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6508154 No.6508154 [Reply] [Original]

Ameribro here. Obviously we excel over Europoors in every conceivable way -except- drinking. What's going on here?
For purposes of full disclosure, I drink like a chimney and smoke like a fish but the rest of you need step it up and start thinking about Mother Liberty.

>> No.6508175
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Slow down there, champ. Last night I had 3 pints of Lagunitas Hop Stoopid, half a bottle of cheap, local Chardonnay, and 2 Maker's with RC Cola. It's not uncommon for me to do this sort of thing 4-5 nights a week. You're not alone. I agree that most people need to do more to fullfil their patriotic duties by making America the country that can drink any other country under the table. We're out here, my friend, fighting the good fight with you.

>> No.6508186


the fuck?

>> No.6508255


I'm from Ontario (Canada), and I honestly don't understand why your whole country isn't filled with alcoholics. Booze is just so cheap south of the border.

Anything with alcohol is taxed out the anus here, and drinking anything worth drinking is too costly to become a health issue.

>> No.6508272

American slang term for a drunk whos drink of choice is wine

>> No.6508275
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>> No.6508292
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>tfw you will never be able to out-drink a slav

>> No.6508297

I'm American and have never heard it before. plus, I'm in the upper great plains which /ck/ believes is full of dudebros who shit on anyone who prefers wine over beer.

>> No.6508306

That's because American wine has arsenic in it.

>> No.6508308

It tickled my 'tism when I saw it written as "wine-o."
That's not how you spell it.
It's supposed to be "wino."

>> No.6508321
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>not gas-o

>> No.6508346

Go Fuck yourself OP,

>> No.6508362

it's a slang term anyway you fucking faggot

the spelling is entirely up to the end user

>> No.6508364

There are still a lot of old fucks who are relics of a time when alcohol was harshly stigmatized for religious reasons.

I imagine young Americans drink about the same as their European counterparts.

>> No.6508380

>alcohol was harshly stigmatized for religious reasons
Wait, you mean America has a strong Muslim heritage?
Where the heck in the Bible does it says it's bad to be drunk, I never heard of that this side of the ocean.

>> No.6508393

Except you're wrong and it's an accepted dictionary word with a standard way to spell it and that way is 'wino' and not 'wine-o.'

http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/wino?s=t is an entry while http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/wine-o?s=t redirects to a page that says "Hey, you fucking retard, that isn't a word! Did you mean any of these possible spellings, dick-for-brains?" only in a far more diplomatic manner.

>> No.6508405

It contradicts itself several times on that point. Sometimes it says it's okay. Other times it says specifically that god says any amount of alcohol is sinful and evil and makes you a naughty, bad person.
The churches that tend emphasise a hateful, vengeful god are the ones that are pro-temperance. The ones that tend to emphasise a loving, accepting one are the ones that are okay with alcohol consumption in responsible amounts.

>> No.6508686

It kind of depends. I mean there are plenty of Americans that can drink to extreme excess.

Good luck if you're genetically native american in almost the least. They tend to hold their liquor even worse than Asians.

>> No.6508691


It's more that the attitude towards alcohol changed drastically during prohibition. We're still feeling the effects of it today.

Plus there's the mormons who as far as I'm concerned can all go and get fucked.

>> No.6508699

Gerfag here
Beeing from an alcoholic coubtry I would say fix your beer first

>> No.6508701

Drink a bottle of wine a day, even a half bottle and you'll eventually die of liver disease. It's epidemic in the UK right now. 25 year Olds with 40 year old livers needing care. 45 year Olds needing transplants.

>> No.6508704

Native Americans can't hold anything. You may think me racist for saying it, but they seem to have no self control. Tribes suffer from insane substance abuse and obesity rates.

>> No.6508705

>i know nothing about american cultural history, but here: let me chime in with my ill-informed understanding on the subject

>> No.6508750

Silly German

It's universally accepted at this point that America's craft beer scene gives it the edge over all other countries when it comes to variety and quality of beer

>> No.6508806

Same thing in Canada. I remember them coming into town on cheque days when i was a kid in the 70s. Pickup trucks with sofas in the back, morbidly obese people sitting back there because they couldn't fit in the front. Today it's suburban and vans. Still the same sort of thing.

Sad actually.

>> No.6508826

Americans brew some great beers, this is true, rivaling and even besting some of the greatest European beers. However, the US also brew a fucktonne more commercially available beers than any other country on earth. The volume of options is staggering.
And therein lies the problem: most of these beers, craft or otherwise, aren't worth the cost of the glass used to bottle them. They're fucking terrible.
If you could limit the number of shit-quality beer your country produces, you would, hands down, average the best beer on earth.

It's like how India has 90 billionaires living in it compared to Canada's meager 39. Until you realise that Canada has only 3% the population India does, so Canada has a greater concentration of billionaires while India has a greater number.

The US is like that with beer. Greater number of fantastic commercially available beers, but a far lower concentration of great beers overall when you take all the swill it produces into account.

>> No.6508840

except you dont have to live near bad beer
that's like saying since detroit exists, my gated community must be shit.

take the top ten best beers from each country on earth and america comes out ahead

>> No.6508861

You're not very good at analogies.

>> No.6508888

lol our stereotypical college experience revolves around binge drinking.

>> No.6508895

Art, Ameribro. The Eurotrash make us ameritards look autistic when it comes to art as well.

>> No.6508900

Well, I guess it's good that morons can at least agree with each other.

>> No.6508902

>Plus there's the mormons who as far as I'm concerned can all go and get fucked.

At least the Mormons are consistent about that kind of shit.

>> No.6508931

You could argue that's how all words work since there is no bureau of words and language is a constantly evolving system.

You could also just not be a faggot and use words like they're meant to be used, letting the evolution take place over the longer period of time it would normally take without bix nood.

>> No.6508947

german here, that's our stereotypical 14-16yo experience.

>> No.6508949
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>> No.6508955
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we binge drink in iowa because its depressing here

>> No.6509315
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Belgian Fag here
Drinking an entire bottle a day doesn't only makes you a wine-o, it makes you an alcoholic.
There is a difference between enjoying wine and swallowing a bottle.

>> No.6509330


What's so depressing about Adventureland?

>> No.6509798

If I can drink a non-alcoholic Japanese business man under the table, I can drink a non-alcoholic slave under the table.

I hear the non-alcoholic slaves are pretty rare though.

>> No.6511041

>drinking out a Japanese
>or any asians at that matter
>thinks he can drink because of that
holy shit, such a retard

>> No.6511050

>their patriotic duties by making America the country that can drink any other country under the table
You have a LONG way ahead of you

>> No.6511100

I'm british and know it from reading Dean Koontz novels.

>> No.6511112

>Dean Koontz novels

>> No.6511142

Odd Thomas is the shit, you fuckstick.

>> No.6511150


i have never really thought much of anything about the upper great plains :v

>> No.6511176

Went on holiday to the US last year. Met a group of guys who took me and my friend to a bowling alley that also served drinks after a certain time.

So we all order rounds of shots. The shots were named something like 'alcobomb' or some shit to make it sound like you'd get wasted fast. Me and my friend realize from the start that there is only a tiny bit of alcohol, if any, in these shots. American guys tell us about how they used to drink heavy in college, so we better watch out when trying to follow their lead. About 10 or 15 of these 'shots' later they're all over the place acting like they're drunk as shit (as were so many others in the building). Me and my friend felt nothing. I bet we could still drive a car backwards in the dark. Had several other times when people who would drink actual alcohol would get drunk after 2 glasses.

California did not know how to party.

>> No.6511484
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Awesome story dude.

Why is it that every time I'm on Europe they pour shots into a graduated cylinder and use a pipette to remove any excess while here in America they just tip the bottle upside down until you give them a head nod to stop?

>> No.6511497

You're guilty of one of two things, namely either

>not realising (see: with an S, not a Z) that >>6511176 is an American taking the piss


>samefagging >>6511176 this hard

>>6511176 opens using the Commonwealth phrase "Went on holiday" but then spells 'realise' the American way. It's pretty obvious that >>6511176 is an American trying to sound like an European and I suspect that you and >>6511176 are one and the same.

>> No.6511500

Was the movie any good? It's on my Netflix.

>> No.6511507

Nice detective work.

>> No.6511511
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>> No.6511521

They've been getting free health care for a long time, so have been able to afford to rot their guts away. Maybe we can start getting into it a little more now that we've got ObamaCare backing us up.

>> No.6511525

Nice work detective Fuckface. I was taught British English in school but see a lot of US English so I mix them up.

>> No.6511530

You start later.

In the UK to start, our drinking age is about 18 but realistically, it's much lower. It's considered fine to serve alcohol to kids at home as part of a meal, for instance. Then you've got chav kids hanging out in parks with smuggled bottles of White Lightning (or the nearest Aldi/Lidl budget equivalent) getting trashed. At least that was the case when I was young.

Then you've got the Scots, who will drink pretty much anything. Buckfast (a fighting wine made by monks in the South of England) is a preferred choice, though in a pinch that stuff you get in hospitals to sanitise hands will also do.

Then you've got France, where I believe local wine is actually plumbed in like other utilities. Then Germany, where they have a month dedicated to alcohol (if my estimation of Oktoberfest is correct), then Italians (see the French), and then the Fins (see the Scots). Then a whole other bunch of places either so drab or so colourful that alcohol is practically required to make it through the year.

>> No.6511531

I don't know. Is it because American bartenders don't get trained or something? Nobody who owns a bar wants their bartenders serving varying amounts of alcohol per glass. It needs to be precise so that you are getting the right amount of profit and so the bookkeeping is less tortuous.

>> No.6511541

In anal-retentive establishments a jigger is used for hard alcohol, and beer is so cheap that no one gives a fuck.

Bars are highly profitable in a lot of states, so it would cost more in labor to watch the books closer or force the bartenders to adhere than it would to just let it go.

Also, in many independent establishment people want a feeling of home in their bar; so free drinks, overpours, drinking WITH the staff, and sometimes some outright illegal shit isn't uncommon.

It's what draws the customers in.

>> No.6511542 [DELETED] 

I think it's because american bartenders aren't completely cucked by authority and actually use human judgment and intuition when pouring drinks instead of:

"Führer says 44.3602943ml of alcohol per shot! Do not stray from the procedure! Increase the price per bathroom visit as well!"

>> No.6511545

Were what you say the case, you'd always use the Commonwealth form of words. You'd use Commonwealth spellings because spelling is literally elementary to learning written English. And if you were taught "British English" (by the way, your use of this term only further proves your Americanness) at school, you would have been taught "British spelling." You might use American terminology. You might use American phrases. You might even use American sentence structure. But your spelling will be Commonwealth. Because that's what you'd have been taught.
So stop trying to start a shit storm. You're really rather bad at it.

>> No.6511556

That's the most inappropriate use of that word I've ever seen on this board, and considering how overused it is that's saying a lot.

>> No.6511561

Oh, and I just noticed another hint of your status that hammers the final nail in your American coffin: you learned English "in school?" That's American. Had you been taught "British English," you'd have said "at school," not "in school."
You're just absolute dog shit at this, Amerifriend. Give it up.

>> No.6511562

>the spelling is entirely up to the end user
I don't think you're the one in any position to be calling others faggot.

>Wait, you mean America has a strong Muslim heritage?
Oh, shit is it Summer already? Ladies and Gents, the failure of the American Public School System. Go read a fucking book or a wiki article on temperance movements in the early 1900s.

The US is getting more comfortable with alcohol like Europe. It's important to remember that, historically, alcohol was a target for the longest time. We lost a lot of progress thanks to Prohibition.

But if you look at the explosive growth of independed/craft beer, wine, and liquor over the past 20 years, you'll see that we're getting out of the hole.

Culturally, though, we're still not quite at the "one glass of wine at a late lunch on a weekday." America still has the 5pm rule of thumb.

>> No.6511570

Temperance is much older than that, I'm afraid. Surprisingly enough, it started with the Scots, I think. A nation of drunken wifebeaters gave rise to women who want men to abstain from alcohol.

>> No.6511576 [DELETED] 



>> No.6511582

Je tiem, mon ami. My French "frranscois" is hedioux. but... The etasis unis owes a great deal to France. you owe us nothing. libertie, ergalite, frateritie. plus as a Dr. vonderman, a french teacher from Romania said, Mr xxx, if you wiish to learn, french or otherwise, you must be on time at 8 am. That said, she said "want a coffee". thank you. and if ever bi en to France, wonderful people, good, nice wine, (beer is, just kidding)Ginormous land marks like le tour effil, la louvre, la rive gauche, Notre dame. but mostly great people. That'is way France is great.

>> No.6511583

Als je wil kan ik het ook in het Nederlands zeggen. Zou dat je overtuigen?

>> No.6511587

Havent been there in years
I do miss it though

>> No.6511592

It was pretty awful.

>> No.6511611

Americans drink plenty, there's just not as much of a culture around it as Europe

The main activity at colleges here is drinking, binge or otherwise

The amount of people that actually could be classified as alcoholics in college is staggering

>> No.6511644
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Uhhmerrilard here. I travel for business a bit, more to Asia than to Europe, but certainly some Europe and of course lots of USA USA USA.

I actually find that Americans are more boozy than anyone else. We have some kind of business-machismo thing going on where if you don't have at least a glass of something at a business dinner, preferably something hard, unless it is a fine dining scenario where it has to be wine, it results in confusion, like there must be something wrong (doesn't he trust us? is he hiding something? is he an alcoholic?). Whereas in Europe or Asia you can certainly have a glass with your meal, but if you don't no one gets alarmed, and at some meals most people don't even drink.

Take this with a grain of salt because I haven't been to Japan on business yet, and so it's mostly Chinese-culture business folk. Also I am not counting the British and Aussie expats in Asia who are Olympic-tier champion drinkers. Also maybe being a foreigner people are less inclined to show their true feelings to me, and maybe I'm not picking up on cultural cues.

>> No.6511662

lol except when you go into a club in europe and its all american top hits playing.

>> No.6511687

That's disposable entertainment, not art.

>> No.6511705


Couldn't hold their lands either.

>> No.6511724


Nah I respect their culture and whatnot, but I feel little guilt over what happened to them, and no sympathy for their self-destruction.

Working for one of the tribes right now actually. Those with some business sense seem to be decent people.

>> No.6511742

This is true of every disempowered population in the world. When you've been stripped of the ability to appreciably influence your surroundings, you turn to debasing and destroying the one thing you do have power over-- yourself.

>> No.6511773

> having to rely on tips to make ends meet
> not being fucked over by the authority

Pick one, Americlap. Made me laugh with the alcohol prodprocedure though. I work as a bartender in Amsterdam and you really do have a lot of leeway if the boss isn't looking over your shoulder, i.e. free drinks for hotties, some extra for mates or regular and the occasional top-shelf on me.

>> No.6511783

Dan spuit je nog steeds uit je nek want die gast had gewoon gelijk, je Engels is duidelijk Amerikaanser dan Brits. Wat niet zo raar is, most of us learn English through media instead of school.

>> No.6511785

>tips to make ends meet
You do realize some make more than many skilled engineers when you include tips?

>> No.6511792

the south just brings america down, if you compare it on a state by state basis, much of america is just as good or better than most of europe

>> No.6511824


>servers end up making more than anyone once tips are accounted for
>customers receive great service and strong drinks because servers need to earn tips

American system is better for everyone tbh. The only people here who cry about MUH TIPS have never actually worked in service themselves.

>> No.6511830

>customers receive strong drinks because servers need to earn tips
Do you mean employees are stealing from their employer to make stronger drinks than their customer is paying for in order to earn better tips?

>> No.6511834

>The only people here who cry about MUH TIPS have never actually worked in service themselves.
or people who buy beer

what a fucking joke to tip someone for pouring a beer

>> No.6511838

As an European living in the US, I must say that I prefer the tipping system.
In EU, CH and Asia, table service tends to be really rather shabby in comparison to that of the US. While American waitstaff can be quite a nuisance with the disingenuous smiles and asking "how's everything" every three minutes, the obverse in my home country and its neighbours is complete and utter inattention.
And the cost of the meal, even with tip, is only about 80% that of standard EU/CH prices. Even with tipping, it's cheaper to eat out in the US.

>> No.6511839

>The only people here who cry about MUH TIPS have never actually worked in service themselves.
lol, you say that as though being educated is a bad thing

>> No.6511849
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Finally a foreigner that likes our tipping system.

I think you broke reality.

>> No.6511855

In many cases yes. But nobody cares because everyone knows it happens. Bar owners even set aside allowances in their records that account for gifted or wasted alcohol because they know it happens and they know they can't stop it.

>> No.6511857

Moreover, it brings in business.