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6511939 No.6511939 [Reply] [Original]

Tea Thread

>> No.6513502

I'm drinking jasmine tea.
Also, there's already a thread up about pu erh, serving as a tea thread you mong.

>> No.6514687

Not anymore.

This is now the tea thread.

>> No.6515014
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So what's the consensus on milk/cream in tea?

I would never add milk to any Chinese/Japanese tea or to something like Rooibos---but on the other hand it's hard to imagine something like Irish Breakfast or Chai without it.

>> No.6515391

Not OP, but I drink both Irish Breakfast and Chai without milk. I haven't had milk with my tea since I was a child.

My go to tea is Earl Grey with a slice of lemon or lime and two sugars.

>> No.6515416

I add a little cream sometimes, blends well with some spicier flavors

>> No.6515427

I have a penchant for chamomile, but like darjeeling when it comes to actual tea.

>> No.6515437

This is now the offickal PEE thread.

Ghandi it is said, used to drink a glass of his own urine daily. There are apparently health benefits to be derived from doing so. Has anyone else heard of this, and would you drink a glass of your own urine daily if your doctor so advised?

>> No.6515446

While my urine makes an amazing fertilizer, it tastes like burnt popcorn and hate and I would not drink it even if my doctor advised to do so because doctors surprisingly know absolutely fuck nothing about health and nutrition, which is why they are all skinny cyclists who get so winded from their shit diet they think it's a good idea to ride a bike in heavy traffic.

>> No.6515465

I once knew of a speed boat that was called the Pisanya II.

>> No.6515569

Haven't heard of that, but have apparently drunk pee.

>> No.6515577

Sometimes it's fine. I add a tiny bit to CTC Assam, but not much or it just tastes like warm milk.
Chai as well with a tiny bit of honey.

>> No.6515581

Orgasm leading to loss of bladder control. Now rebranded as "female ejaculation".

How sexy. How wonderful.

>> No.6515759
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Different strokes for different folks, I suppose.

I've had Irish Breakfast w/o milk as well and it doesn't feel the same. I love the really robust flavor mellowed with milk and sugar, along with some biscuits, it's just perfect.

And I always brew my Chai in milk to ensure that it has the perfect creamy consistency. I'm under the impression that that's the practice in India as well

>> No.6515767
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If you aren't having a cream tea you're doing it wrong

>> No.6515768

I've heard of it. I've also heard that the Romans used to use piss as mouthwash. It actually works because your piss has ammonia in it, but they would have had no way of knowing that at the time.
Protip: Collect your sample mid-stream, not at the beginning or end. Wait a second after you start urinating so any crap/bacteria/etc in your urethra get flushed out first.

>> No.6515775

>never have made a girl squirt and always felt bad
>turns out it's just girls pissing themselves
I feel greatly relieved

>> No.6515783

>I'm under the impression that that's the practice in India as well
Milk and honey, that's correct. Best way to have chai.

What's everyone's favorite jasmine tea? I've had some okay stuff before, and some bad stuff (lupicia; extremely harsh tasting) and am hoping to find great.

>> No.6515803

Milk in earl grey? Yes or nah?

>> No.6515844

What kind of teas need milk and sugar? Or just milk alone? I currently drink earl gray by itself, however i tried some breakfast tea and it left my mouth feeling dry by the end. Should cheap black tea always be served with milk?

>> No.6515923

Anything that is pretty robust or has some spice behind it is usually good to add milk to (and sugar if that's your preference). Though, something like pu-erh or really any Chinese tea will never need any milk.

So something like a strong black tea or chai are perfect for milk and sugar. Other stuff, ehh, not so much.

>> No.6515991

I rarely drink my black teas with milk, cream, sugar, etc
but ive found that assam is an exception. i would recommend having it with milk. shit is dark as hell, almost like coffee. but real good

>> No.6516006


>> No.6516085


I don't really drink any of the British tea blends. Nor do I touch Earl or Lady Grey - the Bergamont is just so fucking overpowering.

I can't stand Assam so that basically leaves me with Ceylon and Darjeeling. I would NEVER put milk/cream in Darjeeling. It's the champagne of tea. If you're going to adulterate it you might as well not buy it.

Cheap Ceylon from the dirka-dirka-muhammed-jihad grocery store is about the only thing I would consider putting milk/cream in. Good Ceylon on the other hand, should also be enjoyed in its natural state.

>> No.6516151

Where do you guys order your oolongs and chinese black tea online? Any place have a particularly good quality/price ratio?

>> No.6516242


try two leaves and a bud tea co.
i like their stuff, a little expensive but whatevs, better and cheaper than teavana

>> No.6516319

I order most of my shit from uptontea, seems alright so far.

>> No.6516370

That's who I've been using too, but I guess I know what I like as far as tea goes at this point where I feel comfortable branching out into more specialty vendors, rather than a place that sells just about everything tea-wise like upton. I do think they are very good for their prices.

>> No.6516381

mint tea people.

1. plant 1 sprig of mint in your backyard, next year they'll be all over, because it is a literal weed

2. pick 3-4 leaves and boil them with water, the water won't change color much, but the taste will be there

3. add honey/sugar to taste

4. you WILL enjoy it

I love mint tea so much, more than any type of tea i've tried thus far. Just so dang good

>> No.6516387

Studies show that adding milk products to tea can reduce the health benefits

>> No.6516394

Studies show it's delicious and also shut up.

>> No.6517155

Funny coz in Asia milk in tea is really popular

I like it in some teas too though, the same as you mentioned but I like it in any black tea, it's cozy. I like it in the morning because I dont like breakfast but want at least some calories

>> No.6517156

It's really nice to add fresh mint to green tea and brew it together

>> No.6517160

>health benefits

Nigga I drink it coz it tastes good.
You want anti-oxidants? Drink cherry juice.

>> No.6517172

Studies show you gnobble cog, and that long term chronic cog gnobblers are heavily predisposed to gnobblerism, a fatal disease that causes the individual to post nonsense to online imageboards.

There is is also a distinct linear correlation between frequency and extent of globberizing, with the progress of gnobblerism. At the condition's, and afflicted individual is gnobbling cog at almost all times. At this stage, the effects of the disease become irreversible.

The risks of treatment (inverse tripolar gnobblerism), outweigh any slight benefit you might receive at this point. We cannot recommend any manner of treatment for you. Maintenance or supportive care, such as direct intervention to prevent cog gnobbling, would cause gnob collapse. A typical case reaches full gnobblerism within a year. I'm sorry, nothing can be done.

>> No.6517228

White wannabe detected.

>> No.6517426

OK so I have tried loose leaf and I just don't like it much. What variety can I get that greatly resembles generic lipton black tea? What about generic green tea? I feel like a pleb, but I just don't like it the way I like Lipton.

>> No.6519358

Why don't you just keep drinking lipton tea if you like it? Good loose leaf tea doesn't taste that much like it. I've you want to get something like it with loose leaf, get some cheap english breakfast blend from any vendor, and brew it with too little leaf for longer than recommended.

>> No.6519478

You're the only one who cares if you are a pleb or not.

>> No.6520978

Drinking Black English Breakfast tea

>> No.6521999
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What is /ck/ opinion about Twinings?

>> No.6522004

I don't know about "/ck/'s opinion" but I like it just fine. Bagged tea is never too terribly impressive, but you usually get what you expect.

>> No.6522007
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>not drinkin white tea

>> No.6522028

Yes, I concur, I usually drink lose tea but sometimes I just haven't got the will or the time for the procedure.
And I've heard that Twinings is one of the best bagged tea brands.

>> No.6523103

This is my favorite flavored/scented tea I've ever tasted
But it's crazy expensive plus I'd have to order it from France to America. It kind of tastes like maybe some kind of oolong with thai tea spices but more floral. Is there a generic name for this type of tea so I might find it elsewhere more cheaply? Maybe I could try to recreate the blend myself?

>> No.6523186
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My favorite cheap jasmine green tea.

>> No.6523224
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I like mixing tea with weed in my vaporizer I find chamomile to be pretty nice before bed gets me all nice and drowsy way better then drinking it does

>> No.6523228

That's almost brilliant in an idiotic way.

>> No.6523825

I have some pu-erh coming in the mail today, hype as fuck

>> No.6523870

>The quality of tea is affected by the quality of water used to prepare it. Using filtered or bottled water is best. If possible, avoid brewing tea with tap, distilled or mineral water. Never over-boil water, as it results in flat-tasting tea.
>Using filtered or bottled water is best. If possible, avoid brewing tea with tap
But UK tap water IS filtered..

>> No.6524415

>bottled water
>has less regulation than tap water
Shit guide, into the trash it goes.

>> No.6525579

What do you guys think about teavana & Lupicia, or any other mainstream tea stores? I haven't found anything wrong with the tea so far, and I especially like Lupicia's green teas.

>> No.6525617

If you like it than you like it and it's fine. Tea obsessives tend to look down on those stores because they can overcharge for inferior tea, or sell lots of flavored tea to covers up the flavor of poor teas.

>> No.6525630

It's because of the lack of chlorine, that can give tea or coffee an off flavor.

>> No.6526365

Teavana is extremely overpriced for low quality, avoid.
Lupicia can be alright for flavored teas, but they also overcharge. I suck it up for some flavors I can't find elsewhere, but for plain, unflavored tea go somewhere else for it.

>> No.6526427

Its not about less or more regulation.
Its about more or less minerals in the water.

If you have very "hard" water, i.e. water with lots of Caclium and Magnesium, you will get a brownish coat on the tea while brewing it. Its the stuff that gives you the hard-to-clean stains in the tea cans as well as a "weird" puckery taste.
This coat is a result of tannins in black tea that react with and bind to the calcium in the water. that means: the more calciu you have in the water, the more of this coat and the more brown stains you'll get AND the shittier the tea tastes.

So, if you want to drink tea that tastes good, take "soft" water, with little calcium in it. Trust me and try it out. If you haven't done so before, you will taste a huge difference and in the future will not use hard water anymore.

If you live in an area where the tap water is "hard" (as I do), using a filter or bottles water will make the tea way better.
I used to live in an area where the water was very soft...and it is in that area that the msot tea in my country is consumed (very surprising it is....not.)

Oh, and btw: I use cream in my black tea, always. Its a custom where I live since over 200 years and in my country (Germany) this "Tea culture" is well known. (Ostfriesentee! Mit Kluntje und Sahne :-) )

Have a nice day!

>> No.6526468

I see. I would just recommend filtering the water, instead of buying bottled water. Especially considering the harm bottled water does to communities they take the water from. But if you don't care, I suppose go for bottled.

>> No.6526584

>Upton having a deal where if you buy a double walled glass (at half price, no less) and a sample of some 2015 tea you get an additional glass for free
I-I guess I'll order next month's tea early, but I definitely won't touch it until next month.

>> No.6527216
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anyone enjoy smokey tea like lapsang souchong?

>> No.6528947

If this is true, what and where are the best places to purchase tea, either online or in person, for people who are new to tea and want to keep in a fair price range?

>> No.6529280

>haven't found anything wrong with the tea

Actual tea blender here. Have you walked into a Teavana store? It reeks to hell. Smells like half their shit must (conservatively) be over 9% flavoring by weight, and former employees I've talked to strongly believe it's much more.

I swear to you anon, nobody ever dumps liquid flavor on the quality stuff. They're gouging customers for shitty leaves with fancy names, and they sugar the in-store samples to fool the customers into purchasing.

>> No.6529327

Yes! Unfortunately most examples taste something like a tire fire, as people tend to both over steep it and the kind typically made for export to western countries is often highly smoked with pine tar, rather than typically more subtle version for the domestic market.

If you want to try the local Chinese version try searching for Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong tea instead.

>> No.6529358

mah nigga
all the ones i've had taste like rich black tea with a sweet smoky flavor. it tastes like a backyard bbq smells

>> No.6529618
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Greetings from Upton Tea Imports!

Your order shipped this afternoon. It should arrive in 2-5 business days.
If your package does not arrive in time, please contact us at orders@uptontea.com

>> No.6530866

Got an order from Upton in. I got some Assam tea from a sale yesterday. Living in New England pretty much guarantees overnight shipping, which is pretty great.