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6486709 No.6486709 [Reply] [Original]

On June 11, the Hispanic owners of a barbecue restaurant plan to offer a 10 percent discount to all white customers and no one else. Originally a joke, the owners have decided to go through with the idea, though they know it might anger some. VPC


>> No.6486713

>let's appreciate our best customers
i see no problem with this

>> No.6486716
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are they going to make the food 10% blander to suit the clientele?

>> No.6486718

Watch him give everyone the discount. This is sneaky pedros way to drum up business

>> No.6486721

>mfw no white people show up for fear of being seen attending a racist hate rally

>> No.6486722

It seems like that should be illegal in most of the US, but bars often offer different prices based on gender (e.g., no cover charge for women), and it would be weird to allow businesses to discriminate against customers based on gender but not on ethnicity or skin tone.

>> No.6486723


but those are white people that run the place

>> No.6486724

Mexicans know who their true masters are.
other minorities should take notice.

>> No.6486730

>affirmative action is a thing
>hiring quotas are a thing
>preferential treatment in college admissions is a thing
>black business discriminate against customers
>but dis beez illegal nomesayin gibs me dem tacos you pussy ass spic

>> No.6486753

I live an hour away from here. Should I go and get my cheat meat?

>> No.6486826

The Latino population, already the nation’s largest minority group, will triple in size and will account for most of the nation’s population growth from 2005 through 2050. Hispanics will make up 29% of the U.S. population in 2050, compared with 14% in 2005.

Births in the United States will play a growing role in Hispanic and Asian population growth; as a result, a smaller proportion of both groups will be foreign-born in 2050 than is the case now.

The non-Hispanic white population will increase more slowly than other racial and ethnic groups; whites will become a minority (47%) by 2050.

>mfw doing my part, my kids will have glorious Filipino, French, and English blood coursing through their veins.

Hope those tacos ain't too caliente por los gueros.

>> No.6486831


>Measures put in place to try and balance out historical practices of discrimination in hiring and academic admissions are the same thing as a powerful majority discriminating against minorities for the sole purpose of keeping them out of your special clubs

R/whiterights pls go

>> No.6486837

>we are all equal
0/10 try again yumblerina

>> No.6486854

We have 40 years of data showing that affirmative action not only doesn't work, but makes things worse.

>> No.6486858
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>We have

yes we do
both of us
go back to /pol/

>> No.6486870


>le pretending we're all equal meme
>ignoring the ongoing systemic discrimination that ensures we are not at all equal

Making everything equal doesn't do anything as long as white people retain their unearned advantages.

>> No.6486878

I'm pretty sure you can't charge people differently for the same product based on physical characteristic of the customer.

But then again some places offer discount for women and stuff.

Still if the owner wants to show "white appreciation" this should probably be done by different means than discount. I'm pretty sure black people don't get discounts during black history month.

>> No.6486883

How are they unearned when white people invented all this shit.

It is literally earned

>subuhumans like you continue to waste oxygen

>> No.6486892

It's nice to see an ethnic minority try to integrate with the majority by cozying up to them for once.

The blacks are doing it all wrong by choosing to isolate themselves. They could learn a lot from the Mexicans (this and also how to hold a job).

I love my Mexican brethren, even if they do smell a little weird


>> No.6486915


>> No.6486927
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Holy shit you're a faggot. So you want to government to take things away from white people for the crime of being white? What is it that you people want???
Just like a "Feminist", even if you say Ok, you win now what the fuck do you want??

Uhh...I want more women in video games!
Uhhh...I want men to stop talking to me, I mean unless I think he's hot and I want him to, then he should

They will never stop whining and complaining, ever. Nothing is ever good enough. Just like people like you bitching about how white people have all these advantages, nothing will ever appease you.

Do you want the police state to arrest anyone found being too white and "advantaged". Being white has so far, gotten me jack shit.

Bullshit. You can give someone a Senior citizen discount based on their looks alone. If they look over 55 to you, bam. Discount. I don't hear any morons on CBS crying about how "It shud b 4 da whole communtee :(" When they get their fucking senior citizen discount, or discount for women on ladies nights at bars, or discounts for parents. If the guy wants to have White appreciation day, fucking let him and shut up about it, it's not even a big deal.

The butthurt from liberals up there must be glorious. I'd eat there on that day if I was around.

>> No.6486941

Enjoy your black dindu doctors that shouldn't have gone to medical school in the first place. Bonus: unemployed more intelligent more capable white person that didn't make the cut because of affirmative action. Yet somehow I'm the racist for thinking this way.

>> No.6486948

This guy has it right. Keep fighting the good fight!

>> No.6486954

>tate courts in California, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin have ruled that ladies' night discounts are unlawful gender discrimination under state or local statutes.

>> No.6486956

>tfw fresh off the donkey mexicans are smarter than blacks

>> No.6487227

>what are outdated jokes for 400

>> No.6487237

The only problem I can see with this is that there are many non-whites and mixed people that look very white.

There are latinos that look white, jews that look white, Native Americans that look white, and mixed-race people who lean heavily towards the white side.

How do you make sure the discount doesn't go to them by mistake?

>> No.6487930

I don't intend to argue with you, as I think it will get neither of us anywhere.

I just would like you to consider what being white has done for you in all your interactions with others and institutions throughout your life. Consider how something as simple as the color of your skin has shaped your life experiences

>> No.6488041

Blind fool, they are working their way up to be the next whites. Go back in time a while and the idea of Italians being considered really white would have been quite strange and wrong to a lot of people. They're white now. Same will happen with Mexicans, screencap this post now.

>> No.6488065

OK I screen capped it. If you're wrong I'll be back to yell at you on /ck/ one day. I doubt you'll be here though.

>> No.6488071


Black people gonna burn down the city, stay safe OP.

>> No.6488226
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don't fall for it

>> No.6488250
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>> No.6488301

No, but they're gonna accept food stamps to celebrate black history month.

>> No.6488373

fucking uncle juans

>> No.6488398

I live near this restaurant. They also have a black appreciation day in February (black history month) and several senior appreciation days.
I see no problem with a white customer appreciation day.

>> No.6488404

I find it hilarious to see white people getting mad over affirmative action when they use it all the time for their own aims
>you must be this white to get into UC Berkeley
>you must be this Protestant to get into Harvard
>test scores and GPA prove how smart you are, until it seemed like Asians and Jews are smarter o noes it must be because the numbers must be flawed
Topkek, you will be extinct in 3 generations and nothing of value was lost
Inb4 but at least we're not black. Yes, at least that ^_^

>> No.6488423


>> No.6488476
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>> No.6488488

Anyone else see the ghost standing on the porch in the 2nd picture?

>> No.6488501

The PC term is 'spook', racist.

>> No.6488517
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Any one else think this is from the genius mind of Nathan Fielder?

>> No.6488520

Muh bad.

>> No.6488548
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It sounds like a silly gimmick to drum up business, but it'll be interesting to see what happens to someone who dares to stand up for whites in a minority controlled 'everyones a special snowflake' country such as the US.

Indiana's already getting tons of shit for letting businesses discriminate based on religion, but its a bold move and one I applaud. Private businesses should be able to tell anyone they want to get the fuck out of thier store.

>> No.6488555

>white people can't take a joke again

>> No.6488608

>I don't understand how businesses work

In order to keep unfair discrimination going you have to pass laws to STOP businesses from serving the groups you don't like. It literally works in the exact opposite way than you think it does.

>balance out historical practices of discrimination
By enforcing more unfair discrimination, thereby meaning that people admitted through this discriminatory process are less qualified than those admitted in spite of it, creating an actual noticeable difference between the quality of members of these groups and therefore causing people to have a good reason to become more discriminatory?

>> No.6488653

What happened in this pic?

Honestly, this place sounds nice. They're celebrating its customers' heritage.

>> No.6488663

Is there an Asian month?

Do they even get a lot of Asians?

>> No.6488665

I can't believe y'all aren't talking about the name of this place- Rubbin Butts.

>> No.6488673

His joke was on the same level as yours. Why can't you take it?

>> No.6488832
File: 2.61 MB, 400x400, complete whore.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6489122

I predict their business will get shut down/bankrupt within a year.

>> No.6489843

>Mexican guy makes a white appreciation day because he feels like it
>Is now a klan lord and being shooped to look whiter

Why are mexicans only white when they aren't being progressive?

>> No.6490120

>What happened in this pic?
They are two completely different pairs of houses. If you look at the fences, you'll see a pretty strong clue to that, and looking at some other details it becomes clear.

The right house in the 2012 photo apparently had a fire or something.

>> No.6490127

Because the left wing thinks they own all blacks and hispanics, and when one tries to leave the "liberal plantation" the left has to demonize that person.

>> No.6490133

Maybe. Depends on whether they follow through on this.

Price discrimination based on race is treated very differently from age-related discounts (everyone grows old, unless of course they croak first) or even ladies-night discounts (bars trying to lure women in so that they can lure men in too). The restaurant is not going to be allowed to do this.

>> No.6490646


fuck off jungle asian shit skin.. you guys are hated by real asians

>> No.6490655

I'm sorry but literally only filipino's think their attractive. The women can be okay but the men are permanently stuck as 15 year olds and are basically a meshing of the worst aspects of two cultures.

>> No.6490667

>mfw my dads name is juan and is paper white and not spanish looking
people dont even believe him when he tells him his real name is juan.

>> No.6490798

Good for him. Equal opportunity for everyone, including whites.
Fuck the shithole SJWs, they're worse than the fucking brownshirts were.

>> No.6492389

Ha, that was a pretty subtle joke there, /pol/.