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File: 716 KB, 800x600, CremeBrulee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6514927 No.6514927 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW always to full for dessert

>> No.6514935

Creme Brulee is a shit-tier dessert anyway.

>> No.6514941

Start with desert

>> No.6514944

Gobi, Sahara or Arabian?

>> No.6514949

Fucked if I know, sometimes cereal.

>> No.6515213

The cerial killer speaks!

>> No.6515244

Stop eating so much before dessert.

>> No.6515495

Learn to eat from tumblr

>> No.6515682

I like bananas foster best.

>> No.6515708

I always feel just a bit guilty telling my server I'm too full for dessert, because I know the server's supposed to push them like they're having a baby, but I really don't much care for sweets. And usually the caloric intake of the starter and main is way more than what I need. Dessert is just fucking overkill. On the occasion that I do eat sweets, I would rather have just the sweets, with coffee or tea. Not as a completely unnecessary exercise in binge-eating.

>> No.6515720

anyone got any good cookie recipies that don't require much more than flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, and eggs?

bit strapped for cash and the ones I've found so far are asking for a lot of extra stuff
thanks in advance

>> No.6515788

I eat salad for dessert.

Dessert salad though, so not so savory.

>> No.6515809
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These. Whatever jam is kicking around your fridge will work.

>> No.6515813
File: 581 KB, 700x400, glofy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glorified rice master race

>> No.6515924

If I didn't care about calories at all I could probably eat a whole pan of brownies after finishing a pizza. For whatever reason I can just eat tons and not feel really "full". I don't, generally, but capacity is rarely if ever the issue unless I go to an expensive all-you-can-eat place (which isn't often).

I envy people who really are full and can just take their shit in a box. I can't remember the last time I got a box at a restaurant.

>> No.6516763
File: 65 KB, 640x428, 50713_SGS_1448V0_OR1_OH_640x428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious. I only went to one restaurant that actually served it though.

And it was a buffet.

>> No.6517083

How much do you weight?

>> No.6517138

you probably also eat lutefisk

>> No.6517146

A+ post.

>> No.6517153

>Creme Brulee is a shit-tier dessert anyway.
You shut your whore mouth!

>> No.6517164



>> No.6517262

don't fill up on bread and alcohol. don't eat the 8 servings of pasta that comes with your entree.

>> No.6517295

I've always maintained that it's a psychological thing, that people compartmentalize their stomachs into "meal" and "dessert" sections, because I've noticed a lot of people who go "I'm stuffed, I couldn't eat another bite" but then when dessert is involved suddenly they have room again.

>> No.6517322

Are you me?

>> No.6517499


I do not even know what this means.

>> No.6517527

People have a separate stomach for desserts.

>> No.6517533

How fat are you? Constant binge eating stretches your stomach, so you end up needing more and more food to feel full and next thing you know, you weigh 800+ pounds.

>> No.6518205

>12 sushi bites.
>feels when others order dessert but i'm to full

>> No.6519452

Same, OP

>> No.6519459

don't worry it's just a shitty forced meme.

>> No.6519480

Save it for breakfast.

>> No.6519508

>tfw dessert is fucking disgusting, and liquor is usually the only option when you're too poor to go places that offer a cheese plate

>> No.6520101

I'm the opposite: I just can't eat large portions at all. Every meal I get at a restaurant ends up being finished at home later. Kind of unfortunate in that the food is obviously not as tasty by then.

Also a local place serves a banana pudding that I daydream about sometimes. I should try to make that sometime.

>> No.6520220
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>> No.6520829 [DELETED] 
File: 227 KB, 1024x768, Kabsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this

>> No.6521116


>pleb detected

>> No.6522926

creme brulee is pretty good. if you want shit tear deserts try rice pudding.

>> No.6524808

You are me. Not even fat. 6'2 160 lbs. I can easily eat more than my 300+lb coworkers combined, but I have to hold back so I don't become them.

>> No.6524929

Ice cream cake master race reporting in