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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 275 KB, 550x550, fish-sandwich-cape-cod-SQUARE2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6487869 No.6487869[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New feature for /ck/ I dreamt up.

Basically, every week we'll have a new theme for sandwich making and everyone will post their own OC sandwiches based on that theme along with the details on the journey they took to finish the sandwich. Bread makers welcome!


>> No.6487879 [DELETED] 


This is what Aoili is in case you're confusing.
Find stuff is tastes good with!

>> No.6487883
File: 155 KB, 1024x768, Aioli-and-Sweet-Potato-Skins-2-Watermark1-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6487869 (OP) #
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZTP3c0j7zc [Embed]

This is what Aoili is in case you're confused.
Find stuff is tastes good with!

>> No.6487889
File: 20 KB, 450x255, elgars fave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my entry.
I named it Edgar's Own, named for the quality of the threads Edgar posts.

>> No.6487927

came from /fit/ just to say this is a great idea. probably use my one meal of the month that goes against my diet on something like this. will post photos when I put it all together.

>> No.6487937

please kill yourself you shitposting fucking tripfag

>> No.6487940

Edgar stahp.

>> No.6488037

Who is Edgar and why do we hate him?

>> No.6488043

He's an annoying gay attention whore that tripfags for no reason. He's incredibly self righteous and smug. He manages to make every single post of his annoying.

>> No.6488045

Thanks for the support. Everyone do their best!

>> No.6488048

Oh no he's "BI" remember? Get it right before he starts pepping up about it again. My god what a fag

>> No.6488052

Oh of course I know. Last week he mentioned it pretty much every post. I just like calling him gay more. Yeah he is a faggot, but not because he's gay. Don't let him play the oppression or bullied card.

>> No.6488059

"Wah wah wah, blah blah blah"
That's all I hear about his *oppression* no one gives a flying fuck about how he feels as a person on an anonymous cooking board. I hope he understands that and if he doesn't, hopefully he does now. They made tumbler for blogs - he's worse than sceak IMO, I'd trade

>> No.6488061

Well I think the best part is that if he just took his trip code off and stopped talking about how he's "bi" then most likely no one would hate him.

>> No.6488073

Why does it seem like every thread and post in the past week has been about this "edgar" fellow. I think thou does't protest too much. You faglords have managed to derail a whole OC thread by talking about a single tripfag. You idiots.

>> No.6488080

Yeah, but he made it. And he copied a real thread. This is just a pathetic attempt to gain attention. >>6487902 is the real thread.

>> No.6488083

You're right. It pissed me off but Im used to /ck/ disappointing me.

>> No.6488085

Well we're used to you being a faggot, but we still want you to go away.

>> No.6488086

I copied a thread made 17 minutes after mine?

>> No.6488089

I'm a bit amateur but I'll try it out.
It'll probably end up on toasted white bread though.

>> No.6488091

You should probably leave, or kill yourself.
Either way there are other boards that suit your "unique" kind of faggotry more than a cooking board ever could.
I suggest you start at >>>/adv/

>> No.6488100
File: 12 KB, 150x150, roasted_habaneros-150x150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm deffinetly going to use roasted habaneros in my sandwich, tastes so fucking good.

>> No.6488102
File: 57 KB, 841x575, delete_me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A while ago I wrote a randomized sandwich making script, but I need more ingredients and any kind of suggestions for improvement

>> No.6488118

hey i dont like mayonaisse either

>> No.6488124
File: 53 KB, 360x200, Faggots-Faggots-everywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why all the trip and name fags?

>> No.6488131

oh shoot, I completely forgot mayonnaise

>> No.6488153

nooo i dont like mayonaisse!!

>> No.6488157


>> No.6488176
File: 31 KB, 592x737, delete_me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mayo and avocado added

>> No.6488178

Potato bread
Ramen 'bun'
English muffin
Pretzel roll
Turkey breast
Andalouse sauce
Honey mustard
Sour cream
Black bean spread
Garlic oil
Hoisin sauce
Chili paste
Maple syrup
Peanut sauce
Grated ginger
Cranberry spread
Bok choy
Cole slaw
Aged Cheddar
Goat cheese
Blue cheese
Smoked cheese
Panini press it
Lettuce wrap
Herb garnish (rosemary spear? basil leaves?)
Artichoke hearts
Carrot shreds
Curry powder

>> No.6488182


peanut butter (and jelly?) [a seperate subroutine for sweet sandwiches like peanut and bananas]

>> No.6488187

oh wait you have banana (peppers?)

some jalapenos,

>> No.6488190

ramen bun? Like a brick of uncooked top ramen?

>> No.6488195

>panini press it

or cuban sandwich!

>> No.6488197

No, you cook the ramen like normal, but then after the noodles are done you let them drain, and cool. After they're room temp you coat with an egg mix, stick in the fridge like 15 minutes in a ramekin with plastic wrap on top (which you then place a can on)... or you can just shape into a patty and weigh down on a normal plate. After it's patty shaped you fry it to get it warm again so it's browned and not so eggy. Voila.
There's a better recipe out there that can give you exact measurements but it's not that hard.

>> No.6488200

underrated post :^)

>> No.6488202

A sweet routine would be good. Needs to have like whipped cream, nutella, condensed milk... mm.

>> No.6488208

Someone *cough cough* is copy and pasting from the other thread onto this one.

>> No.6488212

We don't know and they won't go away.

>> No.6488214

someone is literally copy pasting our comments into the sandwich thread the anonymous idiot copiedd. qhat the fuck?

>> No.6488218

Edgar here. Some guy on this board is obsessed with hating me and wastes all his time harassing me. It's sad and as a compassionate person I say let him iron out his impotency hdre instead of out in the real world.

>> No.6488219
File: 80 KB, 884x805, delete_me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll have to think about that, separating sandwiches into categories

that'll take some thought

>> No.6488228

>I say let him iron out his impotency here instead of out in the real world.
Haha, well put.

>> No.6488230

even vegtable subroutines like how you'd cut them, and whether or not you'd cook them
(as opposed to having several loose onion options in your list)

>> No.6488246

separating sweet sandwiches from nonsweet ones makes sense, because sweet ingredients will almost never work with non sweet, but adding extra clauses just for how to cook the vegetable seems unnecessarily complex. Why no just list the few extra options manually?

>> No.6488371

Bump because he told me to