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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6493305 No.6493305 [Reply] [Original]

Beer General

What you drinking, drank, or plan on drinking?

This stuff is pretty good. Their version of those overrated hipster IPAs that are just hops. But I like those so I like this.

>> No.6493317


Cynicale is strictly better.

>> No.6493320

I didn't like Overrated, on the other hand fresh Abrasive is one of the best IPA's I've ever had.

>> No.6493337
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Never had this before and I'm digging it.

>> No.6493356
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san diego master race

>> No.6493361
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Grabbed one of these for the new game of thrones episode tonight

>> No.6493403
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Fresh Sucks sixes are around.

>> No.6493406

Just tries Indra kinindra, total shit. Lmk how yours taste

>> No.6493412

First beer I've ever poured. Hated the fuck out of it

>> No.6493414

Why are you drinking a winter beer now? Was it marked down to fuck or something?

>> No.6493415

Twin cities bro?

>> No.6493427


Ha, I just tried that at the Geek bar in Chicago the other day and it was much better than expected after seeing the can it comes in.

I regretted not trying the GoT cocktail where the glass is apparently dipped in pig's blood.

>> No.6493438

Yeah then don't try Indra, total shit, love their other beers, sculpin, pale

>> No.6493565

2 40s of colt 45

>> No.6493578

AZ. Got it in a beer trade.

>> No.6493583

>First beer I've ever poured.

Don't try hardcore IPAs and stouts/porters if you're this new.

>> No.6493646

Just trying new things.

>> No.6493835
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3 cans of this, 8%, $3NZD each

Tastes like metal and gym socks, but gets me drunk efficiently and almost as low cost as box wine. Can't go wrong really. It's basically a poor mans version of kingfisher strong. Made in India so you know it's quality.

Fuck all you hipster ipa drinking faggots. Also fuck every kind of dark beer (stouts, porters, etc), tastes like shit and way too 'heavy' to get drunk on. Might as well mix Baileys with pine needles if you're into that shit-tier filth.

I'll stick with real mans beer thank you very much. Poofter nancy's and their $10 a stubbie craft shit can fuck off.

>> No.6493851

Top kek, poverty getting you down?

>> No.6493943

Y'all negrids have 40so down there?

>> No.6494047

Why, yes. 48 actually.

>> No.6494675

>he drinks just to get drunk

>> No.6495782

Surly is good but isn't remotely worth the price.

It's like $14 for most of their 4-packs here, I can only imagine what it costs when they ship out of state.

>> No.6495923
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Polishing off the last bottle of Habanero Sculpin I got. It's a solid IPA and the spiciness is really strong but not overly. Gonna crack open a Two Hearted in a bit, never had that one before.

That is an exceptional porter, have you had it before?

Jealous, haven't seen any in my local stores. :^(

Indra is pretty bad in my opinion. I struggled to finish the 22 oz I got a while back. I like curry a lot but it was the aftertaste that really got to me. Burping up cinnamon/spices/curry shit really felt unnatural (from a beer at least). I can't say it's straight up shit because I've had worse stouts but I wouldn't drink that again even if someone paid me to. Victory At Sea is definitely way better.

>> No.6496048
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Dogfishhead 60 min IPA
>>pic unrelated

>> No.6496069
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elbow thread? elbow thread.

>> No.6496087
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Is her elbow a bent-over girl's ass

>> No.6496095

I love spicy food but can't handle spicy beer. There's a local brewery here that has a habanero saison, and I couldn't even finish a pint of it. The spiciness just kills it.

>> No.6496161

I was not clear in my post, I hated the Indra and the Victory At Sea is one of my favorite beers.

>> No.6496162

nothing is more overrated than stouts. beer elitist will give a 5/5 to anything that's hard to drink and has weird ingredients. ipas are just so damn tasty

>> No.6496166

I have the complete opposite opinion than yours.

>> No.6496236

your opinion is objectively wrong

>> No.6496315

Having myself a nice glass of Vanilla Java Porter from Atwater Brewery tonight. It's one of my go-to beers, but it's really one of those beers you can only have one or two in a night since it's more of a desert beer.

>> No.6496413
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Wow, this one was pretty good. It's really crisp and not in-your-face hoppy. 9/10, will buy repeatedly. Probably gonna drink a Kellerweis to round off the night.

>Habanero saison
That sounds good to be honest but I feel ya man. Spicy beers are hit or miss, usually miss. This one is nice, though the spiciness does kind of kill the hop flavor a tad. It's definitely not something you would session since I'd imagine the post beer shits would be painful.

>> No.6496418

>24 pack of 15 oz. Guinness cans
>26 dollars at costco

That's not a bad way to spend a weekend.

>> No.6496429

beers that big shouldnt be $1. you get what you pay for

>> No.6496437


I live in the Twin Cities and just visited the new Surly restaurant downtown. 10/10 would go again for the select beer they only sell on tap. But anyways it's like $8.99 for a 4 pack here man

>> No.6496445

Guinness isn't the best stout in the world but it can hold it's own among most craft dry stouts. At that price, it's hard to complain. Plus it's the only stout or porter I can drink a lot of without getting full or fatigued.

>> No.6496564
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Anyone had this? About to try one.

>> No.6496571

Yeah IK was pretty fucking bad. Their porter and stout are amazing though. Also grapefruit sculpin mmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.6496916
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This stuff here is nectar. Favorite beer by far. Good way to close off the day.

My brother in law had that when he went to Chicago. He loved the shit out of it. Probably gonna get a 6er of it this summer during a family visit to Chicago.

>> No.6497124

How should I start home brewing, /ck/? Is the Mr. Beer thing good for beginners? What's a hard to fuck up recipe I should start with?

>> No.6497169

I agree with this

>> No.6497185

I've only seen surly charge that much for their specialty brews like abrasive or coffee bender. MNbro here. Their bombers are another story. Fuck Darkness for being so good and expensive. Best IS I've ever had.

>> No.6497191

It was pretty good. Intense mint, vanilla, and anise flavor with a nice alcoholic kick to it. It's sweet as hell though. Probably gonna take me more than a week to drink them all.

>> No.6497206

This and narwhal are the only SN beers I buy anymore

>> No.6497232

have you had fulton's Worthy Adversary? It's a very impressive RIS.
kellerweis is a staple of my booze stock. it's one of my favorite beers to drink, by far.

>> No.6497248

I've got 3 bottles sitting in my basement right now. Fulton puts out great stuff. War and peace and Patience are always tempting to drop some money on every year

>> No.6497306

Just finished a big bottle of Elysian Omen. And not that it's fancy craft beer, but my local grocery store has started carrying four-packs of Kostritzer cans, the big half-liter ones, for six bucks, and I've been loving it.

>> No.6497381
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Got a 4 pack of Kirsch Gose on a recommendation....

I know I'll probably catch some heat for this. It's super fruity, tart. If you tasted it, you wouldn't even think it was a beer. But it's fucking delicious. It's so goddamn good it's unbelievable. Very tart, not super sweet, just a hint of that beer flavor. I swear I could drink like 20 of these if it wouldn't kill me.

>> No.6497409
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>sierra nevada

Jesus christ you guys are impoverished.

Colorado master race, so many good beers here, including Left Hand Milk Stout on Nitro

>> No.6497411
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Another Favorite of mine, Steam Engine Lager.

Best American Lager/Ale I've ever had.

>> No.6497418

You really think Left Handed is any different than Sierra Nevada / Anchor? They all put out pretty good beers, but you can get Left Handed all across the nation like the other guys. Don't be that guy and pretend just because it's widely available that it's bad.

>> No.6497439

>muh cult of obscurity

>> No.6497732

What are you even saying? Left Hand is super well known, especially in Colorado, and proably around the same price or maybe even cheaper than Anchor or Siera Nevada since you live in Colorado. Don't be such a self assuming pretentious dick. Your reasons for being superior don't even make any sense. Also, as others have said, Left Hand is widely available. Fucking moron.

You could have at least said Avery or something since they are generally more expensive.

>> No.6497823
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>> No.6497828
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>this thread
But beer isn't pretentious!

>> No.6497835

Whats a good Japanese beer?

I live in Japan and I've been trying a bunch of stuff.

Every Kirin I've had is shit, some Asahi are good, some Sapporo are good.

>> No.6497852

Hitachino and Echigo I guess? There's probably other stuff over there but it's what we get here in the US. I haven't been to Japan since I was a kid so I don't know what you guys have.

>> No.6497875

Hitachino Nest and Bairds are the only fancy beer breweries I see with international distrib. Never been to Japan, can't vouch for others.

>> No.6497881


>> No.6497885

just because it was in evangelion doesn't make it good

>> No.6497908
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You don't know how anime works

>> No.6497936
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Middle of the week so middle class haul tonight!

>> No.6497984
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Now summer is approaching these bad boys will be my main drink of choice.

I know you'll all despise me for not being a hipster, but my drink is still more refreshing than yours.

>> No.6497998

I just don't like strongbow. It's always been too sweet for me

>> No.6498018

They only stock the hard cider in my store. Wish I could try their other products.

>> No.6498049
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Nice hoppy lager, lots of citrus on the nose. Very pleasant surprise as i expected it to be a bad small batch beer!

>> No.6498266
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Homebrew Imperial Stout, 2 months on it soon, still slightly to heavy hop character on it, nice coffee tones though!

>> No.6498279
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Not very good sadly, hops seemed faded, not good for a "summer" beer as summer has not even arrived yet and already skunked!

>> No.6498295
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Nice. Definitely excited to pick some up then.

pls no bully

Hitachino is nice.

>more refreshing than a hefe
Debatable but a cold cider is definitely more refreshing than most beer. Kinda wish there were more selections of cider in my area.

>> No.6498302

beer isn't. people are

>> No.6498306

the japanese are good at many things. beer is not one of them

>> No.6498310

I wouldn't drink it even if it was good

>> No.6498330
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Picked these up today. Going for the barrel aged raspberry sour first. Not usually a fan of sours, but looking forward to this one.

>> No.6498338
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Also have these. Perpetual IPA is what I like to drink when I don't care.

>> No.6498342
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A round of whole new beers. Good ratings, fair prices.

>> No.6498344

That's just as bad as saying Americans are bad at beer
Just because you can't find the good stuff where you live doesn't make you right

>> No.6498381
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I did curse some at the naming scheme, probably sjw brewers behind it, still nice beer though!

Seems like brewdog has finally regained control on their brewery, last batch i tried was horrible, this one is getting back to where they where, decent low cost IPA.

>> No.6498467
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One of the best local lagers for sure!

>> No.6498478
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Somewhat boring pale ale, not enough going on. Very clean though as expected from such a large producer of lagers!

>> No.6498487
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Latest homebrew, Imperial IPA with the Conan yeast from Heady topper, must have fucked up at some point as it is very bland compared to the last batch of the same recipe with another yeast. Disappointed as hell right now!

>> No.6498514

boulevard brewing - the calling

anchorage brewing - anadromous

4hands brewing - contact high

stone brewing co - chai spiced imperial russian stout

evil twin brewing - mosaic single hop imperial india pale american wheat lager

o'dell - brazzle

stone brewing - delicious ipa

alpine beer co - pure hoppiness

side project - la biere de fantaisie

perennial artisan ales - peach berliner weisse (taproom only) spontaneous fermentation turned it sour, and it was even better tasting than previous iterations.

>> No.6498525

very nice glassware sir.

>> No.6498528

Looks pretty though.

>> No.6498549

Lookswise it is my ideal imperial IPA, nice haze from all the dry hop and proper coloring from some slight additions of crystal malts. Nothing wrong there. Problems come when the room is not filled with hop aromas as it should be, i figure i fermented it to warm and managed to kill most hop aromas in the process!

>> No.6498551

I think I had that raspberry sour at the SF international beer fest this last weekend. I was purty drunk though, so not sure if I liked it.

>> No.6498555

>Drinking weird abbreviations in cans

Is this something new? I'm still drinking Belgian and Dutch triples and not getting bored of it any time soon.

>> No.6498558

Go fuck yourself. There's around a hundred brewers in the Bay Area; it's not pretentious to take advantage of it. Just because you live in a shit hole flyover state that just thinks sierra nevada is exotic doesn't make variety giving a shit about micro-brews pretentious.

>> No.6498571

Let me know how the Evil Twin is. I've never had anything by them I really liked.

>> No.6498618

>he doesn't have variety in his beer choices

>> No.6498665

lmao strongbow is piss.

>> No.6498692
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So far so good. Smells pretty good too.

>> No.6498736
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Citrus nose, kinda floral. Little bit of sweetness, kinda of dry, and a bitter aftertaste. 10.99 for a pounder pack, I'm not too upset.

>> No.6498752

I'm a big fan of the Bender, and the other forms it comes in. I have yet to see the new brew house.

>> No.6498871
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I'd like to think I'm not a pleb. I like Imperials, and coffee stouts and porters are usually my favorite beers, but I swear this shit tastes like paint thinner with a shot of espresso in it. Didn't enjoy it at all.

>> No.6498907

Same. I wanted to wait til summer so the beer garden was open but I still have yet to go

>> No.6498938

The Bruery Sour in the Rye
and Avery Brewing Sour Raspberry
Both are quite good. I love wild ales.

>> No.6499039

Definitely try Smog City Coffee Porter or BP Victory At Sea, they blow the fuck out of High West imo.

>> No.6499133
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Tasty but watery. Great vanilla aroma.

>> No.6499139

1. There are more craft breweries per capita in flyoverland than in the bay area
2. Caring about what you drink, and being an insufferable jackass about it, like you're being, are rather different and only an insufferable jackass like you would pretend there's no middle ground
3. If this is pissing contest about cities, my city is more important than yours, the actually important one near yours (aka SF where I'm pretty sure you don't live), or for that matter any other city on the planet, in the history of civilization. Not that it makes my opinion any more valid, but you don't even want to go there unless you enjoy getting btfo

>> No.6499443

Drinking an Aprihop right now. I hate Dogfish Head brews, not that they're bad but they're never as good as I think they'll be.

>> No.6499471
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>my city is more important than yours, the actually important one near yours (aka SF where I'm pretty sure you don't live), or for that matter any other city on the planet, in the history of civilization.

>> No.6499502

it's like he came here from reddit cause they wouldnt give him upvotes for being a cunt lol

>> No.6499506

60, 90, IBA, Burton Baton, and Palo Santo are all as good as they sound/people say they are. As for their seasonal stuff, for some reason it is all mediocre.

I personally love all of the ancient ale series, even though they are't always very good they are always fun/a novelty to purchase and drink. Then there is 120 minute, World Wide Stout, and Olde School are always great, and pretty much any of their rotating single bottle (11 or 22oz or whatever) are normally pretty alright to.

I agree that they could be seen as "never as good as they seem. Overall though I think they are a really talented brewery that gets this weird flak for being "gimmicky" and it is cool to hate them in some circles, which is absurd.

>> No.6499602

B.C. scum here
trying out a couple things from parallel 49 brewing
the watermelon seed spitter was okay,a little bit light on flavour and had this kinda funky aroma, but was easy drinking and pretty refreshing, more like eating the watermelon rind than the actual fruit.
trying out the jerkface9000 tonight, not entirely sure what to expect from it, anyone had it?

>> No.6499796
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Shiva IPA from Asheville Brewing Company

>> No.6499867
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It's fucking garbage, you're not wrong.

So is this. I knew I shouldn't have gotten one. Fuck Shiner.

>> No.6500104
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Finally got Sucks sixers in NJ.
So fucking tasty when fresh.

>> No.6500156
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Heading to Atlantic City next week. I know of AC Bottle Company. Any other spots I should hit on my trip?

>> No.6500167

ApriHop is one of their weirder brews. I really like it even though it gets flak for being gimmicky or w/e. Though any of their Minute IPAs vary from good (60, 75) to amazing (90, 120) and definitely deserve the good word people say about them.

>> No.6500169

Don't expect good beer in AC, prices are crazy high for the most available beers. Expect $10+ for a Heineken.
NJ in general has Carton > Kane > Forgotten Boardwalk > Cape May and a few others, but those are the best.

>> No.6500175

I actually didn't even look at the chart you posted. Those prices are fine, and you should try all those beers since they're fresh and solid offerings.

>> No.6500192
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I go twice a year. The Tropicana has a decent beer list. I don't expect much, just wondering if there was a gem I'm missing.

>> No.6500203
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11:12PM EST on a boring Tuesday night, pic related, it's nothing fancy nor is it intended to be.

>> No.6500208

i'll drink anything thats cheap.
i dont drink for the taste, because all beer taste like shit. i drink to get drunk, or at very least, buzzed

>> No.6500210

Definitely try Ruination, Grapefruit Sculpin (really good), and Sofie.

>> No.6500242
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Just drinking the last bottle of this I had in the beer fridge. Really nice. Probably gonna pick up a 22oz or another 4 pack of it, unless I can find a 6er of Lagunitas Sucks.

>> No.6500270

That's my local spot. Of course I've had those. Hit me with your untappd if want a NE beer junkie friend. That goes for everyone ITT.

>> No.6500309

General question, a co-worker of mine gave me a 3 year bottle of Lagunitas Gnarleywine the day before yesterday. Should I let it age more or crack it open this weekend? Note, I've never had a barleywine before so I'd really hate if I did open it eventually and I didn't like it.

>> No.6500374

I would drink it now. I doubt you would get much more character out of it if made older. All the hop profile is probably gone and the alcohol mellowed out.

I don't really understand aging Barleywines. The hops are such a big part of the style.

>> No.6500402

I'm drinking Yuengling because it's the cheapest shit i can tolerate and it comes in 24s. Ayy lmao

>> No.6500544

yeah idk why /ck/ likes lagunitas so much. I had a suga a week ago and it tasted like shit

>> No.6500577

Cheap and they all kind of taste the same.

>> No.6500650

Maybe because Shugga was released in like November?

>> No.6500813
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Had a few of these tonight for the first time. I'll be sticking with it for a while.

>> No.6501093

You'd probably like Founders Dirty Bastard and Backwoods Bastard, if you haven't had them already.

>> No.6501101

I thought you neckbeards hated the "censorship", now you're saying you like it? Why is 4chan so tsundere for Reddit

>> No.6501190
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Help, I can't stop drinking this stuff, it's so damned nice.

It's not even good quality I can just drink it like water.

>> No.6501196
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>tfw these threads are always American circlejerks but I just want to talk about European beers and ales

>> No.6501197
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European beer is obsolete, we 100+ IBU now. I've only ever tasted Becks and Heineken therefore I know everything about the world outside my midwestern US suburb.

>> No.6501666

>I could talk about European beer but I'll shitpost about Americans instead

>> No.6501674


I drank European beer once and it made me gay.

>> No.6501992

I like the European beers that can somehow make it to my end of the woods (SoCal). Taddy Porter and Westmalle Tripel are pretty great imo.

>> No.6502058

Most of us are american. Stop being a faggot though and post whatever beer you want

>> No.6502118
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Went off to Disney World and tried one of these.
It was amazing my dad went out and bought a case and the family loves it.

>> No.6502379

Really like that stuff, but I get Shiners ruby red bird because it has more of a kick (higher ABV)

>> No.6502389

Minnesota beer friends need to try Insights sauv blanc saison. So fresh

>> No.6502400

Grabbed a 24 of this for my day off. On my 6th beer now. I like it, good price too.

>> No.6502412

Been meaning to check out insight. I've only heard good things. I love that most breweries around here have saisons on the ready. One of my favorite styles

>> No.6502563

My gf lives 2 blocks away


>> No.6502673

Sik. I'm out in burnsville so right now I'm hoping that new lakeville brewery is a goodin

>> No.6503297

Please post when some Teutophile starts bunging on about
>muh pure German beer by law not shit American beer with wacky ingredients

>> No.6503891
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Just finished my last two bottles of this. So sad. ;_;

Probably gonna pick up another 6er of this, Sucks, Grapefruit Sculpin, along with a 22oz of Old Rasputin, Victory at Sea, or Peanut Butter/Horchata Stout.

>> No.6504942

im gonna buy you another beer glass

>> No.6505155

Seriously ditch the pint glass.

>> No.6505175

>pint glass
Why? Currently drinking a PINNER from Oskar Blues. Got it as a single can but I want to go buy six of them if I can find em.

>> No.6505308

pls no bully

It's also the only proper clear glass I have and I don't think it's too kosher to drink out of coffee mugs or a shaker bottle.

>> No.6505315

I've seen tulip glasses at the dollar store, just saying.

>> No.6505322

Don't listen to these fags. The pint glass is the all-purpose beer glass, if you don't have anything else it's perfectly acceptable to use.

>> No.6505323

Nothing wrong with a pint glass. Drink your beer however you want

>> No.6505564
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Finally tried Guinness Foreign Extra. Seemed like a stronger, more roasted version of Original.

I'd need to compare them side by side to decide which is best but Dublin Porter is the worst by far.

>> No.6505859

San miguel.
taking it easy tonight as there was blood when I wiped this morning at work.

>> No.6505866

currently have an amber ale carbonating, only my 2nd batch

its only been 5 days but I want to crack one open just to see if its close enough

>> No.6505873

patience is key, the longer you wait the better your beer will be. even after carbonation is complete the yeast will eat away at the byproducts caused during fermentation and will make your beer taste better

that being said there is no harm is opening one up and trying it, if it isnt ready put a little more priming sugar in it and recap it

>> No.6505937

If it's red, don't worry too much. Black is the killer

>> No.6505970

i was riding around doing deliveries for work today, and noticed a number of gas stations selling 25oz rolling rock cans for $1.

i've had 5 of those, and plan on taking up that deal any time i get the chance.

>> No.6506625
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This is pretty dope. I love Mosaic hops.