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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 126 KB, 1024x1024, Chipotle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6523489 No.6523489 [Reply] [Original]

>"G-M-Over it"
>Serves soft drinks with GMO corn syrup

How does this make you feel?

>> No.6523491

I don't care at all. If Chipotle want's to market to the anti-GMO crowd, I guess I'm not surprised.

>> No.6523493

Have the chipotle shills come back to /ck/?
I thought we had rid of them for awhile.

>> No.6523495

>implying the amount of sugar in soda would be healthy if it wasn't GMO corn syrup
GMO food is the devil, bobby boucher

>> No.6523497

congratulations you have found an inconsistency in a brand's marketing dang this is a big deal we got a whistleblower over here

>> No.6523499

>implying they want you to drink nasty ass soda
They have to offer it for the plebs who will ultimately complain that there is no soda for their fatass. They also offer beer.
I usually just get a cup of water and they have little lemon slices you can put in it.

>> No.6523503

>implying they want you to drink nasty ass soda
they probably do since it's highly profitable for them if you do

>> No.6523839

>implying beer offered at Chipotle is GMO free
Lemon water might be ok, but can anyone confirm that their lemons are GMO free?

>> No.6523865

Does anyone have any convincing evidence that GMO good is bad for you?

>> No.6523868


I'm pretty sure Chipotle overall is bad for you

>> No.6523872

Well yeah, that's pretty obvious. But everyone is so afraid of the GMO boogyman, and I still haven't heard any real evidence it's bad for you. Just shit like "our food isn't food anymore", which doesn't mean anything.

>> No.6523873

No. They have seedless General Motors lemons.

>> No.6523903

It doesn't change their food and I don't drink soda so I couldn't care less about what their newest moron-exploiting marketing gimmick is.

>> No.6523919

This. Chipotle does a good job marketing to a more affluent crowd that wants to eat fast food but doesn't want to think of it as fast food.

I'm not a fan of the food itself, but their strategy works, which is why I bought stock in the company.

>> No.6523920

>go to grocery store
>something I want says "non gmo certified!"
>shrug and look for something else that doesnt say that
Im not buying into your baseless marketing gimmick.

>> No.6523927
File: 38 KB, 420x227, ddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


inb4 if I can't prove RIGHT NOW, IRREFUTABLY that you're definitely 1000% not a brain in a vat, it follows that GMO is good for you and all who don't agree (as verified by polygraph tests) should be forcibly injected with polonium and then declared enemy combatants by JSOC to be eliminated immediately via drone strike

seriously as soon as anyone comes up with any reasons why it might be good to exercise a little caution about GMO, it's never ever ever ever EVER good enough. because let's face it, this is a religious debate, not a scientific debate, and pro-GMO is just a code word for "I'm going to perform free internet PR work for certain large publicly traded companies because some irrational part of my brain tells me I'm going to be rewarded for it".

>> No.6523932

Surprise surprise a member of the anti-GMO scareforce has no idea what he's talking about

>> No.6523933

Who drinks soda anymore? Water all day baby.

>> No.6523937
File: 78 KB, 700x523, Cow-Whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we wouldn't be blanketing 99% of the earth's surface with this stuff if it wasn't for GMO
>it must just seep out of cracks in the earth's crust on its own
>nope, nothing to see here folks, move along it's just another librul lie

Serious question: were you home schooled?

>> No.6523941

And we wouldn't be growing GMOs if we hadn't invented farming, so by your logic farming is causing cancer and is dangerous

Herbicide != GMO

>> No.6523950

>we wouldn't be growing GMOs if we hadn't invented farming

Poe's law at work

>> No.6523951

I don't think you know what Poe's law is

for that matter I'm convinced you don't even know what GMO stands for

>> No.6523953

Anon that's a herbicide. I suppose that yes, GMO foods are resistant to herbisides, and they increase the use of those herbisides. But hell, that article said the herbisde was given the same ratingas cell phones, so I don't think it proves much. And as agriculture progresses, it will be easier to remove these chemicals one the crops are grown.

>> No.6523956

>I'm just going to play dumb now and I'll be rewarded

Except you weren't going to be rewarded to begin with.

>> No.6523959

Well at least one of us is only playing

>> No.6523963


Soda isn't food?

>> No.6524877

the entire point of the GMOs you eat is to increase the plants' resistance to herbicide which, popular to baffling popular belief,doesn't decrease application. so yes they're absolutely connected.

I don't really believe them. Don't they serve corn tortillas? Where the fuck they gonna find enough corn? Europe?

>> No.6524881

hm, *contrary to

>> No.6525608

Why does chipotle use recycled paper for their napkins and what not if they don't have recycle bins? What's the point of using recycled paper if they have no place to have it recycled?

>> No.6526170

Is it only the meat that's GMO-free?

>> No.6526173

Recycled paper can't be itself recycled into anything useful. It's already been through the process once, maybe twice. It degrades each trip through and napkins are shit tier paper.

>> No.6526174

>All corn-based ingredients in Chipotle’s food that formerly may have been genetically modified have been removed or replaced with non-GMO versions, while all soy-derived ingredients that may have been genetically modified were replaced with alternatives, such as rice bran oil and sunflower oil.

I'm not going to wade through their entire press release but is seems the answer is no.

>> No.6526176

Tomorrow I'm going to buy a burrito, stick my dink in it, and then eat it.

>> No.6526183

The meat may well have been fed on GMO grains.

>...it is important to note that most animal feed in the U.S. is genetically modified, which means that the meat and dairy served at Chipotle are likely to come from animals given at least some GMO feed.

>> No.6526188

Likely every slab of meat you eat there has been fed GMO soybean and corn, as well as frequent antibiotics.

>> No.6526238

Their beef is grass-fed and all comes from Australia.

>> No.6526245

>Likely every slab of meat you eat there has been fed GMO soybean and corn, as well as frequent antibiotics.

every slab of american meat anyways

>> No.6526345

>the entire point of the GMOs you eat is to increase the plants' resistance to herbicide which, popular to baffling popular belief,doesn't decrease application.
Is that even English

>> No.6526353

we just got one of these in my town.
What would you guys reccomend for a dude who hates guac?

And those burritos look fucking huge. Not to sound like a line from a bad porno, but I don't think I can take it all. What do?

>> No.6526380

Get the tacos.
Also you're better off getting it without guac because it's extra anyway.

>> No.6526400

Amused, mostly.

>> No.6526408


>> No.6526803


I think that anon meant to say "contrary to baffling popular belief" instead of "popular to baffling popular belief"

I believe it is English and the meaning can be figured out through context and/or language conventions, which most people who speak a language are capable of doing.

>> No.6526820

Don't eat there shit food

>> No.6526826

>implying you have to get soda since water is so expensive and tastes bad.

>> No.6526844
File: 61 KB, 704x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude it's fucking made up and gay - Penn and Teller have a great episode of their show Bullshit where they discuss the matter

>> No.6526864

Because a TV show is a good source of information and not subject to a higher degree of bias than primary literature.

>> No.6526894

Umm. No. I buy from a local butcher. All my beef is local, raised in local fields. I pay through the A$$ for it, but it's not feedlot shit.

>> No.6526909

You might buy from a local butcher... but the restaurant in question doesn't.

Back when I ate beef, I knew somewhere to get grass fed beef for ~6$ per pound. With my 20% discount it was 4.80. To my knowledge it remains this price, wasn't too long ago.