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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 46 KB, 550x379, gingerroot500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6479728 No.6479728 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get a thread going about common foods that can have (direct) noticeably moderate to strong psychoactive effects.

Starting off with some more well known ones. Nutmeg, ginger, cocoa bean, turmeric. Adding on very weak ones, like tomato and papaya.

>> No.6479774

Whatever that thing is, it's not common in America. You seem like a hipster foodie. Why would anyone risk it? Just eat normal food, who are you trying to impress? You some kind of faggot?


The Midwest

p.s. I looked up papaya and it's some kind of "super food" for 40 year old women. No one in they're 20s eats that, edge lord. Did you forget pearl harbor?

>> No.6479777

Hello Anon,

Thanks for the reply, however after a review of your post, I find it hard to believe you've never seen a ginger rhizome, nor a papaya.

The Northeast

>> No.6479797

Hello California,

You're running out of water, also minorities, and no machine guns. Why would I go to California? Also, we are definitely not the deep south.

The Midwest

p.s. Indian food gives you diarrhea

>> No.6479803

he said northeast not west coast you fucking dolt

>> No.6479804

If you do that thing where you eat a tablespoon of cinnamon and actually swallow it all successfully it gives you the worst headache known to man.

>> No.6479807

Hello again Anon,

Thanks for the reply, however California is located in the Northwest and Western regions of the US. I am in the Northeast.


>> No.6479822

How the fuck do you even know you're in the Midwest if you think California is to the Northeast? Checkmate flyover

>> No.6479843

What about ginger makes it so good for relief for stomach issues?

>> No.6479849

What the fuck is wrong with this faggot? Stop making us look stupid dumbfuck.

>> No.6479860

Has a number of pharmacological properties that indirectly or directly aid digestion.

Mainly it causes muscles involved in motility to be more active. It also stimulates the secretion of gastri acid (mainly HCl) which causes the release and better functioning of a number of digestive enzymes, eg lipase and pepsin.

It's also a stimulant (for a very short time), then a depressant. Its stimulant effect is by acting as a histamine antagonist, which can also aid digestion.

Ginger has always cleared my stomach out pretty well. At a certain point my digestive system more or less shut down for a few reasons, most of which I can just guess at. Food would just sit in my stomach and literally rot, which makes you feel pretty sick. Ginger definitely bailed me out to an extent.

>> No.6479866 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 150x280, NM 2754 L300 Turmeric_150x280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not popping turmeric capsules for depression as its more effective the prozac with no side effects


>> No.6479970

>more effective than prozac
did you even read the full article you linked before making claims or was just a brief skim of the headline enough to provide you with fact?
the study refers to pure curcumin, not turmeric, which is only 3% of turmerics total mass. the studies gave the patients 1000mg pure curcumin a day so unless those capsules are mammoth-suppository-shit-curry-for-months sized, i doubt youre going to get the 300g of turmeric required to provide you with the anti-depressant dosage.

>> No.6479986

That site features astrology and other quackery so any medical information on there is worthless.

>> No.6479990
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>> No.6479991
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I always feel better after drinking this magic elixir

>> No.6479992

How fucking much would I have to eat of that stuff to notice anything?
I often drink quite strong ginger teas (like 3 thumbs worth of ginger per cup), and I dont notice anything.
Is that one of those you-have-to-eat-so-much-to-feel-something-that-you'll-have-other-things-to-worry-about things again?

>> No.6480036 [DELETED] 

Probably depends on individual physiology. Ginger is either an H1 or H2 antagonist, I can't recall, and it has a weak affinity for 5-HT2 and 3. As a rule when histamine in the CNS is lowered, dopamine secretion rises in various areas. Has a number of interactions with the body, personally I notice effects after 2 or 3 thumbs worth consumed raw (directly chewed, not heated).

Brief paper on its actions neurologically (and otherwise). Don't feel like tracking down the full text of this paper elsewhere. Other sources to research further are available on pubmed etc.

>> No.6480042
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Why are coasties so pretentious?

>> No.6480047

Probably depends on individual physiology. Ginger is either an H1 or H2 antagonist, I can't recall, and it has a weak affinity for 5-HT2 and 3. As a rule when histamine in the CNS is lowered, dopamine secretion rises in various areas. Has a number of interactions with the body, personally I notice effects after 2 or 3 thumbs worth consumed raw (directly chewed, not heated).

Brief paper on its actions neurologically (and otherwise). Don't feel like tracking down the full text of this paper elsewhere. Other sources to research further are available on pubmed etc.

>> No.6480051

Pretentious about finding shitty legal highs or not being a retard that doesn't know what ginger is?

>> No.6480310

>Americans in charge of knowing their own geography

>> No.6480327
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The coasts have more in common with each other than with the upper midwest.

>> No.6480354

>Europoors in charge of reading comprehension

>> No.6480360


Anyone who calls it 'pop' or 'coke' needs to be put in a work camp.

>> No.6480363

>needs to be put in a mass grave

>> No.6480366

I'm so happy that nothing interesting exists in the blue area. I would never want to be around people who call it "pop".

>> No.6480372

That's wrong, 'pop' and 'coke' as a generic term should be bright alarm colours.

>> No.6480550

noticeably moderate to strong psychoactive effects.

>what the fuck am I reading?

10/10 troll, because I know people believe this shit.

Well, people do eat, (6aR,9R)- N,N- diethyl- 7-methyl- 4,6,6a,7,8,9- hexahydroindolo- [4,3-fg] quinoline- 9-carboxamide,

That makes people trip...

>> No.6480570

>histamine antagonist
I think you got your words mixed up, histamine agonists would help in digestion.

>> No.6480621


They really chill you out. I bring clove tea in a thermos when I get coffee at a cafe. When my coffee gets cold, I pour in some clove tea to warm it and counter the anxious feelings of the caffeine.

>> No.6481392

The can in a direct sense, but can do the opposite indirectly. Histamine in the CNS predisposes people to anxiety, and the later norepinephrine and cortisol involvement can inhibit or cripple digestion.

A histamine agonist would work well when acting on the vagus nerve and parts of the stomach lining directly. Which is more useful and when, depends.

>> No.6481413

It is not a troll, anon.

>> No.6481415


Tried figging with an ex-girlfriend, it's not pleasant

>> No.6481417


>> No.6481440

>Tried figging with an ex-girlfriend, it's not pleasant

Me: Ok Google, wtf is figging?
Google: Figging is a now somewhat popular BDSM practice that involves ginger used as a buttplug. It's likely that the name evolved from the old practice of gingering ("to feague"): sticking some ginger up a horse's ass to make it hold up its tail. Popular legend claims that Victorians used this technique to punish unruly pupils, but it's probably just as likely that those endearing sex-freaks appreciated it for its kinkiness.

>> No.6481708

>Psychoactive effects

>> No.6481731

I fucking hate when people say coke when referring to all sodas. Coke is a soda itself, not a term for all carbonated drinks. Pop/soft drink is fine

>> No.6481814


Are you fucking retarded?

You can buy ginger root and papaya in almost any large grocery store. Walmart, Ingles, Food-lion, etc all carry them.


The Southeast

p.s. Papaya taste great regardless of the nutritional value, and is native to the tropics of the Americas you jackass.

>> No.6481878

but what do they call it in oklahomo?

>> No.6481892


Hello Americans,

You guys don't know how to make food.


>> No.6481906

You don't have to call people names just because you disagree with them.

>> No.6481922


Hello Rest of World,

You can't just put random ginger and sesame on everything and call it "Asian". Also why are you so fat?


The Enlightened East

>> No.6481927

Hello Rest of World,

Why are you complaining about your food when we don't even have food?

Central African Republic

>> No.6481961

I laughed at this. Hard. This is why I come to 4chan. Thanks anon.

>> No.6481973

Theres like 2 countries in all of Europe that have internationally recognized food. One is good but overly complicated techniques that result in better food when applied to other cuisines and the other is a bunch of simple combinations of flour, water, cheese, and tomatoes. The rest are lucky to be known for one thing, typically some kind of meat dish that is hard to fuck up, or they are only known for alcohol.

>> No.6481985

Today I blended/drank 20 cups of spinach and got a euphoric high about 30-60 minutes post ingestion

Any idea what caused this? Was I deficient in folate or something?

>> No.6481989
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>> No.6482012

Can you tell us the context? Why were you ingesting so much spinach?

>> No.6482055
File: 133 KB, 200x385, 3734483+_ca49bbc8aca06a55308dbb33b931d40a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Into the trash.

>> No.6482233

It is clear it was actually the other way around, Anon was ingested by spinach and simply did what it took to survive.

Post high is likely epinephrine and cortisol along with a blood sugar spike. Potential mild thyroid involvement via spinach's goitrogenic properties, along with rapid uptake of various nutrients. Potential very mild allergy.

>> No.6482439

>Britain - Fish and Chips
>Turkey - Kebabs
>Greece - Gyros
>Germany - Sausage
>Spain - Paella
>Rest of Europe - Alcohol
Its true

>> No.6482586

There is literally nothing wrong with calling it pop or soda. Coke is the only problematic one because it uses a brand name.

>> No.6482590

You guys know you don't get karma points here right ?

>> No.6482592

You're still an idiot that doesn't even know his own country.

>> No.6482595
File: 262 KB, 1786x1030, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first several posts of this thread will go on to be /ck cringe.
Nice one, wankers.

>> No.6482610

Approach the one on the far right. She's mildly intrigued.

>> No.6482612

Middle right looks like Nicolas Cage.

>> No.6482617
File: 1.79 MB, 384x216, OP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if you view the GIF, she looks like Nicolas Cage squeezing a dirty turd out in his pants then being somewhat smug about it.

>> No.6482618

Johnny Cage just a few heads to the left.

>> No.6482657


I knew there was a reason I hated that part of the country the most.

>> No.6482669
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6482702


>> No.6482707

Not enough houses have crown molding.

>> No.6482719

>no italy
>no poland
>no russia
>no portugal
>no france

>> No.6482760

No one said soda was a problem, anon. Is there something you need to get off your chest?

>> No.6483158

Italy is the country that has all the combinations of flour, tomatoes, cheese, and water. France is the one with the complicated techniques that are better applied to other cuisine

>> No.6485304

Once seen.

>> No.6485311

It's ginger and it's fucking delicious.

>> No.6487504
