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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6508957 No.6508957 [Reply] [Original]

What foods give you gas?

>> No.6508966

beans, of course.

sugar alcohols (e.g. maltitol, isomalt, xylitol, etc).

luckily, broccoli and other brassicas don't promote gas. i can eat all the broccoli i want and feel confident in a staff meeting.

>> No.6508975

Dairy gives me unreal amounts of gas if I have a lot of it.

I don't know if that's lactose intolerance or something? Even if it is I will never give up dairy.

>> No.6508990

All I know is this:

If you use a pint of quality ice cream to break your 3 month old Atkins diet, the farts you will expel will not only be hideous, but voluminous as well.

You will suffer gut ache and instant relief by stages. Also, there is the potential of a high solids content in the flatulous ejecta.

>> No.6508992

beans, cabbage, artichokes

>> No.6509026

pinto beans used to give me a ton of gas, but not really anymore.

I've been eating them for months, and I also soak them for 24 hours, and rinse inbetween, and rinse after I cook them in the pressure cooker. I also think letting the cooked beans sit in the refrigerator helps break down the gas.

>> No.6509030

> I also think letting the cooked beans sit in the refrigerator helps break down the gas.

helps break down the gassy sugars, I mean

>> No.6509038

Raw broccoli and green bean casserole.

>> No.6509050

Salad, all those raw veggies for lunch allow me, anonymous crop-dusting to my coworkers for the rest of the afternoon.

>> No.6509071

i had the worst lactose shits once. Like I had to wash my bedsheets from the amount of night farting involved.

>> No.6509088

the first time i cooked lentils i didnt drain them

ate like 2 cups of cooked lentils

i was fairly sure my stomach was going to explode.

for those who dont know u gotta strain cooked lentils cuz they release some kind gas when u cook them that builds up in the water

>> No.6509169

Chili gives you gas? I've never had that.

>> No.6509425

Lentils make me highly flatulent.

>> No.6509439


>> No.6509444

Medjool dates.
Fine or now but I'll probably fall apart eventually.

>> No.6509467


>> No.6509577

diet soda
anything made by kashi

>> No.6509593


Pretty much everything. I have this weird thing where I never burp unless I do it manually and even then it's really hard to do. I usually have to stick my fingers down my throat but I've gotten better at doing without them lately. It makes my eyes water and it makes me gag either way though. Drinking beer in public can be awkward if I can't find a good spot to burp.

>> No.6509595


Broccoli, man.

>> No.6509598
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>> No.6511148

Asian here, Chinese food gives me the gas bubbles

Hate my race food, wish beefy hamburger meat steaks were top


>> No.6511594

for about a week all I was eating was chili, protien drinks and salmon sandwiches. not only did I have a lot of gas but man it stank. I worked semi-outdoors so It wan't much of a problem at work but my bedroom should have been quarantined.

>> No.6511623

raisins, so much that I avoid putting them in my oatmeal because of how repulsive I become.

If I eat a fuckton of cherries that also sets me off

>> No.6511625

Hawaiian Pizza

>> No.6512501

White Castle

>> No.6512832
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These suckers. I swear, by morning, my bedsheets were smoldering and smelling like garlic puke.

>> No.6512891
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the usual suspects, but pizza is consistently the most unholy combination

>> No.6512909

>anything made by kashi
yeah man fucking hippy cereals make me rank

>> No.6513391

Chocolate. helps a lot with my diet, If I eat anything with chocolate in it I feel queasy and fart horribly soon after.

>> No.6513403
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Is this just a food allergy thread in disguise?

>> No.6513405


>> No.6513412
File: 13 KB, 228x239, 1431857501682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could not help but notice your png was not optimized anon.
I have optimized your png.
Your png is now optimized.

>> No.6513420 [DELETED] 

thanks anon.

>> No.6513431

Are you a bot?

>> No.6513454

Pears, but not apples.

>> No.6513456


Luckily I eat it like 3 times a year

>> No.6513462

I eat literally anything and never get gas because I'm a perfect specimen.

>> No.6513467

>measuring his perfection by whether he gets gases or not

>> No.6513496

Pretty much everything I eat

>ate a great curry yesterday
>experiencing it all day with tasty-ass curry farts

>> No.6513521

I can choke an entire train carriage when I'm on 130g of protein a day. Dem protein farts :D

>> No.6513538

Strain how? Parboil them and then add new water?

>> No.6513548

Gases are a sign of health. So much for being "perfect".

>> No.6513550

>only 130g protein


>> No.6513925

Not beans, at all. Which is fortunate because I eat more beans than a stereotypical hobo.

I don't have that problem. God I love lentils.

I guess broccoli and brussels sprouts are the only things that have given me significant gas in the past few years, that I recall.

>> No.6515289


Jesus that's my mother to the T lol. It's where I get my unnatural love for dairy too, thank god it doesn't give me the farts it gave her

>> No.6515306

Thanks to /ck/ I've managed to make my first quite decent caramelized onions, they gave me very smelly farts, that was fun and rewarding.

Also beans.

>> No.6515311

Roast dinner, specifically the gravy

>> No.6515432

that is an interesting question. for me, boiled cabbage or deviled eggs, or egg salad. Big lima beans. jump back jack.I had an ileostomy, and reversal, and don't laugh too much, the first thing after surgery is asking if you farted.I am no surgeon, but God bless the people who do that, and the medical staff who help. no walk in the park, but not too tough, Also sour kruat and strangely, popcorn.where ever you be, let your wind blow free.(not rank hideous trombone sounds- pro tip if the dog looks at you and runs, too loud) but ok to sqeak a few off, even in church, SBD. silent but deadly.

>> No.6515556

Vodka. I wake up in the morning and my insides moan deep like a humpback whale. I feel the gas moving through me and building up more and more and more. I clench my ass so as to not release a single puff or squeek. When my bowels have hit maximum capacity I nudge my ass up to my passed out boyfriend.


Its pretty much the only way to get him up.

>> No.6515578
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>> No.6515583
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Any food I buy from my local grocer gives me gas because I get points towards free gasoline at their gas station with any food purchases.

>> No.6515625

Pickled jalapenos give me gas and intestinal pain, I can't eat them any more.

>> No.6515755

Chickpeas man. I ate about 400g on a road trip and wouldn't stop farting for the whole 16 hours

>> No.6515796


ayyy, lmao

>> No.6515804
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Pic unrelated

>> No.6515814

Raw cucumbers do me in.
After eating them, my trips to the loo sound like a Concerto for Satan's Calliope & Atomic Tuba.

>> No.6515911


>> No.6515946

I remember you.

>> No.6515952

you do?
I've posted it only once before this.

>> No.6516346

If by gas you mean diarrhea then coffee

>> No.6516364

Me too.


>> No.6516374

>mostly vegan
>beans are no problem
>dairy yields gas and hell to pay the following day
>meat yields gas but is otherwise okay

All I can say is we adjust to what we eat a lot of.

>> No.6517064


Hangover farts and shits are the worst, that sour, putrid smell in addition to your headache and upset stomach is just horrible

>> No.6517174

man the trader joes in danbury is wack i believe this shit

>> No.6517250


Every night I can't sleep cause gas builds in my stomach and I can't breath until I sit up and burp it out. Then a few minutes later I have to do it again. This shit goes on until midnight.

The burps taste of whatever I ate for dinner at like 5 pm.

God forbid I have anything to eat after 5 or I will be up until 3 belching.

>> No.6517281
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>Top tier
Maple style

>Mid tier
Tomato Sauce / British style

>Low tier but still edible
Pork & Molasses

>> No.6517291


Not baked beans, though.

Any other bean causes my stomach to inflate until I'm in agony, followed by a symphony of farts and finally a waterfall of shit.

>> No.6517294

Prunes and artichokes. So tasty yet so rancid smelling 4 hours later.

>> No.6517333

No hangovers, I fart so much though. One time I accidentally shit on my boyfriend.

>> No.6517664
File: 79 KB, 514x386, 20121210-sunchoke-soup-jerusalem-artichoke-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helianthus tuberosus (aka Sunchoke, Jerusalem artichoke; aka FARTICHOKE)

It is a delicious crunchy tuber that will give you more gas than you can possible handle. They are ultra notorious for causing gas and painful bloating.


>> No.6517748

Sounds like you might have achlorhydria. Basically, your stomach doesn't produce enough acid, so it ferments in your stomach.