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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6496157 No.6496157 [Reply] [Original]

After years and years of trying and failing to make one perfect I think I may have finally gotten it right! This thread is everything omelette and breakfast general.

What do you like to stuff yours with /ck/ ?

This one is an onion, green/red pepper, tomato, and cheese.

>> No.6496202

Did you really have to kill it with salt?

>> No.6496214

i have them plates, i fucking hate them

>> No.6496223

How To make the Perfect Omelet


>> No.6496227

how did you flap em like that?

>> No.6496245

Why do fat people always get sexual with their food?

>> No.6496448

I spent half a year trying to perfect my omelette
this is what I came up with:

Shake don't stir your eggs, put them in a clean sour cream container and shake it hard for a few seconds

Use a ceramic pan (because non-stick, thick bottom, retains heat) iron skillet will not work because of the sides

put two eggs in the sour cream container, white pepper, salt and a pinch of onion powder

turn the heat as high as possible and let the pan heat up

just melt the butter and swish it all along the sides of the pan, don't let it brown

pour in the egg mix, let it sit for only a few seconds, maybe 5, then pick it up and begin to swirl the egg mix along the sides of the pan, holding only one edge of the pan against the heat

keep swirling until very thin crepe like omelette begins to form

the part where the egg collects inside of the pan will be almost raw

spread your cheddar cheese over now, shredded extremely fine, like hair

now lift up one of the light edges and begin rolling the omelette, roll as many times as possible so that the heat from the egg on the bottom of the omelette presses against the uncooked egg on the top of the omelette and finishes cooking it to a perfect custard, dripping with strings of cheddar cheese.

>> No.6496455


that's breddy gu m8. got an better quality pics?

I detect the tiniest bit of browning and the open spaces/bubbles which tells me you may not have had enough butter in the pan or plated too late but the curd looks proper and the shape is excellent.

I'd go back and rewatch the jacque pepin omelet clip for more tips on finishing but otherwise superb

>> No.6496457
File: 129 KB, 590x590, corned beef hash omlete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you like to stuff yours with /ck/ ?

Corned beef hash omelet is the best omelet.

>> No.6496459


>murder most foul

>> No.6496460
File: 2.56 MB, 1166x1128, omelet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6496465
File: 882 KB, 1428x2044, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 burnt
it's perfectly cooked

>> No.6496480


that's country style doe

>> No.6496488

nahh...corned beef hash with an over easy egg on top

>> No.6496521

I always get diarrhea.

And honestly, it never tastes as good as scrambled eggs. I have to be doing something wrong.

>> No.6496547

>mfw I use the autistic "boil it in a plastic bag" method
>mfw it works incredibly well, consistent, aesthetically pleasing loaf of egg every time with room for any ingredients you wish
>mfw I've impressed friends by claiming that I cooked them in a pan

>> No.6496549

need higher heat

>> No.6496583

What's in it anon?

>> No.6496586

Do you put salt before or after it's mixed?

>> No.6496605

hot italian sausage, bell peppers, onion, hashbrowns, shredded cheese, topped with some shitty salsa and Franks hotsauce

>> No.6496606

Boil it in a plastic bag? I'll have to search that, never heard that before.
This looks good
I just add a bit of milk to mine and eggs in the pan, a friend of mine swears by adding water to get a good consistency. I'm not too sure though
I'm the kind of person who would enjoy a salt lick.
Thank you!! I may have left it on just a touch longer than I should have, next time I'll add a bit more butter too, thanks anon
I added salt and pepper after. I read somewhere that adding salt beforehand changes the consistency in the eggs. I'm not sure if it's true but I always add after

>> No.6496607

i usually add pepper when im beating the eggs, and just salt the omelete a little once its done

>> No.6496612

Yeah, you literally squish the ingredients up in a heavy duty ziplock type bag and boil it for a few minutes. Every few minutes take it out and (with a towel on your hands) squish it around as for a consistent texture.

>> No.6496654

And it's not rubbery in any way?

>> No.6496669


classic french omelette with chives, best I have ever had

None of that thin egg pancake shit

>> No.6496673
File: 56 KB, 470x302, omurice-fox-kotaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is omurice any good or are the Japs just trying to give people diabetes faster?

>> No.6496699
File: 110 KB, 500x375, omurice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never have your dirty gaijin name written on omurice with ketchup and buy the $5 DVD of you and the maids talking for 3 minutes

>> No.6496752

I.. I want this. I want to feel the love

>> No.6496918

It is a little bit but honestly I kind of like it that way.

>> No.6496934
File: 216 KB, 538x539, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scraping non stick pan with metal fork

>> No.6496935

i like omurice pretty well. it's actually better with half-cooked omelette instead. the rice is basically chicken fried rice with ketchup instead of soy sauce so it's not the healthiest, it is good though.

>> No.6496950
File: 58 KB, 540x360, omurice-recipe-3-540x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they have different ketchup over there? It looks more like a fine tomato paste, than the smooth and shiny ketchup you usually see.

>> No.6496960

some recipes use tomato paste/sauce instead for a more 'adult taste' since ketchup only is meant for children, though, the entire dish is more for children.

>> No.6496967


There's only ketchup in the list.

>> No.6497048

My omelettes taste far better than they look. That's how it was in the past. That's how it is now. And that's how it will be in the future.

>> No.6497275

>butter isn't healthy
>someone with his body type mentioning anything about health
>that poor excuse for beating eggs
>mexican blend

>> No.6497292

>butter isn't healthy
>someone with his body type mentioning anything about health
he's already eating eggs and cheese. maybe he could use butter and cut down on the portion size.

the "substitute real food for some shit so i can eat even more" thing is like junkie rationalization

>> No.6497341

Where is the chocolate flavor milk?

>> No.6498874

Every single aspect of this video pissed me off so fucking much I had to shut it off at 1:25.

>> No.6498933

He's such a fucking tool. Why so much salsa? FOR WHAT REASON IS HE POURING IT LIKE THAT?

>> No.6498944

no, that's definitely burnt

>> No.6499030

I do it this way


it's not bad, though I just moved to another country and my current non-stick is in bad shape, lot's of butter to compensate, and the american version is more forgiving.

>> No.6499135

Not OP but my guess is you fold from both sides, with the ends a little tighter, then present it "upside down"

>> No.6499146



I just flip my omelet...

>> No.6499364
File: 74 KB, 298x320, learn_to_cook__faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check every youtube link
>no Julia Child
>you'll faggots don't even cook omelettes

There is no omelette but Julia's


>> No.6499700

It's not a teflon-coated pan you fucking noob

>> No.6499840


Probably not the kind of omelette OP is thinking of, but a cool video nonetheless. I want this so bad

>> No.6499842


you get it with demi-glace as well