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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 303 KB, 918x1632, beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6486385 No.6486385 [Reply] [Original]

What are we drinking tonight, boys?

>ITT: Friday night drinking general

>> No.6486395

The cheapest hobo wine I can find.

>> No.6486400

go get maccas and run over someone cunt

>> No.6486404

I absolutely fucking love good beer but I'm too scared to get fat. So I only drink like twice a month. Hold me cu/ck/s.

>> No.6486424
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Apple and rosemary flavored carbonated water.

>> No.6486459
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Voll Damm

>> No.6486894

Go to the gym, you faggot.

>> No.6486901

Had a thwaites 13 guns IPA...was p. good

Then a Mikkeller American Dream, which was okay but not great.

>> No.6486903
File: 99 KB, 586x293, 586x293BeerHere-VelveteenHabit2-crRobinShepard02052015[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grocery store finally started stocking this, it's a seasonal IPA from Ale Asylum brewing out of Madison, WI. One of the best IPA's I've had in a long time

>> No.6486904
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Dunno yet.

>> No.6486917

never thought I'd see Camden Brewery on /ck/, their lager is good too

red wine for me, Grey Fox

>> No.6486925

gross this reminds me of the fridge at those normalfag parties my friends forces me to go with him to

>> No.6487039

Dogfish head 90 minute IPA.

>> No.6487042

>he doesn't have a beer fridge
>he doesn't collect different types of beer

>> No.6487057
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Canadian Club. Hanging out at the chiropractor's office my gf works at. This stemless wine glass is the closest i could fine to a liquor glass

>> No.6487058
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It's ok I suppose

>> No.6487065
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I drunk a few of these last night

>> No.6487066

cheapest hard cider i can find

>> No.6487068
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only the finest gas station tall boys

>> No.6487072
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Rockin a Jew beer now

>> No.6487079
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pours pretty nice as well

>> No.6487125

Hello malty peaters.

Say lads, do you know if Ralfy does have a gold standard bottle that uses to measure the quality of other whisky?

>> No.6487128


Forgot drink.

Gonna be drinking some Chivas 12.

>> No.6487144
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My sweet sweet absinthe.

>> No.6487159

Too many memebeers

>> No.6487161
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Bought some cheap stuff myself. Meh. Maybe next time I'll shell out a couple more bucks. Got bills to pay.

>> No.6487164

I just started in on some Beam single barrel
after that, Kellerweis, and I'll see what I feel like after that. Maybe do that last bottle of La Trappe

>> No.6487196
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Lots and lots or percocet. Also 4x bottles of pic related are staring at me, but I probably shouldn't.

Oh, wisdom teeth, you cray. Was NPO or a while, and now can't eat anything as well, /ck/. T-T so hungry...

>> No.6487200

That glass looks like it was scooped in a swamp. Ugh!

>> No.6487273

Understandable my friend. As long as you got something to drink right now. May there be better bottles in your future! But for now, enjoy the moment

>> No.6487310

>he doesn't drink unfiltered beers

>> No.6487323
File: 1.44 MB, 2448x3264, 2015-05-08 20.16.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unlabled homebrew

The Weizenbier kit from Brewers Best- first batch ever. Shit is delicious yo.

>> No.6487327

MagicHat #9

never hat it before (kek) but it's an odd tasting brew. Tastes like a mix between a Budweiser, a really light pale ale and a berry-shandy.

Kinda pleasant actually.

>> No.6487346
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My girlfriend wants me to make French 75' with pear for her birthday but Im having trouble finding pear juice/puree that isnt baby food. Is it worth it to make the puree myself?

>> No.6487354

wasn't aware it was a meme beer

they had it on tap at the pub I was at last night

>> No.6487371

totelly breh

>> No.6487408

Sam Adams Summer Ale. It's not bad.

>> No.6487454
File: 1.76 MB, 3264x2448, 20150508_175619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking some home brewed all mosaic IPA.. first time with this hop and it's amazing. So much flavor and aroma is incredible.

>> No.6487457
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>> No.6487459
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Had this for the first time just now. It's a really nice brew and I'm glad this is sold everywhere in Southern California. Always saw it and never really felt compelled to try it.

Also had a Sierra Nevada Hefeweizen before this. I really like that beer too, probably my favorite actually.

>> No.6487469

Drinking alone with my only friends Jim Beam, Glen Morangie, and Captain Morgan

>> No.6487477
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You're with us though Anonymous!


>> No.6487483

Having a bottle of Founders All Day IPA. I've got a bottle of ControversiALE from Shorts in the fridge for later, along with a bottle of Dark Horse's Raspberry Ale that I might have tomorrow.

>> No.6487516
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I also tried Lagunitas' Little Sumpin' Sumpin' today. I expected the overwhelming hoppiness from their many delicious IPA styles, but I thought wheat beers were supposed to be sweeter (not to mention unfiltered). Rather disappointed, though now I know that if I want hoppy, I'm going to them.

Pic related is also a godly dessert.

>> No.6487523


>> No.6487529


Percocet and port has such a nice alliterative ring though.

>> No.6487547

What's the best thing to mix cheap scotch with?

>> No.6487572

>Liquid Bliss
Fuck you, they don't have those anywhere in my area. ;_;

More scotch of course.

>> No.6487577
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$6.50 for a 6er at Spec's

not as good as dirty bastard but well worth the money.

>> No.6487579

Tears. Sorrow. This misgivings of a misspent life.

>> No.6487581

I had two bottles of Kellerweis tonight. It's such a pleasant beer.

>> No.6487585

>Fuck you, they don't have those anywhere in my area. ;_;
DuClaw's Sweet Baby Jesus tastes almost exactly identical. Don't believe beeradvocate they're full of shit

>> No.6487587

Bud Ice is the shit. The other two dump them in the sink!

>> No.6487592

Aristocrat 100 proof vodka, Coke Zero, and several 4mg Xanax. Got the hydrocodone from 5 5mg vicodins which I stripped the acetaminophen from. Thinking about drinking it all own after this next vodka shot.

>> No.6487599

Fair enough.
Jokes on you faget, I already tried those.

>> No.6487600


I finished my last exam of undergrad and feel like I deserve to get housed, but wanted something better than bud or coors without going broke.

I love it

>> No.6487601

4loko is the shit when it comes to quick, cheap drunks.

>> No.6487602

try not going to memebars

>> No.6487627

I use to chug them years ago. Then I thought, I like to enjoy the taste of my alcohol. Steel Reserve is not that bad though, not my cup of tea, but there are better beers.

>> No.6487633

It really is. I feel like it's a bit under appreciated in my area since it seems like it's always on sale. Whatever, more for me to enjoy and hoard. :^)

I'll give it try, still gonna look for that there Liquid Bliss though.
>trusting BA
They're the ones who think Fancy Lawnmower is just alright when it's really top tier stuff.

>> No.6487634

Looks flat as fuck, and it's jewish. Literally -2/10 would not view image of again

>> No.6487638
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Pretty much the cheapest I can get around here that's still drinkable.

>> No.6487644
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I fucking love gin and this is not bad at all for the price. Tbh it's kind of hard to make undrinkable gin

>> No.6487663

it would be hilarious if that was one of those 11.2 oz bottles.

>> No.6487707
File: 283 KB, 960x1280, IMG_0183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im tastin the rainbrow

>> No.6487710


fuck gin who the fuck wants to drink a fucking christmas tree that shit makes me want to yak

>> No.6487717
File: 66 KB, 373x800, Goslings-Black-Seal-Rum-Bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

& pepsi

>> No.6487718

Shut up, homo

>> No.6487724

shut up grandpa the only people who drink gin are grandpas you fucking grandpa

>> No.6487737

Would you two just fuck already?

>> No.6487781
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I have to work in the AM, so I limit myself to two of these. Probably going to mix up a bloody mary because I have all the ingredients, including horseradish.

>> No.6487785

I hope you have no plans for tomorrow...

>> No.6487789

so many plans

>> No.6487799

You'll feel even worse when you accomplish nothing tomorrow. Do yourself a favor and clear your schedule. You're not doing shit tomorrow.

>> No.6487801

minnesotafag detected!

>> No.6487802


im going to cut the grass motherfucker

>> No.6487806

Have fun.

>> No.6487814


my alone in my dark bedroom drink of choice

>> No.6488049
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$8.99 over here

I forgot to wash the can and now I can taste the build up of dirt on the rim. Damn.

>> No.6488060

so good

>> No.6488067
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If you like the texture, soft scrambled eggs or beans slow cooked for a while we're filling and a life saver during a few oral surgeries I've had.
Lil Sumpin Extra is better.
Water and lots of ice, maybe a squeeze of lemon.
Regret, almost as much as >>6487707 >>6487802

Local stuff plus Westbrook. Thank God summer is here.

>> No.6488074

gonna second amaretto. alone, cheap scotch is lame. A godfather, however, is a good cocktail.

>> No.6488259

lmao in London I've seen their Dale's Pale Ale on sale for £4 ($6.18) per can, needless to say I didn't think it would be at all worth it.

Annoying thing is that even if you live close to the brewery in the UK, the cheapest you'll get a sixpack of craft beers for is like $16. Not sure why, maybe our alcohol tax is higher.

>> No.6488262

Leffe royale

>> No.6488977
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Can we extend to Saturday?

Britfag here, I found this a little while ago, it's actually really nice. It has the taste of a lager, but the heather gives it a floral sort of thing to it. I'm not a beer snob, I don't know the real terms.

Also it's weird rinking a beer where the hops are barely even noticeable.

>> No.6489934
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At the founders tap room for a show

Pic is their dirty bastard firkin made with roasted cherry root

Actually pretty delicious

>> No.6490319

>Not sure why, maybe our alcohol tax is higher.

>> No.6490426
File: 295 KB, 897x1207, muhsaturday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only the finest

>> No.6490428


I was there last night.

>> No.6490641

obsidian stout

>> No.6490660

Had a 22oz of Lagunitas Hop Stoopid and a double shot of 12 year rum.

Already wearing down into my tired, buzzed stage and unfortunately won't be able to feel this feel until another week from now after a fresh new round of shit workweek.

>> No.6490936

I don't go to the gym, but I do run. But no matter how much exercise a person does, regular drinking of 2+ times a week (at a few beers per session) is going to make them gain weight. And that's how I drink when I start.

>> No.6491020

>no matter how many calories you burn, drinking beer will make you gain weight.

lmao, stay retarded.

>> No.6491027

It'll make it slightly more difficult to stay in shape, but not impossible. It's all just calories, even if they are empty.

>> No.6491031

My point is, if I drink an extra 2000 calories per week of beer, it'll be fairly hard to burn those extra calories.