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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 155 KB, 630x450, diet13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6504557 No.6504557 [Reply] [Original]

So /ck/, what have your opinions been on the taste of the recently launched soda Coca Cola Life™?

>> No.6504577

Baby shit green is generally not a good Coke color. No opinion on the taste as I have no intent on drinking such a concoction.

>> No.6504579

i like it. a lot smoother than than the high fructose corn syrup shit. I would still only drink 1-2 cups of it a day though. sugar gonna make you fat. animal fat all day bae

>> No.6504587

Marketing shill
It taste almost as bad as Coke Zero and all the other diet sodas but it has calories so if I want a soda I'll get the original and if I want to add some flavor to my rum I'll get a diet Pepsi

>> No.6504602


I tried it and thought it was disgusting. I drink diet soda about 98% of the time and found this way worse than diet.

It's still got a ton of sugar. It's in a weird in between spot. It's not as bad for you but it's not "good" for you.

Give me a reasonable medium and have like 10g of sugar for taste. Those TEN soda's are the best when it comes to this when they only add 2-3g of sugar which does wonders to the taste.

>> No.6504628

you are unintelligent. I hope you have a good day.

>> No.6504675

For me it was the gateway to diet soda.
I am the anon who took up diet soda this month.
Never could have done it without starting with this product.

>> No.6504678

It's shit, Coke Zero 4lyfe.

>> No.6504680

Never even heard of it. Why is it named Life?

I agree about the color though, it should've been a cooler green rather than warm. Looks like rusted copper.

>> No.6504683

Better than diet coke

Not as good as regular coke

>> No.6504684

This. Life fucking sucks and it's still rammed with sugar. Zero a best.

>> No.6504685

Didnt know it existed. Dont care, either.

>> No.6504694

>In 1991, after receiving an anonymous industry complaint, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labeled stevia as an "unsafe food additive" and restricted its import.[39][57][58] The FDA's stated reason was "toxicological information on stevia is inadequate to demonstrate its safety."
>Stevia remained banned until after the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 forced the FDA in 1995 to revise its stance to permit stevia to be used as a dietary supplement, although not as a food additive – a position that stevia proponents regarded as contradictory because it simultaneously labeled stevia as safe and unsafe, depending on how it was sold.
>Early studies prompted the European Commission in 1999 to ban stevia's use in food in the European Union pending further research.[61] In 2006, research data compiled in the safety evaluation released by the World Health Organization found no adverse effects.[32] Since 2008, the Russian Federation has allowed stevioside as a food additive "in the minimal dosage required".
>In December 2008, the FDA gave a "no objection" approval for GRAS status to Truvia (developed by Cargill and The Coca-Cola Company) and PureVia (developed by PepsiCo and the Whole Earth Sweetener Company, a subsidiary of Merisant), both of which use rebaudioside A derived from the Stevia plant.

tl:dr after being banned for a while, the ban was partially lifted in the entire West, so Coca Cola decided to make a push for a new type of Cola for the entire west.

>> No.6504695
File: 36 KB, 570x242, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not necessarily disagreeing with the color choice, but I think the idea is to market the "naturalness" of the product. It's sweetened with stevia, iirc. I can see why they chose that color.

But on the real, ya'll are fools for passing up on the good shit. Pic related.

>> No.6504701

Is this Zero or Life?

>> No.6504704

Life. I am not even sure if the recipe is uniform in EU, Schengen, USA and Russia.

Zero is a rebrand of Light, since Light failed to be markeded as a general Cola product.

>> No.6504707
File: 43 KB, 475x720, USS_Triton-(SSRN_586)-Capt_Edward_L_Beach-11209599_10152786352593344_3870249911176467115_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried it. IMO, it's not bad tasting during the first sip but the aftertaste is pretty vile. Standard Coke is much better.

If I'm going to drink a Coke or any soda for that matter I might as well just do it and be done with it. Plus that's a real faggit name "life?" wtf lame shits from a focus group run by marketing degreed fags came up with that? They should be fired.

>> No.6504717

Like coke 0 with calories.

>> No.6504725

I think a white can with green lettering would have looked better.

>> No.6504867

>I would still only drink 1-2 cups of it a day though

>drinking 1-2 cups of sugar and flavouring every day

Nigra pls.

>> No.6504872

>Coca Cola releases "Coca Cola Life" sweetened with stevia and sugar, using a green can

>Pepsi releases "Pepsi True" sweetened with stevia and sugar, using a green can

The competition between these two Satanic companies is hilarious.

>> No.6504881
File: 57 KB, 424x282, alex_jones_lizard_people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're just companies in competetion, that doesn't make them "satanic." Lizard people are your overlords your know becasue alex jones says so.

The lizard people are run by greys so they'e the overlords of the lizard people and you're being bred as food for space aliens or if strong then miners for gold and other things.

Are you really that stupid?

>> No.6504894

Wait okay so if humanity is controlled by reptilians

And reptilians are controlled by greys

Who controls the greys

And what does that make the jews

What about the socialists and communists? Are they controlled by the reptilians or do they answer directly to the greys?

>> No.6504905

The greys are too highly evolved to be controlled. After all, they are the ones who created our universe inside one of their highly advanced computer systems.

>> No.6504913
File: 60 KB, 600x378, crab_rangoons-spring_rolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the crab people!

Until then we're making crab rangoons and spring rolls out of 'em!

>> No.6504924
File: 35 KB, 1024x576, Lorien-whatever-happened-to-mr-garibaldi-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The old ones manipulate everything through space and time and the first one manipulates them.

AC/DC live at München 2001 FULL concert HD

>> No.6504938
File: 31 KB, 657x282, wordswordswords.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the aftertaste, I am not buying coke life again.

>> No.6505709

Wow how full of yourself are you? Lol

>> No.6505715

I wish these blatant marketer threads would fuck off. Or at least try to be more subtle.

>> No.6505745

>diet soda
enjoy getting cancer