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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6520610 No.6520610 [Reply] [Original]

Alriiiight pink so/ck/s it's pizza time

Post your 5 favorite pizza topping combos

1. bacon and jalepenos
2. bacon and pineapple
3. pineapple and green olives
4, pineapple and jalepenos
5, italian sausage and bacon

Parm sprinkled on top

And don't forget the ranch

>> No.6520634

fucking memer

>> No.6520646


ham and pineapple
ham and pineapple
ham and pineapple
ham and pineapple
plain pineapple

>> No.6520674

pizza is the most disgustingly unhealthy food imaginable people actively supporting pizza should be shot on sight teenage mutant ninja turtles did more to harm children than joe camel

pizza is worse than cigarettes and heavy drinking
if you want to eat pizza you might as well play "how many times can i shoot myself in the head"

>> No.6520679

I like corn on my pizza.

>> No.6520686

Are you from the South or the Midwest?

When I do a pizza party the order is:
1. mushroom
2. pepperoni
3. cheese
4. sausage and onion

>> No.6520687


Found the crap


Found the Jap

>> No.6520693

>Are you from the South or the Midwest?

Michigan, home skillet.

>> No.6520700

in no order:

sausage and feta
sausage onion and green pepper
sausage and pep
meat lovers
supreme (no fucking olives)

>> No.6520708

Figured. You guys can take credit for the bacon and ranch on pizza thing. And you taught Southerners. Kinda surprised you didn't go for three toppings on each pizza, though. I always think of that as a Midwest standard.

Capcha: select all images of pizza

>> No.6520709

le if i put le green plant on my deadle food product it is le healthy

you might aswell just kill yourself
id be surprised if you manage to do that before your fucking diet kills you

pizzaffags please stop pedalling your addiction here

>> No.6520710


The perfect pizza topping combination is pepperoni with anchovy and jalapeno, add cilantro after baking. GOAT

>> No.6520712

you need to up your shitposting game

>> No.6520726


Meh, I usually order just two but if I were to do three either just add bacon to any of them without bacon, sausage to any without sausage, or pineapple to any without pineapple

>> No.6520727

this. the shitposting is as weak as vegan threads from four years ago.

>> No.6520730

prosciutto, and prawn/shrimp topping with fetacheese and basil base (no tomato sauce)

standard meatlovers


prosciutto and fig

After that i find that most combos are good but not better than one another.

>> No.6520734

its almost as weak as your worthless body after shoving pound after pound of greasy cheese bread into your fuckhole you stupid pizzafag

>> No.6520738

As I would expect. And it shows that even in time when chains have pretty much homogenized American taste preferences in pizza remain regional. Bacon is super popular in the South and the Midwest. It's available, but uncommon in the Northeast.

>> No.6520752

wtf are you talking about? I have pizza a few times a year, enjoy the fuck out of it, and then go back to eating a mostly vegan diet. I'm trim as fuck. I have no idea what kind of small minded place you come from where liking calorie dense food automatically makes someone a landwhale because everyone around you has the self-restriant of a goldfish, but I'm really fucking glad I don't have to live there.

>> No.6520781

i'm amazed at the lies people manage to tell when theyre dying on a hospital bed after years of pizza fagging

>> No.6520798

Chicken green bellpeppers red onion pepperoni

do you guys like pieology?

>> No.6520842
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Any pizza but with ketchup on top

>> No.6520878

in school, a rotund boy who looked like an overweight ellen degeneres spread mayo and mustard on his pizza with his fingers, then proceeded to lick them clean.

1. eggplant, ricotta, garlic
2. onions and romano
3. ham, fish, onion
4. hot sauce, romano, oregano
5. just a shitload of cheese

>pink so/ck/s

>> No.6521079

-tuna olive ham and mushrooms
-ham mushrooms and chorizo
-Pepperoni and bacon

>> No.6521103


lets see...

bacon, chicken, mushrooms, onion

white sauce, shrimp, onion, red bells, garlic

extra cheese, ham, pineapple, bbq sauce

Italian sausage, extra cheese, chorizo, banana peppers, jalapenos

bacon, sriracha, ramen, guacamole, jellybeans, milk-steak, ketchup and thinly sliced chipotle burrito on a pretzel-bun crust