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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6473085 No.6473085 [Reply] [Original]

>"I'm sorry we don't have Coke, is Pepsi ok?"

>> No.6473095

Sure my man. They taste the same anyway

>> No.6473103

I asked for beer

>> No.6473104
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>> No.6473380

Why are you on a food and cooking board if you have such poor ability to distinguish tastes?

>> No.6473383

>what are pouring rights

>> No.6473409
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>I'll have a dr. pepper
>"is pib ok"?

No fucking shit it's ok, they're literally the same thing

>> No.6473415
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>> No.6473428

>"I'm sorry we don't carry your particular brand of fizzy sugar children's drink. Will you accept this other brand of fizzy sugar children's drink?"
>Autism ensues

>> No.6473431

>faggot that needs to justify himself detected

>> No.6473433

Sugar isn't a children's drink, it's a fool's drink. Kids are just unfortunate victims and the most likely to blindly overconsume with no means to no better.

>> No.6473434

Pepsi is a lot better, dip. Mountain Dew, Powerade, Sierra Mist, etc make it better than Coke or ducts by a mile. One reason I don't niormally go to McDonald's unless I want a shaje is that they only have Coke products.

>> No.6473436

>no better
Oh my. What have I done.

>> No.6473437

I see you're back Edgar. Out of curiosity, are those videos actually you?

If so, what was on the ipad? It's like reading a story and never know anything passed the beginning.

>> No.6473442


>> No.6473444

It's just some sugar, nobody drinks it straight.
Maybe you have shit genetics and need to push your agenda on others, that means that you're a fucking faggot and likely a clinton/obama supporter.

Where did you get the retard idea that because people like a bit of sugar that equates to overconsumption?

You're the real victim, the victim of nigger stupidity. Please kill yourself and don't have children.

>> No.6473457
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>implying the waiter isn't a fucking ass

>> No.6473466
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Is tipping you in Monopoly money ok?

>> No.6473467


well that reminds me when i was in college this girl I used to study with swore on coke being the superior beverage she was a sweetheart an i thought she was mental an all but she ended up dating her lab partner haha guess sometimes things dont change anyways even now nyways take care dont sweat the small stuff and you'll come out in one piece..

>> No.6473469

Don't harass me.

>> No.6473470
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>> No.6473472

>It's just some sugar
It's 55% fructose, and usually ~42% glucose. High fructose corn syrup.
>nobody drinks it straight.
Yes they do. It's soda.
>Maybe you have shit genetics
My genes are fine.
>and need to push your agenda on others
Everyone but the unaware has an agenda of some, even if it's used in a very apathetic or indirect way. The unaware might be acting out an agenda they themselves are not yet aware of. As for pushing my agenda... yeah, definitely. I don't like rampant obesity rates with people consistently asking questions that have already been thoroughly answered. I don't like seeing fat kids who grow up to have lower brain volume relative to comparable controls in their age range, and never had a real choice.
>that means that you're a fucking faggot and likely a clinton/obama supporter.
I don't think politicians mean anything. I'm the kind of guy that doesn't bother to vote, you should attack me on that instead.
>Where did you get the retard idea that because people like a bit of sugar that equates to overconsumption?
Observing my surroundings, people's tendencies, and reading food labels. There is a very comprehensive index in my head when it comes to the latter.
>You're the real victim,
If I'm a victim of anything it would probably be accumulated madness.
>the victim of nigger stupidity
>Please kill yourself
Thought about it.
>and don't have children.

>> No.6473475


>> No.6473478


>likely a clinton/obama supporter
>bringing politics into it

You need to step back a bit, your fedora is brushing up against me.

>> No.6473479
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Only if you buy that, it's still sugar overall.

That's not the same as drinking straight sugar water which is what you asserted.

No your genes are shit and your asserting stuff on others that is really your problem not ours.

Your the one with the agenda babby. Keep it the fuck away from me and who cares if you like it or not, you WILL deal with it.
You come across as a nigger.

Maybe you need better surroundings.
Get away from niggers and enjoy life and stop projecting your bullshit on others.

I agree M A D N E S S

Just don't have children, do us all a flavor.

>> No.6473486

Eating food containing sugar is fine. If you're drinking sugar, you're probably overconsuming it. It's not even close to the tastiest application of sugar, it's just this unnecessary additional dose.

>> No.6473497

>Only if you buy that, it's still sugar overall.
I consider "sugar" cane sugar, which is primarily sucrose and some slight protein. Anything else is ambiguous terminology.
>That's not the same as drinking straight sugar water which is what you asserted.
That might be what you interpreted, but I didn't assert it.
>No your genes are shit
My genes are fine.
>and your asserting stuff on others that is really your problem not ours.
You are asserting things on others.
>Your the one with the agenda babby.
You too.
>Keep it the fuck away from me and who cares if you like it or not, you WILL deal with it.
You'll deal with what I want you to deal with too. That's how it works.
>Maybe you need better surroundings.
Not quite.
>Get away from niggers
There are very few people of recent African descent where I live.
>and enjoy life
>and stop projecting your bullshit on others.
You too.
>I agree M A D N E S S
>Just don't have children,
>do us all a flavor.
Probably not. If I do, it is seldom, and I am apt to do them the favor they need, not necessarily the one they want.

>> No.6473504

But in the end so what? I might go through one 20oz bottle of coke in say, one week or two. So the fuck what if I like it, how is it your problem? You're not paying for me, I'm capable of paying my own way and it has nothing to do with stupid fucks like you, are you a fagit? It certainly seems like it, maybe a mid level manager that gets paid shit and wants to put his bullshit on others because you get paid shit and have to take crap from others and fill out tps reports? We make fun of you people ya know.

>> No.6474912

>n-no, b-blue


>> No.6474928
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My brother always responds back with "Is Canadian money okay?"

>> No.6475039

>>"I'm sorry we don't have Nazi Cola, is Pepsi ok?"

>> No.6475409
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Welcome to edgar's world!
With them naughty naughty channers and their stupidity in not realizing Edgar impeccable opinion and demeanor!
Oh woe is he!

>> No.6475419

well, you swallowed the hook.

>> No.6475438
File: 42 KB, 620x387, ed_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask for water
>they always have water

>> No.6475489

I've always thought it an extreme oversight from a marketing point of view, that restaurants haven't as yet begun selling branded coffee with meals.

>Would you like Starbucks, Seattle's Best, Dutch Bros or our house coffee?

>> No.6475501

You really are a delusional moron.

Or a troll, I can't yet decide which... and I've decided not to try. Fuck you. Idiot.

>> No.6475503

Sugar water always tastes good to me.

Funny thing taste buds are.

>> No.6475576

I have a friend who is so picky about her sodas that she only drinks Sprite. It drives me up the fucking wall. Even though I can tell the difference between DP and Pibb, I give no fucks, because they both taste good. I can't be picky.

The only time it made a difference was went I was at Universal Studios and ate at Bubba Gumps Shrimp Co. Dr. Pepper is featured in the movie. They had signs referencing the quotes containing DP, on their kitschy-ass walls. What wasn't on the menu? Fucking DP. I left, because that was just too stupid for me to stay.

>> No.6475605

>ask for water

>it tastes like you're drinking a swimming pool

>> No.6475613

A bit of sugar every now and then won't kill you. It's the daily habit of consuming a cup of sugar during the course of the day that's killing people

>> No.6475631

da fuck is that

>> No.6475663

Honestly, half the time I'm drinking Pepsi, I think it's Coke. One time at a Chinese buffet, I had Pepsi and I was literally going on and on about how Coke is the superior beverage, only to be corrected and thoroughly embarrassed by my family.

>> No.6475672

>people don't enjoy the taste of both Coca Cola AND Pepsi cola

Really nigga I love me some sweet but less carbonated pepsi and then next week having a coke with my burgers instead.
Some times I like to change it up with a Dr. Pepper because it's pretty nice too.

>> No.6476418
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>buying water

>> No.6476421

>Autism ensues
Pot, meet Kettle.

>> No.6476424
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>thinking you pay for water at restaurants

>> No.6476427
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>All these people ordering Choke
>The drink of poorfag spics
>Tastes just like a warm Pepsi can that was sitting in the car
>They actually enjoy this garbage
>Press LT

>> No.6476430

all of my upvotes to you, good sir.
*tips fedora*

>> No.6476483

>"i'm sorry, we don't have water. Is Pepsi ok?"

>> No.6476487

Some restaurants charge for water.
I don't like those places.

>> No.6476494


>> No.6476498

>oh thats fine. I'm a large manchild that is addicted to the liquid jew.

>> No.6477061

No problem. I'm not autistic, so soda's not worth getting my nuts in a twist over.

>> No.6477072


>visiting friend deep south
>go to lunch
>order a cheeseburger
>what kind?
>cherry Pepsi
>brings cheeseburger and Orange Crush
>life is good

>> No.6477127

Pepsi is disgusting swill and the choice of liberals

>> No.6477139
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Oh, no coke, OK, just give me a Perrier instead.

>> No.6477150

>Ordering soda
are you 8?

>> No.6477154
File: 61 KB, 671x602, big boi jeffreezy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ask for Cola
>"Is Pepsi OK?"

>> No.6477202

>not asking for cola when you order a soft drink so you don't have to worry about being asked "is coke/pepsi okay instead?"

>> No.6477329


>> No.6477340

coke is a generic name isn't it?

>> No.6477345

Southerner detected.

>> No.6477349

>Tfw I intentionally ask for "Cola" when I'm in Canada
>They still ask me if X is okay.

Even the generic term can't protect me.

>> No.6477353

>not asking for a brown fizzypop

>> No.6477364

no, coke is coca cola.

Cola is the generic name of all drinks like pepsi, cola, dr pepper, etc.

you don't see coke flavoured popsicle, they are always cola flavoured

>> No.6477372
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>visiting friend in Northwest U.S>
>go to lunch
>order a cheeseburger
>brings cheeseburger and Coca-Cola
>wtf?! I wanted a Fanta grape

>> No.6477383
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moderate lel

>> No.6477399


>> No.6477478


>> No.6477864

wow you must be so refined and mature, i strive to one day be a man like you!

>> No.6477868

wrong pic???

>> No.6479014

>i'm sorry we don't have water. is Brawndo ok?

>> No.6479074

The ridiculous amount of money that would cost to stock multiple brands of the same product that most people don't care about.

>> No.6479082


>what are pouring rights

>> No.6479086

> ctrl+f Root Beer
> 0 results

Every one of you needs to get out.

>> No.6479093

>Root Beer
Last I had some was in a pieshop/diner. They also served one hell of a milkshake, and gave me enough for two at the price of one.

>> No.6479110

Your brother sounds like a faggot. Can't you just accept they don't stock the beverage of your choice and either ask for a water or pick a different soft drink you fucking sperglords.

>> No.6479124

Seattle's Best is a Starbucks subsidiary.

>> No.6479128

At this point more or less everything is getting to be a Starbucks subsidiary.

>> No.6479147

>Dr. Pepper
So all brown liquids are cola now? What about root beer? I had diarrhea last night, was that cola?

>> No.6479157

>This afternoon in the Whitehouse staff cafeteria.

Sorry, we don't have Republicans at the moment.
Will Democrats do?

>> No.6479165

That would be perfect then. Like "I hate Fords, but love my Mercury".

>> No.6479173

Really? How many brand names of soda does PepsiCo own and promote? How about Coca-Cola? How about those companies that make generic or house brands for 5 or 6 different grocery stores out of the same bottling plant?

>> No.6479187
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>> No.6479222

lexx was a sick show btw

>> No.6480353

bitch where's my mothafuckin Faygo