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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 466 KB, 2000x1000, o-SAUSAGE-LASAGNA-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6473561 No.6473561 [Reply] [Original]

This shit is so overrated like fuck, who even like this?

>> No.6473562

I kind of like it.

>> No.6473563

What, Lasagna?

It's pretty damn good. More a craving food for me than anything else. When I want some, nothing else will do, but I only eat it maybe 2-3 times a year. Just remember, you're on 4chan's /ck/, where 12 people shitpost spam about their favorite memefoods and whatever else, and everyone else that's a casual visitor thinks there is some legion of people who put sriracha in their cereal and took toad in the hole to their last potluck.

If you don't like it, that's cool. I do though.

>> No.6473587

>who even like this?

me but it makes my heart act funny, never had any other food do that

>> No.6473588

You have an allergy.

>> No.6473593

(With near certainty, but can't truly say for sure.)

>> No.6473594

Maybe you love it.

>> No.6473599



>> No.6473601

is an allergy supposed to make your heart feel like it's working harder??

>> No.6473603

Fuck off.

>> No.6473604

It's great crap food. Easy to make; easy to enjoy.

>> No.6473607

Garfield loves lasagna but he hates Mondays and today is Monday.

>> No.6473611

IgG (a type of immune cell) mediated reactions tend to do that, or maybe it's IgA, I don't remember it's been so long since I've eaten anything I'm allergic to. It's caused by a sudden spike in histamine secretion and a drop in blood pressure (systemic vasodilation), your resting heart rate rises to maintain proper circulation as a result.

It might be accompanied by an elevated tendency towards feeling anxious, weak, mentally cloudy, or just hot / sweating. Though it can just be the blood pressure aspect.

You can get formal tests for this, ELISA based are just a blood sample and fairly cheap if not covered by insurance. Otherwise just try to figure what's unique to that particular food that you don't tend to eat otherwise.

>> No.6473624

I can't get enough of lasagna, honestly. I rarely make it myself, for the simple reason that if I do, I have a very hard time not eating the huge portion I make in one go.

My granny makes the best lasagne I know though. Tons of cheese and meat in a deep dish. I know when I go visit her and she's made lasagna, I cannot help myself but eat a kilogram or so of the damn thing.

>> No.6473767

love veg lasagne

meat lasagne is lame

>> No.6473788
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>> No.6473790

perhaps you should eat one that is well made and then comment.
it can be absolutely godtier but it can also be shitty.

>> No.6473807

Ragu in between sheets of pasta topped with cheese and herbs. What's not to like?

>> No.6474214


the gloopiness and blandness

>> No.6474233


Sounds like it was prepared wrong. It should be neither. That's not a problem with lasagna in general, it's a problem with the cook.

>> No.6474271


People who can prepare it. If you didn't like the lasagna you ate that means it was shitty lasagna.

>> No.6474306


no it's a problem with lasagne

it's ragu, cheese sauce and pasta

three gloopy and bland things stacked atop each other

it would take a miracle for the finished product to be anything else

>> No.6474322


If the ragu or the cheese is bland then something is very wrong. Unskilled cook? Shit-tier quality ingredients? I don't know which, but neither the sauce or the cheese should be bland. If they are, someone is doing it very wrong.

The pasta of course doesn't have a lot of flavor, but if it is cooked properly the texture is a nice contrast to the the softer sauces.

>> No.6474329


both ragu and cheese sauce are inherently bland components. i don't live under a rock, i have experienced good ragu and lasagne. lasagne is bland and gloopy. even if your ragu is rich and well browned and thoroughly reduced. even if the cheese sauce is sharp and thickened perfectly. even if the pasta is toothsome and thin. it's just not a particularly enjoyable meal. vegetable lasagne is much more appealing. or ragu with pasta.

>> No.6474340


>cheese sauce
>don't live under a rock

There is no cheese sauce in a real lasagna, it's either a mixture of ricotta and other cheeses or a bechamel. Stop defending your incompetence, you've just never experienced a correctly prepared authentic lasagna. Putting shitty meat sauce that consists of mystery meat and canned sauce plus some mystery cheese sauce is not a lasagna get your shit straight.

>> No.6474347


i was referring to the both the bechamel and the ricotta blend as a cheese sauce. i've had both american and italian versions and i didn't expect to trigger your autism with the shorthand. i was naive.

>> No.6474350

>i was naive

Never underestimate /ck/ level autism.

>> No.6474428

Here's your reply

>> No.6474446

I love lasagna, mostly because I love ricotta cheese

>> No.6474500


but i already got one, you dunce.

>> No.6474540

Here's your reply.

>> No.6474702

>people like something I don't

>> No.6474828

>ragu is inherently bland

Just give up.

>> No.6475181


i've had more well made lasagnes than you've had hot dinners. they aren't exciting.

>> No.6475698
File: 68 KB, 300x300, pastitsio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is better.

>> No.6475850

>ragu is bland
>ragu with pasta is better
Cmon you aren't even trying at this point.

If your ragu is bland then you need a better ragu recipe.

>> No.6475921
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underrated post

>> No.6475926 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6475936


>> No.6476398

>American Italian Food

Not even once.

>> No.6476698


ragu with pasta is much better because it isn't bogged down with layers of gloopy cheese and it has a looser texture.

i don't need a better ragu recipe. i love how no one can take a subjective comment without whining and making accusations. if you can't see my point you're blinkered.


not american.

>> No.6476702

>lasagna thread
>I hate lasagna
how's life with autism?