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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 119 KB, 650x488, content_spritzburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6512132 No.6512132 [Reply] [Original]

My friend in Romania told me he's never had a burger because he thinks they look disgusting.

But all he knows is mcdonalds. Is this normal in some parts of Europe? That's just sad.

>> No.6512139

Burgers are disgusting.

No sane person would ruin good beef with all that unnecessary crap.

>> No.6512140

why would you grease the top of the bun?

>> No.6512143

>In my country, we can only afford bread and scrap meat.
I don't doubt it.

>> No.6512144

Maybe in rural areas; people occasionally escape to the big city and only try mcdonalds.

>> No.6512145

Wait, are you agreeing with me or trying to insult me?

>> No.6512489

As a frequent GBK customer, fuck you.

>> No.6512504

for a nice picture

>> No.6512522

McDonald's is 4 star cuisine for most people in Romania (even if it's just the fact that they'll spend money to impress girls, when grandma's cooking is much better).

Your OP pic is something most people won't see without traveling.

That said, the worst pizza I ever had was at a lake front place somewhere in Hungary, yet one of the best fish tacos I've had was on an abandoned beach in Cambodia (and I regret it every day not asking what they used to make those tortillas).

>> No.6513566

Hungary here, until the street food boom in the last 5-10 years in Budapest where good steaks, craft beer and third wave coffee creeped into the country for 99,9% of the population the best hamburgers were the more expensive offerings of McDonalds, KFC, Wendy's etc.

>> No.6513572

goddamn, the people who haunt this board are terribly uneducated about food. FUCK.

ANYWAY, they bun isn't "greased". It's brushed with and egg wash before baking, which gives it that glossy look. There's also other washes that you can do to give it a gloss, but I prefer an egg wash. But point is, that's done before baking.

>> No.6513574
File: 38 KB, 320x240, kingofthefags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6513575

I assume he was talking about the toasting on the top bun, which would be achieved by pressing it into a greased pan

But no, surely it must be because every single person on the internet is stupid except you, our resident gastronomic genius who has come to save us. Thanks Ferran!

>> No.6513579

i also have a friend in romania, and apparently they don't use many herbs/spices in their cooking. they fucking love dill and parsley though. which are OBJECTIVELY the WORST herbs ever to exist.

>> No.6513580

>toasting on the top bun, which would be achieved by pressing it into a greased pan
No anon, that would be frying not toasting.
Why are you here ?

>> No.6513587

I don't think you have any fucking reading comprehension, dude, and you also need fucking glasses. That bun hasn't been toasted on the top. The cut side of the top bun has been toasted or grilled, but the top has not, as there are no toasting or grill marks and it still has it's rounded shape. Toasting or grilling would deflate the rounded top a bit. It's been washed before baking, as anyone with any baking skills could easily see.

>> No.6513588

You're edgar, aren't you. So all the bullying made you drop your trip finally? That's too bad, I was hoping you'd stick to your guns, you're like the new angie.

>> No.6513590
File: 3.49 MB, 4272x2848, IMG_2396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im Bulgarian so I can give my perspective on how things are in Eastern Europe/Balkans. Apart from McDonalds, KFC and Burger King I dont think there are any other restaurants that offer burgers here at all. Ive been to McDonalds a few times but that was at least 10 years ago. I havent been to Burger King once. Ive eaten at KFC a couple of times but havent done so in the last 2 years I think.

When it comes to street food, almost everyone here eats Döner or Gyros, and you can find such places at every corner. We just dont care about burgers I guess

>> No.6513593

don't say his name. if he comes back i'm blaming you.

>> No.6513594

> It's been washed before baking, as anyone with any baking skills could easily see.
But you are the only one who is having an aneurysm over egg washes, anon. We're talking about the toasting on the sliced part of the bun. Which, I might add, would not deflate anything. Have you ever actually toasted a bun on a hot pan? That was a rhetorical question; obviously you haven't.

>> No.6513596

>chips and cucumber in kebabs

also, i've always wanted to visit the balkans. is it cheap to do so? i'd love to walk around the carpathians and hang out in romania a bit.

>> No.6513597


No, only YOU are talking about that, faglord. Stop trying to salvage your stupidity.

>> No.6513602

>>chips and cucumber in kebabs

Its delicious! Of course not all places offer it like that. There are variations. Ive seen some with a fried egg in them, which is also good. As for visiting the Balkans - yeah it would be cheap, but it would be best if you had an acquaintance here to guide you around, because it would be easy for people to rip you off. But people in general are helpful and almost everyone under 30 speaks English

>> No.6513603
File: 48 KB, 550x535, 1425292429146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh, not him, but the guy originally talking about 'grease' was talking about the wash. it's pretty obvious.

>> No.6513605

thankyou, kind bulgarian anon. my romanian friend is paraplegic, so i worry about him walking on prosthesis for a long duration of exploring (he tires quickly, i'm led to believe)
good to know about the people, it's difficult to get a grasp on the culture over there so it's always nice to hear it from someone local.

>> No.6513609

The original poster was talking about the shiny top. You ginormous faggot.

>> No.6513610

No U. Holy shit anon, everyone knows what an egg wash is, you really think you're some kind of super genius? This is high school dropout knowledge.

>> No.6513624

Obviously "everyone" doesn't know what an egg wash is, otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation, faggot.

>> No.6513627
File: 66 KB, 720x960, 10006969_672744132836990_5710112764957617206_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's plenty of more "upscale" burger restaurants in germany these days.

>> No.6513634

In Bristol, there must be around 20 restaurants offering gourmet burgers, its so getting boring. I want gyro whatever the fuck that is

>> No.6513640

Burger restaurants outside of McDo and similar chain joints didn't exist in my country when I was a kid and my family left before they started popping up (in the early 2000s), so didn't have an actually good restaurant burger until I was in the US. I suspect the same is true for most of Western Europe, particularly parts of WE that actually have a strong and delicious culinary tradition (so basically, anywhere but Ireland, the UK and similar countries). Since Eastern European is usually 10-15 years behind the rest of us when it comes to what's trending (Ukraine, for example, only got its first sushi place in 2010 or so, maybe just a little earlier), it might be right around the corner for Romania to get a good burger joint.
Good burgers are good.
McDo and similar burgers are not good.

>> No.6513645

Fuck the Europoor, they dont have good cuisine, they eat shit like Pike fish and innards with beetroot. The UK has some of the best food in the world.

>> No.6513654

In the UK there's loads of places where you can get a burger like that. Mostly independents though so it varies from city to city.

>> No.6513659
File: 91 KB, 613x1024, 2qRWVF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The UK has some of the best food in the world.
Wow that is some next-level trolling

>> No.6513660
File: 21 KB, 427x140, american_mathematic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6513692

Surely you're not basing your ideas of the UKs food on a stereotype from the middle ages anon?

>> No.6513693

People vote with their wallets and their dinner plates: how many British restaurants have you ever seen abroad? And how many foreign restaurants have you seen in Britain? 60% of all meals eaten in Britain are of foreign origin.


They also have more foreign restaurants than those serving British food.

The only other countries that have a similar preference for foreign foods over native cuisine are Ireland, the Scandinavian countries (save Danmark) and Finland.

Britons are notoriously bad cooks. That's why they eat more instant, convenience, frozen and prepackaged ready meals than all of Europe /combined/.

>A quarter of UK households no longer own a dining table; a third of Britons say they do not eat vegetables because they take too much effort to prepare; Britons eat more ready meals than the rest of the EU put together; 40 per cent of patients entering hospital are diagnosed as suffering from malnutrition; only 40 per cent of parents regularly eat with their children; 50 per cent of meals eaten in Britain are eaten alone; Britain eats more than half of all the savoury snacks eaten in Europe.
> — excerpt from Stephen Pollard's "Ten Days that Changed the Nation: The Making of Modern Britain

Brits consciously choose to disregard their horrendous culinary tradition for those of countries that actually have good food, like Spain, France, China, India and Italy.

>b-but muh michelin stars!
The vast majority of Michelin starred restaurants in the UK don't serve British foods. Seven out of the top eight restaurants in the UK serve foreign cuisines.

>> No.6513698

I'm sure they're probably basing it on le dank /ck/ me-mes.

>> No.6513721

Gastropubs are becoming a thing in America which serve "British" food.

But I think the main thing is that a lot of British food just doesn't owe itself to a restaurant environment. It's mainly homemade, hearty, warming food, stews, roasts and pastries.

>Britons are notoriously bad cooks

That's more a problem of society than the food. As you said most people would rather eat convenience food, not because they prefer it, but because they don't know how to cook, it's an effort to learn and it's easier to just make some ready made.

But if someone can cook then you can make some really great meals from traditional British cuisine.

>> No.6513741

You are such a know, basically when Europe was sat on their arse in the sun, trying to formulate 500 ways to make pasta or a sauce, Britain was inventing everything useful in the world and standing alone against the nazis.

Today Britain has some of the best cuisine in the world, that does not mean its of British origin you dork

>> No.6513746

>You are such a know, basically when Europe was sat on their arse in the sun, trying to formulate 500 ways to make pasta or a sauce, Britain was inventing everything useful in the world and standing alone against the nazis.

This sentence just got more and more ridiculous by the word count

>> No.6513749

I don't disagree with anything you said except American gastropubs serving British food. I dunno. The most common foods in gastropubs in my city are:

• fries cooked in duckfat with bits of duck meat on top
• burgers
• "polenta fries"
• bistec au poivre

Not a single British thing. No shepherd's pie. No fish and chips. No bangers and mash. No pasties. No yorkshire puddings. No smoked haddie. Nor bubble and squeak, nor toad in the hole nor pork pie (or any savoury pies, for that matter).

Nobody wants British food. Not even the Brits.

>> No.6513750

Best Brit food is Indian food

>> No.6513752

you are obviously a word cunt

>> No.6513765
File: 77 KB, 533x400, fatrabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm, well that's patently false.
My favorite local pub (pic related) here in NorCal serves mostly Brit food.
>cornish pasties
>mushy peas
>shepherd's pie
>fish and chips
>Scotch eggs
>corned beef and cabbage (irish, but hey)
>bread pudding
Plus they also make bavarian pretzels and schnitzel too. I've tried all those things and they are all delicious. Plus, they aren't the only pub in the area that serves Brit food, either (just my personal favorite).

>> No.6513769

>Today Britain has some of the best cuisine in the world, that does not mean its of British origin you dork
>moving the goalposts
>denial in the face of evidence
You lead a sad, sad life anon

>> No.6513773

Eastern Europe is essentially the third world.

>> No.6513776

troll face :)

>> No.6513779

>he confuses gastropub with ye olde british pubbe
You're dumb.

>> No.6513784

Except that when Brits cook it, it always tastes bland and unexciting.

I've been to Britain four times now, and every time I try eating Indian food from a place that isn't exclusively Indian it tastes terrible. Like it will be all heat and no flavor or just a pile of brown goop. I've enjoyed all the tradional pub food (meat pies, etc) I've tried though. I don't get why its so hard to put a few teaspoons of spices into your dishes.

>> No.6513791 [DELETED] 

You're dumb if you think gastropubs don't serve british food, you fucking cuckhead. I can happily provide more examples if you're too idiotic to wrap your tiny brain around that.

>> No.6513796

Well your first example was a failure so give it another go.

>> No.6513798

Tony Singh and Blahblahblah Todiwala (forgot his name, but I remember his surname though I can't be arsed with looking up the other) had a programme titled "Spice Men." It was a cooking show where they fouled up traditional British foods by adding spices where there need be no spices. The only good dishes they prepared, IMO, were sweets. The bread pudding was quite good.

Some dishes don't need spices to be good.

>> No.6513800

My first example was a fine example. You're just singleminded and an idiot.

>> No.6513804

I don't think that. I know that they don't. I guarantee I live in a much larger American city than any American ITT. Guaranfuckingtee it. The only places that serve anything vaguely British here are specifically British places. Not a single gastropub here serves British food.


>> No.6513806

Sounds to me like you're unable to provide any other examples. Tough break, kiddo. Keep on truckin' through your two stoplight "NorCal" locale, though, pal.

>> No.6513808

Well that really goes without saying though. England's climate doesn't facilitate the growing of spices, so of course the traditional cuisine doesn't feature spices other than salt or need it. I'm not saying all food is made better from adding spices, I'm saying that British people are typically not good at adding spices to food that need spices, such as Indian food.

>> No.6513811

I agree with you but I live in one of the top five largest so your random Im special and live where millions also love was kind of pointless.

>> No.6513814
File: 195 KB, 750x1000, 36Handles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another local GASTROpub (fag). I just copied the part of the menu that's relevant.

Cottage Pie11
Certified Angus Beef, English Peas, Carrots, Yukon Gold Mash, Fresh Herbs

Corned Beef Brisket12
Traditional Corned Beef, Yukon Gold Mash, Braised Cabbage, & Mustard Vinaigrette

Bangers & Mash11
Grilled English Sausage, Sauteed Onions & Mushrooms, Yukon Gold Mash & Mushroom Gravy

Fish & Chips13 / 14 / 15
Choice of Cod, Haddock,

Curry & Chips8
House Made Curry, Steak Fries

>> No.6513816

Singh and Todiwala argued that all food needs spice. I disagree wholeheartedly. I know how to spice food and do so quite well, but not everything needs spices.

>> No.6513822

Wowee. One. Good job there, sport! You ought to be proud of such an accomplishment. :-)

Now compare that menu with the menus of all the other gastropubs in your area, then. I'll wait. :^)

>> No.6513823

See >>6513814 you ginormous retard.
Also, I live in the second most diverse city in the US, son. You have a lot to learn, you need to get out more.

>> No.6513826

>five largest

>> No.6513828

>second most diverse city
You live in Hawaii?

>> No.6513829

Don't bother "waiting", kiddo. I'm not going to go to the trouble to search out images and menus of all the pubs in my area just to appeal a little bitch like you. You have no idea what you're talking about, but you're just so adamant that you do. You're the village idiot, and people shouldn't argue with the village idiot, it gets you nowhere. No, go be butthurt somewhere else.

>> No.6513831

I'm not that jack ass that think gastropubs all server British food. I don't even live on that shitty coast.

>> No.6513833

I'm agreeing with you that not all food needs spices in order to be enjoyable.

I AM arguing that spices are necessary for Indian cuisine. Try making fucking butter chicken or chicken tandori without spices. It is no longer that dish.

And I AM arguing that every time I've been to Britain, British people have fucked up good Indian food by not putting enough or the right kinds of spices in the food.

>> No.6513835

It's not in Hawaii, sorry to disappoint you.

>> No.6513836

Stop saying gastropub you homosexuals

>> No.6513838

>i know that you're right and i'm wrong and don't want to put forth the effort to prove this fact
That's okay. I already knew I was right and you were wrong. It's okay. Shhh... shhh... no more 'tismtears now, Anon. No more tears.

>> No.6513843

>I'm a sad little wrong bitch who got my ass handed to me and now has to try and insult my way out of this

FTFY, faggot.

>> No.6513846

I got that. Just tellin' ya what the Indians had to say. I agree with your position wholeheartedly and disagree with their position just as firmly.

>> No.6513854

You claimed X. Anon asked you for proof of X. You refuse to provide proof of X. That implies you are unable to find proof of X because there is no proof of X and evidence would actually disprove your claim of X. That means you've lost the argument. You can angry at Anon, me, 4chan or God, but it doesn't change the fact that if you make a claim and refuse to provide proof, you lose the argument. See >>6513693

When challenged, >>6513693 provided proof for the claims and the disagreement ended there. You haven't. Because you can't. If you could, you would and end the disagreement. But you can't, so you won't.