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File: 168 KB, 988x652, McSorleys-light-and-dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6482727 No.6482727 [Reply] [Original]

Light ales or dark ales?

>> No.6482729


>> No.6482740

all of the above

>> No.6482744


>> No.6482746

Ambers and darks
Without any of that hop overload bullshit

>> No.6482751

>Condensation on the glass
>Serving them cold

Reee, etc

>> No.6482754

munich pale lager

>> No.6482756

>Without any of that hop overload bullshit

Agreed. I can only stomach darker (amber onwards) ales because of the ridiculous hoppiness that's in vogue right now. I don't mind it for the first few sips but once you get about halfway through the pint it just becomes bitter and horrible.

>> No.6482757

Cold beer is good.

>> No.6482762

Ales should be below room temperature, but not fridge cold.

>> No.6482806

>He hasn't discovered the horros of dark IPAs

>> No.6482831

>horros of dark IPAs
Why so melodramatic?

>> No.6482868

the only good ice cold beer is a shitty beer

>> No.6482879
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All of the beers. Just give me all of the beers.

>> No.6482885

Yeah, those are retarded. I don't understand why they even exist.

>> No.6482913



>le ebin trollface.jpg

>> No.6482942

Why choose when you can have both?

>> No.6482943

ITT: pussies who can't drink beer
I bet you think Paulaner is good

>> No.6482944

>Unironically being a MOAR HOPS twat

>> No.6482954

I'm not, there are some beers that are too hoppy, but most people are pussies who think being bitter means being bad. I'll have an overly bitter beer over an overly sweet one any day.

>> No.6483195

The first of the current phase were IPAs in blackface with black malt adding colour with minimal roast character, but there's a lot that are more like hoppy porter, some directly riffing on India porter.

>> No.6483342

Black lagers.

>> No.6483398


Also McSorleys is nice.

>> No.6483415

Depends on the beer, Innis and Gunn recommend fridge temperature for example. Guinness is freezer temps.

Chilling allows gradations of taste as the beer naturally heats back up while drinking. Very refreshing too.

>> No.6483741

A hoppy porter might not be too bad, but the ones which are IPAs with what is essentially food colouring in are pointless.

>> No.6483797

Haven't you heard of chilling the glass? The beer could be any (reasonable) temp in that pic

>> No.6483864

so light lager

>> No.6483872
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Dark in the winter
cider in the summer

>> No.6483875

Tbh I'd rather have a vmo or euro lager than a fiery dragon anus edgemaster xxx420 dank triple ipa

Making a well balanced IPA is very hard, but most breweries now just say fuck it and throw a shitload of hops to hide the terrible base malt recipe composed of 100% 2-row

>> No.6483883

Paulaner *is* good.
what wormed its way into your shit-craw and died?

>> No.6483885

Gee, it's almost as if different people like different things or something.

>> No.6483891
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>My last name is McSorley
>tfw McSorley's doesn't give a free beer to McSorleys who visit

>> No.6484130


>> No.6484181

As a non beer drinker can some anon tell me what the difference is?

>> No.6484189


Think of it sort of like the differences between a light, medium and dark roast coffee. The darker beers are more bitter and stronger tasting

>> No.6484220

Lighter beers. My favorite is Stella, then Mickeys (if you count it as a beer) then Heineken

I'm a girl, therefor Stella preference is okay

>> No.6484231
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drinking cold ale. do you even want to taste your beer?

>> No.6484232

>Darker = more bitter
Not at all, more flavorful maybe, but not necessarily more bitter.

>> No.6484235
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>Being such a hipster faggot that you drink pisswarm beer and pretend it's better

>> No.6484261


>> No.6484263

These are both not necessarily true.

Darker beers like stouts, brown ales and porters tend to have more malty, roasty, chocolate-like, coffee-like flavors, although they can still be hoppy and bitter. Lighter beers like pale ales, hefes, and pilsners can be more hoppy, fruity, floral, grassy, and "crisp" but can still have some malty, bready characteristics. The abv can vary with both, color doesn't really matter, although a large portion of strong beers (10% and up) tend to be darker in color due to the tradition of the particular styles.

>> No.6484269

Yeah I agree bitter isn't the right word. It's hard to describe it beyond "dark beers taste darker"

>> No.6484277

what are the best light beers?

>> No.6484279

Craft beers.

>> No.6484284

>All craft beers are great
>I don't have any real suggestions
>I am a giant faggot

>> No.6484288
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best lager coming through

>> No.6484293
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If we're talking non-craft beers, then my opinion would be Warsteiner, hard to pick a internationally known one, but I think this is one of the best pilsners.

>> No.6484324

Depends on the style.

>> No.6484329
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>> No.6484338

Looks tasty, pig snacks are pretty underrated.

>> No.6484372

Lol warsteiner is literally pisswater. One of the shittiest German Pilseners someone could drink. Its maybe one step above becks

>> No.6484376
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>> No.6484413

>bongs have such dogshit infrastructure that they don't have variable temp faucets or the ability to cool beer

>> No.6484489

Paulaner is waaay to sweet, it makes me nauseus.

>> No.6485599

Any style as long as the beer is good.

>> No.6485616

i like the dark dunkel. it's nice

i had beck's dark when they were out of warsteiner dunkel: fuckin nasty bitter

>> No.6485925


>> No.6485929

lmao, pleb confirmed.

>> No.6486177

What are you talking about

Paulaner is the best easily-available beer I've ever had.

>> No.6486191

I'll drink any beer as long as it's Belgian.

>> No.6486202
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Best of both worlds pleb.

>> No.6486212

I'd rather spend 3 days with a down and out homeless wino that'll drink listerine if he has to than spend 5 minutes with a pretentious, hops and sugar loving craft beer snob.

>> No.6486235

My favourite is Nögne Imperial Stout, you will shit like king the following day

>> No.6486549

>dat textbook BrewDog cringe

>> No.6486556

Hops is the bitterness in most beers right? I never understood why someone would want a totally bitter drink. I drinks that are tart, and even some bitterness, but overly...I just don't get it.

Anyway, what would you suggest to someone who doesn't like the bitterness of most beers, like names/styles of beers. Been looking for a brown ale, newcastle was the one I found, it sucked.

>> No.6487557

Newcastle is pretty shite m8, try and find Samuel Smith's Nut Brown Ale. Should have distribution in the states if that's where you are, otherwise I don't know why you'd be drinking Newcastle.

There's a style that gets called Scotch ales which are sweet and malty, some of the Belgian stuff is more dry than that but sweet and malty too.

>> No.6487593

I like light and medium bodies usually. The occasional porter is a great dessert sipper, but most stouts and other dark beers are too sweet.

>brown ale
I didn't like Samuel Smith's brown. Try Smuttynose Old Dog instead.

>> No.6487615

In California, Newcastle was what I found at the store, only brown ale there actually. Sam Smith's heard a lot about it, haven't seen it anywhere, but I'll keep an eye out. Thanks.

I'll give that a try as well. Thanks

>> No.6487628

Nigga you live right next to Anchor Breweries and you've never had a Brekle's Brown?

>> No.6487640

Yeah I live in cali, central cali, so many fucking cows everywhere man, I have been looking for that actually, I did see some Anchor beer, but wasn't Brekle's Brown.

Tried leinenkugal sunset wheat cause 'fruity pebbles' didn't have any of that flavor though, maybe was just a bad sixpack, idk

>> No.6487758

Everything I've tasted from Anchor is great. I only recommended Brekle's since you mentioned wanting browns.

Their Steam and Porter are both spectacular.

>> No.6487771

Cool, will check to see if they have any of those at the store I was last at.

>> No.6488051


depends on the season.

>> No.6488985

>I'm drinking from a glass like that right now

Do you get those in Murrica?

>> No.6488991

Both. But I prefer dark.

>> No.6488997

Stouts are a good entry level drink. Never too bitter, very drinkable, and commonly available. They're what got me into beer, and I was the same as you regarding bitterness.

I said I didn't like beers for years because everyone I know kept on saying "try this, you'll like it" then giving me IPAs.

>> No.6489004
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Well it naturally depends.

If the sun is shining, your gf is dancing around in her summer dress and life is good, then go for the nice light ale naturally.

That's why I'm sitting alone, in the dark, left, in a country with no seasons but only variations over winter, and thoroughly enjoying the numbing taste of black malt and self-loathing in my imperial stout.

>> No.6489021

What country would that be?

>> No.6489083

Sounds like a fin

>> No.6489111

lol.That's ok.I like porter or stouts, fall and winter, lighter, spring and summer. Even a methodist pastor told a beer or two, even three after cutting the grass is good. 12 or 24 is not.

>> No.6489200

dark pale ales?
Why not call them... I don't know something like Dark India pale ale?

>> No.6489213

I like transparent Crystal diet ale with artificial hop flavor and sweetened with aspartame.

>> No.6490275

Personally never had an IPA, just the regular run of the mill mass produced stuff. Corona being the absolute worst for me, way too bitter. It's not like I've never had a bitter or tart drink, I do enjoy them, just something about the bitterness in beer idk,.

No brand in particular, just any stout will do?

>> No.6490359

Fuck I hate dimple glasses. Nonic just looks so much better.

>> No.6490603

Pick your poison.

>> No.6490810

If you want to be a casual try Guinness. It's mass produced and not great, but quite drinkable and easily available. Outside of that, most microbreweries do at least one sort of stout or porter.

>> No.6490861

Very different to perceived bitterness though.

>> No.6491211

That being said, I, like anon above, am not very fond of bitter beers, a trait I usually find to be killing to a RIS, for example. But i'm still into porters, hence my fondness for baltic stouts, for example.

I guess my point is just that stouts aren't just stouts.

>> No.6491576
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Why not both?

>> No.6492756

Oh god

>> No.6494272

I got some Anchor Steam here in Aus, despite the journey was really good. I was unconvinced by what I'd read about the style until I tried one.

>> No.6494317

If that's the one I think it is I found it horrible, it was way too carbonated. It felt like drinking beer flavoured coke.

>> No.6494329

ale lmao

>> No.6494331

>American beers are so shit that they're still in the babby's first beer IPA "pour a shit ton of hops into everything we make cos the novelty of beer actually tasting of something other than water hasn't worn off yet" phase.


Best beer are bitters. Mellow amber and delicious. Deep dark stouts and porters might be my favourite genre but you can't make every glass a dark one or it gets boring. Sweet fruity pales are fun.

IPAs though are kind of disgusting. Over-hopped to preserve them on long sea voyages from the UK to India.

All the American beers I've tried have been like IPAs that punch you in the face. Americans don't exactly get subtlety so some Yank used to Bud Light tastes a British beer will just taste "warm" "flat" beer. It needs to be super chilled and carbonated or hopped to shit so he can taste it's 'supposed' to be like that then he can be a hipster and rave to his friends about 'muh craft beer'

>> No.6494342

Who are you quoting?

>> No.6494346

a strawman

>> No.6494348

it is kind of funny that IPA which is historically a shit tier British beer is a becoming a big deal in the States.
Imagine if they ever discover proper Real Ale.

>> No.6495594

Cool, I'll check out what's around here, if I can't find much I'll probably try a Guinness

>> No.6495731

It's like a watered-down IPA with a slightly bready aftertaste. I love it.

>> No.6495766
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>> No.6495777

Is it just one guy always posting Sam Smiths in beer threads or is is several people?

My local at home is a Sam Smiths pub, it's great man and super cheap.

>> No.6495784

All of the above.

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and Guinness Extra Stout are my two favorite beers.

>> No.6495792
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>> No.6495797
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Dogfish 60 min ipa

>> No.6495798


>> No.6495801

Anchor brew tastes like shit btw

>> No.6495808

Took me a couple of years, but I love IPAs now. Dieu Du Ciel's Moralite is my all-time favorite beer. Old Rasputin and Rogue's Hazelnut Brown Nectar are my favorite dark beers.

>> No.6495849

uh yeah stouts can get bitter as fuck.

>> No.6495854

Imperial ones can be, I suppose, but a regular stout won't be.

>> No.6495858

basically, you can't be an american brewery and not make IPAs. The market for it is massive.

>> No.6495867

That isn't true at all.
The Bruery does not make IPAs

>> No.6495872 [DELETED] 

got one in my cupboard
may have to whip it out tonight for vodka

>> No.6495875

Do they sell bottles in sam smith pubs or just tap?

>> No.6495887

i said basically, not literally. and only having a single brewery doesn't help your case much.
That being said American breweries are awesome becuase they don't *just* make IPAs.
Wild ales, Belgian styles, cream ale, and just about anything yurop can brew only better. (I will allow a caveat in the form of trappist ales. those monks know what they're doing.)

>> No.6495894

I'd like you to know that I saw your idiocy and will forever remember it.

>> No.6495897

I have yet to taste the monk brew. Is it worth the price???

>> No.6495898

Brewing a wild ale right now. It'l be ready in september...of next year....

>> No.6495901

>only better

This is why people hate it when Americans try to talk about beer.

>> No.6495911

it is very hard to find a brewery in the US that can do a Munich Helles lager like Augustiner or Weihestephaner can. Ballast Points Long Fin comes the closests but still not quite there

I do generally agree though, we can produce some great sours, tripels and wild ales. Also we got stouts down to a science.

thank you, been using 4chan for 7 years and the first time I see a chance to use a spoiler I fuck it up. I'll figure it out one of these days

>> No.6495912

Sometimes it is hard to swallow the facts.

>> No.6495914

usually. poke around different packies and try and find the best prices. Trappist Rochefort 10 is my favorite beer but usually winds up around $5-7 for a 12-ounce. though i've been in a packie that sold the 6 for almost $10 and the 8 for ~$4
people say belgians make the best beer in the world and after drinking trappist ales i can believe them. All the Chimays are good, Spencer is good (and the only North American Trappist brewery), and they're about to start brewing a second kind.

>> No.6495919

people also don't understand that each state is essentially it's own country and that the greater 'american culture' barely exists.

>> No.6495939

oh it does, it's just unbelievable shitty as far as culture goes

>> No.6495943

>thank you, been using 4chan for 7 years and the first time I see a chance to use a spoiler I fuck it up. I'll figure it out one of these days

The funny thing is you actually did it correctly, you just did it on the wrong board. Spoilers only exist on boards where it makes sense (/v/, /vg/, /tv/, /a/ (maybe, I'm not a weeb), /tg/).

>> No.6495947
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>North American Trappist brewery

>> No.6495954

were are you from?
where I'm from about the only 'american culture' we have is beer and grilling for summer holidays (i.e. memorial, 4th of july, labor)

>> No.6495961

yes. North American Trappist Brewery.
were you trying to make some sort of arbitrary and stupid point?

>> No.6495966

>Disney monks

>> No.6495967

I kinda was thinking the same thing when i read >>6495914 but looked it up and it seems legit. From I found what they are producing is likely similar to Orval

>> No.6495970

Went to bongland with the same notion.
>excited to try some "real ales"
>every pub has the same 4 big name beers
>everyone there talk a line about the good beers you can't find anymore
Uh huh.
Oh and the kicker:
>best beers I had up and down both sides were German

My gas station down the street with the faulty fridge has more and better warm Ales then I found on that while damn rock.
great people though

>> No.6495977

I don't understand what you are trying to say. Disney is in California and Florida, the brewery is in the Godless North.

>> No.6495982

SC so i get that too

to me the american culture is the corp landscape of chain fast food and retail from coast to coast. Maybe I'm just a cynic but it pisses me off

>> No.6495987

You're a fucking idiot.

>Go to bog standard pubs
>They have bog standard beers

>> No.6497842

>dat long and furious greentext strawman
Fun facts: in the time that the US has rediscovered good beer for themselves, British publicans have likewise almost stopped the once common practice of recasking slops and barrel dregs.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

>> No.6497914
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He's right though. It's harder than it should be to find a decent pub with real ales

>> No.6498415

Mate, every single Wetherspoons (the biggest pub chain the country) has a variety of ales on tap at any given time.