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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 307 KB, 1000x750, pastrami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6484426 No.6484426 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/,

I'm not american and I'm going to Manhattan next week.
I need help avoiding tourists traps.
What are some good places to eat:

1 - Pastrami sandwich. Are Katz and Carnegie Deli tourist traps?
2 - Traditional american breakfast (eggs, pancakes, the whole thing)
3 - American BBQ/Ribs
4 - Sweets (cookies, brownies, muffins...)
5 - Hamburger
6 - Any restaurants you may want to recommend

I don't want to pay too much for stuff, since the Dollar is expensive to me :(

>> No.6484428

how do you eat a sandwich like that. someone walk me through the exact steps

>> No.6484432

The famous delis are all pretty close tbh so go to whichever one. You could go to eisenbergs which is across from the flatiron building and its a bit less busy and pretty much the same good food.

>> No.6484433

Maybe you must pick some of the meat with your fingers first? no idea

>> No.6484436

In Montreal, where similar sandwiches are made with a different type of smoked beef brisket, you generally hold it nearly sideways and bite at the meat (with mustard) until its manageable.

It's a mess, and can't be done without looking like a slob.

>> No.6484437

you can't. it's just fucking stupid. that sandwich is more of a meme than the meme's going on around here. really stupid. but yet it's what you get at the good places. so fuck me twice and call me thelma.

>> No.6484438

>pick it up and squeeze it a bit to keep it together
>take a bite
>wipe any juice off your hand with a napkin

>> No.6484440

I've heard about Eisenbergs before, thanks

>> No.6484442

Best Ramen: Totto Ramen and pretty cheap
Those delis normally considered tourist traps by most new yorkers, never heard of anyone who goes there.
BBQ - kinda sucks in New York...you need to go to texas for real bbq and the prices in NY are kinda pricey always.

>> No.6484446

Someone recommended me Tony Roma's for the BBQ/Ribs. What do you think?

>> No.6484448

You may wish to try the unique experience that is Shopsin's... then again maybe not. If they don't like the look of you, they throw you out.


>> No.6484449

>Traditional american breakfast (eggs, pancakes, the whole thing)

go to any old diner that looks like it needs to have its interior updated

>> No.6484453

Bahahaha naw thats a chain. NYC isn't known for bbq but i'm sure theres a better place there than tony romas lmao

>> No.6484456

>looks interesting
>let me read some comments
>""The closest you will ever get to the Soup Nazi. Parties of 4 or less only.""

fuck no

>> No.6484457

I'm sure there is, I just can't tell the difference because I'm not american :(


>> No.6484460

there's a weird tradition in some american cities where certain restaurants seem to run on irl memes where they serve decent tier food but have some sort of schtick (ie treating the customers like shit) that keeps people coming

>> No.6484467

I'd recommend you go to a steakhouse for a burger. You could stand in line at shake shack but you have to remember it's still just fast food.

>> No.6484472

That's a good advice, but which stakehouse?
I've read recommendations about Shake Shack and these other places:

Burger Joint, Five Guys e Johnny Rockets.

>> No.6484476

i'm not from manhattan so hopefully someone else knows about a good one

>> No.6484477

or check out this


>> No.6484478

It's a cunning ploy, you assume that they must have excellent food (i.e. better than what's on offer) to be able to get away with being jerks, otherwise no one would eat there. Unfortunately, it fools everyone.

>> No.6484479


Yes well it is interesting. They did a documentary on the family a few years back.

Here's Kenny expounding on the NYT.


>> No.6484480

Five Guys is excellent (at least, the one near me is). Horribly overpriced but worth it to for a once off taste. That said, the fried are painfully average, borderline poor so save some money and just get a burger.

>> No.6484484
File: 103 KB, 640x480, keens steakhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mutton chops at keens steakhouse are supposed to be good.

>> No.6484492

5 guys is a tourist trap. 15 dollars for a buger and fries which is mcdonalds quality is shit.

>> No.6484501

Carnegie is closed. Clearly nobody in this thread lives in new york other then me I guess.

Go to Katz's. It's huge and it doesn't matter how many tourists are there you'll get a table.
A Pastrami sandwich is 20 dollars at Katz's so it's up to you if you wanna spend that much.

You can't find really good BBQ in new york. It's like the one thing you have to wander around brooklyn for. It's just not in manhattan.

You take a bite. Too big? Take some pieces out try again.

Don't go to a steak house. Either go to Paul's Da Burger Joint or don't bother with burgers.

>> No.6484506

Thanks bro.
Have you ever eaten at Eisenberg's? It seems way cheaper than Katz

>> No.6484508

>It's huge and it doesn't matter how many tourists are there you'll get a table.
Do you not know what a fucking tourist trap is? It's in reference to the higher than usual prices at places only tourists are likely to go.

>> No.6484514

Eisenberg's is fine. It's not amazing it's just been around for a very long time. You can get a good egg cream but that's about it.

>> No.6484515

It may be a silly question, but I must ask: I'm travelling with my elderly mother and she doesn't eat much. Do americans consider it impolite to order one dish/burger/sandwich and split it for two people?

>> No.6484521

I was thinking about eating the pastrami sandwich there

>> No.6484526

Do you know what a tourist is? Cause if you've been to Katz's you'd realize that it's like 70% people that live in the city.

Traps are places locals don't go.

>> No.6484528

It's okay for pastrami. Katz has some of the best though.

>> No.6484544

one good thing about america is we don't consider anything impolite

>> No.6484548
File: 73 KB, 615x412, american_bbq_map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ppppfffffftttttttt nyc bbq. Yeah you gotta come to texas if you want real good bbq :)

>> No.6484551

Can't do it this time.
Are you telling me there isn't a single texan owned BBQ place in NY? Don't you people like money?

>> No.6484552

once you leave texas lines the smokers don't work right

>> No.6484580

This is seriously how insecure Texans are about things that are suppose to be "Texan". I live in Dallas, I'm from Savannah GA. I've had pretty good BBQ in Texas, but unless you are at some little 2 horse town in Texas, it's going to be mediocre in the city. On the other hand, in Georgia you can get very good BBQ everywhere it seems. Pork bbq, which is an oddity in some Texas locations for some reason.
I don't even know what that is suppose to be referring to. I've never even seen mustard in a BBQ place and I lived there most of my life.

>Did you see BIG TEX at the fair???
>I'm dressed like a cowboy even though I don't work on a ranch!
That's like dressing up in rock climbing gear or something and just going though your day like normal.

I still like Texas alright though even though they think everything is from Texas. It seems to be a general consensus that Pecan pie is "Texan". Where they get these ideas from, I don't know.

>> No.6484587

It's because that's all they have. Nobody cares about texas. People outside of the states don't go to texas for vacation. They go to either NYC or LA.

>> No.6484588

Down in austin some local BBQ joints are getting civil suits and possibly flack from the city because their smokers "polute" their neighbors land. You have houses that are getting smoke hitting their windows 12 hours + out of the day and leaving soot and all kinds of shit on there. I can imagine in a place like new york which has to be over regulated to shit that this could be a problem.

>> No.6484611

Nah we have intelligence on our side. We vent the smoke through the roof of the buildings.

>> No.6484617


>People from Texas are so insecure! They have to talk about how good their BBQ is! Haha! Losers!

>But I'm not like that! I'm from Savannah! And not insecure! We're different! But our BBQ is different! And better! So I'll defend it! But im not like those guys from Texas at all!

Savannah is a lovely town. I had a great week there. Just shut the hell up and enjoy Texas, or get out.

I live in Dallas too, and you're missing out on some fine BBQ with that kind of mindset.

>> No.6484620

Gotta order the fries well done.
I work at Five Guys and run the fries station every time I work
If the store is busy you'll end up selling many fries that are just slightly under cooked in order to maintain ticket times or keep the line from backing up.
plus don't crumple up the bag or the fries are gonna go soggy on you.

>> No.6484626

Have you ever been to a Five Guys?
a Burger ain't 15 bucks
Last time i checked McDonalds didn't make all your food to order hand cut fries or use grade A filler free beef

>> No.6484631

Since you work on the industry, which burger place would you recommend?

>> No.6484641

Five Guys. Its a bit expensive but you'll defiantly get the best bang for your buck if you trying to grab a quick burger.
Just don't go to McDonalds or any other fast food chains of the like they don't serve burgers
Also pick up a shake they may be expensive but its the dankest shake you'll ever eat

>> No.6484648

I would recommend Shake Shack.

By the way, where are you visiting from friend?

>> No.6484650

From Brazil.

>> No.6484668

Don't go to a fast food place for a burger. It's fucking pointless.

>> No.6484678

For breakfast/dessert you can't really go wrong with a diner. They're everywhere and and a majority are very good. Especially if there's a lot of people inside.

>> No.6484685

Well, I'll try to stumble into the right one.

>> No.6484791

tfw there was a katz's in austin but it closed... apparently it had been going to shit in later years anyway

please leave, no one likes any of you idiots immigrating here

>> No.6484800

Why do dumb, loud, illiterate backwards Texans bitch so much about "outsiders" coming in to "ruin" their state (as if there is anything to ruin)

I've lived most of my life in places that actually matter, and they wouldn't be worth living in if they didn't have people from all over the world.

>> No.6484807

Ignorance is bliss. You don't know the first thing about Texas, dumb shit.

>> No.6484810

If you want ribs go to Dinosaur Bbq. Pretty good for NYC. Don't get the brisket though

>> No.6484835

>1 - Pastrami sandwich. Are Katz and Carnegie Deli tourist traps?
Katz's. It's horribly crowded. Go first thing in the morning. If you want food like Katz's, go to Katz's.
>2 - Traditional american breakfast (eggs, pancakes, the whole thing)
No comment on that, there are some ok places but I've had better in middle murrica. Balthazar has a really good breakfast, perhaps even a really good American but the atmosphere isn't very American. I guess I'd say go to Eisenberg's for the atmosphere, and the next day go to Balthazar for the breakfast.
>3 - American BBQ/Ribs
That same guy in the last thread will jump down my throat for this because of a grainy picture he saw on yelp, but Hill Country or Blue Smoke
>4 - Sweets (cookies, brownies, muffins...)
Not really big on this stuff, City Bakery is alright, for 'murkin style. Stay the FUCK away from Momofuku Milk Bar, that place is a legit tourist trap, selling $6 gas station cookies in a plastic bag. Fuck David Chang
>5 - Hamburger
Blue Smoke, Spotted Pig, Minetta, Shake Shack, or Burger Joint @ Parker Meridien (all different styles but all good to great burgers)
>6 - Any restaurants you may want to recommend
That's a little vague.

Eisenberg's doesn't hold a candle to Katz's if you want what Katz's is famous for (big heap of god tier pastrami on rye, and some good pickles). It has a nifty greasy spoon classic NYC atmosphere, devoid of tourists, and it's good for that. Burgers are fine, matzo brie is good, liver is acceptable, shakes are pretty solid I guess. They have bialis which are an endangered species these days. But stay away from the pastrami, it's fucking nasty. In no way is the food in any way similar. And the pickles aren't too great either. I go there a lot, but you need to know what not to order there.

Also ignore the moron saying go to Five Guys.


I had no idea it was closed, but I never gave that place much thought.

>> No.6484840

Thanks for all the details.

About number 6: maybe people would like to recommend something specific like a good indian restaurant or something.

>> No.6484863

>maybe people would like to recommend something specific like a good indian restaurant or something.

Depends on what kind of indian, Tamarind Tribeca is supposed to be really good for fine dining Indian (I used to go to the original Tamarind in Gramercy before they closed, but I haven't been to the new one, which has a star, and the old one didn't). Kailash Parbat for street food. Saravanaa Bhavan (2 locations) is good solid south indian, it's a chain but who gives a shit, I know they don't have it in brazil. Bhojan in curry hill has some pretty good Jain food. Chote Nawb for seafood. Tabla was GOAT but dumb ass new yorkers weren't willing to pay out the ass for awesome high end Indian so we're stuck with fucking Junoon (also has a star). Then there are endless greasy no-name places, some better than others. In general your best bet is to stick to the Curry Hill area, unless you want to leave the island.

>> No.6484873


I'll look into that. Indian was just an example. People are free to recommend me any kind of restaurant: italian, korean, whatever :)

>> No.6484914

Do you like to drink? I'd suggest you try out the raines law room for a sort of hipster speakeasy vintage american cocktail experience. It's a fantasy version, but it's still fun. Either take a woman with you, or stand in the bar area and watch them mix (I don't think there are seats). For other Americana:

The oyster bar in Grand Central (angry programmer guy why haven't you posted in this thread yet?)
The Campbell Apartment also in Grand Central (drinking only, I think they might have a dress code but as long as you're not wearing sneakers and jeans you're good)
Peter Luger's (you have to go to brooklyn but it's not too hard to get back to civilization)
Old Town bar off Union Square (unpretentious place that looks almost like a dive bar but the food is edible and the people are mostly decent educated folks)

Also no one has mentioned pizza, for a NY style slice I'd try (preferably a plain slice):

Patsy's in E Harlem (not to be confused with Patsy's the italian/pizza chain)
Difara if you're willing to waste half a day in the wastelands of Midwood for an awesome slice
Suprema near Madison Square Garden
Joe's on Father Demo Square

Italian: you probably want Murkin style so-called red-sauce Italian since you can't get that somewhere else, I'd try Patsy's (not to be confused with the harlem pizza joint) on E 56th
Korean: Hanjan if I had to pick one
Whatever: narrow it down please

>> No.6484926

Second for Peter Luger's.
Brooklyn is great if you want to find ethnic foods (some of the best Chinese I've had), at least it was when I lived there. How badly have the hipsters fucked it up?

>> No.6484933

I sure like to drink, thanks!

What is a tourist attraction that would make me go to Brooklyn? I fear I won't be motivated to go there just to eat.

About that Balthazar place: it looks like a french bakery or something. Do they serve "american breakfast"?

>> No.6484940


what the FUCK!

>> No.6484945

Try to find a diner if you want an "American breakfast". Bring an appetite and a fat wad of cash and order the following:





English muffin (breakfast sandwich on eng. muff. if they have it)


Home fries or hash browns

Some orange juice if they have it fresh squeezed. If not don't bother

And a cup of joe. Make sure you call it a cup of joe, if you call it coffee they'll laugh. We don't actually call it coffee in conversation, just online so we don't confuse people.

>> No.6484950

>Cup of joe

>> No.6484951


hahaha that's what I'm looking for. I want to taste the freedom!

>> No.6484954


>> No.6484958

I like to shit on brooklyn because it's full of horrible people and the whole brooklyn hat attitude rubs me the wrong way, but actually it has its ok areas. BAM, and barge music are both worth a visit if you're into that kind of thing, and there are some good restaurants.

Balthazar is perhaps best known for its bakery (they sell baked goods on site and their stuff is also served at a lot of decent restaurants that don't do their own baking), but they also are a restaurant. I would hesitate to call their thing American Breakfast in majuscule, but they are among the top brunch places in town and we believe brunch was invented by us, whether or not this is true. Unless you want to go to a small mountain town out west, where there are surely cheaper and more stereotypical places that are just as good, I think it's a pretty decent way to experience pancakes and eggs benedict and so on, that I can vouch for. Just ignore the french brasserie decor everywhere.

>> No.6484962


The guy is right in general, it's just that diners in the city for the most part aren't good food, they're just there for convenience and predictability. Diners outside of NYC are usually better, for instance NJ is famous for them, and there are some good ones in CT as well. Hence my suggestion to do Balthazar for those dishes, even though it's supposedly "french".

>> No.6484963


Oh, about the alcohol!
Is there a place where I can do some bourbon tasting? Somewhere that wouldn't be too expensive, naturally.

I really like bourbon, but it's hard to find here in Brazil. I have Wild Turkey, Maker's Mark and Woodford Reserve. I want to taste other stuff.

>> No.6484971


Got it.

Another thing: I'll spend a day in DC. Any recommendations there?

>> No.6484972

Peter Luger is great but OP said that money was an issue

>> No.6484973

yeah bruh, pretty much any place you've actually heard of wherever you're from is probably a tourist trap. look for small neighborhood joints

>> No.6484975

The Brandy Library has probably one of the better selections in town, but honestly you'd probably be blown away even by the bourbon list at Hill Country. So go to Hill Country for BBQ (I recommend the sausages in particular), and get drunk on bourbon.

>> No.6484979


Haven't spent as much time in DC, but Jaleo is really good.

>> No.6484982

Doesn't matter what kind of beef they use, their burgers are still shit.

I've eaten there about 6 or so times, because the internet kept telling me to give it another go.

They give you a lot of fries, but the fries suck. And it's not really "A lot" if you're paying $7 for them.

Table service prices for fast food quality.

>> No.6484986


Oh sorry you meant diners lol. And for breakfast no less. Disregard I suck cocks. There are probably good places there but I have no idea.

>> No.6484991

Oh, I'll make a daytrip to DC, so I need a place to have lunch there. Gonna take a look at Jaleo, whatever that is

>> No.6485007

In America every child is taught from a young age how to age a sandwich like in OP's pic. We have this shit under control.

>> No.6485069

>1 - Pastrami sandwich. Are Katz and Carnegie Deli tourist traps?
yes. Carnegie is closed at the moment, but there are plenty of other delis (stage, 2nd, etc) as well as katz's. get a pastrami/corned beef and some fries.
>2 - Traditional american breakfast (eggs, pancakes, the whole thing)
eh. there's plenty of diners around. just yelp whichever one's closest to you. if you're in a hotel, the hotel will serve this too, and might be better
>3 - American BBQ/Ribs
dinosaur, blue smoke, hill country are probably the best options in manhattan, but there's some better ones in brooklyn.
>4 - Sweets (cookies, brownies, muffins...)
dominique ansel's to get a cronut (go early), maison de macaroon if you like those.
>5 - Hamburger
shake shack, minetta tavern, spotted pig, gramercy tavern
>6 - Any restaurants you may want to recommend
good lord, take your pick. this is the restaurant capital of the world. look at yelp, gothamist, urbanspoon, whatever and pick a place near you. you'll be REALLY hard pressed to go wrong.

>> No.6485095

are you out of your fucking head? christ it's like you nignogs have never tasted salt and pepper before. the burger is bad and the fries are soggy.

not to mention it's the most overpriced fast food you can get. it is literally the least bang for your buck.

you want a GOOD fast food burger? hit shake shack or steak n shake. some people like schnippers but both times i've tried it, they've overcooked my burger, so YMMV

>> No.6485728

Pork Slope and Dino BBQ are both pretty good.

They're both in Brooklyn though.

>> No.6485928

I've had the pastrami at Katz's Deli. It was very good, but I can't remember if it was overpriced or anything. If nothing else, the food is legit.

>> No.6485930

If Dino BBQ is as good in Brooklyn as they are back home in Syracuse, I can recommend.

>> No.6485935

>It seems to be a general consensus that Pecan pie is "Texan". Where they get these ideas from, I don't know.
Texas is basically America's America.

Americans seriously believe that everything comes from America, so Texans do so as well, squared.

>> No.6485952

Mighty Quinn's BBQ is the best barbeque I've had in NYC so far. I cannot rave about it enough, I'm crazy about it! (And I come from Texas and St. Louis, both places have good albeit different barbeque traditions).

>> No.6485955

I have been to Shopsin's once because the person I was with told me how crazy they treat customers there... actually had a very pleasant experience and didn't notice anything like the reviews said. Maybe I just came on a good day, but I got the impression that the whole 'soup nazi' reputation is overhyped and brings them plenty of business.

>> No.6486386


If you really want to do bbq in NY go to some place like Fette Sau in brooklyn, but yeah OP bbq isn't exactly a big thing in NY

>> No.6486402


For Raine's Law Room I highly recommend making reservations or you won't get in, also cocktails there are at least $15.

Bathtub Gin is another great place like that and there's also a speakeasy next to Crif Dogs on the east side but same deal, you're going to want reservations and drinks are very expensive.

>> No.6486412

I've never made reservations and I've been there maybe 15 times. Are you going in big groups?

Also $15 is the going rate for cocktails even at a not so great place. Unless you're comparing to gin and tonics at a dive bar

>> No.6486423


I don't go in big groups, if I go after work on a weekday with someone we'll get in fine, but if OP wants to go after dinner on a Saturday it's going to be packed.

And yeah I only mention $15 because OP said price is important to him, but he's coming here so his wallet is fucked anyway

>> No.6486607

I have a friend from sao Paulo who says the cost of lunch there is even worse than here. So it may not be such a shock

>> No.6486620


$15 for a drink is steep for me because I drink a lot

>> No.6486651

Only rich people get drunk in bars in NYC. Young people generally get drunk before they go out and get a couple drinks at the bar

>> No.6486741

BBQ is enormous in NYC right now. 12yrs ago you either went to dinosaur in Harlem, or Biscuit in Park Slope. There are now dozens of places that are worthwhile. I'd say Hometown in Red Hook is the best in town right now, but also the most inaccessible for a tourist staying in Manhattan.

Regarding the rest of your list - only tourists and expense accounts eat in Manhattan nowadays. Find yourself in Brooklyn, and you'll find interesting/affordable foods and culture.

>> No.6486765

There's a dinosaur in Harlem. In fact, newfag, that one is a lot older than the one in bk.

>> No.6486906

>only tourists and expense accounts eat in Manhattan nowadays
Right, because those of us who live here are just "expense accounts"

say hi to Lena for me, Brooklyn

>> No.6486919

>misrepresenting an entire island this badly

>> No.6487372

enjoy living in a 2nd-class borough!

>> No.6487380
File: 311 KB, 800x531, DSC_20201.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brooklyn dirtbags are too scared to go north of 14th street because they run into someone with an actual job.

>> No.6487383
File: 80 KB, 640x360, t1larg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your $3000 stroller traffic jams and not being allowed to swear when you're drunk

>> No.6487414


>> No.6487519

>cup of joe
No one actually says this, are you kidding?

>> No.6487528

I used to work at a coffee shop back when cappuccinos were an obscure yuppie thing, and I definitely got older folks walking in, looking around, and angrily asking for "just a cup of joe, can't you just get a damm cup of joe anymore". And then yell at me some more when it cost more than a dollar. Granted, that was kind of a big deal in those times, but not entirely unreasonable.

People usually just say it to be funny, or when they think they're making some DEEP point about damm kids these days.

>> No.6487589

I've got a kid - no worries. That's my excuse for being on the internet on a Friday night. What's yours?
I'll enjoy my property values, great public schools, and brownstone-lined streets.

>> No.6487603

Dunno where to get it, but get a Reuben. Corned beef. You'll either thank me or reveal yourself as a reptilian spy.

You dislocate your fucking jaw and take a fucking bite, you pussy.

>> No.6487609

I'm taking a saturday class for fun and I stayed home to study. But I like how you assumed that people who haven't ruined their lives through lack of birth control should be out screaming until their voices are hoarse every friday night because that's the only acceptable way to live.
>great public schools
New York City in general is just a bad place to raise kids, you should have moved to the midwest before your condom broke

>> No.6487632

>I'll enjoy my property values, great public schools, and brownstone-lined streets.
you just described the UWS and UES. grats, you're like... 50 years behind the curve

>> No.6487658

Fuck you and your meme state. BBQ everywhere that's not Texas is better than texas

>> No.6487667

Shut the fuck up racist piece of shit

>> No.6487676

>not based Jin

>> No.6487680


Burger joint, i'd say avoid 5 guys cuz you can do that anywhere else and it'd just be overpriced in NYC.
Shake Shack is one of the better ones I've had. There used to be "jackson hole"'s around town, one on the Upper west side and the other on 34th street, dunno if they still exist. I think there's a place on the upper east side called johns?

>> No.6487723

welcome to nyc, nigga

>> No.6487725



Uptown represent.

>> No.6487757


OP I'm gonna offer you an alternate suggestion and hit up uptown manhattan. You'll see a part of the city most tourists don't see and there's a ton of great dining up here.

Malecon for dope dominican food (tho any dominican spot is pretty good)

Saggio for some of the best italian i've had in the city

Inwood Local for a chill beer hall experience

Red Rooster and Streetbird are both pretty hyped (tho Marcus Samuelsson is divisive for some reason).

Dinosaur BBQ for BBQ

Jin ramen for Ramen

Amy Ruth's for chicken and waffles

Tazo and Chipped Cup for coffee

Tasty Deli for sandwiches

Wahi diner for classic diner breakfast (by my apartment so i'm biased but i fuckin' love this place)

Harlem Public for another chill bar.

Harlem Shake for burgers

Chinelos II for hole in the wall mexican tacos

go down to Columbus circle to hit up Bouchon bakery for sweets (srsly how has nobody mentioned bouchon yet. keller is so based)

If you're feeling adventurous too go across the bridge to fort lee and get some dope sundubu.

>> No.6487763


Oh and ft. lee has one of my favorite ramen shops ever (Menya Sendaime)

>> No.6487786

>Saggio for some of the best italian i've had in the city
That seems a little extreme, it's nice and all but come on

Also with Eric Kaiser taking over the city, no more need to deal with time Warner center

>> No.6487795


I'll admit i haven't had a lot of city italian but i've been kind of underwhelmed by the italian places i've been (grew up in north jersey so i'm a bit spoiled on good italian/italian american).

If you have suggestions tho i'm all ears.

>> No.6487826

AI Fiori, via Emilia, Eataly, zero Otto nove, la pizza fresca, basta pasta, dominicks... Depends what kind of Italian.

>> No.6487855

you arent going to get the same kind of great food a large city like NYC can offer in your 3rd world shithole.

the variety is something you cant comprehend

>> No.6487959

when do you land? would love to meetup and facefuck you senseless

>> No.6488651


>> No.6488702

>you need to go to texas for real bbq
Completely untrue. There are several places in NYC doing proper BBQ today. For Texas style brisket one of the best is Hometown BBQ in Red Hook, Brooklyn. Kind of a pain in the ass to get to, but there is a ferry from South Street Seaport to Red Hook.

>> No.6488743

Dude I, you go to Milk Bar for the crack pie mang.

>> No.6489090

Crack pie a shit, it's only popular because it has a "clever" name

>> No.6489715

I've never actually been back east. Just saw the recipe for the crack pie and made it.

>> No.6489922

Is DelMonaco's still in business? I've been told it was the first restaurant opened in America in 1834. Is that accurate? Is it a good place to eat?

>> No.6489954


I have to imagine we would have had restaurants before 1834

>> No.6489963

Actually it was 1837, and Delmonico's was the first.

>> No.6489965

The wiki seems to have different ideas.


>> No.6489966

It's been "reborn" a few times since then, if you're going for "kind of old" just go to Fraunces Tavern which has a claim to fame on a much older date, although the restaurant as it exists today is only like 120 years old.

>> No.6489973

I just checked out their menu online. You could spend a small fortune eating there!

>> No.6489982

Those are pretty standard steakhouse prices. Old Homestead, Smith & Wollensky, 212, Wolfgang's, Peter Luger, check them out, it's teh same.

>> No.6490569

watch anthony bourdain's layover episode for new york. he covers EXACTLY what you're asking for in a 30 minute episode. bonus - it's on netflix. episode one.

>> No.6491803

You are aware that Netflix has a different selection for each country? He said he's not from America. Not everyone is from America. In my country for instance, there's nothing 'Anthony Bourdain' on Netflix.

The more you know!

>> No.6492063

fuck the restaurants, get street food, its great.
do go to the Carnegie Deli though, its pretty good.

>> No.6492423


no more carnegie deli bro

>> No.6492440

>get street food
If you mean stuff like solber pupusas, or the schnitzel truck, or the defunct cinnamon snail (RIP), I might be with you. But you probably mean that horrid halal memetruck on 53rd street in which case lolno

>> No.6492842


Man, I used to eat so much of that gross halal shit, it was a difficult time.

>> No.6494134


>Inb4 Sushi Park & Pommes Frites for it's explosive flavor

Hell's Kitchen has a shit load of variety up there that have some pretty neat places

Schmackary's for your finnicky but awesome cookies

Little Pie Company for awesome pies

Vynl is neat little place with some renovated american classics

Delta Grill, found it by chance but the Creole/Louisiana cooking is legit. Best gumbo I had

Go Go Curry is place to check out for that Jap-Curry expirience

Papaya Dog, cause reasons

Doughnut Plant for that peanut butter and jelly donut

Meatball Shop, well, for meatballs

And if you're interested, head down to Chinatown for all that authentic chinese food and pork buns.

Mei Li Wah is where it's at

>> No.6496104

i was staying in ManHat a month ago had great time

1. Katz: yes the pastrami is worth it, but maybe split it, shit is the size of your face.
2. I had a breakfast once in at some little diner and honestly not worth, bland compared to diners I've had almost anywhere else.
3. No, go to the south for that
4. I dunno, I don't like sweets
5. Spotted Pig, don't do Five Guys

6. since I was there recently I'll tell ya about a few things on the island that really stood out

The Blind Tiger - excellent little bar in the west village with great pub food, get the brussel sprouts and the cassoluet if they still have it

Nom Wah Tea Parlour in Chinatown, it's a bit of a tourist spot but it was great.

>> No.6497827

Remember to try a bagel too. For whatever reason it's associated with NY. I consider pretty much all of those things tourist traps though. No one that I know goes to famous delis or sandwich places.

>> No.6497866

ate their last month, still going stronk and delicious. get the baked alaska for desert

>> No.6497893

>Nom Wah Tea Parlour in Chinatown, it's a bit of a tourist spot but it was great.
This. If you don't have to time or savvy to really dig into Chinatown Nom Wah can give you a pretty spot on taste of the classic Cantonese food that was the backbone of Chinatown cuisine for most of a century, in one of the oldest establishments there, located on the block where Chinatown pretty much started. Not to mention the recent makeover has brought the decor (and service) ahead of most Chinatown joints.

It's not the best restaurant there, but if you only have a couple hours to hit Chinatown and want a taste of the real thing in a comfortable setting it's a brilliant choice.

I live in the city, and while I almost never go there on my own I find myself often bringing out of town guests there. They always love it.

>> No.6497907

Nom Wah is worse than the rape of Nanking and the Opium Wars combined.

Now that they've also gotten to Mei Lee Wah, chinatown is officially dead to me.

Not even one of those "hole in the wall" hipsters but they need to learn when to leave well enough alone.

>> No.6498070

euro tourist here
Katz's pastrami sandwich is fucking tasty, many people but we fund a table for 4 easily. They give you a ticket for entering that you must give back, hold that shit dear they fine you if you lose it
There's a place called the Brooklyn Diner on the 57th street, bumped into it one day at lunchtime. It served very good burgers.
Wo Hop is a underground place in Chinatown, it's cramped but they serve huge portions (chinese food).

>> No.6498108

Delicatessen in Nolita
Landmark at Columbus Circle
The Standard Grill in Meetpacking.

All good, inexpensive, open late Americam food.

Amadeus is good and cheap ny pizza in the theater district.

>> No.6498443

>eating in the theater district
I bet you go to Broadway shows and aren't even ashamed

>> No.6498459
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>aren't even ashamed

Not even a little.

>> No.6498495
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>they need to learn when to leave well enough alone.
This will never happen in NYC. Ever. I think Tang did well with his revamp concept for Nom Wah. It ain't my thing, but someone has to make a buck bringing Chinatown into the 21st Century. And if he manages to print money doing it good for him.

If you want the living immigrant Chinese experience come out to Bklyn and check out 8th Ave and the spread along the N train line into Bensonhurst. Pic related.