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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6484247 No.6484247 [Reply] [Original]

What if /ck/ was taken over by moms and middle age and over women for a month? What would it look like?

>> No.6484252

No pizza, burger or beer threads, and there would be actual recipes.

>> No.6484262

There might be actual cooking going on, with things like ingredients and heat.

Measuring cups would become the new meme thing.

>> No.6484264

>there would be actual recipes.

Maybe if you're talking grandmas, but most women these days--even as old as their 50's--are shit cooks.

>> No.6484265
File: 186 KB, 351x504, 1366113246115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of overly genuine replies, exclamation marks since women use those all the time, "what should i make my kid/husband for lunch/dinner"

and then there would be a couple oddballs that, somehow, acclimate to 4chan in a natural way and make posts like "alright ladies best recipes for tendies for my son let's see em" and

>still bleeding out of your pussy like a faggot
>not being menopause masterrace

>> No.6484266

"Now here's a no fail recipe I made for the dear hubby...."

>> No.6484283

Kek, that would be hilarious if /ck/ was taken over by a hoard moms who randomly stumbled upon this board.

Imagine posting and your mom responds, "Jeremy, is that you?"

>> No.6484289


>menopause masterrace


>> No.6484301

this is true and depressing

>> No.6484307

Bullshit it would be a bunch of prepackaged shit mixed together into a casserole or reheated.

>> No.6484308

"Jeremy, I told you a million times to avoid eating all that greasy stuff, it makes your butt full of pimples!"

>> No.6484314
File: 23 KB, 216x233, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They use a ton of shortcuts and use shitty packets to season things.

Powdered ranch would be a meme.

>> No.6484344


"Mom cooking" is the laziest shit ever.

My friends mom once made us 'apple turnovers' that were just a half an apple wrapped in pillsbury biscuit dough and cooked in fucking mountain dew.

These days describing restaurant food as tasting like home-made should be an insult.

>> No.6484345

tfw that actually is my name

Also given the amount of incessant blogging on here you're not too far off

>> No.6484348


Jesus Christ, where do you live? West Virginia?

>> No.6484358

Close. Kentucky side of Cincinnati.

>> No.6484362

Actual recipes, no may mays about chicken tendies and "shit TIER food"

on the other hand it would be filled to the brim with pie and dessert recipes. Also, the old ladies would argue about what makes a cake hold up and what makes it collapse.

>no loud noises in the kitchen! I told you that the hundre-teenth time already! Sheesh! It makes the cake fall.

Nobody would get angrwee about using canned ingredients as that was the bees-knees back in the day. So convenient!

>> No.6484363

>no one remembers when /ck/ was a nice, good board full of women

>> No.6484366

Well to kind of stay on topic, did your parents cook well when you were kids? Both parents knew how to cook and I ate really good.

>> No.6484368

>tfw that actually is my name
lol, me too.

>> No.6484369
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There'd be a lot of cheesy inspirational memes and replies expressing their gratitude.

Also moms perpetually asking how to "sign up" so they aren't anonymous.

>> No.6484380

I thought they did until I left home after college and started eating out and cooking for myself. And I realized just how unhealthy and shitty the food was. I seriously lost 40 pounds in a year just cooking for myself.

Now whenever I go back home I just eat enough to be polite.

>> No.6484383

The pros
>OC would be encouraged instead of talking shit about whatever was posted
>Oooo that pineapple turnover cake looks so yummy. :)
people post meme shit and .44 magnum ammo all over their microwave meals to be ironic because if you actually cook a decent meal and post it, the responses will mostly be negative.

>there would be a sticky of actual recipes compiled from the users

>autistic kids that post stupid shit and cringy vertical recipe shit would get a talkin' to

>greentexted stories about your grandkids eating habits and table manners

>no tripfags

>announcing that you are a girl will be ignored

>no threads about homebrewing or grilling
>no "what do I make for this girl coming over for dinner" threads.
those are some of my favorite for some reason
>folk lore / home remedies that are dangerous or stupid, and some that actually work
nevermind, that should be a pro
>shitty cooking is a-ok

>> No.6484388

It would look like a facebook teed with wifeymaterial shit and posts about jenny craig

>> No.6484399

I think the biggest con would be the shitty westernized, easy to make versions of ethnic food. Only men are autistic enough to bother about being authentic when cooking foreign food. Most aren't and don't even care about making it but the few that are get really into it.

>> No.6484402

name one dank meemee created by a woah-man

>> No.6484420
File: 300 KB, 900x1200, VY6qiWr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crockpot Ranch Chicken and dump cakes as far as the eyes can see.
>mountain dew
You fucking kidding??

>> No.6484444

Yeah, that's true now that you mention it.
>Mexican casserole :)
fucking gross. You're right, at least aspies would try their best to make it "authentic". Whatever that means these days.

>> No.6484537

A hint of racism would be noticed every time someone mentions Falafels or Humus.
>That's a bit too exotic for me hunny, I much prefer the old fashioned way : - )

>> No.6484555

>this guy thinks that qualifies as racism

Not liking certain foods or even cultures isn't racism. Maybe to 17 year old tumblr users it is, but in reality it's just called being boring and not well traveled.

>> No.6484578
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le sweet sundae ramen

>> No.6484584

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for the recipe of an Oriental chicken dish I saw on an internet site some time ago. Does anyone know of the one I'm talking about?

Doreen :-)

>> No.6484591
File: 169 KB, 500x500, filepicker-To8cwwUSJaSbPezFDtZ4_ramen_noodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.6484596

lol this guy has it spot on

>> No.6484599

Hi Anonymous,

I recall it being made with pimento, cream cheese, and lime Jello. Thank you though!!!

Best regards,

>> No.6484601

>yfw jack and joey threads would still exist
not ironically but because they actually would like them.

>> No.6484602

Nope. Tastes like syrupy shit.


The sad thing is that people around here think it's the best fucking thing every.

>> No.6484603


This. That's exactly how my mom "cooked" for us growing up. Every night Hamburger Helper or "hot dish."

>> No.6484607

That picture is so true! Would you mind if I saved it?


>> No.6484610


Hi Doreen! Please share your recipe?



>> No.6484613

Hi Doreen,

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


>> No.6484614

Go ahead! It's all yours, dear :)

>> No.6484616
File: 62 KB, 842x463, marie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marie would be made a moderator and would prune/delete any thread she thought was unauthentic.

>> No.6484619

a discussion about salt shakers but won't ever put salt in them

>> No.6484623
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first legitimate laugh of the day

>> No.6484630
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>my mom and i were making chili
>she buys hamburger from a local ranch
>100% organic grass fed 70/30 ground beef best beef i've ever had
>i finish cooking the hamburger with onions and a bunch of seasoning
>i walk away to do something else
>turn around
>she put the cooked hamburger in a strainer and was RINSING IT OFF in the sink
>asked her what the fuck she was doing
>>there's too much fat

>> No.6484632

There'd be no change in the amount of alcoholics threads.

>> No.6484637

How rude! I know you may just be "trolling" for replies, but if you aren't going to contribute constructively to the forum, it's better if you leave.

Can't Marie do something about these people?


>> No.6484640
File: 63 KB, 800x600, old-country-roses-royal-albert-bone-china-tea-set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Fine china porn

>> No.6484642

Hi Doreen,

I have just sent an e-mail to the site owners requesting this person be disciplined.

Marie (Contadina site rep)

>> No.6484647

By the way, Doreen, should I really be using that much canola oil in the sauce recipe? Is it better to use olive oil? Should I be using extra virgin??
Sorry for all the questions, sweetheart! :P
I'm not Italian, obviously!


>> No.6484649

Thanks Marie :-)

I lived your latest cooking video, by the way! Such a creative use of oil.


>> No.6484656

>implying middle aged breeders could even figure out how to post on this chinese message board let alone have a conversation with another user

>> No.6484657

hey doreen, blow me.

>> No.6484661

Oh my.
I'm feeling things I haven't in years!
Please send more.. :-o

- Roberta

>> No.6484665

You're an ass, Jeremy.
Go back to your videotube website.

>> No.6484669
File: 9 KB, 389x265, shorthand.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless your heart...
How hard do you think it is to type a little message into this box and check the box? Silly, this isn't that hard, it's not like this is a secret club or something. lol :)

I'll bet my bottom Dollar this young man doesn't even know how to write shorthand.

>> No.6484670

Oh, for sure! All cooking oils are more or less the same, so use any you find lying about. I made my last batch with palm kernel oil, and none of my nephews complained ;-)

You underestimate us Boomers... were we young and wild once too!

>> No.6484676
File: 55 KB, 317x394, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this masaokis fellow sure needs to clean his kitchen! maybe have mom drop by! :)

>> No.6484691

Just because your parents can't...?
If you're 25 or younger, you could easily be my kid.

>> No.6484695
File: 325 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_0505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Doreen.

Here's one from my secret stash: Grandma brought this set with her from the old country! A miracle it survived the trip across the Atlantic unscathed... Every time I look at it, I say a litle prayer thanking Jesus for my family's good fortune :)

>> No.6484697

ITT: dusty dry vag

>> No.6484701

Silly me, I got you mixed up with someone else. Sorry, Roberta... So much for older and wiser, lol!!!

>> No.6484704

I have no idea what you just said dear.

But does anyone have a good potato salad recipe? I am looking for one that uses slightly more mayo.

>> No.6484705



>> No.6484711

Nice picture. Do you mind if I save it?

>> No.6484713

I said your vagina is dry and flaky. Lather it with said mayo to rejuvenate

>> No.6484714

...hmmm well tell us YOUR secret, sister!

Oh I know I'm bad! I'm just kidding! Anyone else having anything to drink tonight?
I'm having red Franzia, just a glass or three :)

>> No.6484715
File: 1.96 MB, 2448x3264, Islip-20120401-00075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight's dinner, as per hubby's request! All it needs is a ranch drizzle.

Thoughts, ladies?


>> No.6484721

How are all these rude words passing through the forum's censors? It's hard to discuss a darned thing when I hand to put my hand over part of the screen!

>> No.6484723

Oops. You beat me to the punch. I think i'll just leave the mayonnaise alone dear, you'd better just keep that little secret to yourself though...whatever floats your boat.

>> No.6484729

My mom owns serrated kitchen knives and can't dice an onion for shit (partly because she doesn't own a proper chef's knife). She can manage basic homestyle cooking like meatloaf, pasta, golumpkis, baked or boiled dinners, etc, but not much else. Baking a cake for her means a box mix.

If /ck/ was taken over by moms like mine it wouldn't be much different than it is now. Maybe even cringier.

>> No.6484732

Well it works sister! And in an hour two you've got a nice aioli ;)

>> No.6484737


You shouldn't talk about your mother like that dear! I'm sure she works hard to cook for you.


>> No.6484738

Wow...what a beautiful set...I am going to save this image...It makes me think of my mom...she died 3 years ago this Sunday...her favorite flower was gardenia...

>> No.6484740
File: 117 KB, 953x953, ELTON_JOHN_GREATEST_HITS_VARIANTE_2_FRONT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you all listen to while you're doing your baking? I like to spin this little number. Makes me feel 30 all over again!

>> No.6484741

I'm 32. She hasn't cooked for me since the last family get-together at her house which was probably like Christmas 2013.

>> No.6484742

this stopped being funny 20 posts ago

>> No.6484744

Don't forget the Texas Toast!

>> No.6484746

>this plebian still listens to Elton John while baking
He's a degenerate.

Get on my level


>> No.6484747

>tfw you sincerely enjoy roleplaying a 45 year old mom

wut the fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.6484750
File: 397 KB, 600x749, enhanced-buzz-9329-1389214671-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Fran, I am SO sorry to hear that! Hope you and your family are managing alright.

This was my mother's go-to recipe when company came over. Simple, delicious, and healthy to boot!


>> No.6484757

We've been using the internet for years. It's one of the few unique experiences left. Either that or we all have mom issues.
You like milf porn don't you squidward?

>> No.6484770

Mine did too. My father liked to bake a couple of things and make fudge.

I myself now cook for my own family.

This thread is saddening, seeing that these kids' mothers don't know how or care to cook.

>> No.6484776

Hey all,

The other day complained about me using too much "meam food" in my cooking. Does anyone know what he's talking about?

Lately I've been trying out some more trendy, up-to-date recipes sine he'd been complaining about the usual casseroles and Jell-O salads, so I'm confused about his fuss.

>> No.6484780

Your dad sounds like he was half a fag

>> No.6484782

o-only chubby milfs

>> No.6484786
File: 36 KB, 500x333, YouLike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how would you describe your mother's body type?

>> No.6484789

A gigantic womanizer, navyman and marine, so maybe. My siblings have all had a chat about it a couple of times, his sexuality. Laughs and sadness, anon.

>> No.6484792

she's kind of skinny actually.

>> No.6484802



lost my shit before i even read the post

>> No.6484828

Does anyone know of some good, VIRUS-FREE recipe websites?

>> No.6484869

none of the basement dwelling neckbeard antisocial cancerous twats who love to troll the site could stand up to them and /ck/ might be about food and cooking for once
it sadly wouldn't be very funny, either, though, since most of the comments would go completely past them

>> No.6484871
File: 114 KB, 500x332, What%20is%20this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what you're supposed to use this 'rooster sauce' for? I tried a little and it's just way to hot and garlicky for any of the recipes in my scrapbook. My hubby accidentally bought it instead of ketchup (he was supposed to get cat food!), and I'd hate to waste it.

Mama Barb

>> No.6484897 [DELETED] 


Hi, Barb!

I first discovered this sauce at a Vietnamese restaurant my son took me too. My son told me to squirt some in my beef stew. HOT HOT HOT!! I immediately had to ask the waiter for another coca-cola review!

I think us Americans just can't handle this Asian stuff.

>> No.6484909

It is if the reason you don't like them is because they're exotic.

>> No.6484910


>> No.6484918

Nice fazolis, but no one believes she cooked them in mountain dew.

>> No.6484920

Those pictures on the bottle are Chinese. Ever wondered why General Joe's is spicy? You're looking at the reason right there. There aren't any American recipes that use that ingredient, only Chinese. Sorry for your loss!

>> No.6484921

>What if /ck/ was taken over by moms and middle age and over women for a month? What would it look like?

Well considering I eat food that isn't hamburgers and hot dogs sometimes, and also drink wine sometimes, I'm basically a middle aged woman according to /ck/.

>> No.6484922


I don't normally shitpost, or talk about people's mothers, but if your mom says this you should put her out of her misery. Or at least put her out of MY misery.

>> No.6484925

Greetings Susan, how was the cruise?
Thanks for the advice, I have a bottle of this in the cupboard leftover from the raffle I won at bingo.
Will definitely not be using it now!
Say hi to George and the kids for me, will have to catch up for coffee after the Sunday morning service,
God bless,

>> No.6484944



>> No.6484946

You fucked it up by misspelling Margaret.
/thread derailed

>> No.6484947

Can Doreen Hoffman be a regular poster? I feel like /ck/ could use a mother.

>> No.6484948

So just like 4chan then?

>> No.6484949

Reasonable shitposting.

Also, more jello, probably.

>> No.6484956

It would look like it did 2 + years ago when there were actual cooking and recipe threads.

>> No.6484960




>> No.6484966

>no threads about homebrewing or grilling

Do you seriously think women don't grill or brew? You couldn't be more wrong.
Other than that, your list is pretty accurate.

>> No.6484967


there was never actual cooking and recipe threads

>> No.6484970

Hey Barb
Just wanted to drop a quick note to say thanks for the other night, I thoroughly enjoyed the meal but not as much as your company.
Perhaps next time I can cook for you and we could maybe have some "dessert" hehe.


>> No.6484977

She could tell us "approximately" how many of us were losers.

>> No.6484984

She would be 'confident' in most of the 'content', though.

>> No.6484985

Lies. Lies and slander. I myself was the originator of several recipe threads that got archived. But there were others too. Everyone has given up, because you can't beat the wave of fucktards on here. I used to post OC all the time as well, but like most people's OC, it got to the point where it barely got any response at all, so I stopped.

>> No.6484989

So this is probably the most original content the board has seen in awhile and we're actually trying to be idiots.

>> No.6484995

It's a sad, sad, reality, isn't it? I'd love to see a /ck/ renaissance, but I realize that's an empty hope.

>> No.6484997

Anyone who wants to take the reins can feel free. I don't actually post very often.

>> No.6485001

What killed /ck/ were tripfags shitposting and people being unable not to give them attention. The downward spiral went from there.

>> No.6485006

No, there's barely any tripfags anymore. There were more tripfags here when I first ventured here many years ago, back when that fat bitch Angie was still here. That's not what's killing /ck/.
There's a cancer here, but it's not just the tripfags.......

>> No.6485017

It's the attitude of 4chan in general.Why put work into transcribing a rcipe or prividing insight when you can get instant attention by posting >memefoods or >flyover?

>> No.6485037

>Look for new cake recipes online
>'Buy these prepackaged ingredients'
>'Just follow the instructions on the package'
>'Add a little vanilla extract for extra flavor'
>'Enjoy your homemade cake!'

It's a pain in the ass sometimes to find a good cake recipe.

>> No.6485055

It wouldn't be called an alcoholic thread though. There would be excuses and cutesy names for their drinking problems.

>Just having a bit bit of the Mommy Juice, 4th glass today and it's not even noon.
>Ugh, it's been a long day, I just need to sit back and sip some wine.

>> No.6485092

Yeah there were.
I have a 12 page document of recipes saved from one thread in 2011.

>> No.6485131

I am talking about how it was years ago. That's what started killing /ck/, and then the attitude never changed back. I was here originally pre-Angie and the rest of the spunksuckers. I used to have nice threads about homegrown produce and other such things.

>> No.6485164

>but most women these days--even as old as their 50's--are shit cooks.

That's true for the 30+ crowd that grew up in the culinary darkages that was the 70's and 80's. 90's kids started the "foodie" revival so girls 15-25 typically cook as a hobby, or at the VERY least know what food is supposed to taste like.

For example I don't know anyone under 30 that uses margarine instead of butter but the reverse is true for those who are older than 30.

I don't know anyone under 30 that thinks baking a cake or making dinner from scratch means buying a box kit. If you look at the plethora of online food and recipe blog most of them are written by younger girls.

Also its no secret plenty of femanons are here on /ck/ surreptitiously

>> No.6485170

Which one was it?
I used to do tons of recipe dump threads.

>> No.6485177
File: 16 KB, 460x360, oh-god-my-sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an image in my head of what the /ck/ anons look like and it makes this thread all that more hilarious

>> No.6485179
File: 20 KB, 240x240, 1415922133138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I've never seen a woman grill or brew in my life so yes, I seriously think that. Point me toward one. I didn't even know women are aware of how brewing works. I've reluctantly talked to girls about brewing when they ask what those bottles are in my closet and the fridge, then I tell them and they refuse to even try it like it's poison or something. I brought some to a party, all proud of my new beer and the only people that would DARE to drink it was me and my friend. They were all about me pouring them a beer until they found out it's homemade then put the glass down. I've literally never seen a girl drink homebrew and i've made it for about 6 years now. Even guys are hesitant to drink it and it's delicious. Fuck our society.

fuck everything

>> No.6485202

Well, you just sound bitter and angry in general.
I doubt anyone could sway your bias, but I happen to know several girls who brew their own beer and mead, and one who's actually working as an apprentice to a professional brewmaster (those apprenticeships are really hard to get, especially in this day and age). And almost every girl I know can grill, with a couple of exceptions. Brewing may require a specific skill set, but grilling is stupid easy, anyone can do that. I know one girl who not only grills, but has a smoker too and throws bbqs all the time in the summer for everyone.
Point is, you can't jumble everyone into one box that fits whatever your bias is, even if it makes you feel better about how angry you are.

>> No.6485224

Well, you sound like a woman.
I don't believe you about any of that shit you just posted. I'm not mad that women can't brew or dont want to grill, im only mad that Americans for the most part don't drink or make homebrews.

How exactly are those hard to get "in this days and age" are you an actual 45 year old mother? When were those ever easy to get? Breweries are popping up all over the place, if anything, it's even easier than ever to work for a brewmaster. Hell, I know a guy that owns a small brewery that I went to high school with that lives in Colorado. It's like the cool shit to do now apparently.

Girls making mead...get out of here and take your lies with you.

>> No.6485230

I was a random recipe dump thread, no images just pasta'd recipes.

>> No.6485244

> im only mad that Americans for the most part don't drink or make homebrews.
Dude, I think it's something about you in particular that turns people away from your homebrew.
Half the people I know have some kind of brew going. Some of them have dabbled in distilling as well.

Stop being such an anal pained faggot and gain some social skills. Maybe then people will try your brew.

>> No.6485253
File: 20 KB, 1000x1000, 1430975230151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf

>> No.6485533

older /ck/ was actually very similar to this, there were a lot more active posters that were actually chefs and people interested in the business discussing technique and there were way more OC threads.

>> No.6485567

I bet it was one of mine. I used to go through my cookbooks and recipe files and just make a dump thread every once in awhile. I should do that again sometime soon.

>> No.6485574
File: 383 KB, 900x900, 48246099_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than it does now.
Not merely different. Likely a solid net improvement.

>> No.6485581

Keep living in your little glass bubble, dumbass, while the world surpasses you. Both men and women are doing all kinds of shit these days that the past couple of generations didn't do. My wife makes Sima (lemon honey mead) all the time. AND, her recipe came from her grandmother, who also made mead and brewed her own beer, AND made her own cherry brandy. You think any of this shit is new? Women used to brew and make moonshine and liqueurs and all that shit back in the day. Just because your mom was a filthy whore who couldn't cook or do anything useful doesn't mean other women can't.

>> No.6485595

This entire thread


Speaking of mom, I miss mine.

>> No.6485605


fuck off mom, you're using up all the internet

>> No.6485618

>Both men and women are doing all kinds of shit these days that the past couple of generations didn't do
>recipe from her grandmother

are you stupid?

>> No.6485640

If you want to make some moms happy on Mother's Day, there are plenty of them at your local shelter who haven't any children that will take care of them. Volunteering gains you karma or something.

>> No.6485649

No, are YOU?

>> No.6485677

First my mom was very into nouvelle cuisine-type stuff, then she got hardcore into traditional nordic cuisine, then slow food, then she had a "world cuisine" interest (new country every week!) and now she's into NOMA-type stuff.

She's pretty patrician tbh.

My dad cooks very well, but dislikes complexity. He'd rather serve a cut of meat cooked to perfection with roast potatoes and buttered vegetables than try his hand at anything more complex, he says he dislikes "postulation and rhetoric" in cuisine.

>> No.6485694

I know a dr. oetker when I see one. approved.

too bad i havent had pizza in months

>> No.6485698

>What the fuck has happened to my Burmese cooking imageboard?

>Excuse me, young man, we don't take kindly to swearing here, or to Orientals for that matter.

>> No.6485701

I kind of want this to be a thing. Is there a place on the Internet like this?

>> No.6485703
File: 104 KB, 856x854, i fucked it up 2 out of 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish old people would stop using the Internet.

>> No.6485707
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Assorted Fruit Tums is now a meme

>> No.6485712

Most of them just reheat pre-made shit

>> No.6485737


>>>>>>>>mfw my mothers name is fucking Daneen

jesus christ

>> No.6485745


>> No.6485782
File: 967 KB, 2125x1084, Best-Veg-Books-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is PAM a good substitute for butter?
>Where can I find the cheapest lunchables for my asshole son?
>SAM'S Club stories
>I tried making chili with a hormel spice packet and cocktail weenies, I have no idea what i'm doing wrong
>wonderbread really is a wonder!
>ITT: we post our most retarded cookscom/allrecipescom recipes
>kitchen inspirations, and sobbing thread
>I wish my husband would stop hitting me when he got home
>This cookware has small animal faces on it!
>Fran, Betty and Margret; how can I steal their recipes
>cakes! (866 replies)
>going through menopause, need a chocolate thread
>So I was driving a half mile to the grocery store and rear-ended two people in my Hyundai...
>How can I save money on all the gluten-free produce I buy?
>Chefs knives are scary and should be banned imo
>post your favorite family-size freezer foods, ladies!
>Who is the hunkiest chef and why?
>spicy foods are discussing ew ech gross blech
>going to Applebee's on Thurdays! bringing the kids too!!!
>porridge thread

>> No.6485790
File: 62 KB, 620x387, nig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be a lot less shitposty but there would be a huge increase in threads about astrology, homeopathy, superfoods and nutritionist quackery.

>> No.6485794
File: 454 KB, 1600x1200, 1416096262270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every post will begin with
"Speaking as a mother..."

>> No.6485819

inb4 a post-menopausal woman with a lot of makeup and lighting specialists is a goddess and a 22 year old woman momentarily making an awkward facial expression is completely undesirable and even revolting

>> No.6485920

>my feelings when my partner doesn't like my third stir fry this week

>> No.6485932

>thinks astrology is quackery not science
top lel

>> No.6485944

>Those all caps
My fucking sides

>> No.6485950

Thinking about spending this Mother's Day with grandma on Dad's side. She ain't going to be around forever and she did mention my mom was her favourite.

Then going to some time with my half-brother, maybe try and get him engaged and interested in cooking by making something simple for his mom. The kid is 8, I'm scratching my head as to what he can make with my supervision that's a general cheap and cheerful crowd pleaser.

Then I'm going to go say hi to Mom and sit by her grave until dusk and go drink myself into oblivion.

>> No.6485960

there would be no salt to speak of, raw onions lightly boiled in cream.
and whenever garlic is used that would be all you could taste.
that is what my mother cooks, i cannot eat cream or creme freche anymore.

>> No.6486172
File: 65 KB, 900x900, ree frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tonight is all me!
>Ranch style chicken!
>Used a packet

>> No.6486255


>> No.6486281

>made this for my hubby tonite :^)


>> No.6486406

I hope this catches on. Boys are picking up the slack. I'm 20 and trying to learn everything I can about cooking. I can make pretty good food as it is, but I'd like to know more. I have a few guy friends that like cooking as well, but most girls that I know don't ever make anything from scratch. However, my gf cooks with and for me all of the time.

>> No.6486484

I am horrified... and delighted.

>> No.6486564

"young porcelain big cups"

>> No.6486643

>I didn't even know women are aware of how brewing works.
The people that know how to brew is rare enough. 40+ female won't change shit.

>> No.6486668


I have a cousin that does this.

>gets handed pizza
>starts wiping off the pizza with paper towels
>Wtf are you doing?
>"I'm wiping off the grease, do you know how much fat is in grease?"

>> No.6486674
File: 37 KB, 400x392, 1430852264291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6486682
File: 357 KB, 500x673, 124324234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My coworker does this.

>> No.6486686

This thread makes me sort of sad because a lot of our mom's grew up thinking that shit is okay and they're genuinely proud of what they cook. I know I'd hurt my mom if I told her otherwise, so I honestly just don't say anything and I'm grateful for what she does for me. I can just cook for myself at my place anyway, it doesn't hurt me to eat what she makes every now and then.

That being said, I do wish I could shed some light in her eyes about cooking, but goddamn she is sensitive as hell.

>> No.6486687

To be fair, overly greasy pizza is disgusting.

>> No.6486690

Reading this makes me feel a lot of things. None of them are positive.

>> No.6486699
File: 38 KB, 604x450, 1417312075009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my mother is a god tier cook who is ready make dishes taking hours to make when she's motivated

Her cuisine is the only thing that makes me want to go back home.

>> No.6486732

Are you an idiot? Packaged ranch is fucking God tier and tastes better than home made almost every time, and most restaurants use it too. You are dumb.