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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 990 KB, 1671x1080, barrenwasteland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6512193 No.6512193 [Reply] [Original]

I live 30 seconds from the grocery store, and I hate having food go bad.

>> No.6512228
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>> No.6512249

Keep your food cold and your guns colder.

>> No.6512251


Do you actually keep your gun in there?

>> No.6512253

Is that a S&W pistol?

I'm more of an FN guy.

>> No.6512257
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>> No.6512259

Yes, with a back up in the freezer.


What DVD?

>> No.6512260

least u got beer

>> No.6512281
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>> No.6512282

oh i share it with a roommate and he drinks 1% milk which is fucking gross so i get whole and that's why there's 2 milks and there's also a buttermilk.

>> No.6512293


Not actually a DVD it's a chocolate bar.

>> No.6512296
File: 2.83 MB, 4128x2322, 1431825907253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just the usual shit

>> No.6512298

Do you use standard rounds, or do you buy overpressure rounds with better hollowpoints?

>> No.6512365


>with a back up in the freezer

You're fucking with me right?

>> No.6512375

I thought that pistol and clipazines were 3 of your own preserved turds before I looked at the full size picture

>> No.6512380

no firearms/10

>> No.6512382

>having a light in your fridge
This is why you 'mericnunts are so fat.
Fucking Edison conspired with the food industry to make you consume more electricity and food at night when you should be sleeping.

>> No.6512392


Shut the fuck up Australia.

>> No.6512395
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I keep 124 grain HSTs for shooting at undesirables.


Only one way to find out, try to break in to my freezer.

>> No.6512404


I'm no chemist, but what the hell happens to gunpowder when it's at freezing temperature?

>> No.6512405
File: 53 KB, 570x569, il_570xN.593998620_9gnx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as you can see from the fact that I fantasize obsessively about strangers trying to commit petty larceny so I can shoot them to death, I definitely do not have mental problems
never change, /k/

>> No.6512411


We're apparently their sister board but I don't really see the relation other than a tendency towards alcoholism.

>> No.6512429


Nothing, only concern would be moister, thankfully rounds are sealed, unless it's defective.

>> No.6512437

I actually take offense to his statement.

He's clearly an enabler for thugs, drug dealers, drug addicts, pimps, and any number of other threats to individuals or the state who behave like they're the only ones who matter.

Tired of the goddamned crocodile tears for hoodlums, or the attitude that a culture that promotes criminal activity should be respected because they're minorities. It's not a culture, any more than any other group of drug runners.

>> No.6512462
File: 179 KB, 800x534, cucu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's clearly an enabler for thugs, drug dealers, drug addicts, pimps, and any number of other threats to individuals or the state who behave like they're the only ones who matter.
>Tired of the goddamned crocodile tears for hoodlums, or the attitude that a culture that promotes criminal activity should be respected because they're minorities. It's not a culture, any more than any other group of drug runners.

>> No.6512465


Eh, I'm a gun owner myself and I think everything about the American liberal agenda is absolutely insane.

I still don't see what food has to do with guns other than a lead sandwich.

>> No.6512482

Was there ever a time in your life when you thought about normal things and not the impending home invasion that's going to happen any minute now?

>> No.6512492

Perhaps I should elaborate.

I find the comment that sums gun ownership up to being an elaborate fantasy of shooting strangers.

I find that mentality to be the basis behind enabling crime. That sort of either misplaced self guilt, or absolutely ridiculous shift in blame away from the criminal and all to often on the people they put in danger.

But I think we should keep things here on cooking.

>> No.6512499

-10 points for improper use of the vegetable crispers.

>> No.6512502

>Drinking half a beer

>> No.6512507

Why are there no mold cultures developing in and around these fridges? Are
the foods you stock even natural?

>> No.6512510
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So basically we went from "just try and break into my fridge, we'll see how many bullets I can put in you" to "if you think I have mental issues it's because you want men to force women into prostitution"

This is a fascinating insight into the mind of the average /k/tard

If I'm not patrolling my living room in full body armor RIGHT NOW, does that mean I'm part of the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify your precious bodily fluids?

>> No.6512538

I'm a different anon.

OP is the one with the H&K, I'm the one with the Fabrique Nationale.

As rebellious as 4chan usually is, I find it really frightening how straight-ticket voting they are. And how quick they are to fight against shit they know nothing of.

>> No.6512544

> I find it really frightening how straight-ticket voting they are. And how quick they are to fight against shit they know nothing of.

Sorry you're frightened of something, other than niggers and the boogyman and such since I think that's a given, but can you put that in a slightly more direct way? Who is fighting what, exactly?

>> No.6512556

I'm figuring you're projecting psychological issues on people, in this case two people who you assume are the same person, to validate your uneducated hostility towards them.

Or you're a goddamned troll.

>> No.6512558

How do you guys shop normally?

I never know what the fuck to get to cook and whatever I get usually ends up going bad or something because i share a fridge with my parents who eat like shit so I never have any room

moving out this next year tho

>> No.6512562

I have no hostility towards anyone in this thread. I just find it interesting how eager a lot of people are to have an excuse to "down" a "tango" or whatever it is they say in your video game universe, and they really go through some convoluted psychological processes to rationalize this as if they are the only sane people in a world gone insane.

>> No.6512566

>excuse to "down" a "tango"
Take it up with /v/ or whatever.

>> No.6512570


He shouldn't bother. They're too busy smugly claiming that the PC is the superior platform just because you get a relatively better framerate and resolution quality that is quite honestly almost impossible to notice unless you live for that bullshit.

>> No.6512573

>/v/tards complaining about /v/
You can hate yourselves all you want, but you're still scum.

>> No.6512577


I haven't posted on there in years but I assume they're still arguing about the same old stupid bullshit.

>> No.6512588

We need to ban guns

>> No.6512593

To prevent them from spooning the crisper?

>> No.6512598


An interesting idea aside from the civil discourse being so overwhelming that the country would never recover from it. I honestly think the US would implode were it to ever be put into practice.

>> No.6512610
File: 1.09 MB, 2560x1920, fridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old pic but relevant. There are some nice IPAs not seen at the back of the fridge.

The guns are put away when this fridge is opened.

>> No.6512614

Or the fact that England's violent crime rates exploded after they tried it.

Or that it's hilariously impractical in such a large country where an AK can be made in most people's garages with less than a couple hundred dollars in supplies from Northern Tools & Equipment.

>> No.6512637


It's not just that. The reality is that you can kill another person with a hell of a lot less than a firearm.

Hell, look at prisons. People have been stabbed to death with sharpened toothbrush grips. They don't even let inmates have them anymore other than the brush itself.

>> No.6512642

I'd be fine with this. So much attention is focused on whether a trigger should be allowed to shoot one bullet per click or whatever that Americans have convinced themselves that truly they are free so long as they have their guns. Meanwhile the middle class has gone away and the two-party system has been bought out by corrupt business interests. But hey it's ok because the constitution says that as long as I have a bang-bang toy I'm FREEEEEEEE

If you want to get away with murder in America, you kill them with your car. Just say "I felt a bump but nothing was in the mirror so I kept driving". Or if that's too implausible, remain at the scene and just say "he just came outta nowhere!" You will not be charged, or maybe you'll get a speeding ticket.

>> No.6512645
File: 35 KB, 500x356, gun pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really store your guns in the fridge, or was that just for the photo?

>> No.6512650

>Saving already opened cans of beer.

I too am poor and do this.

>> No.6512656


You really don't seem to know much at all about my country.

There's a guy sitting in jail right now in my state because he was speeding and rear-ended a school bus. Nobody dead, nobody hospitalized. Over reckless driving that should usually be a ticket citation with a fine.

What you know on print is not actually what happens.

>> No.6512660
File: 213 KB, 442x341, 139949914724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so if someone posts OP's picture on /k/, does the thread get derailed about food?

>> No.6512664
File: 714 KB, 581x778, IMG_0429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6512667

THINK OF THE CHILLUNS is always a different story.

There are hundreds of pedestrian fatalities every year in my city and dozens of cyclist fatalities, but rarely if ever is a murdercage operator even ticketed. All they have to do is shrug and say "oops" while rolling their eyes, and the officer says "these things happen, you can move along now, don't be too hard on yourself"

Killing someone with a vehicle should be loss of license, at a minimum.

>> No.6512673

>and the two-party system has been bought out by corrupt business interests
You know nothing of history. In the earliest of our politics it was considered acceptable to use presidential power to influence your personal wealth.

You think Abraham Lincoln crawled from common-hood to presidency? The party was looking for a man people would look to.

And if you want to get away with murder. Hunting accident. Minnesota.

>> No.6512675

> In the earliest of our politics it was considered acceptable to use presidential power to influence your personal wealth.
Must be why George Washington wanted the presidential salary to be sufficiently high as to discourage such thing, but then, you probably didn't know that.
>Hunting accident. Minnesota.
That works pretty well if you can convince your victim to head over to Minnesota during deer season, but murdercages are everywhere.

>> No.6512679


>improper storage of a restricted weapon

Props for Valentino's

>> No.6512682

>Killing someone with a vehicle should be loss of license, at a minimum.
City-goer here. Pedestrians, cyclists, and especially motorcyclists need to obey the fucking laws and not run out into traffic.

Oh and four-wheelers and snow machines need to be outright outlawed.

>> No.6512684


>tortilla chips in fridge

alright fucker you got me

>> No.6512688

They last longer

>> No.6512690

>Must be why George Washington wanted the presidential salary to be sufficiently high as to discourage such thing, but then, you probably didn't know that.
Why are you so eager to play penis comparison.

I knew that and the fact that he quit because he felt the federal government was too large back THEN.

And he was offered kingship.

And some other random shit that is irrelevant to this discussion.

>> No.6512696

Whatever the fuck that means
> Pedestrians, cyclists, and especially motorcyclists need to obey the fucking laws and not run out into traffic.
Uh, cyclists and motorcyclists ARE traffic, dumb fuck. Murdercage operators need to be charged with a crime when they commit a crime, it's simple.
>Oh and four-wheelers and snow machines need to be outright outlawed.
I completely agree, vehicles with four wheels should be against the law. Not sure what snow machines have to do with anything.

>> No.6512700


Thank you, I see you were paying attention in 4th grade. Are you done acting like a know-it-all prick now or you want to tell me I've never set foot in MURRICA because I said something you slightly disagreed with?

>> No.6512701

I don't even care about how bad your beer selection is. That's how triggered I am that you're chilling whiskey and tequila.

>> No.6512703

calling bs

>> No.6512724

>Uh, cyclists and motorcyclists ARE traffic, dumb fuck.
Then you should obey traffic laws and not have such a hatred for cars and trucks.

Defensive much?

>> No.6512733

You don't even know the traffic laws, and you are presuming to lecture me on what I supposedly do or don't do?

This is why I have a hatred of motorists. Because they are nearly universally ignorant, like you. And when their ignorance kills someone, they get away with murder.

>> No.6512776

yea, nah mate. cyclists are cunts and most of the time deserve to be run down for being so fucking stupid

>> No.6512783

Correct, most cylclists I see while driving are using the road when there is a perfectly good fucking bike path literally 5 feet to their right. Steams my ass so hard.

>> No.6512786

Agreed. They're traffic, but high on adrenaline. They should be pulled over for DWI.

Not joking at all.

>> No.6512837


You would have loved my city in Montana when it became a regular practice for about a year to open your door when you saw a cyclist.

We are vicious in a place that used to hang people even on suspicion of guilt.

>> No.6512843

If you're on a bicycle that can barely do 15mph on a road whose speed limit is 40mph, you need to either ride on the sidewalk or start hitchhiking. You pieces of shit deserve everything you get.

>> No.6512848

There are laws about riding on the sidewalk. They're usually that you have to ride on the road.

Maybe drivers should learn to drive instead of just stepping on the accelerator and hoping for the best.

>> No.6512856


I actually slammed on the breaks heading out of my city towards Las Vegas in a snow storm when a guy was riding my tailgate. He went right into a snow bank on the side of the road. Apparently, as a medical professional I'm obligated to stop and help that person. Naw, go fuck yourself hot shot.

I don't need you to sue me over your fuckup.

>> No.6512857

'Ride on the road' does not mean 'take up as much of the lane as possible'.
Pull to the outside of the lane as much as possible to allow faster traffic to pass you.

>> No.6512858

That's what everybody does. Anybody who doesn't is a fiction made up by people who want to bitch.

>> No.6512859

Yeah I would have loved that. I'm just fuck-pissed that cyclists get their own lane but ride in ours. And a driver usually isn't dumb enough to make a left-turn from the right lane. Cyclists often will.

>> No.6512919

>tfw cant afford fridge

>> No.6512921

i hate when they pass between cars. i wanna hit em with my door but i'm just being a jackass idk

>> No.6512935

>what happened during every winter battle ever?

>> No.6512937

know this feel, spent a couple of months with out a fridge, you learn to adapt but getting one was fucking awesome

>> No.6513118

ITT: /ck/ is obese as always and also doesn't know how to drive

>> No.6513519

>being delayed for 30 seconds justifies taking someone's life

>> No.6513532
File: 19 KB, 490x360, Teens-Penalties-can-deter-texting-at-wheel-OS25GHL6-x-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And motorists should be summarily executed for harming pedestrians, cyclists, or other motorists. Also not joking.

Pop quiz: how many times have you gone over 55 in a 55 zone within the last month?

Alternate form of the question: how many times have you NOT gone over 55 when the speed limit was 55?

Murdercagers confirmed for routinely flouting the law.

>> No.6513540

say that on /fit/ i dare you

>> No.6513543


doesn't the high moisture in the fridge risk ruining a good gun

>> No.6513551

You gotta stop at stop signs bro. Signal when you are changing lanes brah. Dont go through a light when its red bro.

>> No.6513555

Not in my experience. But I live in austin, where cyclists and pedestrians block traffic with an attitude cause their saving the earth with their bicycles.

>> No.6513562

> cause their saving the earth with their bicycles.
Deathcagers, always the literate ones
I dare you to tell me you don't do rolling stops in your murdercage

>> No.6513578

> going grammar nazi on 4chan
>comparing a rolling stop with just blowing by a stopsign

Fag harder 2 wheeler

>> No.6513582

cool pic bro. I have a friend who is into airsoft as well.

>> No.6513586

>comparing a rolling stop with just blowing by a stopsign
They are identical. You're probably going about half my cruising speed when you do your rolling stop. Meanwhile I can come to an absolute, complete stop without unclipping.

Stop pretending you obey traffic laws all the time. I guarantee you commit several violations every time you get behind the wheel.

>> No.6513595

No you road nuisance I don't. At any rate I have insurance and a decent chance of surviving any accident while you on your gaia wheeler dont. You with think that cyclists would think of that and be more careful but nope.

Mandatory bicycle licenses and insurance for all cyclists NOW.

>> No.6513599

gotta keep the burner cool...

>> No.6513606 [DELETED] 

>Mandatory bicycle licenses and insurance for all cyclists NOW.

I'm completely fine with this, considering my bike is probably worth as much as your car, and let's face it, at my worst I can maybe do a couple hundred bucks damage to your paint, whereas you can kill me any time you feel like texting, and get away with it.

So let's do this, in exchange for motorists being suspended for the duration of the mandatory 6 week NTSB investigation any time a motorist is involved in an accident causing injury or death, with penalties up to and including 20 years imprisonment. The license to operate a car should also be significantly harder to get and maintain. When I got my license I had to pass a shitty written test and a shitty road test, but the renewals literally involved filling out a form, reading numbers on the wall, and paying some small fee. Absolutely ridiculous, it's no wonder people like you are so ignorant about traffic laws.

>> No.6513621

>I'm completely fine with this, considering my bike is probably worth as much as your car

Oh your one of those guys. Confirmed for being a raging asshole.


>> No.6513626

Go to bed, Bono.

>> No.6513637

That guy was just as much of a moron as the murdercagers who run over cyclists and pedestrians because "they just came out of nowhere", and it's precisely why I'm in favor of licensing for cyclists.

Only an idiot rides through central park with the aim of going fast. Way too many pedestrians, rollerbladers, horses, and kids running around. You go slow, and you ring your bell a lot.

>> No.6513671

>putting memesauce in the fridge

>> No.6513674

>That guy was just as much of a moron as the murdercagers who run over cyclists and pedestrians because "they just came out of nowhere"

Reminds me of the time I was rollerblading down my local bike path, listening to music, bunch of kids hanging out on a bridge up ahead, have to switch lanes so I glance behind me... Bunch of cyclists but they're way back there. I switch lanes and one of the kids looks worried and looks behind me. I didn't even have time to turn when that group of like 8 cyclists on racing bikes came roaring past and very nearly clipped me going like 60mph on the fucking narrow-ass bike path. Probably would have died that day if they hit me, no lie.

>> No.6513713


>> No.6513744

This. Holy shit.
I do a lot of work related driving, I see all kinds of stupid shit cyclists, and motorists, do.
I happen to be an avid cyclist myself, but god damn guys, there's some roads you shouldn't be on.

Also, execution in the street for every driver texting/facebooking or drunk as fuck.
Putting my life at risk for no god damn reason. Seriously that is fucking intent to murder and people don't even get in trouble.

>> No.6514117
File: 255 KB, 680x1024, Safe2_zpsfgts9fuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic 4u

/ck/ - automobiles & firearms

>> No.6514137

Is the safe really necessary? Are you afraid someone is going to steal your plastic pellets??

>> No.6514182

I'm a very cautious cyclist. I run stop signs and red lights when it improves my own saftey. Sitting on the side of the road at a red light when the way is clear just increases the odds of some numbnuts plowing into me from behind because he's not paying attention or getting hit from the side when some asshat turns right as soon as the light turns green without remembering I'm there or getting nailed from the oncoming traffic turning left because they're only looking for oncoming cars or getting runover by any idiot that thinks it's safer to gun it and try to beat me rather than wait all of 5 or 10 seconds for me to cross.

I'll wait if it's safer and I'll run the light/sign if it's safer.

>> No.6514190

>saving an opened budweiser for later
it's already bad enough when its fresh

>> No.6514194
File: 59 KB, 273x448, 1367893408244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mikes hard
>tequila in the fridge

You're revolting.

>> No.6514237

>Only one way to find out, try to break in to my freezer.

So breaking into your house is ok? :D