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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 500x338, Willoughby1_CheeseandChampagne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6512307 No.6512307 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone find it weird that soft ripened cheese goes on sale when it's about to "expire" [sic]? I just picked up some of this for $2 off, it's far superior this way.

Also, post cheese. Even wisconsin garbage cheese is welcome in this thread.

>> No.6512345

Goat cheese is the greatest fucking thing ever. and it combo with LITERALLY EVERYTHING. Even sweet shit like peanut butter. it just turns into a cream cheesy creaminess if they don't really 'mix'. you really can't go wrong.

>> No.6513094

>Anyone find it weird that soft ripened cheese goes on sale when it's about to "expire"
No? All foods do that.
All foods have bullshit expiration dates. Produce, milk and fresh, unvacuum sealed meat are the only products that even come close to a realistic use by date.

>> No.6513101

By law, the stores aren't allowed to sell them after that point, so the wily consumer can get some pretty good shit at discount. It's not weird. It's an amazing opportunity.

>> No.6513122
File: 1.56 MB, 4000x3000, P1000729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point, would you have bought it?

I did.

>> No.6513130
File: 1.36 MB, 4000x3000, P1000731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I can assure you that its taste was incredible!

>> No.6513134
File: 1.37 MB, 4000x3000, P1000732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't a cheese any more, but instead a pack of strong tasty cream

>> No.6513138
File: 1.58 MB, 4000x3000, P1000733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(last pic)

>> No.6513172

Looks like semen you faggot

>> No.6513337

because you died?
Holy fuck that looks fucking bad, probably had some dank smell that could kill animals in a 10m radius and a taste of a cumsock
And I'm not even american

>> No.6513340

The cheese in your image made me somewhat sick. I just stick to fresh mozzarella.

It was good for a lot of uses I didn't immediately foresee, though.

>> No.6513342


>> No.6513343

thing is soft cheeses really do expire pretty quickly
brie starts tasting of pure ammonia if you leave it too late, absolutely foul............fine line between ripening and ruining

>> No.6514699
File: 50 KB, 400x300, cheese pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to sculpt "fresh" mozzarella?

I was watching Twin Peaks, and one of the characters were going on about his delicious smoked cheese pig, and since I love to play with my food, I want to sculpt some mozzarella and smoke it. Any tips?

>> No.6514712

ever realize how milk tastes the best 2 days before spoiling

>> No.6515466

ruined dubs. you didnt even name your cheese.

>> No.6515488

>be with a friend at a 24 hour grocery store at like 3 am
>spot half a wheel of that danish blue cheese
>steal it
>own half a wheel of blue cheese

it was too much blue cheese

>> No.6515501
File: 2.45 MB, 3469x2321, dsc_0063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had Epoisses for the first time and it was heavenly, it didn't look particularly appealing after coming up to room temperature but my god is was delicious.

>> No.6515506

Fuck that looks good

>> No.6516597
File: 26 KB, 730x488, Merlijn-nature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, you're right I didn't name it.
This tasty blob was a quarter of an organic goat brie produced in Belgium, the Merlijn Bio:

And yes, it was time to eat it, ammonia wasn't there yet but maybe it was only a matter of hours :^)

>> No.6517492
File: 27 KB, 376x250, creole_cream_cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creole Cream Cheese master race.

>> No.6520090

Oh, with fruits?
Is there actually cheese inside?

>> No.6521634
File: 37 KB, 640x425, DSC00723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the cheese. It taste kind of like regular cream cheese mixed with sour cream, greek yogurt, and cottage cheese.

>> No.6521694

new one for me, ty

are you /cheesemonger/?

>> No.6521899
File: 168 KB, 648x365, cheese_monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I am more in the /o/ business
But still, a cheese enthusiast

>> No.6521921

Why is Wisconsin cheese garbage? I have a friend who lives in Wisconsin and always brags about the amazing cheese and says all other cheese is shit.

So I'd like some way to rub it in their face that it's garbage

>> No.6522043

Buy a few boxes of wafer-thin crackers.

>> No.6522060

>far superior
Nerds need to stop using this phrase

>> No.6522089
File: 93 KB, 736x736, 320af81370a106a3cad742df5d1241e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not, it's just euro circle jerking that america can't do anything right.

>> No.6522144
File: 1.56 MB, 3664x2748, 100_3177[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

semi-soft cheese-master race reporting in.

>> No.6523363

Hey, that looks good

Is it a Port-Salut?

>> No.6523991
File: 2.36 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150425_160404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a friend who lives in Wisconsin and always brags about the amazing cheese and says all other cheese is shit.

You ever driven across flyover land and every little roadside greasy spoon has a hand-stenciled sign that says "best apple pie in the universe"? And sure that pie might be alright, but you've had better. And at least half the time, the the pie filling came out of a can, but it's "ho-made" meaning they technically did place the filling in between layers of Sysco brand pie crust and baked it in an oven.

That's Wisconsin. A lot of rustics who have no sense of perspective. Take a look at this guy for instance: >>6522089. He's unlikely to have ever set foot outside of the state, so he has never encountered the sentiment that Wisconsin doesn't make the best cheese ever. A sentiment not even shared by the neighboring state. So of course anyone with common sense must be a Euroforeigner, probably from England or France or one of those other places where they hate us for our freedoms.

I deleted it by accident, but I made some counts of the good cheeses at my local grocery store. About 95% or more was from either the Northeast, California, or Europe. Meanwhile in the pre-sliced pre-shredded vacuum-packed cheese section where they sell lunchables and crap like that, most of it was from Wisconsin.

>> No.6524121

>they hate us for our freedoms

Arrived at the point that you brilliantly evoke here, about flyover-state inhabitants, is it still freedom?
Seen from outside, it looks a little like imprisonment into own ignorance...
I'm not sure I would hate anyone for ignoring what's happening outside of his little world.

Still, I'm curious about this San Andreas sheep milk, it seems good.

>> No.6524142

I don't want to stir up shit but as someone who has lived both in America and Europe I can say: Western Europe really has the best cheese.

People there just seem to really enjoy cheese and that is reflected in the quality of the cheese you find in the market. You don't even have to spend that much to get incredible cheese. I was astonished when I discovered the most amazing cheese plate I had ever seen had cost little over 50 euro to assemble.

>> No.6524175
File: 42 KB, 610x407, cowgirl_cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much everything by that company is great (Cowgirl Creamery in Sonoma County, California).

If you're visiting the US in the future, I highly recommend trying their stuff. Also Sonoma is a slightly less annoying place to go wine tasting, compared to Napa. But you can get Cowgirl cheese anywhere in the country (at least anywhere that doesn't completely suck).

As for the freedom thing, it's just a word our politicians use to fool people into ignoring the real problems. Not really worth derailing this thread about, I'll probably be sorry I brought it up.

>> No.6524184
File: 289 KB, 1950x1050, Bellwether_Farms_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops now I look like a huge faggot, it's not even the same company.

>> No.6524334

I don't even live in Wisconsin retard. Wisconsin doesn't make the best cheese, nor the best beer. but they do make good cheese and good beer, not garbage shit tier cheese like you fags like to claim.

>> No.6525180

basically german quark. tasty, but not really the same as cheese. we use it more for desserts and as bodybuiling nutrition with the fat reduced types.

>> No.6525669


>> No.6525673

I used to live in Sonoma and they had the best local food in that region.

>> No.6525685

I want to believe this really was eaten without making anybody sick. Just thinking about that rich, rotting flavour and rancid odour. I'm tempted to try keeping some brie long enough to taste it.

>> No.6525698

Half a wheel is just the right amount. Me and my dad eat one each every christmas.

>> No.6525707

*my dad and I

>> No.6525718

Sorry, Its 5 am and Its hard to focus on english gramar at this hour.

>> No.6525731

your local whole foods has a horrible cheese counter

>> No.6525740

Because it doesn't have enough Wisconsin trash?

>> No.6525747

Who /smoked Gouda/ here?

>> No.6525758
File: 1.07 MB, 2577x3866, 103973111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you try way too fucking hard. you always shit on le flyover land in any thread about cheese or beer/wine.

while you're not as autistic as that guy who posts cute white girls with their asian boyfriend, you're still pretty fucking pathetic.

>> No.6525777


I have no bone to pick with anyone who has a realistic, accurate understanding of the food and drink scene in flyover land. Which is to say, that it's focused on beer and deep fried things, at the expense of a lot. I like beer. I also like deep fried things. When I am in flyover, I can get those in abundance.

What gets me into shitting-on mode is when flyovers say ridiculous things like: flyover makes the best cheese in the world (false), flyover has a sophisticated and well developed drinking culture on account of the ethanol intake per capita (also false), or anyone who doesn't consider the olive garden and panera to be the crowning achievements of modern gastronomy is unamerican and should go back to europe.

The internet is making you people aware of trends that have already come and gone, and through this terrifying process you are grappling with "meme foods" like banh mi and cupcakes. I think that's a great thing. In a few generations, the distinctions between the food culture of the coasts, and the food culture of flyover will be more or less erased. I also think that's a great thing.

For the present day, just accept that there is some room for improvement. Not that there's anything wrong with deep fried beer brats and moar craft beer. Those taste good and are enjoyable. But variety is not the enemy of your freedom.

>> No.6525778


>> No.6526205
File: 48 KB, 504x336, Amish_balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this thing with Wisconsin?
After a little googling, I read that there are many Amish farms there, so probably tons of superior quality butters and cheeses... ?

Just curious, I went on holiday in western America some years ago, but never in the eastern states... yet.

>> No.6526734
File: 695 KB, 3008x2000, Amish-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wisconsin isn't an eastern state.

That said, I'm pretty sure the Amish aren't enforcing any trademark laws about their identity, which is why you can find tons of third-rate prison-grade food labeled as authentic Amish food. Drive across the country and you'll see tons of these roadside "Amish" stores. The difference between the "Amish" stores and the non-Amish stores is... no one is quite sure.

tl;dr I would be highly skeptical of anything passing itself off as Amish, especially to a tourist.

>> No.6526875

no, it's just a really poor selection with no organization. they should have more west west blue on display. also, the cremificato should be on a platter.

the bottom-right appears to be a truffled asiago? literally, not even once.

>> No.6526881

>poor selection
It's 1 out of about 10+ pictures, maybe check the archives if you want to see the rest of the selection, I don't feel like reposting that thread.
>no organization
>no platter
It's a grocery store, not a real cheese store.

>> No.6526934

just needed the one pic, thanks. there's no way the other 10+ you reference are any different.

>> No.6528072

We put heavy cream and sugar on Creole Cream Cheese and eat it for breakfast.

Louisianians are not a healthy group of people.

>> No.6528495

Too true. I made the mistake of getting some St. Albray that was just at it's sell-by date. It was an extreme ammonia smell that I could smell in my whole apartment after taking it from the fridge.

It took almost 3 weeks but I managed to eat most of it. I had to have it with ritz-type crackers drizzled with honey, otherwise the ammonia was too bitter to make it enjoyable.

>> No.6528498

this pic is erotic.

>> No.6528516
File: 525 KB, 600x600, Old-Croc-Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love buying and trying different cheeses. I think it's a lot of fun.

But every since I discovered this stuff, I have been trying a lot less cheese and just getting this. It's so perfect. Creamy, buttery, tons and tons of calcium lactate crystals...

>> No.6528702
File: 165 KB, 333x474, 1384469316531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only ever have swiss or provolone
>most different cheese I've had is Limburger
Help a cheese virgin like me, these things look heavenly

>> No.6528797

I hate all orange cheeses. Cheeses like cheddar or American (which isn't even cheese) taste disgusting to me. Swiss, provolone and basically all Italian cheeses are amazing.

>> No.6528806

So you hate white cheddar? Because orange cheddar is only orange because they color it that way on purpose.


>> No.6528824
File: 129 KB, 500x333, mimolette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there is a thing called "swiss cheese"

Maybe you should try some cheeses that don't come out of a pre-shredded freezer bag before you pass sweeping judgments based on color alone.

>> No.6528877

What are you talking about dude fats are healthy, especially cheese

>> No.6528927


>> No.6529030


So they broke the law smoking dope and stealing cheese; why would they stop being degenerate drains on society now?

>> No.6529047

>my knowledge of cheese does not extend beyond the selection behind the sneeze guard at Subway

>> No.6529048

I bet the only orange cheese you've had have been cheddar and weaksauce cheddar knockoffs (colby, american).

>> No.6529596

it just occurred to me that i've been eating brie cheese for years and i never actually liked it. really though, it just tastes the way cum smells.

>> No.6529601
File: 17 KB, 552x464, my_nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calcium lactate crystals

>> No.6529623
File: 22 KB, 600x600, cheese_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, Wifey didn't want my kiss for an hour after that.

To age cheese in best condition, a fresh cellar helps.
In the fridge, it won't really refine, will take too long; and at room temp it could be ruined too quickly.
Recently I've been considering buying pic related. No more smell in the cellar with that. (I guess)

>> No.6531200

Not in the amounts we eat

>> No.6531252
File: 132 KB, 500x333, dancing+fern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this stuff based out where I live called "Dancing Fern" by Sequatchie Cove Farms. In the same style as a Reblochon. Once it gets to room temp it just fucking melts out. The taste is mildly bitter with strong mushroom and vegetation notes.

>> No.6531259

Added some of that bread cheese on kebobs. Amazing, That same cheese makes a Morbier style cheese with split goat and cow milk. Amazing

>> No.6531617
File: 750 KB, 1280x956, aged gouda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What other crystal-ey cheeses are out there? I've tried >>6528516 and aged gouda, and I really want to know what else is out there.

I've bought some "extra sharp" cheeses from other brands, but they just don't have any crystals, if any.

>> No.6531620


I reviewed Limburger cheese here. I'm probably gone my to start reviewing cheeses regularly for /co/ if you guys like my writing enough.

>> No.6531637

My favorite cheese is a very strong and sharp aged cheddar. I'm not a huge fan of a lot of soft cheeses (meaning I won't praise them but they aren't bad either) aside from soft goat cheese.

Also people who think the cheese in NY and California is good = lol. Please come to Quebec and have some good cheese.

>> No.6531639

Faggot scum

>> No.6531665

With what should I taste cheese? By itself? With crackers?

>> No.6531692


>> No.6531697

>they ship to my state

What should I get, cheddar or "cougar gold"? I want the crunchiest.

>> No.6531698

I buy one of these every month
Taste great

>> No.6531703
File: 21 KB, 450x332, zorcu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gold. It's the cruchiest -- little salty pockets all over.

Kinda sucks, they are fags about shipping to AZ during the warm months. I chewed through my last tin right after Thanksgiving.

>> No.6531704

Ten pounds of cheese a month. How fat are you, exactly?

>> No.6531709

Well, I've only bought it one month. This month actually and I'm no where near finishing it it.

>> No.6531710
File: 8 KB, 173x197, 1300822979893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost $300 a month in cheese? Holy fuck, you must weight a ton.

>> No.6531711
File: 52 KB, 760x509, mimolette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your top 10 countries for cheese?

10. Portugal
9. Ireland
8. Switzerland
7. Netherlands/Belgium (they're tied)
6. Germany
5. Spain
4. U.K.
3. Italy
2. U.S. (there are a lot of good cheeses made by small countries)
1. France

>> No.6531714

Never tried Portugese Cheese. What are some must-haves?

>> No.6531715

dude, what

that's at least 18k calories in cheese a month

>> No.6531716


>> No.6531718

1) Canada
2) France
3) Belgium
4) Italy
5) U.S
6) Switzerland
7) Germany
8) U.K.
9) Spain
10) North Africa

>> No.6531721

I was thinking about making Macaroni and Cheese from scratch with a beer cheese sauce and bacon, does this sound like a good idea or too hearty?

>> No.6531722

Don't think mac & cheese can be too hearty. That sounds good as fuck.

>> No.6531725

So, are you fat?

>> No.6531727

Queijo de Nisa
Serra da Estrela
Queijo de Azeitão

There was also this other one that I can't remember the name of. They came in tiny cylinders and they were salty. I think they were brined.

>> No.6531728


Alright, then I'm gonna try to do it. I'll post the results in it's own thread.

>> No.6531750

Looking forward to it.

Thanks,I'll check these out.

>> No.6531754

>>6531603 → #

I reviewed Limburger cheese here. I'm probably gone my to start reviewing cheeses regularly for /co/ if you guys like my writing enough.

>> No.6531814

kill yourself

>> No.6531845
File: 44 KB, 329x399, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6531987

I said it already and I guess it got deleted. FAGGOT SCUM

>> No.6532247
File: 1.54 MB, 1000x750, kaas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>study in netherlands
>giant cheese market three times a week

>> No.6532290
File: 81 KB, 540x756, Comte-Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generally you can find these crystals in well aged cheeses.
Each time I ate aged Comté cheese, there were Tyrosine crystals in it.
It's often pricey, but always delightful.

>> No.6532629

Thanks for the tip. We had a frost warning last night.

At least there's one benefit to living up here.

>> No.6532679

lekker kaas = eindbaas!

People should really appreciate cheese, not that factory crap but the real stuff. I get my cheese from a local farm in the province of North Holland (Netherlands) but I also enjoy my buffalo mozzarella from a local farmer near Treviso (Italia). Luckily I still have a bit of camembert a lait cru laying around which I might devour in an hour or so.

>> No.6534854
File: 1.24 MB, 4000x3000, P1000743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, let's try this one now.

>> No.6534858
File: 1.11 MB, 4000x3000, P1000744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well, still a bit firm inside, but ok

>> No.6534861
File: 1.16 MB, 4000x3000, P1000745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in all, a pleasant experience.

(no brand, it's a very local creamery)

>> No.6535220
File: 19 KB, 211x246, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a joke?

>> No.6535233

Counties mate, I think that was what you were looking for.

>> No.6535268
File: 17 KB, 404x278, 313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordered a cheese plate at a restaurant last night that had this as one of the three. I've tried stilton, gorgonzola and a bunch of other kinds of fine bleu cheese and never liked any of them. I can honestly say though that this Maytag was one of the best cheeses I've ever had.

>> No.6535275

Maytag is legit, I dunno why everyone acts like they're saying something controversial when they like it. I guess because it has the same name as a dishwasher which was built by a company owned by the same family.

No one gets mad at wine with the name of a banking family but maybe because people are afraid to even have an opinion on wine.

People should stop being so afraid to have an opinion in real life. Although here on /ck/ we have the opposite problem, in general.

>> No.6535366

Didn't even realize its controversial, is it not respected when compared to European bleu cheeses? Shame if so, its really fantastic.

Have you had the Maytag white cheddar or anything else they make? I'm curious if its as good as this

>> No.6535368
File: 92 KB, 400x600, SalsaNaturalHabanero-1-invisible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when compared to European bleu cheeses
>European bleu cheeses
>bleu cheeses

Guaranteed replies

>> No.6535372
File: 98 KB, 600x400, maplebrook-mozz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat. This is produced right near where I live. Guess how much it is here?

5-6 dollars for a small quarter of a wheel. As a result I don't buy it often, but it has a lot of uses. My main cheese is fresh mozzarella from Maplebrook Farm, another (relatively) local one.

>> No.6535383

>the only Wisconsin cheese I've seen is the mass produced shit so it's all bad
Dude I had a dry croissant from a grocery store once. All french food sucks ass

>> No.6535518

>bleu cheeses
Are you fucking stupid?