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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 40 KB, 600x400, curry & chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6513380 No.6513380 [Reply] [Original]

is this the most british food ever? let's go down the list
>1. chips
>2. curry
>3. disgusting

check. check. and check.

>> No.6513385

I would nom the shit out of that. ketchup and vinegar for the fries tho.

>> No.6513390

Reminds me of that indian food image

>> No.6513393 [DELETED] 

Samefag piss poor trolling.
Are you Argentinian or something?

>> No.6513394

why do brits like big cold undercooked mushy french fries

>> No.6513395 [DELETED] 

They're clearly not french fries anon.

>> No.6513399
File: 284 KB, 537x647, lick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem upset m8?

>> No.6513416 [DELETED] 

on an Eretrian image board about pedophile cartoons?

>> No.6513439

it's missing cheese

>> No.6513507

>ketchup and vinegar when there's curry sauce there

good meme, that shit looks delicious

>> No.6513561
File: 89 KB, 1600x1200, 1290691880219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6513567

>1. chips
>2. curry
>3. fucking wonderful


>> No.6513577
File: 561 KB, 2000x2504, indian_poo_food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6513585
File: 245 KB, 1600x1197, Oktoberfest Lebkuchen Heart 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the wrong curry for chips. It has to be chip shop curry; a worryingly unidentifiable shade of yellowish-brown, with no meat in it at all, and probably made from something called "Curry Powder".

Then you cover the chips in it. That's it.

Oh and before we all get upset, the Bongs aren't the only ones who do odd things and call it "curry". The Germans have their Currywurst and most of northern Europe has some form of "Curry" sauce for chips/fries.

>> No.6513651

looks almost as bad as the biscuit/scone thing that you get everywhere for breakfast in Merica

>> No.6513670
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>> No.6513673
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, 537654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6513677

we get to eat him? alright.

>> No.6513679

>frozen and microwaved chips
would rather just have hammered earthapples

>> No.6513681
File: 676 KB, 960x960, 8836647190558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6513682
File: 171 KB, 1024x1365, 10245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6513684
File: 137 KB, 800x549, hash1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6513690

hahahahaha holy fucking shit

>> No.6513751

>americans will never experience the bliss of good curries and doner kebabs

>> No.6513766
File: 627 KB, 960x960, 8826033766430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copyright issue?

>> No.6513770
File: 108 KB, 1024x768, ygwbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6513771

Are you really so ignorant that you think we don't have both a huge Indian population or any British indians here? pssssshhhh, you don't know anything about the US.

>> No.6513774
File: 70 KB, 720x540, microwavekebab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6513777

Unless they're in one the tmany cities in which it exists. America isnt all just xenophobic flyover country.🔯

>> No.6513781


Dude, do you see the price for those meals? It is cheap food which isn't meant to be great. Just something for lazy people to quickly cook.

I'm sure America and most places through out the world have that shit.

>> No.6513788
File: 74 KB, 960x720, 1264063067722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6514723

The fact that all clappers look at curry and shout LE POOPOO xDD goes against your claim.

>> No.6514740
File: 481 KB, 400x226, rubbish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6515022

The fact that two of my Americlap co-workers were here a couple of weeks back and both said "You can't get a decent curry in America" tells me that you can't get a decent curry in America.

Both said that American "curry" is far too sweet and nowhere near enough spice. Much like American "chinese" food, basically.

>> No.6515030

Was this supposed to be a serious argument at any point

>> No.6515040


Also "American "chinese" food" is the same shit they have in Europe.

>> No.6515204

That's true for the most part. I'm an Indian expat in America. The curry is all just orange sweet and sour gravy with some sort of meat or paneer. And since there are basically no Indian restaurants outside of NY that make stuff to order this is what you have to eat if you want Indian food. I just don't understand why they don't serve traditional stuff alongside the generic sweet orange curry as well. I know they don't want to lose the white clientele but they could at least have one or two traditionally prepared dishes there.

>> No.6515309

>pssssshhhh, you don't know anything about the US.

While this is favourably argued against a few posts below in the thread, it's more like we don't give a shit about the US because the only thing you guys are known for is burgers, arrogance, gun culture, inbreds and shitty Hollywood pop culture that fully embodies everything wrong with humanity and modern society.

So every other nation on the planet just tries to forget you exist which is pretty hard when you're akin to a few thousand miles wide and long floating turd in the middle of the ocean connected to a bunch of other poor continents that have to smell you and hear the thunderous roar of your claps upon the opening of a new McDonalds.


lol, you don't get to decide that for him you in-denial Claplard.

Case in point: >>6515204

>> No.6515378

I'm the Indian expat. While I don't think good Indian is accessible to people outside NY the east coast has some great food. While the US doesn't have a strong traditional cuisine they do a lot of cuisines very well. Don't want to be that guy but most of what's bad about American food is due to flyover states.

And film-making in America is more than Hollywood blockbusters.

>> No.6516421


It's some bizarre shit to me that the UK has grocery store brand beer.

>> No.6516427


Somebody is angry, or drunk.

I can't really decide.

>> No.6516430

The fuck is that? And who in their right mind pairs french fries and curry?

>> No.6516432

Your opinion is lowered a bit when it comes from the nation that is convinced they managed to one up China's Olympic opening with that piss poor display.

Maybe it's off menu? That's how it is on the west coast. Every Chinese restaurant has an off menu selection that is a lot better but only those who know the restaurant owners or speak Chinese are aware of it.

>> No.6516435
File: 1.51 MB, 1600x925, bigstock-Potato-chips-on-a-white-backgr-58970891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not see chips...

>> No.6516456
File: 27 KB, 291x423, 406746819_1898efafc0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It always seemed odd to me that everything in the US is branded. Even raw meat and produce are branded.

>> No.6516567

>you've never been to america

>> No.6516569 [DELETED] 


>> No.6516571

this doubles as paint thinner

>> No.6516586
File: 2.09 MB, 3264x2448, 20140926_165701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just want to let you know you're both delusional, I'm in Houston TX which these people mostly consider flyover land and we have a pretty wide variety of indian places, they do not advertise them as british because nobody here cares about british shit. I've never had any sweet curry but a lot of places don't automatically make it super spicy, but will if they know you're into that sort of thing.

your hatred for americans is making you look retarded and uncultured

pic related yall are retarded

>> No.6517010

Do you actually know what delusional means?

>> No.6517100

Copyright for what?

>> No.6517112

yes it means that there are things in your head that you believe to be real but they are not

>> No.6517116

You've just proved my point that you know nothing about the US besides whatever shitty blockbuster movies you get from us over there or exaggerated tv shows. Oh, and of course the anti - US propaganda, let's not forget that. You have made yourself sound like an uncultured swine.

>> No.6517128

>they do not advertise them as british

Why would they advertise Indian food as British? No one said that.

>> No.6517161

well they are in a British food thread arguing that there is no good curry in the US, so thought maybe they are under the impression curry is actually British

>> No.6517191

There's a difference between being misinformed and delusional, Cletus.

>> No.6517255

they are both misinformed and delusional, don't be mad at me, I didn't make you british ok, blame god or allah or the queen or whoever you people are forced to worship at this point, filthy commoner.

>> No.6517260

You're absolutely stupid.

>> No.6517266

Are you clinically retarded? Serious question.

>> No.6517286

stay british, faggots

>> No.6517288


Don't you have a country to invade, or a shootout to attend?

>> No.6517289

Stay Texan, Cletus.
Don't forget to yell at a Prius today.

>> No.6517298

Not that guy, but you're such an ignorant fuck.

>> No.6517305

Maybe I want to be an ignorant fuck.

>> No.6517307

>in Texas

that's one of those delusions I was talking about you wanker

the funny thing is that you think I will somehow be embarrassed to live in TX with all these freedoms, yet you are mad because you're so embarrassed to live in Britain. lol

>> No.6517314

Aren't you that state with the backwards laws that would prevent you from doing anything most people consider "free".

>> No.6517321

no that's california

if youre talking about marijuana we get a wider variety of quality than most places

>> No.6517327

No, it's Texas.

And how does it feel knowing you are touching Mexico? Does it feel dirty? Do you feel unpure?

>> No.6517342

lol so mad

I have no beef with mexico, they are a hard working people who try to get out of their shitty country and make a life for themselves, while cooking delicious cuisine along the way, they are quite pleasant actually. Actually sounds like the exact opposite of the British....stay british pleb

>> No.6517350

Wow, you've shattered every illusion that I hoped a Texan would be like.

Please stop.

>> No.6517360


So how many of them do you have mowing your cactus filled lawn for 12 cents an hour then, Hank?

>> No.6517372

lol i was planning to anyways, I have shit to go do and I've already wasted enough time feasting on your tears, which happens to be the tastiest dish britain has to offer. You can continue posting pics of bland stuff in bread bowls and ridiculous bean brekkies now.

lol i wish, i have to cut my cactus lawn by hand, sucks

>> No.6517382

>implying youre not going to waste more time arguing with me
>implying this isn't the highlight of your day

>> No.6517386

this is the most embarrassing thread on 4chan. british people relax. americans stop stooping to their level.

>> No.6517388

ill be back later sweetie pie

>> No.6517403

I'd say that 3 star Michelin restaurant thread yesterday was probably the most embarrassing /ck/ thread of 2015/

>> No.6517510

That looks like some kind of fucked up medicine

>> No.6517521

Oh its medicine alright anon

>> No.6517530

If you consider vodka a medicine you need help anon. There are people who can help you through this. Alcohol should be used for celebrating, not medicating. We're all here for you anon.

>> No.6517538

>implying the whole thread isn't americans pretending to be british and british pretending to be american

>> No.6517589

That's a really odd looking label. Looks like something I'd find in a DIY shop.

>> No.6518684

You must be too young to remember when you could walk into a grocery store and buy the plain white aluminum cans of beer that just said, "BEER."

>> No.6518832

Will Brits please stop referring to potato chips as crisps?

Americans invented the potato chip and thus we get naming privileges, when you invent some stupid British thing you can name it whatever you like and we will follow your name of that thing.

>> No.6519807


>> No.6519837

>when you invent some stupid British thing

Such as the language you so frequently butcher? The language you misuse to call crisps chips.

>> No.6519913


>> No.6519944

The inventor called them chips and therefore they are chips. Also you people have butchered the English language, the English language you use is vastly different than the language of yesterday.

You invented neither the french fry nor the potato chip so stop trying to rename shit you didn't invent.

>> No.6519946

You rename shit just as much. If you don't like it learn German

>> No.6519947

The English Americans use is more align with the origins of English than the English modern day Britain uses so...

>> No.6519951

Maul halten Brit!

>> No.6520732

This is not true at all.

>> No.6520794

That's the biggest amount of bullshit I've ever heard in my life.

And I heard that your mother was a respectable, well dressed woman who was proud of her children.

>> No.6520832

ITT: people who have never tried curry and chips

It's a god-tier combo you scrubs

>> No.6521044


As a Brit living in the US they serve that type of shit here all the time at bars and diners.

>> No.6521066

Honestly the Australians have haven't fucked the english language up as bad as the Brits. Brits are basically the abbos of europe.

>> No.6521080

>price on the box

Fuck, I hate when companies do this because I can't inflate prices on them in my general store.

>> No.6521112

We'll do that when you start referring to woodchips as tree fries.

>> No.6521129


Why would anyone call them fries when they aren't fried?

>> No.6521177

American English doesn't even have a gender neutral third person pronoun. Yet Middle English did.

American English is rooted in some 19th century thinking coupled with a child-like over simplification.

>> No.6522238


Paki detected

>> No.6522239

Oh well, you can still sell multipack drinks and crisps in your store for the full price.

>> No.6522243
File: 290 KB, 500x460, eel-pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm pretty sure this is the most British food ever

>> No.6522244

The most British Food Ever is that little disappointing chocolate that comes with the shitty plastic "toy" and the paper hat in each and every christmas cracker ever purchased.

The perfect representation of all things british and shitty.

>> No.6522249

"Packet of Crisps" No wonder everyone thinks there's a tendency towards faggotry in England.

>> No.6522273
File: 250 KB, 500x650, 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of the dinner scene from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

>> No.6522290

Tikka Masala is pretty fucking great.

>> No.6522293
File: 244 KB, 460x800, Peckham_eel_and_pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you will never experience working-class life in 19th century London, working for 17 hours a day in sweatshops to come home and feast on your favorite meal of cold eel pie

>> No.6522298

Ya blew it Iceland

>> No.6522301

OP pic actually looks better than i expected before i opened the thumbnail

>> No.6522335
File: 584 KB, 669x625, you sure there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is a british company

>> No.6522361


I use they or their as a gender neutral third person pronoun.

>> No.6522390
File: 169 KB, 1080x810, allday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: UK and Iceland had a semi-war in the 50's & 70's

>> No.6522411

you mean they looked at each other naked, and the first to get a chubby loses?

>> No.6522418

Honestly, UK. I've lived in your country for only a year. AND ALL I FUCKING SEE IS CURRY, EVERYWHERE! Even the place I work has an indian kitchen porter that speaks of all the spicy shit he loves to eat! Why are you so fucking influenced by this?! I can understand a little bit of heat, BUT WHY DO YOU ENJOY YOUR MOUTH BURNING?!

>> No.6522419 [DELETED] 


>> No.6522422


>Even the place I work has an indian kitchen porter that speaks of all the spicy shit he loves to eat!

well no shit, he's indian.

>> No.6522425

Okay, fair point.

>> No.6522469

>french fries
You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.6522477

>Oh, and of course the anti - US propaganda

Is any other country as hilariously brainwashed as America?

>> No.6522490 [DELETED] 

>when you invent some stupid British thing you can name it whatever you like

The United cucks of America.

>> No.6522492
File: 352 KB, 912x434, 1376419872935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans invented the potato crisp

I knew you were all apes, but for now America isn't Brazil.

>> No.6522495

>The English Americans use is more align with the origins of English than the English modern day Britain uses
Americans truly are the most indoctrinated drones on Earth, the Soviets weren't even this brainwashed.

>> No.6522503
File: 316 KB, 414x287, American gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's gay, and then there's army gay.

>> No.6522513

>Assumes I'm an American.

>> No.6522532

Oh, so you're from some irrelevant shithole nobody cares about then.

>> No.6523014


Is 26 too young?

I remember my parents talking about something called "animal beer" from when they attended University.

>> No.6523080
File: 25 KB, 360x644, generic-beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6523100

I'd totally eat that. Hard to mess up corned beef hash.

THANK YOU. It's like foreigners coming over here, looking at our fast food, and laughing because they think that's actually all we eat.

>> No.6523108
File: 309 KB, 399x600, advancedfaggotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: The shittiest people in the world fight about which country is the shittiest, completely ignorant of how shitty they themselves are
Oh wait this is a containment thread. Carry on.

>> No.6523210


By all means, enlighten us with your greatest of countries. I suspect it's the equivalent of the crazy uncle.

>> No.6524585
File: 24 KB, 531x350, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generic vodka

>> No.6524628

thai curry > indian curry

>> No.6524724

We don't like them cold. Big because they're more potatoey.

>> No.6524728


I work for Iceland. We don't sell any of those products anymore. That was from our sort of dark-ages.

Uh... okay yeah we still sell that one.

>> No.6524737
File: 190 KB, 313x318, adb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The box has got a bit classier, but we still sell that at Iceland. Same price too.