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6521305 No.6521305 [Reply] [Original]

Give me your best coffee recipe.

>> No.6521325

Ex barista here. Ask me anything bc I know how to make em all. Personally can't get enough of that iced whole milk latte (one or two espresso shots and whole milk over ice) or cold brew (put ur motherfucking coffee in some cold water in the fridge for up to two days, strain, consume with a little milk and sugar or black)

>> No.6521355

What do you think of Vietnamese coffee? What's your favorite production region for coffee?

>> No.6521399

How can I make a decent chai/coffee?

I have an aeropress and a pour over; so I don't have the means to steam or make shots.

>> No.6521405

also; I've tried making my own chai masala. So I can make the spice from scratch, and brew some tea to mix and overconcentrate an aeropress cup but that's about it; it tastes okay. Maybe I need better ratios to my chai? Don't recall the recipe yet so I'll go with anything you've got for me.

>> No.6521413

Also; whats your favorite way to make a black cup of coffee.

Unless I've got some preemo fresh roasted beans I'm getting kinda tired of black coffee. Maybe 1/2 tsp cinnamon and 1/2 tbsp of honey to add some flavor?

>> No.6521431

Recipe? Nah. I'm just gonna tell you that if you enjoy coffee and drink it often, Sumatra beans are the way to go. Very low acidity, so it doesn't wreck the stomach after half a pot.

>> No.6521440

know of other good low acidity beans?

I like Yirgicheffe but its expensive. not wild about sumatra but I've gotta make a change soon, for stomach reasons too.

Used to love acidic coffee too.

>> No.6521588

At the moment, no. But I'm sure a search engine with "low acidity coffee beans," would help. Back when I could afford to do so, I was going through a variety of different coffee beans and roasts as part of a coffee of the month club, thing. In the span of a year, I found that Sumatra was easily the best one, with the least acidity. So, take that as you will. Back then, I also could afford to have cacao powder on hand to add to it, too. I admit that it's not as good without it. Cacao powder in coffee is fucking amazing. If you can afford it, try that.
I'm dealt with heartburn since I was 12, so I feel your pain, anon.

>> No.6521593

Balls. I meant I've

>> No.6521641

I do have some powder around, great idea anon, thanks!

Yeah I have a kind of reflux thing; i feel you.

May you be able to afford tits as balls coffee again soon.

>> No.6521715

Three teaspoons nescafe, three teaspoons sugar, three teaspoons coffeemate, hot water from tap.


>> No.6521746

Using an American coffee maker, brew a full pot's worth of ground coffee using only half a pot of water over a full pot of ice cubes.

Then pour off the iced coffee into a shaker with sugar to taste. I use 1tbsp of sugar per cup of coffee, but you may use more or less as you prefer. If you don't like your coffee sweetened, skip this step as well as the greentxt step immediately below.

>Covering the shaker, shake the coffee until all the sugar is dissolved. It helps to use a pint glass instead of a shaker cap but that's difficult for some people to pull off. The reason I recommend the glass is because you can see if the sugar has been dissolved yet.

Pour yourself a bit of coffee and lighten if/as desired and store the rest in the fridge.

I made this for three summers between spring and fall semesters at university, selling it and other things at a flea market/farmer's market thing near uni and it was very, very popular with many, many repeat customers each weekend. I sweetened it to order, though, rather than having a whole pot already sweetened. For me, I already know just how sweet I like it, so I sweeten the whole pot and call it a day.

>> No.6521883

You're very welcome, anon. Thank you.

>> No.6521984

No wonder people liked it; its fatass fuel. 1 tbsp sugar/cup? Jesus!

Do you have a carafe though? I do something similar but jury rig it in order to avoid added heat, so its kind of a pain in the ass.

>> No.6522025

there is no recipe for coffee, its all from the cacao seeds in africa. you buy cacao seeds and roast them next to a campfire. then you smash them and add hot water. then while using a strainer, pour the now coffee into a cup. add flavorings for taste.

>> No.6522585

>watered down coffee

why not make a cold brew

>> No.6524248

Personally love beans from either Guatemala or Ecuador. I don't think I've ever tried Vietnamese coffee!

>> No.6524254

Well I really love french press, so in theory you could make very strong french press and also warm milk on the stove to get something that would be similar to a latte. It's more like a cafe misto but would still be delicious.

>> No.6524324

Can you read? I bet you can't read. It wasn't sweetened when it was for sale. It's sweetened when it's for personal consumption, not when it's for sale.

>> No.6524342

>Can you read? I bet you can't read.
That is so delightfully passive aggressive.

>> No.6524451

idk i just use my keurig

>> No.6524512

As >>6524324 says, I didn't pre-sweeten it for the customers. I brewed the batch, poured it off into swing-top bottles and stored it in the ice compartment of my trike.
When I had a customer, I asked how much sugar then if they wanted whole, skim or soy milk. Shake it together (to dissolve the sugar as much as mix the dairy and coffee together) to order and serve up.

Now, what's this about a carafe? American coffee makers have a carafe. That's what the catchy thing that catches the dripping coffee is called. I'm not sure what sort of carafe you might mean. A vacuum flask/thermos, maybe? If that's the case, no. I stored the swing-top bottles of coffee in the ice compartment.

It wasn't watered down.

The coffee was brewed at double strength (IE 100% stronger than normal coffee) but when it dripped over the ice, it only melted about half of said ice or so, meaning that the resulting brew was about 33-50% stronger than a regular cup of coffee.
>why not cold brew
Because I like the flavour of coffee and not that of basement, silly.

>> No.6524562
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>> No.6524604

I have to give you 3/5 because it looks almost more like a can of premium whiskey than coffee to me. But it also looks strong as fuck so I won't go below 3/5.

>> No.6524874

only 2 recipes....

im not disappointed anymore cu/ck

just not anymore...

>> No.6525342


What is best wal mart brand coffee

>> No.6525346

Doesn't Walmart only have one brand, Good Value? Or do you mean a US nationally available brand of coffee?
If the latter and price factors in, Maxwell House French Roast is the best bang-for-the-buck coffee available nationally in the US. If price is not an object, Eight o'Clock.

>> No.6525470



>> No.6525599

coffees from nicaragua, mexico, el salvador and peru are typically lower acid coffees that make for great daily drinking.

>> No.6525810

I'm kind of new to coffee, but I enjoy Gevalia.

>> No.6525851

Okay, first of all, it all depends on your equipment. I have a Breville Barista Express so i'll be able to make different things than you will be able too. It all depends. If you have and espresso machine just make base lattes, but make sure you get good beans (as they can make or break your flavor), if not cold brew is easy as is a nice fresh french press.

>> No.6526921

still no recipes...


>> No.6526937

There are two.

>> No.6527591


just boil it ya dingus

>> No.6527614

First, I put milk in a cup to about 1/1 full.

>> No.6527619
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>> No.6527641

mix kahlua, condensed milk, and some vodka

The amount of vodka depends on how fucked up you wanna get. (0 = 0)

>> No.6527754

How about some Bulletproof®?


All you need is some upgraded coffee, butter, and some brain octane oil!

>> No.6527761

Kill yourself.

>> No.6527788


>> No.6530002

>hot water from tap

best part

>> No.6530404

>of waking up