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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6512102 No.6512102 [Reply] [Original]

I enjoy dining out alone more than I do with a group of friends.

Who is with me on this?

>> No.6512105

I prefer going out with friends, but I don't mind dining alone.

It's not a taboo for me like going to the cinema alone is.

>> No.6512109

Sometimes I really enjoy doing this, but then I start thinking of stuff I want to talk to people about, and I've got nobody to chat with. Then when I bring people out with me I have nothing to say and sit there with my tendies and ketchup, alone.

>> No.6512110

I would be, but it gets uncomfortable because it feels like people keep looking at me and wondering what my deal is, and I also feel like a jerk in crowded places for using up an entire table just for my single meal.

Going to empty places where these problems don't exist, it really is a much more enjoyable experience than having company.

>> No.6512134
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I don't enjoy dining out. Everything is unclean and there are too many people. And the food always gets cold and I'm afraid to ask them to put it in the microwave.

>> No.6512142

>put it in the microwave.
please gtfo

>> No.6512170

I really prefer eating out with friends. It just makes me feel happier.

>> No.6512274

Me too. I like to go out to eat with friends as a social event to have fun and catch up if we haven't hung out for a while.

If i'm going to eat by myself, I normally just cook something at home.

>> No.6512305

what the hell are friends? i eat all my meals alone, even at restaurants. friends or people to eat with would ruin the meal for me. it just wouldn't taste good.

>> No.6512309

Seconded. I hate people. I'm pretty drunk right now and the feeling is amplified. People ruin everything.

>> No.6512325

i hate my friends
we went out to a nice seafood restaurant for some event and they all got fish and chips (cod tendies)
we go out to a nice steak place, get the special then complain that it's expensive

like, why even go out then

>> No.6512331

You should try befriending a higher class of person then.
Just because you grew up around white trash, doesn't mean you have to associate with them your whole life.

>> No.6512334
File: 330 KB, 412x603, Captura de pantalla 2015-05-16 a la(s) 20.39.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am kind of a poorfag and my economy relies 100% on my parents (still 18 and studying tho), so I never dinner out alone.

But now that I think of it, it may feel nice.

Gotta save some money and try that shit. Dunno how to pull it off tho, since it would seem waaaaaaay to weird to tell that to my parents.

Pic related, fuck you, captcha.

>> No.6512343

me too. cheers.

>> No.6512389

I enjoy dining out alone. It's me and the dishes I've ordered. No interruptions, no political discussions. I'm there for the food, and I want to give it my full attention.

If I want to socialize I'll go to a coffee shop or cafe. But when it's an excellent meal at a really good restaurant, I want to be there by myself.

>> No.6512407

whats wrong with going to the cinema alone? nothing beats wasting a sunday afternoon watching a movie...

>> No.6512410

>whats wrong with going to the cinema alone?
PLEASE tell me your joking.
You haven't actually done this, h-have you?

>> No.6512415

What's the difference between a coffee shop and a cafe?

>> No.6512452

coffee shop implies quick like starbucks, cafe implies more custom breakfast/pastry options.

It's the inbetween step between breakfast joint and coffee shop

>> No.6512456

A coffee shop only sells small meals like sandwiches and cakes.

A cafe sells more substantial stuff.

>> No.6512458

I always do. During the movie, you can't talk, so there's no point in company. Immediately after the movie, I want fifteen to thirty minutes to mentally weigh up what I've seen. Even if it was a mindless action movie with no subtext, I like having an opportunity to consolidate how I felt about it without outside influences. Having company with you is an absolute detriment to this.

>> No.6512464

Second, going to movies alone is masterrace

>> No.6512466

Don't you get embarrassed while standing in the line for singles, or when the people in the normal seats look at you in the single's seating area?

>> No.6512478

>single seating area

What cinema has single seating area ....?

>> No.6512480

He was joshing with you, mate.

>> No.6512481

Uhm, all of them?
It's like a little cage at the front where people who go alone have to sit.

>> No.6512484

If you go to the movies during the daytime matinees almost no one else is there.

>> No.6512491

Yeah, but the attendants still laugh at you and take photos to put on their facebook and stuff, it's really embarrassing.

>> No.6512519

The attendants have expensive night vision cameras. I see this happening all the time. Last week I was at a cinema where they had a drone with a camera and a little light. Every time a single person was spotted, the light would go on, the spotlight illuminating the single person and allowing the couples to mock him or her, throw popcorn. Apparently popcorn sales at that establishment doubled almost overnight.

>> No.6512530

Going to the movies alone, is the only way to go to the movies.

Movies are not a social experience. You do not , should not interact with others as the movie plays.

If i were wealthy enough, I would have my own private full sized movie theatre. There would be exactly one, very comfortable seat in the very center of the room. (And enough acoustic deadener in place to simulate all the other seats.)

>> No.6512559

You're retarded. I never try to look for single people, and if I do, I don't care