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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.79 MB, 4752x3168, IMG_1230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6485553 No.6485553 [Reply] [Original]

Will someone tell this new captcha system that CUPCAKES ARE NOT FUCKING ICE CREAM!

>> No.6485559
File: 109 KB, 209x193, 1430685377734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon actually thinks two blatantly non-identical things aren't identical

>> No.6485564

Waiter, I got too much cupcake with my frosting.


>> No.6485589
File: 374 KB, 537x528, arnold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Euroshits call ketchup "tomato sauce"

>> No.6485590

What are you even trying to say here, seems you're confused.

>> No.6485695

Or that ribs aren't steak

>> No.6487131

And that burgers ARE sandwiches

>> No.6487142


I was just thinking the same thing.

Another thing is that every single captcha I've gotten has been food related except for the occasional guinea pig. Not to say I wouldn't eat a guinea pig, but it's weird.

Sushi, cupcakes, ice cream, hamburgers, sandwiches, guinea pig, pizza.

I wouldn't be shocked if some co/ck/s got pissed at the captcha for not sticking to "authentic" pizza.

>> No.6487148

But chicken sandwiches aren't burgers.

>> No.6487158
File: 13 KB, 167x212, 1430857899097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost certain that the captcha "fuckup"is an intentional troll to piss off sperglords but whatever

>> No.6487168

No, it's to train neural networks to recognize similar images using human input Google does that sort of things all the time.

>> No.6487171
File: 89 KB, 407x608, fegop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6487175
File: 133 KB, 853x474, 1amcringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately it wants 3 incorrect food items, not two.
I blame Ken's Krew,

>> No.6487177
File: 103 KB, 407x608, wtfcap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6487410

every time the captcha wants me to to pick something, i make sure to pick 2 extra wrong answers just to fuck it up.

>> No.6487419

always fuck over the captcha

>> No.6487426
File: 689 KB, 944x450, Snog_Refit_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is frozen yoghurt ice cream? What about Cok floats?

>> No.6487532
File: 409 KB, 402x597, THERE'S NO FUCKING SUSHI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infuriating captcha time?

>> No.6487552

>not just selecting the round things
Anon we have the perfect opportunity to not only witness the birth of AI, but impede its progress in any way we can

>> No.6487617

it wants the topright and top left.
Top left - round thing
top right - small things displayed on dark place
it think's its sushi

also once i selected a bowl of noodles for sushi and it accepted

>> No.6487833

You are not the one who gets to decide that, it is the captcha that speaks of matters, that teaches us about matters

>> No.6487896

Yes, please this. Whatever happened to the people typing nigger? That made me laugh pretty hard several times just imagining some old book having nigger in the middle of it.

>> No.6487903

This comment almost makes the countless hours I spend on here getting triggered worth it. Too bad I'll probably forget about it in a week at most.

>> No.6488188
File: 381 KB, 393x527, PIZZA ROLLS ARE NOT PIZZA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6488196

You know what image based captchas are for, right? They're to help Google's image recognition system. Even failures help Google collate data on what is what. The more you sincerely help these things out, the closer we come to a tyrannical AI.

>> No.6488611


Even the pie would have worked

>> No.6488879

No we don't.
You're making the classic american mistake of thinking europe is a country.

>> No.6488914
File: 419 KB, 401x579, this triggers me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sushi captchas

>> No.6488919

>when the sample is a glass of wine and you have to pick a bottle of wine

fuck you

>> No.6488921

Then the sample doesn't represent a glass of wine. it represents wine.
Are you actually retarded?

>> No.6488922
File: 422 KB, 391x562, please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always pick two right things and a wrong thing.

Did you say sushi?

>> No.6488923

it just takes me a second longer to find it ;_;

>> No.6489089

It's pretty lame, but always do actual +1 checks to give google a hard time that is, a false positive since they're real faggots and using this for their image recognition crap.

It'd be nice if 4chan would do their own captcha so as not to go make their anons go through the google snooping process.

Plus the shit doesn't fit the screen, google can spend time to snoop on people but not enough time to size the captcha screen to fit the available window space when a DPI over 100% is used, and this is with Firefox.

>> No.6489167
File: 416 KB, 403x596, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting tons of false positives with this new system. It is skewing too far from correct.

>> No.6489185
File: 416 KB, 396x588, panic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do?

>> No.6489189

Those fuckin armadillos though.

>> No.6489195
File: 258 KB, 404x529, they're all fucking cakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I being trolled?

>> No.6489492
File: 55 KB, 424x603, xx2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is that thing in the middle square?

>> No.6489513

It really defeats the point of being anon if google gets to see everything, you know they can tie it to timestamps and IPs, that's their business, it's how they make their money. 4chan should remember that, it's something that they've forgotten.

>> No.6489536

Ice cream with what appears to be a cookie cone.

>> No.6489560

I hate this image captcha shit. There's an option for an audio test and it's hard as fuck.

>> No.6489564

The ones that say Happy Birthday you dolt

>> No.6489576
File: 389 KB, 401x654, 45646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too few images selected.


I picked the burger and it worked.

>> No.6489579

It's time consuming and irritating. It's hard to parse in general and certainly not "easier for humans", their idea of object recognition and conceptualization is garbage and not intended for such consistent use. Why 4chan switched to this nonsense, I have no idea. There was no spam problem to begin with, it improved nothing, and all it adds is preverification for file uploads.

When this first came around people kept telling me such shit like "oh you can just refresh until you get a traditional text one". It was obvious they were in the process of phasing those out and would eventually ditch it.

>> No.6489593
File: 341 KB, 420x729, Too many cakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many cooks.

>> No.6489600


>> No.6489618

>when the sample is a glass of champagne and google thinks it's a glass of wine

>> No.6489628

Last time when the captchas went full retard, moot told us that it was only Google's decision which captcha they sent. Because lots of people had complained it was to promote 4chan passes. However, moot denied that. But this time, they seem to enforce 4chan passes on us again.
>blablabla yaddayaddayadda were so proud now we have new captchas so easy and advanced that you dont even have to solve them

>> No.6489638
File: 372 KB, 394x577, this triggers ck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they pulled the street sign captchas pretty fast. I still remember the special Valentine's captchas from last year, though. Those were cute.

>> No.6489655

I dont see why street signs weren't any better than food items

>> No.6489656

According to the captcha, that hardee's thing is a burger.

>> No.6489668


>> No.6489675

I don't really follow what you're trying to say. I'm split between a genuine statement and sarcasm meant to make fun of me.

Cannot tell. Please confirm.

>> No.6489679


>> No.6489723
File: 91 KB, 634x665, article-0-0E715DFE00000578-671_634x665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6489732

I can't even remember what it was now, but the food captchas aren't the first time Google tried something new because they were running out of words. I think it was the number captchas and they had a really high failure rate for some fucking reason so everyone thought it was because moot wanted people to shell out for a 4chan pass.

>> No.6489748

Oh. Yeah, people tend to be pretty instinctual. Shoot the messenger, etc, even if they've got nothin' to do with it beyond being the guy right in front of you who's indirectly related.

>> No.6489752

No I'm totally d'accord with you. The image captchas suck hairy ass pimples. And the time-consuming thing is most true. Also it's so blatant and not discreet. Meant as sarcasm was only the greentext, because that's really what they said some months ago when they introduced the easier captchas, those that we had before the shitty burgerbingo. Tbh what the other anon said in >>6489513 worries me a bit now. Can't someone email moot about it or anyone else who runs the boards now and tell them to stop those captchas?

>> No.6489782

I'm the "other anon" I emailed him a long time ago about google stuff, and he pretty much said last year that it wasn't in his hands anymore. Google controls that, which is why I think 4chan should do their own captchas, but maybe google pays 4chan for it.

Apparently moot has nothing to do with this anymore.

I tried to get a pass once, and their payment method wasn't accepted by my bank, which is good, they're looking our for their customers. I asked moot about it and he said not to sweat it. He wasn't pushing anything.

>> No.6489783

Moot doesn't run 4chan anymore, he stepped down. I highly doubt whoever is running it now cares. Hell, no one even knows who IS running the show now. I get that it's part of the whole Anonymous thing the site has going on, but not knowing who's running the website I use on a nearly daily basis is kind of ominous. I mean, he could've sold the site to Google for all we know.

>> No.6489794

>they were running out of words.
lel how is that even possible?

>> No.6489840

I sometimes wonder if humans thought up infinity.

>> No.6489906
File: 66 KB, 412x371, 1428736923098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google thinks that stuffed peppers is sushi.

>> No.6489975

>Europe isn't a country.

True enough. Europe is however a conglomeration of whiny cunts who feel themselves very superior.

Without justification.

>> No.6489993

>Europe is however a conglomeration
Again, wrong.
You're thinking of the EU. Not europe.

>> No.6490001

>whiny cunts who feel themselves very superior
>without justification
That's funny coming from what is presumably an american.

>> No.6490004

if someone took your gun away, would you be sad? and would you then like a chocolate?

>> No.6490103

What's that part with the chocolate about?

>> No.6490164

when I typed it, I realized that you would be so heavily sad, that I felt a bit sad myself, so I wanted to solace you. with chocolate. like a kid. which you are. which is fine.

>> No.6490217

No, I understood what you meant. I just don't understand why you think your perception of chocolate or its consumption is correct.

>> No.6490995

Burgers are not sandwiches either.

>> No.6491853


Carl's Jr.

>> No.6492038

That's clearly a Dunkin Donuts cup.

>> No.6492042

You're clearly a Dunkin' Donuts cup.

>> No.6492619

Wrong picture, tard.

>> No.6493010
File: 2.00 MB, 1600x2700, europe in nutshell part 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europe > usa
sooo GTFO burgers

>> No.6493016

>Someone was actually butthurt enough to put all of those cherrypicked images together

>> No.6493093
File: 117 KB, 600x600, 1431302110263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread.

>> No.6493119
File: 370 KB, 397x587, macarons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're doing it on purpose. They have to be, right?

>> No.6493162

Are those pretty patties?

>> No.6493176

>click 1 burrito
>nothing else to click
>click crepe

>> No.6493190

Yes, yes they are.

Captcha won't stop triggering me. I'm going to file a fucking complaint soon.

>> No.6493233
File: 458 KB, 408x647, ha25zCj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone tell me what the top middle dish is. that was the answer

>> No.6493241

those are tacos

>> No.6493244


thats what i thought as well, but oh well.

>> No.6493251


>> No.6493259

Pasta, according to Google.