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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.42 MB, 1982x1491, img_35111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6475835 No.6475835 [Reply] [Original]

>it costs 3x as much so it must be better!

Why do trustfund kids love to waste daddy's money? Pic related.

>> No.6475841

nice plog bost.

>> No.6475953

that is some good stuff
mild tang to it, slight herb tint from grass fed beef, and very rich
3x as much as what?
It is overpriced here, too, but it's imported, so to be expected.
So, butter thread?
I have been getting tillamook and am very happy with it. It's not quite as rich as kerrygold, and it's sweetcream, so it's a different flavor, but very nice and much more reasonably priced around here. It's on par with plugra as far as moisture content, costs much less, and has wonderful flavor IMO, though many want the tangier flavored butters.

>> No.6475988

Anything European is better than American

>> No.6475997
File: 25 KB, 460x276, Lard-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just buy lard

>> No.6475998

I had it once, was so-so.

didnt leave enough of an impression to warrant me buying for myself

>> No.6476004

>not buying raw grass-fed cream and making fresh raw butter (the best tasting butter) yourself

>> No.6476006

There are some scenarios where butter has an actual higher butterfat content (plugra, for example, is like 85% to standard 78-80%) but this really only matters in shit like laminated dough

most of everything else is a waste of money

>> No.6476013

raw milk is more illegal than heroin in the states

>> No.6476020

I think it has a better flavor and texture than, say, Land o' Lakes. One of those blocks only costs $5 where I am, although so is a 4-stick pack of LOL.

I usually get Kerrygold when I know I'm going to have some nice bread.

>> No.6476033

>that one article in the New Yorker that detailed how a group of hipsters would sell underground raw milk and had to dump it whenever the FDA came knocking
Thank you diary lobbyists.

>> No.6476038

nanny state progressives are the worst

>> No.6476040

>Wanting a visit from the FDA goon squad

>> No.6476041

i think its more of a hold over from the beginning of the food safety movement from the late 19th century.

>> No.6476045

>raw milk is more illegal than heroin in my state
ftfy, though it's still a flaming exaggeration even if you're in one of the few states where it's outright illegal
that's what you get for not living in a good state

>> No.6476055

>3x the price
>of butter

butter is so cheap it's basically free, who cares if you pay an extra 20 cents or whatever

>> No.6476057

Man, Kerrygold isn't butter... it's fatty fatty spreadable cheese!

>> No.6476060

>nanny progressive states
>retail legal in california, washington
>farm or retail legal in most of new england
>farm legal in oregon
>banned all over the south

>> No.6476065

If I go to trader joe's i can buy this for literally the same price as the cheapest kroger butter i can find at fry's so.

>> No.6476068

>butter is so cheap it's basically free
Really? Land of the Lakes runs me $5/lb, that's not particularly cheap.

>> No.6476069

kerrygold is pretty good

plugra is better though

i don't use butter much so it just makes sense getting the good shit

>> No.6476080

oh and "Burro di Bufala" is fucking garbage

it reminds me of when i was a kid and I'd try making ice cream by freezing milk

>> No.6476086

Silver Spoon made me want to try raw milk. Anyone know what it tastes like, and any risk factors to look out for? I live in NY so I just have to find a damn good farm.

>> No.6476093

"plugra" is an awful name/word

>> No.6476096


that's almost twice what i pay, but even then, a pound of butter is like 35 servings, so you're paying like 15c/serve

>> No.6476097

What makes it better than the super market brand I get? I can't imagine the ingredients being different at all.

>> No.6476123

honestly,if i used more butter I'd probably be buying land o'lake,it's not incredibly different

but it seems to be "richer" maybe a little more cheese like? i don't know exactly but i just find it better tasting overall

>> No.6476128

yea,sounds like some kind lung infection

>> No.6476134

It's great over pancakes.

>> No.6476138

If it's very fresh, it'll taste like a rich milk. It's not homogenized, so shake it up before you drink it unless you want to sip on frothy butter-cream. It will develop a tang quickly, so you'll likely taste some, but it shouldn't taste off. If it tastes off, don't ingest.

>> No.6476142


What makes it Irish? Do they churn it with whiskey or something?

>> No.6476145

raw milk is fucking disgusting

has sort of "barnyard" shit taste

I've tried from a few different farms,so i know it's not the source

>> No.6476147

It's full of famine

>> No.6476150

they deprive the churners of whiskey for a week before their shift starts. The resulting "shakes" technique of churning can not be duplicated and yields a vastly better butter.

>> No.6476174

It tastes no different than pasteurized milk. It also has no more nutrients whatsoever, including all prebiotic, probiotic, and functional food effects. All dairy research and nutrition articles confirm this.

The only benefit is natural adjunct culture for cheesemaking, which leaves fruity, buttery, and alcohol tastes from the heterofermenters and citrate metabolizers naturally in the milk. High cook temperatures of the process, lower moisture content, high salt, and low pH of the finished product make most raw-milk cheese made under good quality assurance safe.

The drawbacks to drinking raw milk are diarrhea from coliforms, listeriosis, Q-fever, and many other ETEC and EHEC infections. These become deadly in the YOPI population (young, old, pregnant, immunocompromised).

>muh nanny state
Don't serve it to your kids or grandmother. That is sincere advice. Children die every few years from this.

>> No.6476184

I kek'd hard but it hurt me inside

>> No.6476192

Lard is excellent stuff. Much better than corn oil for frying, better than butter for pan searing. Also, it's not made of plastic.

>> No.6476205

Canadian butter is easy to find at 3 bucks a pound. Generally the house brand, but still. Walmart had real butter on sale at 2.45 a pound, but I'm not doing Walmart

>> No.6476211

You simply like the taste of factory milk. Factory milk was once considered a watered down shit class product.

>You have no taste for what's real any more.

>> No.6476233

there is quite the difference in taste and the mouth feel is so much better.

>> No.6476598

>Also, it's not made of plastic.
What cooking fat is made out of plastic?

>> No.6476608

It's not that expensive here and it's pretty good

>> No.6476612

He/she obviously got that fictitious email 8 or so years ago about margarine being one molecule away from being plastic.

>> No.6476619

tillamook is my happy medium—not too pricey, a little sweet, but great by itself with a crusty bread.

OR represent

>> No.6476620

I've been to their factory on a tour, lovely place. Hard to find their products here in the Midwest though. I have always wanted to try Kerrygold but just end up getting Land-o-Lakes instead. (I bake, so I use a lot of butter.)

>> No.6476646

regardless of email chains, margarine does taste like shit

>> No.6476871

>Don't serve it to your kids or grandmother. That is sincere advice. Children die every few years from this.
lel, I have a fundie relative who ONLY lets his kids drink raw milk. They are also unvaccinated, and he carries a gun everywhere because he thinks the knockout game is real. The kids are nasty little monsters with no social graces, because home schooling and mean, judgmental, paranoid parents teaching them that they're special little snowflakes and the world is too impure for them.

Conservatives are hilarious, about the only good thing I can say is at least they're not spreading measles at an actual school.
There is some difference in taste but 90% of that difference can be had by getting fresh, non-homogenized, full fat grass fed milk. The difference between that and UHT horizon shit is enormous. The difference between that and raw is noticeable, but not worth the extra trouble.

>> No.6476898

what alcohol does it taste like?.

>> No.6476944

All the varieties of pizza in America are better than all the varieties of pizza in Europe.

>> No.6476951
File: 113 KB, 500x436, 10625521254_6bef43cb58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there is more than one recipe for pizza in Europe
>he actually thinks Finland «pizza» is real, or the stuff from yank trashfood chain restaurants

Try a pizza napoletana a la vera D.O.C.G., baka gaijin gringo yank gwailo. You have obviously never tasted pizza.

>> No.6476970

Get good bread and that butter and eat it every day for a week then try normal white bread and store brand butter and you will see the difference. I just started doing it a couple months ago and I can't even eat normal bread and butter anymore.

>> No.6477012

t. someone whos never been to europe

>> No.6477110

that butter is the shit cause it's easy to spread even if you just took it out of the fridge

>> No.6477124

>using the yellow Jew

>> No.6477724

It's like 1 buck here. 1.50 at most

>> No.6477845

What are you on about? I buy kerrygold because it's the cheapest brand. Where the fuck do you live? Hawaii?

>> No.6478863

What the cows eat makes all the difference.

>> No.6478914

>not having micro butteries in your area
Lol plebs

>> No.6479116

It's not that big a deal for those of us who don't deep fry and eat it whole, lardo.

>> No.6479158

I have tasted raw milk, and I notice no difference between it and pasteurized milk.

>> No.6481395

>I can't even eat normal bread and butter anymore.
This man speaks the truth. After going through a 3 pack of kerrygold from costco, we went back to land o lakes. FEH I SAY. i shant butter my english muffins with anything less than kerry gold now

>> No.6481400







>> No.6481543


Kerrygold is actually one of the cheaper butters in Ger, genuinly feel sorry for you



>> No.6481551


American "pizza"

>> No.6481584
File: 177 KB, 800x600, st louis pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american pizza

>> No.6481595

It's not illegal to sell it as a beauty product
If the stupid hipsters would have called it "bathing milk" they could have sold it anywhere

>> No.6481598
File: 1.84 MB, 3264x2448, 2014-09-01 17.49.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh herb kurrygold

>> No.6481766
File: 69 KB, 498x482, 1428326533335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not supporting mother Ireland

>> No.6481796

Take a look at the production codes, it's made in France.

>> No.6482971

it tastes much, much better than regular butter as a spread. Tastes about the same as regular butter as a frying agent.

>> No.6482980
File: 71 KB, 978x550, Tine_Smør.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in USA, how many brands of normal butter is there? From what I understand, most of the marked is oversaturate with Margarine.

Is your supermarked brand even butter? It might just be watered out margarine, with tons of salt to compensate for lack of taste.
It also depends on how Kraftfor the cows are feed, because it doesn't taste like grass.

>Fresh good bread without preservatives
>The butter melts on the slice
All of my want

>> No.6482986

Seriously? Lots of farmers here sell fresh milk you can buy for cheaper prices than in grocery store and then just boil it at home. Where's the problem? Are they afraid that people are that stupid not to boil it before using?

>> No.6482991
File: 183 KB, 900x830, mlekomat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We even have this lol.

>> No.6482993
File: 158 KB, 500x375, 274543138_bf2f5a2100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is easily the equal of Kerrygold and it's half the price at muh MarketBasket

>come at me bros

>> No.6483000

>Butter tastes better than butter

>> No.6483004
File: 11 KB, 280x175, pres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level anon.

>> No.6483652
File: 41 KB, 516x387, milhafre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bout this?

>> No.6483718

Fresh doesn't necessarily mean unpasteurized, and there's no way it's raw in a vending machine/dispensor.

>> No.6484155

Isn't margarine basically just pure hydrogenated oils?

>> No.6484157

>some types of butter tastes better than other types of butter

>> No.6484168

Depends on where you live, of course. In a big city, people have access to ridiculous amounts of choices in stores. That said, you could probably get a lot of those not in the store near you shipped right to your door with a little shopping around online.

>> No.6484197

I'am from upstate ny and have tried,it is gross.

>> No.6484215

>One lump of mass produced cows fat tastes different to this other lump of mass produced cows fat

It's. Fucking. Butter.

Literally the only thing that can affect it's taste is where there's a big difference in the breed of cow used, and additives. Otherwise: IT'S. BUTTER.

>> No.6484218


Lol. There's plenty of other variables. What the cows ate. What the fat content of the butter is. What temperatures the milk is held at before the butter is made, etc.

>> No.6484229

Ignore the dumb fucker. He probably thinks all olive oils are the same too. Or the shit he buys in a grocery store isn't adulterated. Or that his honey isn't produced in China, filtered, then mixed to make it appear to be from a country that doesn't poison their food.

>> No.6484298

Cultured butter is like extra virgin olive oil never cook with it as all the flavor is going to be lost to the heat. Only use it to finish sauces or dishes.

>> No.6485062

That stuff is at least 2x the price of kerrygold, are you high?

>> No.6485451


fuck you got me


>> No.6485755

>What the cows ate. What the fat content of the butter is. What temperatures the milk is held at before the butter is made, etc.

Wait...you actually think mass produced butter is made from a single herd of cows? That you can actually detect the slightest fucking variation in the milk used?

Fuck me you're even more retarded than I thought.

>> No.6485764
File: 2.35 MB, 2448x3264, spurdo cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but anon, cheese is cheese

>> No.6485784

>tfw Irish and get 500g Kerry in my local shop for a Euro.

Feels like a dietary staple.

>> No.6485786

>Implying the difference in cheese comes from the milk used and all cheese is produced using the same process

Just stop. This is a food board, not /b/.

>> No.6485793
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>the difference in cheese comes from the milk used
It partly does actually, like for butter.
Everybody doesn't live in the USA where quality standards are nearly illegal, get over it.

>> No.6485797

>It partly does actually, like for butter.



>> No.6485804
File: 11 KB, 257x325, 1428592629261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, a real Burger.
This thread is about butter, if you want to restrict the topic that's your problem.

>> No.6485806

>resorts to shit posting

Even worse for you, I'm a Bong.

>Restrict the topic.

I want to restrict you fucking airways. OP is literally talking about Kerrygold; it is the very definition of a mass produced butter. Not a single fucker in this thread is talking about artisanal butter except you, you fucking spastic.

>> No.6485809

>it is the very definition of a mass produced butter
How is it relevant?
Mass production doesn't mean no quality standards, if you want to sell a product under a label it has to respect specifications like a geographical origin, it's not just for high-end artisan made products.

>> No.6485812

>How is it relevant?

How about you learn to fucking read?


If you genuinely think that mass produced butter manufacturers hand-select the herds that they produce their mass produced butter from, and give a single shit about tasting any different to any other mass produced butter, or even that each factory only produces a single manufacturers butter, you truly are the dumbest person in this entire thread. Even worse, you're a pleb and you think you're sophisticated; you're buying a generic mass produced product and you think you're superior to some other guy who purchased a different generic mass produced product. Then you make up grand claims about how your product is "better" than the other product, and weave elaborate theories around it. It'd actually be funny if there weren't so many of you on /ck/; as it is it's just kind of sad.

>> No.6485814

kerrygold is my least favorite to make pies. the dough comes out weak as shit so its difficult to handle i prefer plurga though i started using my gorocerys own "european style" butter

>> No.6485854

Go take a cold shower or something, the only thing I see is a very upset person spouting again and again what he considers to be the truth, maybe hoping it eventually becomes reality.

Again, mass production doesn't always imply shitty product.
Sure the product is standardised, that's the purpose of industrialisation and cheap products are disgusting, you get what you pay for, but there are different quality levels.
A manufacturer certainly won't hand-select the herds but his suppliers have to sign a quality charter if there's one.
The average mass produced product will never be as good as a artisan made one but it doesn't mean all mass produced goods are equally shitty.

>Even worse, you're a pleb [...] and weave elaborate theories around it
It sure is a lot of assumptions.

>> No.6486048
File: 11 KB, 218x232, err.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit cunts.

>> No.6486067

>churned by Pepe

>> No.6486129

Enjoy being burnt by the popping oil.