread, now I love it

>> No.6526763

I hated bell peppers, raw tomatoes and mushrooms when I was young.

Now I eat everything except mushrooms, still not down with the fungus

>> No.6527664

Still dislike fish, still dislike celery(I don't suppose I will ever like that shit, god damn, what a useless piece of shit that is)

>> No.6527671

>Cilantro (Coriander leaves)

Nope you liar, actually everyone who dislikes coriander is biologically unable to like it. Stop lying to people. Everyone who dislikes coriander can never like it so don't even try :^)

>> No.6527716


>> No.6527764

Pizza sauce.

i only liked the sweet sauces. like you get from chef boyardee or Ragu or prego etc. it had to be smooth no noticeable chunks.

Then a while ago, when i got into making my own dough for pizza, i wanted to make my own pizza sauce. so looked up several recipes and found one that sounded like id like it.

just simple Diced tomatoes, garlic, olive oil and some other spices i decided to add. put through a food processor for a little bit. tasted amazing.

Ive tried using the sweeter sauces but it just doesnt taste good now.

>> No.6527927

For me it's been the opposite. As a kid I wasn't fussy. I'd eat anything. The only thing that took some time for me was cilantro.

As an adult I've grown to dislike many of the loud fake tasting foods I thought were great as a kid. Stuff like:
Doritos/Cheetos/flavored chips
pepperoni pizza
BK/McD's/Taco Bell
most candy
most mass produced cookies/cakes
breakfast cereal

I'm much more picky as an adult.

>> No.6527930

I hate any cooked fish now.

>> No.6527945

This is the only thing I can say without a doubt that I don't like. I used to dislike most things mentioned as a kid also, but I love the things I hated now. I discovered alot of what I didn't like, was simply my mom being a terrible cook.

>> No.6527977

pretty much this, can't eat most of cooked fish
Like a smoked, dried or salted fish is mostly fine and sometimes even god tier, but cooked, boiled, steamed or whatever else is just mehh

>> No.6528003


I agree with all of this, but I also came to like a lot of foods and drinks I disliked when I was younger.

Coffee, tea, beer, wine, rye and pumpernickel bread, cilantro, cumin, avocado, cooked onions, steamed vegetables, olives, dill pickles, balsamic vinegar, etc.

>> No.6528015

I think the only thing I didn't like when I was younger (other than cilantro) was beer. I was one of those pudgepockets who would eat anything.

But as an adult overly sweet or salty artificially flavored shit really grosses me out. I guess that's a good thing.

>> No.6528022

I still don't care for most seafood most organs/offal. I do like crab and lobster occasionally when it's really fresh and I like foie gras,

I used to hate olives and mushrooms when I was younger but grew to like them as I got older.

Aside from the above, I'm not picky about anything else I eat. My parents were always eating lots of interesting things when I was growing up and my mom used to make all kinds of different foods and lots of vegetables so I was exposed to them from the time I was able to start eating solid foods as a baby.

>> No.6528204

I used to eat jalapenos, not mushrooms, now the reverse.
Cilantro and coconut are still pure poison.
Started drinking diet soda and now can't stand regular, too syrupy and sticky.
I regressed a bit, never ate Taco Bell because too salty. Maybe they did try to reduce sodium and it is better now.

>> No.6528450

Pretty much the transition this guy went through.

Except the coffee part. My whole family drinks shitloads of black coffee so I got into that as soon as I was old enough to take hot drinks.

>> No.6528751

That's not a dog you idiot. It's a cat and he's angry because of something you did.

>> No.6528777

i like mustard, and can tolerate avocados now but thats about it.

i have the thing that makes cilantro taste like soap, which sucks.

>> No.6529411
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Seems like cilantro, seafood, and mushrooms are a recurring theme in this thread.

>> No.6529794

I never hated anything. Over the first seven years of my life, my parents always insisted I finished everything on my plate, and I quickly learnt to enjoy everything.

My liking for sweet things has diminished somewhat over time, however. Most candies and all sodas just seem boring, and not worth the unnecessary surge of sugar. I used to covet that stuff. I used to think it would be all I would ever eat once I was finally an adult.

>> No.6529798

i have never found the appeal of cilantro. tastes too earthy for me

>> No.6531001

My nine year old cousin has a sudden dislike for sweet things. He didn't even touch his birthday cake because he doesn't even like cake anymore. I'm proud of him. Now if only I could convince him that Mtn Dew is fucking garbage, along with most soda, he'd stand a chance.

>> No.6531233

Spicy foods

I used to hate all these things as a kid. Most even as a teenager (besides spicey foods--I became a fanatic). I think it was when I started cooking more sophisticated things for myself that I started liking everything. It was weird. I cooked it, and I knew what went into it, so I liked it. I've learned to appreciate all kinds of things.

My parents still hate mushrooms to death, but I can't do a red wine sauce for steak without em and I can't go to BWW without getting fried mushrooms.

Cooking for myself also resulted in me cooking things the right way. I make steak rare or medium rare with a good crust rather than tough hockey pucks. I don't steam broccoli all to mush, I only cook it a bit and make sure it's seasoned.

>> No.6531311

I hated eggplants as a kid.
Now after I tried them again I get fucking stomachache, still tastes like shit. So I have a good excuse now not to eat this shit.
I liked olives as a kid but nowadays they're kinda meh for me. Taste changes greatly over time.

>> No.6531468
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>> No.6533245

I used to hate red meat, zucchini and fish, now I eat one of those almost every day.

>> No.6533300

I used to hate spicy food as a kid.

Recently, I've developed a taste for hot sauce. Frank's, Cholula, Louisiana's Best, sriracha...I put that shit on everything.

>> No.6533347

Still hate mushrooms, peppers, avocados, sweet potato, stinky cheese and cucumber. Courgettes and butternut squash have started to grow on me though. I have no problems with any other veggies, always loved broccoli and never hater sprouts just avoided cause of the hype.

Had an allergic reaction to kiwi fruit as a kid though, nearly killed me but I loved the stuff when I was eating it. 22 Now

>> No.6533589

It's like you want to him to grow to be a picky eater.
Enjoy your Pink Himalayan Salted Carmels.

>> No.6533920

I try to make everything from scratch now, It just taste so much better.

>> No.6533933

I now like wine, all vegetables, hate most fruits, love john cena, and love coffee.