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File: 85 KB, 800x600, oat burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6500975 No.6500975 [Reply] [Original]

Ever eat an oat burger? I'm very temped to try one

>> No.6500986
File: 47 KB, 450x470, stock-photo-pretty-girl-laughing-hysterically-104435597[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what you feed the burgers before they become burgers.

>> No.6500988

OP Im sorry but it looks like somebody ate a ton of grains and then took a huge shit on your hamburger bun.

>> No.6500990
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That isn't MY bun, I've never tried one before

>> No.6500993
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Mushroom burgers make a lot of sense to me. Lentil and/or bean burgers... yeah. Oat? I'm just... meh. I probably wouldn't want to.

Besides, it'd feel like eating the hipster version of a toast sandwich.
>"The sprouted oat burger is absolutely nothing like the plebness of a toast sandwich, bro. It goes so much deeper than to simply trivialize it as a grain on grain experience, and yet that is exactly what you receive. It's very meta."

>> No.6501021

you know, I was actually really against eating any type of soy or oat anything that was used to replace meat.

but i went over to my vegetarian's friends place the other week and she made some. to be polite I ate it and it was honestly pretty decent.

not the first thing I would pick to eat if given the choice between real meat and oat/soy meat or whatever, but I wouldn't complain if it was served or the only option.

>> No.6501022

You might as well just eat oats with something normal.
Tastier and cheaper, possibly even "healthier."

>> No.6501032

>Mushroom burgers
this is the best vegetarian alternative for a "burger." slices of breaded and fried eggplant work well too.

bean burgers, oat burgers and whatever else are always really dry and mealy.

oats are only really good for cereals anyway. hot oatmeal with fruit and nuts or salt and cream, or granola.

>> No.6501259


I'm not interested in oat burgers for heath they just look tasty for some reason

>> No.6501283

I've never had one. Maybe I should find my nearest In-N-Oat burger.

>> No.6501285

I've had probably a couple dozen different kinds of veggie burgers and most of them range from terrible to just ok.

The very best one I've ever had was a burger shaped falafel patty. Thin and super crispy and mostly neutral in flavor, you can add whatever condiments you enjoy and it will turn out great.

If you haven't tried it and are looking for a burger alternative, make a falafel patty.

>> No.6501329

Wouldnt it just be a haggis burger.

>> No.6501339

That's how I feel about lentil patties and fish patties, but the Looks Like Someone Ate A Heap of Grains and Shit It's feeling is on par with mine.

>> No.6501348


Well, if I can imagine my waifu shit it out it only makes me want to eat it more.

>> No.6501364

>bean burgers, oat burgers and whatever else are always really dry and mealy.

I've had great black bean burgers though

it's about making it well.

falafel sandwiches work too if well done

>> No.6501435
File: 17 KB, 300x180, houstons-veggie-burger-300x180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to try a veggie burger with oats in it, ignore all the anons in this thread and go to Houston's (as in the steakhouse chain) and order their veggie burger. It is made with oats, amongst other things and is one of the best veggie burgers you can find.
>pic related

>> No.6501509

As an omnivore who leans veggie most of the time I've eaten more than my share of veggie burgers. To me they're like felafels with everything good about them removed. They are not good in my experience. They're just an easy way to have something vegetarian on a short order menu. I would never seek one out. It's more a matter of wanting a vegetarian option and that being the only option in many situations.

Like I said, I'd take a felafel over a veggie burger any day. Felafel is a legit dish; veggie burger is always a sad compromise.

>> No.6501520

That looks like a cow pat on a bun. It's the right color, has the undigested fibre sticking out here and there, I'll bet it smells earthy too.

Feel the oat burger to the cow, wait and then eat the cow.

>> No.6501841

This. I just made black bean burgers on Sunday and they were very delicious and moist. I stuffed them with cheese and it was out of this world. I'm sorry that no good cooks have ever made you black bean burgers. It's all about doing it right.

>> No.6502568

>slices of breaded and fried eggplant work well too.

This is fucking top-tier right here.

>> No.6502574

>tfw no eggplant parm sandwich
feels hungry man

>> No.6503296
File: 6 KB, 235x250, 1424916721974s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carbs on carbs

You skinnyfat, breh?

>> No.6503315

I am vegetarian and I would agree with you. I have a packet of morning star black bean patties that have been laying around for nearly a year. They're not even bad I like them for the most part. But I don't crave them like I do felafels and they're just forgotten about. Doesn't help that I live within walking distance of Mamouns.

>> No.6503356

I honestly don't understand the obsession with
>vegetable alternative
I always preferred things that were meant to be vegetarian. Bean and grain cakes, croquettes, and fritters can be great when done well, but when you try to make something like that a replacement for a ground meat patty, it isn't going to be great, even when done well. I've had some good ones, but they still weren't great as a replacement.

>> No.6503361

It's to capitalize on and tap a market of people who feel being a vegetarian is "giving up so much", or abnormal.

I think what you do is less accurately viewed as a replacement for the norm, and better viewed as a new set of originals.

>> No.6503369

>Doesn't help that I live within walking distance of Mamouns.
Nice. I live not far from Al Safa, which is even better.

>> No.6503422

Fair enough. I guess I was thinking of the convenience and frozen vegetarian sections in supermarkets. Mostly Morning Star Farms products. The sections I see are dominated by them and Amy's Kitchen stuff. Amy's does more of the "new set of originals", if I got your meaning, but even that stuff is highly reliant on meat replacement type of stuff, just a little more dressed up.

>> No.6503503

I am 100% with you. If you're eating a vegetarian diet or even a mostly vegetarian one there's no need for a burger stand in. You're not thinking about eating a burger, unless you hate yourself and are eating that way out of some sort of punishment.

But for restaurants or people who don't give a fuck but suddenly have to accommodate vegetarians veggie burgers allow them to have an option on hand. So it's better than nothing in a scenario like that.

Also let's face it: there are plenty of folks out there who are vegetarian for ethical reasons and don't really give a fuck about food. These folks want something that mirrors the fast/convenience food they grew up eating, but fits with their ethics. That's the only way to explain vegan hot dogs.

>> No.6504197

Vegetarian hot dogs literally taste identical to common hot dogs.

>> No.6504220

>just do it right, anon
>but we won't tell you how
of course they can be moist if you add a bunch of cheese or mayo, but they're inherently starchy and will give a drier texture than beef, mushrooms, or eggplant.

>> No.6504222

a bean "sloppy joe" would probably be better than a bean burger to help with the dryness, i'm going to try that instead

>> No.6504238

I'm happy to help. I used this recipe: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Homemade-Black-Bean-Veggie-Burgers/
But of course I didn't cook them in the oven. I don't have a lot of experience cooking, but that sounds fucking stupid to me. So I cooked them the exact same way I would fry an egg. I poured oil on a frying pan and periodically flipped them until I thought they looked right. I also didn't use canned beans, but I used the first part of: http://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/refried_black_beans/ to cook the beans. I thought they were delicious and I will be making them many more times. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer.

>> No.6504285

It will be like eating 3 layers of bread.

>> No.6504607


here's the recipe I used as a base. I do slight adaptations to ratios, lightly cook the nuts with the onions and use more egg though.


and you have a point as it comes to them being starchier than beef, but these come far from 'dry and mealy'.

>> No.6504665

I think most people don't know how to cook. Or they only know how to cook meat burgers.

>> No.6504976

That's more a testament to how degraded cheap hot dogs are than the quality of the vegetarian versions.

>> No.6505047

I agree. But that's the kind of hot dog I like, so I'd rather eat something 100% fake rather than the cryptic shit meat(?) filled hot dogs.

>> No.6505063

Veggie burgers are like communism. Everyone say they are a good idea but nobody knows how to cook one properly.

>> No.6505068

I know how to cook them properly. Veggie burgers actually have a chance of working correctly.

>> No.6505073
File: 25 KB, 400x400, serj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make veggie burgers for work potluck because half of my office is fucking vegan for some fucking reason
>secretly put bacon into my patties
>Omg anon that tastes delicious, but it tastes like theres meat in here
>Oh thats just the liquid smoke

>> No.6505083
File: 79 KB, 500x358, corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man you're so awesome high five brah