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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 227 KB, 1024x768, Kabsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6520834 No.6520834 [Reply] [Original]

Explain this

>> No.6520837

>Explain this
Allah wills it

>> No.6520848

Arabic food is actually pretty tasty, probably because you can't go wrong if you're just roasting a tonne of meat and serving with rice

>> No.6520853

I don't like dates, I think they taste like fucking giant raisins (which I loathe) and have the texture of an old persons tow in your mouth

I mainly eat kebab, dolma, and kibbeh nayeh

>> No.6520855

This tbh. I've been to a Syrian restaurant a couple of times, it's actually great.

>> No.6520856
File: 170 KB, 640x480, Thanksgiving-Turkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this

>> No.6520861

A bad photo can make good food look awful.


>> No.6520863

Food can look awful but still taste great though.

>> No.6520879
File: 434 KB, 1024x680, 5189199864_01d467e26e_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other pictures @ google looks even worse......

>> No.6520885
File: 217 KB, 1024x702, 1024px-Maqluba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's to explain?

>> No.6520891


It's rice and meat....

>> No.6520892

In all honesty it looks like they just take a big plate of rice, throw whatever they can find on it and hope for the best.

Bet they have other dishes that they eat though...

>> No.6520895


Biryani style dishes aren't terribly photogenic, no.

But it's just lightly seasoned rice with some meat and veggies. Not all that different from what you get at Chipotle.

>> No.6520901
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so arab food is chicken, rice, and trail mix?

>> No.6520905
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>> No.6520923

It doesn't look so bad. No wonder they have a lot of good bodybuilders.

>All dem nuts

Osama bin liftin'

>> No.6520933

Does somebody knows what camel tastes like?

>> No.6520934

That looks fucking delicious. Obviously rich people food because of the lavishness of the dish: lots of chicken, dried fruit, nuts and long grain rice. (Rice in the Middle East is a luxury because you generally don't have the water to grow it there).

8/10, would devour.

>> No.6520942

My grandmother is Lebanese and what is this? That looks more like Persian food than Arab. Are you sure it's Arab food? I mean, it might be Yemeni or Saudi or something, which would make it /technically/ Arab. Yemen and SA have a much heavier Persian influence in their cooking than Lebs and Palestinians do.

>> No.6520951

>I mean, it might be Yemeni or Saudi
You are correct, LebAnon.

Also: I bet your grandmother's cooking was amazing.

>> No.6520955
File: 53 KB, 268x300, Damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And 3 liters of oil, they either fry or pour oil on almonst anything that they eat, that's why the arab nations have become some of the most obese ones


>> No.6520956


A bit like alpaca.

>> No.6520963

And what does Alpaca taste like?
Don't tell me it tastes like Lama, faggot.

>> No.6520967

>Rice in the Middle East is a luxury because you generally don't have the water to grow it there

Yeah nah, you are clueless, rice is everyday food

>Kabsa (Arabic: كبسة kabsah) is a family of mixed rice dishes that are served mostly in Jordan and Saudi Arabia — where it is commonly regarded as a national dish in Saudi Arabia. Kabsa, though, is believed to be indigenous to Yemen. In places like Jordan, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Iraq and Kuwait the dish is popularly known as machbūs (Arabic: مكبوس), but is served mostly in the same way.

>> No.6520972

>fat makes you fat

Oil becomes a blessing once you leave Auschwitz behind, when it comes to hitting your caloric intake goals.

>> No.6520976

Her cooking was pretty great, yeah, but she spoke only Arabic and Maltese and barely anything else (a little French and a little Italian), didn't know how to read or write in any language beyond signing her own name and had two boys.

Therefore, not only did she never write down any recipe, she had no daughters to pass them to, so when she kicked the bucket in 2012, the family legacy of delicious Leb food ended there. All her sisters are dead, too, and my female second and third cousins can't cook Leb for shit because it's all been bastardised with French/Algerian cuisine, Italian/Egyptian cuisine or Italian/American cuisine.

I don't even know the names of the majority of the foods she cooked or the herbs and spices she used. :-(

>> No.6520987

But the average person there don't lift and don't understand the principles of calories, hence why excessive oil will make you gain fat. Fat is healthy, eating more energy than you require is not (that is unless you're bulking for a goal). Nobrainer that a diet high in fat will make the average person fat hence the calorie surplus.

>> No.6520990


b-but... that's what it tastes like :-(

>> No.6520996
File: 943 KB, 2279x1296, Arab Cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arab food doesn't look all that great...

>> No.6520997

>Yeah nah, you are clueless, rice is everyday food
Bread is an everyday food for most people in the Middle East. But the Saudis are pretty rich, so of course rice is an everyday food for them.

>> No.6521001 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 728x546, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wuut is pic related

>> No.6521003

Lahmachun (sp?) looks like shit, but it's delicious.

>> No.6521004

Rice is the main staple of poor peoples diet in the middle east anon

>> No.6521005

Arab food is great. Omani halwa for example is a top tier dessert.

>> No.6521008
File: 124 KB, 500x333, 8667529259_0714c834f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever eaten these things? They're fucking delicious

>> No.6521009
File: 60 KB, 728x546, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wuut is pic related

>> No.6521010

Maqluba (sp?), one of the few Palestinian/Leb dishes I know the name of. It's basically a rice casserole. Everything is cooked on the bottom, then rice is put on top and the whole pot is cooked until the rice is done. Then it's cooled down a bit and flipped over onto a plate. The rice and other stuff holds the shape of the pot.
Maqluba means "flipped upside down" or something like that.

>> No.6521012


Looks like shit, but I bet it tastes great.

I had lamb kofta? during an office event and it's delicious.

I never had their rice dish though.

>> No.6521014

Holy shit that looks good.

>> No.6521015

Baklava is to sweet man, can barely down one with milk.

>> No.6521016

4y u delete >>6521001? You make >>6521010 look dumb. :-(

I don't like any Durkadesserts. Too sweet for me.

>> No.6521019

Is that baklava? Yeah, unfortunately all of the places I've had it at do a shitty job of it. I genuinely thought baklava was godawful until my friends mom made some for me and I realized how amazing it was.

>> No.6521025
File: 125 KB, 640x480, Knafeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who has experienced the glory of knafeh?

>> No.6521028
File: 107 KB, 640x628, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We make this every Friday. It's basically fried veggies like cauliflower eggplant potatoes. Then we put it in with rice and meat. It's so fucking delicious.

>> No.6521032

It was the opposite for me, i have several kebabi friends (especially turks), their parents and grandparents always make baklava and bamieh. It's to sweet and the gease is everywhere. I usually take one to show respect.

>> No.6521033

Any arabs here?

Why don't you guys eat more fish or seafood?

Is it haram?

>> No.6521034

Good Baklawa is just amazing, but off the shelf stuff can be underwhelming.

>> No.6521036

What is that? Like a pizza bread thing? Is it good?

Is clams haram?

>> No.6521038

They eat lots of seafood, especially in Oman.

>> No.6521039

>in the desert
That's why.
Yemeni, coastal Lebs and northern North Africans (Tunisians, Algérois etc) eat plenty of fish.

>> No.6521043

Seafood is generally halal. Frogs and crocodiles are haram though. But turtles are halal.
Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

>> No.6521048

My gf is Palestinian, they eat seafood all the fucking time. People in her family would go out and gather oysters on the shores of the Mediterranean.

Fish is also relatively common for her family and I'm not really sure why it isn't considered an element of Arab cuisine.

Then again her family is Greek Orthodox, not Muslim, so maybe that's a thing.

>> No.6521049

Clams are makruuh (sp?). Haraam means "detestable" while makruuh means "inadvisable." Basically, Skydaddy isn't gonna really hold it against you to do something makruuh, but would prefer that you don't do it.
Also, not all Arabs are Mohammedans. Some have the same Skydaddy as the pope, so they'll eat all sorts of things, even pork.
In fact, some of the best pork I've ever had was wild boar from Algeria.

>> No.6521050

And otters a halal too.

>> No.6521052
File: 184 KB, 1609x1073, indian-dishes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't arab food more popular? Like Indian food for example.

>> No.6521056

>Greek Orthodox
Are you sure she's not Greek Catholic? Never met a Palestinian that's Greek Orthodox, but met several who are Greek Catholic. They're like Roman Catholics... just Greek-speaking instead of Latin-speaking clergy and are in full communion with the Pope in Rome.


>> No.6521057

Nah, don't be deceived by the appearance.

It's a sweet cheese with consistency like slightly crumbly mozzarella, on a crust of toasted strands of filo dough (or a nearly-identical type of special pasta), topped with more of the crust and ground pistachios and simple syrup. Plus a certain kind of dye to give it that intense red color.

>> No.6521058

Nah it's all halal
I eat oysters, calamari, scallops, shark. If it's in the ocean you can eat it
I'm a Muslim Palestinian and you can

>> No.6521061

100% certain they're Orthodox, my man. She showed me the church her family goes to and everything. Her family ties go back to Kafr Yasif, which has a big Greek Orthodox history, turns out.

>> No.6521062

Indian food was brought to the west by Indian migrants, Arab food was not.

>> No.6521065

It's pretty popular where I'm from but we have one of the largest Palestinian communities outside of Palestine.

>> No.6521067


Not sure where you live but at least in Auckland NZ arab food is as popular as indian food.

>> No.6521069

Are you in Dearborn?

>> No.6521075


>> No.6521076

Oh. Cool. My extended family are all either Catholics, Jews or irreligious and I've never known any Arab or Arab-descended Christians to be anything but Catholic or Coptic, which is why I asked to be sure.

>> No.6521089

I had some when I went to visit my Jordanian relatives, and holy fuck it's like eating diabetes and I fucking love it

>> No.6521093

Oh god yes, I'm half Lebanese so my dad always gets this stuff.

>> No.6521100

I went on a fucking hunt around here to find an Arab restaurant that serves it, and it turns out there's a place barely twenty minutes away. I gotta go back soon.

>> No.6521110

Yeah I live in bumfuck Norway, their idea of cuisine is a kebab with hamburger meat in it, and it'll cost you a leg and an arm.
God damn I miss visiting Jordan

>> No.6521117
File: 80 KB, 809x540, rawiabishara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty popular in NYC, in various Arab guises and as Israeli food (which is pretty much Palestinian with Russian influence).

Lebanese joints usually identify as Mediterranean food, because people of the Levant consider themselves more Mediterranean than Middle Eastern. This is useful in more racist parts of the country. Just look for Mediterranean instead of Middle Eastern and you'll find the Lebanese versions of many Middle Eastern dishes.

The best "Mediterranean" restaurant in NYC is in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn (about 30 blocks from me), and while the name is Lebanese the chef is a Palestinian woman. And she's fucking brilliant. Pic related.

>> No.6521141

My father is half Italian-American and half Lebanese. He is from Brooklyn. I have never lived in Brooklyn and don't know many people on the American side of my family, but I do know they all live in Bensonhurst.
Are Bensonhurst and Bay Ridge near each other and are they very Arab-y parts of Brooklyn/New York in general? My grandmother lived ninety years of her 106 year life, after moving to the US from Malta (though originally from Leb) in Bensonhurst and never learned English, so I always assumed the area had a lot of people that speak Arabic.

>> No.6521161
File: 30 KB, 320x320, 11230386_1579016649045978_1287409241_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some Arab food that doesn't look like it was plated by a two fingered troll.

First, machbous dijaj, the most common lunch in the Gulf.

>> No.6521163
File: 25 KB, 320x320, 11251085_1494352407522467_809838613_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the same dish, but made with lamb.

>> No.6521166
File: 1.74 MB, 294x232, 1430242413733.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no beautiful arab woman to cook kabsa for me
>tfw you will never wander the sands of the empty quarter with her as the sun sets
>tfw she will never tease you about your beginner's arabic
>tfw you will never see her smile of happiness when she finally takes off her burqa when we arrive in the us and you see her beautiful wavy hair

i have a crush on a lebanese girl ok

>> No.6521167
File: 33 KB, 320x320, 11241893_1433527073618193_18602500_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is jireesh, made from spelt mixed with shredded lamb or chicken, and drizzled with ghee, very common in ramadan.

>> No.6521174


In Europe we have kebab places all over

is that not arab food enough

>> No.6521175
File: 43 KB, 306x306, 10809463_747360982005528_525327121_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mtamtat laham, similar to machbous but made with tomatoes and a different spice mix.

>> No.6521178


> i have a crush on a lebanese girl ok

Is it Mia Khalifa?

>> No.6521182
File: 807 KB, 611x612, dish2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is an okra and beef stew, a regular lunch.

>> No.6521185

No, she's a gorgeous half-Lebanese half-Moroccan girl with a really husky voice, waist-length wavy-curly black hair, really big brown eyes, and caramel colored skin.

She's a dancer and she's really flirty with me but she's also a devout Muslim so I doubt it would ever work out

>> No.6521187
File: 842 KB, 608x607, dish3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has two common ways of serving fish, fried on the bone in ghee, or stewed in a tomato, green pepper and dried lime sauce.

>> No.6521206
File: 785 KB, 610x610, dish4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is balaleet, a sweet noodle dish spiced with saffron and cardamom and topped with egg, it's usually eaten for breakfast or as a tea time accompaniment in the Gulf states.

>> No.6521213
File: 772 KB, 609x612, dish1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a common Levantine dish consisting of stuffed bell peppers and zucchinis, it is also common to stuff eggplant, cabbage, and tomatoes in the same fashion.

>> No.6521221

this looks fucking delicious
as is all arabic food

>> No.6521230
File: 853 KB, 611x612, dish6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the last one, a common Egyptian dish, is stuffed pigeons, where I'm from we prefer to stew them, but both ways are absolutely delicious

>> No.6521236
File: 226 KB, 1024x768, Ful_medames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All of these look really fucking good

I really like Arab food because although some of the meat and rice dishes are heavy, they're always broken up with really bright pickled or fresh vegetables that are really great.

Here's my own contribution to the thread, a dish I've enjoyed with a lot of my Arab friends: ful medames.

It's eaten all over the Arab world, though particularly in Egypt, the Levant, and Saudi Arabia as well as some African nations like Sudan and Djibouti. Fava beans, garlic, olive oil, cumin, and salt are the basic flavors, though there are many variations. I really like it with tahini and eggs or with some harissa and cilantro. It's hard to fuck up beans.

In the pic is an Egyptian variant served with bread, pickled vegetables, and arugula

>> No.6521268
File: 2.06 MB, 1317x624, shrimp kabsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's kabsa, OP. And it's delicious. It's mostly about the spices.

Shrimp kabsa is delicious.

>> No.6521285
File: 125 KB, 1296x972, 1410298781031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6521302

>Are Bensonhurst and Bay Ridge near each other and are they very Arab-y parts of Brooklyn/New York in general?
Bay Ridge and Bensonhurst aren't far apart. Both were big Italian (and to a lesser degree Greek and Lebanese) neighborhoods. Much of Saturday Night Fever was shot on locations in those neighborhoods, so you get the idea of what it was once like.

Recently Bay Ridge has become strongly Middle Eastern along 5th Ave, while Bensonhurst has become increasingly Chinese, as Brooklyn's 8th Ave Chinatown creeps further along the N train line.

Your best bets for hearing Arabic spoken in Brooklyn (aside from practically any corner bodega that isn't run by Koreans or Latinos) would be 5th Ave between 65th and 80th in Bay Ridge, the far western part of Atlantic Ave and the Midwood neighborhood.

I live just over 20 blocks from Bay Ridge, and while many of the local businesses are run by Spanish and Chinese speakers there's still Arabic spoken in a few businesses in my neighborhood.

>> No.6522292

looks like cashew and raisin glazed chicken and brown rice.

>> No.6522409

stuffed with what? I've really taken a liking to arab food lately but all the arabs in my town just own shitty corner stores.

>> No.6522451

Are we related? Tata was embarrassing when I was a kid and she didn't speak english and the food wasn't American -- but you learned to love her in High School. :(

Thankfully I live in NYC and can find passable Arabic food. If you're ever in Brooklyn, find your way to Tanoreen asap.

>> No.6522465

Rawia is my hero.

>> No.6522501

Because Arabs have been poor and had limited, not-as-developed agriculture since forever their cuisine has not had time to develop beyond throwing spices and raisins at low-quality meat to hide the taste of it nearly being off.

hence why all of their cuisine is kebab , rice and raisins.

>> No.6522505

because it isn't as good or varied.

>> No.6522510

Looks like it would be pretty good with some bacon bits.

>> No.6522559

>no tabbouleh
>no mehshi
>no kubbeh
>no kabab (not the sandwich)
>no shish tawouk
>no maamoul
>no maarouk

Arab brothers pls. I'm on phone but I would've contributed if I was on pc

>> No.6522561

Maybe... are your family Maronite?

>> No.6522566

Lotsa Arabs eat pork. Even Muslim ones. They're having a problem with that right now in Algeria and Egypt because meat prices are going up and up and up and edible wildlife is few and far between while boars are plentiful, so lots of men are shooting and killing boars, butchering them themselves and cooking and eating them. Generally, the wives get pissy about it, but the men don't care.

>> No.6522573

>Arabs have been poor and had limited, not-as-developed agriculture since forever
What are you talking about? Fez had running water when Europe was centuries away from coming out of the Dark Ages. And the Moors had Spain. Persia did pretty well centuries before that, as did Egypt. Constantinople rocked it throughout.

All of these places influenced what we call Arab food today. To say nothing of influences from South Asia.

I'd take any of that food over a fucking cheeseburger. That's some fucking poor man's low quality shit.

>> No.6522606

I would eat the Allah loving fuck outta that OP. Are you implying the various dried fruits won't cut the rice and chicken perfectly? Fuck, I'm making this tomorrow.

>> No.6522652
File: 44 KB, 435x502, 25435345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this.
You can't.
Allah wills it.

>> No.6522672

What's a good wine to pair with meals like this? I'm thinking beer might be a better match, but I prefer to have wine with food.

>> No.6522702


The blood of infidels pair well with shawarma.

>> No.6522720

Next time try it with a proper turkish coffee. There's enough sweet in the baklava to go 'round

>> No.6523037
File: 74 KB, 347x1472, Massay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massaya from Lebanon is one of my faves.

>> No.6523044

Give us a common animal to compare it to.
I figure it probably tastes like something between venison and beef, maybe just slightly fattier venison, but I have no clue.

>> No.6523053

But it's different from pretty much everything else we have access to. When you go out for Indian food, you're probably expecting variations of curry and some naan, like you'd expect fried rice and some mediocre chicken if you went to a "Chinese" place.

I just don't want to have to drive two cities over for Indian is all.

>> No.6523060

that looks fucking delicious

>> No.6523063

It's pretty cheap to import. Which part of the arab world actually grows rice? Most of their dishes I've eaten are made with basmati from India.

>> No.6523068

It has no elegance at all, they just mix in whatever they can find in the desert into a huge pile and then collectively jump on it like cows.

>> No.6523078
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>> No.6523085
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>> No.6523086

Because it's pretty one note. The type of Indian that's popular in the west is pretty similar but even then the sheer amount of spices give it some depth. And there's actually a lot of variation in Indian food if you get into it.

I love falafel, shawarma, babaganoush and tabbouleh and lebanese is pretty popular in the states but there simply isn't as much variation as Indian, Italian and Chinese for me to take an active interest in arab food beyond it.

>> No.6523093
File: 90 KB, 600x400, p20-camel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6523101

I have Riesling with Indian so I'm guessing it'd pair well with arab food too. But do any restaurants serve alcohol. The Riesling was suggested to me by the waiter at an Indian and it's by far the best pairing. A sommelier working for an arab restaurant would be the best guy but I don't think one exists.

>> No.6523138

is arab cuisine the british cuisine of asia?

>> No.6523147
File: 202 KB, 500x375, dolphin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never get your two goats back for this hairy angry woman
>tfw constantly being spit on
>tfw get questioned for leaving and entering the western world.
>tfw theres a reason why arabs cover their women
>tfw your sons will become terrorists and your daughters will become child brides

>> No.6523154

muslims don't drink alcohol you fucking piece of shit

>> No.6523179

went to a turkish restaurant two weeks ago and this shit blew my mind. Could not believe how good it was. Will be going back for seconds.

>> No.6523763


>muslims don't drink alcohol
>never been in company of any rich muslim
>never been to Dubai
>being this pleb and still call others piece of shit

You should kill yourself.

>> No.6523774

Muslims aren't SUPPOSED to drink alcohol.

>> No.6523798

You are absolutely ignorant of the extant of Arab cuisine, it's not just Levantine, and Levantine is not just falafel and tabbouleh and kebabs, that's literally fast food in the Arab world.

>> No.6523799

Stuffed with rice, minced lamb or beef, herbs, chopped onions, tomatoes and peppers, and pine nuts, traditionally.

>> No.6523804


Nope, levantine cuisine is fucking delicious.

>> No.6523884

Basically, yes. Add some spices to that and you're all set.

>> No.6523894
File: 56 KB, 544x468, 7e7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's a dancer
>she's also a devout Muslim

Dancing is haram.

>> No.6523908

>husky voice
She's a whore, women get that voice from smoking (whore thing), yelling in loud bars (whore), or HPV infection in the throat from swallowing gallons of infected semen.

>> No.6523943

>nobody can explain this.

>> No.6524213
File: 1.13 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayy /ck/
Arab here
Making mloukhya

>> No.6524230
File: 1.08 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is kinda a poor mans dish. Super cheap to make. My grandma use to make it practically free cus she would grow the plant herself

>> No.6524233


The rice looks wonderful. What kind of rice is that?

Also, what water to ice ratio did you use?

I can't into cooking rice for some reason.

>> No.6524243

So the dish is just a bowl of crushed herbs?

>> No.6524246

Easy: i call it trail mix chicken jerky over a bed of mushy cooked rice.


>> No.6524266

Thats fucking gross man. This is a SFW board, fuck you.

I pulled this picture up as soon as my manager walked by. I have a meeting with HR tomorrow about looking up "explicit and offensive" images during work hours. Jesus Christ. Thanks a fucking lot man.

>> No.6524271
File: 74 KB, 500x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women in Qatar are more obese than the barreling boulders in the US

I guess

>> No.6524274

the difference is americans eat this once a year. arabs eat camel rice sand nuts raisins ervvry day.

>> No.6524275


Is that some dank weedz

>> No.6524292


dude you clearly know fuckall about this so why bother commenting.

>> No.6524313

No, that'd be Japanese cuisine.

>> No.6524357
File: 1.40 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just basmati rice with vermicelli noodles. I fry the noodles until brown with olive oil then I add drained rice to coat in oil. Then I just put warm water. Idk about ice I never heard of that I just use my senses when I cook. Never measured anything in my life since I'm so use to it. But if you're bad at cooking rice id start with par boiled basmati, it really is hard to fuck up
It's chicken fried in olive oil and coated with five spice and other spices. Then boiled and skimmed fat. Then we add Jewish mallow. Boil it, then fry garlic in olive oil and add when it's done cooking.

I'll posted plated dish as soon as my husband comes home. It's served with lemon juice and finely crushed garlic if desired

>> No.6524382
File: 27 KB, 291x301, ▄█▀ █▬█ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▀█▀.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting data that is 12 years old

Please don't do this again.

>> No.6524385

Holy buggery, please rotate your fucking pictures.

>> No.6524386


Arab food looks really bad, but it's really good.

>> No.6524426

>as soon as my husband comes home

>> No.6524456

I have no idea why my phone does that. It's rotated normal but when I upload it comes out sideways, sorry
Kek, I love him to bits

>> No.6524467

Then upload it upside down and it will come out the right way round.

>> No.6524665

then put it in an image editing program and rotate it back

not hard

>> No.6524976

Maybe you should move back there, no need for you here.

>> No.6525062

>hungry as fuck because of this thread
>decent Lebanese restaurant two blocks away

Fuck you /ck/ I didn't want to spend money today.

>> No.6525065 [DELETED] 

move out of germany cuck.

>> No.6525067

But I'm a syrupnigger.

>> No.6525071

than move out of montreal.

>> No.6525073

As soon as I get my degree I swear.

>> No.6525157

Everyone knows Allah can't see into Bahrain.

>> No.6525161

It's because iphone's a lazy shit and 4chan's a dumb shit. iphone just sets a flag telling it to rotate it when you open it, and 4chan ignores it.

>> No.6526527

Doesn't camel milk give you the shits?

>> No.6526558

Baklava and Halva? Its pretty common here in the Balkans. Tastes good man

>> No.6526586

I tried baba ghanoush for the first time the other day, it was really good. From what i understand with arab food you eat most of it with flatbread, one of my favourite foods is foul medames, its basically broadbean stew that egyptians eat with lime and bread.
Chicken shawarma is a god tier food if u havent tried it

>> No.6526588

that's women, they are culturally expected to take weight upon marriage. Like, they literally start to overeat on purpose, it's part of the duty of being a good wife.

>> No.6526590

Thats lamahjin, my turk mate goes mad for it.
He covers it in ketchup though

>> No.6526591

hos does that look bad? What do you call good looking food?

>> No.6526691 [DELETED] 

Aucklander here, this is a lie. Fucking cuck.

>> No.6526694

Tastes like your mum m8

>> No.6526697

simply epic xD

>> No.6526720

Fuck you, I don't want to feel...

>> No.6526744


What? There are at least 10 kebab shops in queen st alone.

>> No.6526760

Riesling is lazymode pairing, they do that at thai places too, and chinese
I cringed
Not bad

>> No.6526770

>4chan's a dumb shit
>by following proper standards
Stop sucking a fucking phone company's cock holy shit that's embarrassing why are phonefags always completely ignorant of technology and so proud of it holy shit.

>> No.6526780

What the hell are you even talking about. Go to /g/ or something, no one gives a shit that you think phones are a scam and no one ever wants to call or text you because you insist on using POP/IMAP on a desktop email client for all your communications. Or probably PINE or some shit, fuck off luddite.

>> No.6527404
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End result sorry for late post
Lmao. I'm Arab and so is my husband but I only cook Arabic food twice a week because I don't want him to gain weight. The rest of the week I make chicken breast with some roasted veggies and salad.
My dad after he got married he gained like 80 pounds he is so fat now. I don't want my man ending up like that. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6527483

p-p-p-p-pics p-p-pls?

also good on you

arab men can either be 10/10 hairy husbandos or absolutely haram hairy hamplanets

>> No.6527627
File: 85 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer being anon. Not showing full face.
Tmrl, i am trying to get him to start lifting but he says he doesnt want too ;_;
Been cooking arabic food since i was like 12. I spent a majority of my life in my grandmothers kitchen watching her cook and learning.

>> No.6528735

that is just sad mayne

>> No.6528739


>> No.6528815


If they just threw a little parsley on there it'd be a whole lot prettier.

>> No.6528819


When I was young, I went to a Grateful Dead show and got a pretty sweet contact high, though I didn't even realize it at the time. Went back to my buddy's car and ate some baklava, and it was the greatest fucking thing I'd ever had. Every baklava I've tried since that day has been a disappointment.

>> No.6528847


I hate the public ignorance regarding Fats and Carbs

The fucking food pyramid for the US recommends carbs for every meal and lists fats as the group you should have the least of

christ almighty

>> No.6528896

Eating haram things is okay if you are in need

So its chill fam

>> No.6528908

>Riesling is lazymode pairing, they do that at thai places too, and chinese
I can't help it, Riesling is just too damn good

I live WA and I was kind of taken aback at how good the Riesling was from the Columbia Valley

>> No.6528955

You plebs don't know what Middle Eastern food is until you go to a true kebab stand on a street in Kuwait. They cook some meat that might be lamb with a butane torch, shave it with an odd contraption, throw it on a pita with some mayo thats been in the sun since 1972 and you fucking love it.

>> No.6529696

There are other things to eat, like beans and veg, so it's not permissible to eat pork for them. Actually, anyone that lives near enough a mosque has no reason to eat pork. What do you think zakaat is for? It used to help the destitute, amongst other things.

>> No.6529717

That hurt, man.

>> No.6529818

wtf u talkin about nigga kebabs arent arab

>> No.6529840

once you've tried real hot Makroud that just got out of the honey in Kairouan, nothing else matters

>> No.6529842


what is it then

>> No.6529844

paneer motherfucker

>> No.6529852
File: 40 KB, 500x500, People+laugh+at+this++_2a6e188589a804aa57aff03d3db969a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new world riesling
It's for serving on airplanes and amtrak and chain hotel bars, anon

Life is too short for second-rate riesling

>> No.6531758
File: 158 KB, 1024x682, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised no one posted mansaf

>> No.6531832

>tfw have an amazing lebanese takeaway right near my house that does a mound of chicken shawarma with 2 flatbreads, fresh salad chips 2 types of hummus garlic sauce and some green sauce I have no idea what it is for £6

>> No.6531896

Poor people tend to just throw whatever ingredients they could buy / scrounge / steal that week all together and cook it. Doesn't mean it's good.

>> No.6531905

Jesus Christ no wonder the guys over there are all pissed off all the time

>> No.6532002
File: 116 KB, 226x217, Gangster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was in arabia once
>dem scimpinas
>dem rimpimpas
>dem delicious jassers
would go again

>> No.6532015


You dumb nigger.

The worst part of your image is the fact that the only mansaf in it, is blotted out in the corner.

Everyone is only going to see the rice and lamb in the front.

Mansaf is soupy and luscious and you posted the most boring 3rd of the meal.

>> No.6532117
File: 80 KB, 600x400, dolmeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch out,
dolmeh coming through

>> No.6532300

who cares if it's lazy mode

Riesling was made for food: great acidity and a hint of sweetness

Gonna guess gewertz would be alright

For redmeats, go for an ovveripe barossa shiraz with tons of fruitsweetness

>> No.6532508
File: 1.35 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6527627 here
I made dolmas with zucchini stuffed rice a while ago. I have a machine that rolls them though

>> No.6532516
File: 62 KB, 798x506, or1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gewurtztraminer and "oriental" food
this needs to stop

also new world riesling mostly doesn't even have acidity

>> No.6532519
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. The soup is called maraka or laban. It's a cooked yogurt sauce. Mansaf is the leban with rice and meat together.
Second pic of my perfect warek dawali

>> No.6532533

> tfw regularly drive 45 minutes for the same thing
> tfw every time we go to london the missus makes me bring at least 3 back

>> No.6532534

Meadow Soprano?

>> No.6532541


>> No.6532542


why is it on the floor anon?

>> No.6532563
File: 16 KB, 350x250, tl_sopranos14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you/she looks like jamie lynn sigler, especially in the mouth.

>> No.6532652

Maybe i am her ayy

>> No.6532657

She doesn't look like that anymore.

>> No.6532681
File: 89 KB, 960x720, oman_wedding2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had some Ox at a wedding I went to while I was in Oman. It was pretty good, but it's a ridiculous mess eating with your hands.

>> No.6532684

shawarma is GOAT though

>> No.6532686
File: 79 KB, 960x720, oman_wedding1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6532688


> hands in food
> food all over the table


>> No.6532690

There's never a drone strike when you need one.
Goddamn savages

>> No.6532691
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>> No.6532694
File: 97 KB, 960x720, modulus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah we used utensils at our site, but the wedding was a different story. You basically use pita to pick stuff up, it was a huge mess everywhere, not just our table. This dinner was different though, better food too, tons of pomegranate, dates, arabic coffee (just added cardamom basically, but still good).

>> No.6532703
File: 113 KB, 960x720, out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

different time we went into town and snagged some food.

>> No.6532707
File: 90 KB, 960x720, happy_nuggets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should have bought these...

>> No.6532712

Had this made by my Iraqi classmate. Bloody good!

>> No.6532715

All riesling has acidity.
Finger Lakes is new world, and makes world-class riesling.

>> No.6533558


I made this before. Easy to make (sort of) and delicious. I used it as a dip like hummus. My housemate loved it and begs for it. Unfortunately, red bell pepper is expensive unless farmers market season.

You roast the shit out of eggplant and red pepper, and mash it all up with herbs and oil. Pretty much.

>> No.6533561

Sweet and savory, dood.

>> No.6533579

>das it, mane

>> No.6533609

>herman weener

Nah, I'm good. And technically, all wine has acidity, but I'll stick to old world for riesling, please and thank you.

American wine making is mainly good for two things: zinfandel, and charging $80 for a bottle of wine that would cost $40 if it was from Europe, because muh judgment of paris.