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File: 62 KB, 450x450, Marmite_500g_450_tcm28-293449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6495282 No.6495282 [Reply] [Original]

Do people actually eat yeast extract on a regular basis or is it just a meme food?

>> No.6495290


Brits and Aussies love that stuff... Vegemite and Marmite. It's really disgusting IMHO.

>> No.6495306

I'm pretty sure they drink it straight from the jar every day for breakfast.

>> No.6495334

Believe me mate, it would be impossible to drink from the jar. The stuff has the viscosity of tar and it sticks to everything.
It is however fucking delicious.

>> No.6495396

I always start and end the day with a spoon full of marmite.

>> No.6495434

There's a trick to eating it. You make a sandwich with plenty of butter, add just a TINY BIT amount of it (something like the tip of your knife), and rub it into the butter. Then it gives the butter just the right amount of salt and bitterness that is not absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6495767

That's the gayest fucking thing I've ever read.

Spread generously on toast as it was intended to be eaten, or use it as a delicious meat glaze. Don't be a faggot and dilute it like some stupid faggot.

>> No.6496127

I eat it virtually every morning and have done for years. Sometimes on toast, sometimes on crumpets or muffins

>> No.6496143

>don't be a faggot like some faggot

>> No.6496153
File: 18 KB, 197x300, vegemite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Canadian and I eat it frequently; I get little jars of the Kraft vegemite It's actually really good and it's just a meme that it's bad perpetuated by people who have never even tried it.

>> No.6496183

I mix it with buttered noodles

>> No.6496197
File: 1.69 MB, 2592x2180, vegemite singles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I miss vegemite singles

>> No.6496231

a bloke i used to work with always had a spoon of vegemite in hot water instead of a coffee

>> No.6496680

Marmite is delicious, thinly spread on hot buttered toast. Never tried vegemite, because I'm bonglish.

>> No.6496983

I did when I was a kid. But then I grew out of all spreads except peanut butter, and even that is the 100% peanuts peanut butter that would have made me gag when I was a kid.

I guess I also enjoy marmalade sometimes, come to think of it.

>> No.6496997

Americans eat plenty of yeast extract without realizing it. Its in cheese crackers and other prepackaged goods that want a cheesy taste.

I used to work for a brewer that sold it by the tanker car to companies like frito-lay.

>> No.6498885

>not spreading generously on crumpets or pikelets
>not eating the breakfast of champions

>> No.6498902

literally what

>> No.6498905


If you are too lazy to google it then I can't be bothered to explain it to you.

>> No.6498923

on phone and have gone thru monthly google rations already

>> No.6499228

Marmite and butter sandwiches on brown bread, applied thick.

Tastes like heaven. Was brought up on it.

I can't stomach Vegemite though. It tasted more like chemicals. The 'kick' is there but no intense beefy aftertaste.

>> No.6499232

Anything similar that is sold in US stores? I really want to try it.

>> No.6499235

i used to eat it every day when i was a student. haven't since then.

it's still great, i just don't eat toast very much anymore.

what the fuck does 'meme food' even mean in this context. marmite is over a century old you shitter.

>> No.6499269

i do the same with bovril, its delicious

>> No.6499279
File: 184 KB, 1024x768, Full Spectrum Dominance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6499281

marmite good https://youtu.be/XFpjLn3rIBM

>> No.6499284

>Spread generously

Utterly and without question always entirely wrong.

>or use it as a delicious meat glaze

Are you from the 80's and think microwaving chicken is a pretty neat idea or something?

>> No.6499286

Just go beast mode.

>> No.6499289
File: 101 KB, 768x1024, marmite stuffed crust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now intensely craving a Marmite stuffed crust cheese pizza

>> No.6499297
File: 367 KB, 1600x1195, marmeggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6499304

I'm an American and I love that shit, Vegemite too. Spread like a 1/4 cm of it onto a cheeseburger and enter heaven.

>> No.6499311


Black guy based reminder that you're not supposed to eat spoonfuls of it

>> No.6499423
File: 428 KB, 802x444, 1417458556234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to have cultured taste to appreciate the flavor. Go have some jam or some other sweet tasting crap.

>> No.6499434

my country run out of marmite recently because of an earthquake, shit sucked

but it's back now, I literally eat it everyday on toast or I add it to hot water with a caffeine pill instead of coffee (regional thing)

>> No.6499462

People who say they don't like it are doing it wrong.

>> No.6499480

Yeah they should totally stop hating what you like. You sure showed them with your cultured maturity.

>> No.6499543

boo fuckin' hoo

>> No.6499772

I want it.

>> No.6499807

that sounds like it would work well, i do the same with soy sauce and it's got the same sort of flavour kind of

>> No.6499932

It's pretty good. It has a nice umami flavor to it.

>> No.6500054

Vegemite a shit.
Marmite a best.

Try adding to stocks and sauces fora huge, instant umami kick

>> No.6500077


from what i remember, vegemite in aus is pretty much the same as marmite in the uk, but marmite in aus is shitty.

>> No.6500087

I put it in scrambled eggs.

>> No.6500091

I can't believe Kraft tricked so many people into eating brewing waste.

>> No.6500122

Why would people eat anything that Wasps make?

Also it's OK. I used to have Marmite sandwiches some days when I was at school ;-;