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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 207 KB, 1024x682, wc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6472614 No.6472614 [Reply] [Original]

Whats your order?

For me it is two jalepeno cheeseburgers, two bacon cheeseburgers, and a medium fry with ketchup.

>> No.6472623

>only getting 4 burgers at white castle
nigga I can usually scarf down 10 of those things in one sitting.
you did good with the jalapeno cheese tho.

>> No.6472637


Yeah I usually get double cheeseburgers, forgot to type it though

>> No.6472642

I eat White Castle once a year when family from out of state comes to visit. I would rather get burgers from literally any other fast foot place than there.

>> No.6473977

>mfw I've never had white castle except frozen white castle sliders from the grocery store. they tasted like shit.

>> No.6474012

Whenever I see White Castle, it looks terrible even in comparison to other fast food.

>> No.6474070

it's shit quality food but there's a lot of it, there's no feeling like wolfing down 15 sliders and having awful, awful onion farts for days

>> No.6474079

A case of bacon jalapeño-cheeseburgers.
No fries because WC fries are the worst fries of all time.

>> No.6474080

We don't have White Castle here, we have Krystal

Fucking expensive for something so small though, mcdonalds burgers are bigger for a dollar. Anyway, when I do go, two double cheese burgers plain, two chicken burgers, two spicy chicken burgers.

>> No.6474082

have you guys ever tried krystals?

>> No.6474086

I tried Krystal burger once. They were the shittiest burgers I've ever had. I don't see how anyone can like them. I'd rather eat McDonalds for a year than Krystal for one day.

>> No.6474090

I went to TN on a whim some years back and tried it there.

Not as good as WC, I must say. Easily the worst fast food burger chain I've ever had. If you like it, by all means, enjoy it, but I'd rather have shit-ass BK than K's. And that's saying something since BK is so damned fuckawful.

>> No.6474232

White Castle is love it or hate it, on paper they sound shitty...soggy wet onion soaked greasy paper thin burgers that

But, to me that is delicious...I can eat them every day and just live in wet oniony goodness

>> No.6474265
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Went with bro a couple decades ago, I got a chicken sandwich, he got a fish sandwich. We traded back and forth a few times and could not figure out which was which.

>> No.6474361

Everybody in this thread is wrong about a few things.

You're right, white castle is shit food.... but only in the way that it doesn't fucking taste like an actual burger.

White Castle tastes like White Castle. You can crave it. Hell they even made a movie about craving it.

You know you're eating terribly processed disgustingly cheap food, but god when you do eat it you go to fucking town.
And once you're done eating it you won't eat it again for another year.

It's great.

Try it one day if you haven't, but don't expect it to taste like a burger.

>> No.6474362

But on the contrary, forgot to include

Their chicken rings are GOD TIER fast food. Forget everything else on their menu.

Get a 20 case and like 3 orders of chicken rings and you'll be set.

Don't even try their fries, they're shit.

>> No.6474367
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>crave case
>all cheeseburgers
>leave in a hurry wearing a suit and tie

>> No.6474430

Is white Castle just another meme burger like in n out?

>> No.6474436

They always look so nasty.

Those fries look cheap and undercooked and they burgers look like they'd taste of that 'cheap and sweaty' type.

>> No.6474441

Last time I was there they had chicken parmesan sliders. I would do 2 of those and 2 garlic and onion sliders. If those were not avaliable it would be 2 jalapeno sliders. And a water.

>> No.6474447

A resoundingly fine critical review if ever I read one. Perhaps if someone would say those words on camera while eating in thier car....

>> No.6474448


I think they steam their burgers. But hey at least they are not precooked. They are moister but just makes them slide down the gullet faster. They are tasty.

>> No.6474450

Heh, lol yeah maybe Joey can do it.

>> No.6474453

>Four burgers
>Medium fry
>This is the average meal for an American

>> No.6474480

WC is a guilty pleasure of mine

>> No.6474483
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>a medium fry

>> No.6474523

White Castle sells sliders, you fucking idiot.

>> No.6474589
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>Is white Castle just another meme burger like in n out?
Not sure of its current meme status, but WC is radically different, in an inferior way, than In-N-Out. Among other things, it's a few decades older than McD's, BK, and In-N-Out, and its historical impact predates those chains. While McD made its mark in efficiency, WC was pioneering in cleanliness, which is why their restaurants emphasized "white" in their design and marketing. Over time they've distinguished themselves by sticking to simple burgers at low prices (they skipped the 99 cent bandwagon because most of their burgers are cheaper than that), unlike the McD/BK/In-N-Out model which keep increasing portion sizes and complexity until you're paying $5 for a basic Big Mac.

>> No.6474616

Fun Fact
White Castle was the very first fast food burger join in the US. They fucking pioneered that shit even though everyone likes to hate on them.

>> No.6474617

stop comparing them with in-n-out and other burger chains.

I mean I know they're called burgers, but I really don't think of white castle burgers as burgers.

>> No.6474632
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The closest Whitecastle to me is like an hour and a half away, if I'm really craving it i'll go with a group of friends and we'll get a crave case or two + fries for each of us. The chicken rings are pretty baller.

>> No.6474666

>And a water
Damn, I pretty much NEED soda to prevent my stomach from giving out 3 hours later.

>> No.6474716
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>> No.6474759

Nah,just curious.My only memory of it was a landwhale making my familys food and coughing all over it and generally being a bitch.

>> No.6474760

have you even tried them

you can't tell me white castle burgers and an actual burger burger taste even remotely similar

It's like comparing chicken nuggets with fried chicken.

>> No.6474797

Pretty sure white castle themselves don't call them burgers. On the menu they're called "sliders".

>> No.6474806

>medium fry


>> No.6474809


Yes, which everyone knows to mean "small burger".

is exactly right. what white castle sells is very different than a typical hamburger or slider.

>> No.6474811

Are you the same retard who thinks that chicken nuggets are always made with pasteurised, processed chicken slurry meat glue food-alike?
If so, you are stupid. You are stupid. And don't forget: you are stupid.

>> No.6474824

But they are 95% of the time.

>> No.6474842


I'm not the guy you're replying to, but two comments:

1) You seem to be offended. Why? Nobody was knocking chicken nuggets. Rather the point seemed to be that they are different foods despite being superficially similar.

2) Isn't that what is meant by the term "chicken nugget"? Every place I've ever been to that serves "chicken nuggets" serves reconstituted pieces of chicken. The ones that use whole pieces of meat don't call them "nuggets". Perhaps there are some exceptions out there but by and large nugget = reconstituted.

>> No.6474853

Answer the question!

>> No.6474854

3 Jalapeno
2 Regular
1 small fry
1 small side depending on my feels

>> No.6474882

probly just get some cheese sticks.

i dont like their burgers/sliders.

>> No.6474933

Back in the late 70s, early 80s, burger was 10 cents and cheeseburger was 15 cents. You could literally feed yourself by just collecting bottles to return for refunds.

>> No.6474973

I don't have a White Castle within 100 miles but I buy the frozen ones from the grocery store. I love the regular hamburgers but its expensive as fuck. If I were to go to an actual WC my order would be six original sliders, chicken rings and something to drink.

>> No.6475004
File: 793 KB, 1200x900, Cecina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pasteurized chicken...wtf. do you even know what pasteurization is?

>> No.6475024

You're a goddamned idiot and you're the one that doesn't know what pasteurisation is. If you've ever had any sort of food made from a meat slurry, it was pasteurised. Every. Single. One.
If you've ever had a hot dog, it was pasteurised. If you've ever had a formed deli meat, it was pasteurised. If you've had donair/döner/gyro/shawarma loaf-meat, it was pasteurised. If you've had any sort of processed meat of any kind ever in your life ever, it was pasteurised. Every single time.


Now run along, junior. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6475031

I dont eat that shit.. wtf. and somones angry

>> No.6475050

That's nice, dear, but trying to change the subject from your lack of understanding of what pasteurisation is to something else entirely won't help you. ^_~

>> No.6475061

nonono, most meat is not pasteurized. its not my fault i forgot about fleshy slush when thinking about food... dear

>> No.6475110

Pretending to not understand the line of conversation won't help you either, darling. :3

>> No.6475154

you two quit it before I bust your asses with a stick. Holy shit. Okay. This was said..>>6474811
and in reply the other dip shit said this >>6475004
so to this person here..>>6475004
he clearly said this.. >>6474811

so once >>6475004
realized he was in the wrong and half retarded, he pretended to be talking about something different altogether.

For this conversation/argument...>>6475031
is in the wrong. If yall some different ass posters..FML..but still..grow up and argue about penis size or something. Not chicken slurry.

>> No.6475160

Crave Crate is the only answer

>> No.6475176
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So what ur sayin is pasteurization turns chicken into a slurpy?

>> No.6475182

>bust your asses with a stick
wtf.. i was excited for a minute then I noticed you typed 'stick' i'm >>6475061/>>6475031/>>6475004, by the way, and i love when i get my ass busted with... something...

>> No.6475187

I'm made mechanically separated meat, chicken included, and it's never that pink. I never knew what that stuff is, but I always thought from the beginning that it can't be MSM.

Actually, I posted a thread on here a while back about making lunchmeats from scratch. Without food dyes and nitrites, it turns grey as soon as you process it due to oxidation.

>> No.6475200

lmao my whoopin stick is the only thing coming close to that ass of yours

no. I'm not saying anything other than for people to quit bickering. It's not even worth it to start internet arguments. If you don't agree so be it. Lord knows people would do it way less if it was in person.

>> No.6475203

>i'm made
I've made, rather.

>> No.6475206

As addition to this thread after trying to stop this argumentative stuff, I have only eaten at Krystal Burger. Never White Castle. It was..unique. I would agree that it really did not taste like a burger in any way..it was just 3 bites of..oddly okay tasting onion/some weird beef stuff on a tiny dinner roll sized bun. I would try it again but I had horrible onion gas.

>> No.6475213

>your whoopin stick on my ass
will you be wearing leather?

>> No.6475239

steamed leather with onions

>> No.6475356

Friendly reminder if you eat more than 5 WhiteCastles in one sitting you are a fatass.

>> No.6475608

So, despite being 6ft tall with a 31" waist, I am a fatass because I can eat a whole Cravecase to myself? Keep in mind that that's /all/ I'll eat. The fries are shit. As said in >>6474079, they're the WOAT. I've never had anything I liked but the burgers. I should try the fried clams sometime, though.

>> No.6475614

Bullshit you cant eat a whole cravecase

>> No.6475627

You might be getting it confused with the Cravecrate. A Cravecase is 30 burgers. I forget how many are in the Cravecrate, but it's way more than 30.
Whether I have an intestinal worm or a hollow leg, I can still eat 30 WC burgers in a sitting, null sweat.

>> No.6475632

Cravecrate is 100. Im a big guy for you and i cant eat the cravecase

>> No.6475645

Beats me why, Anon. I don't normally pig out like that, save for two exceptions: excursions back to the area I went to university (that's the nearest WC to where I live now, at 45 minutes away) or New York and AYCE joints of any kind (though particularly Amish/down home sorts).

Today, for example: all I had was coffee with milk at breakfast, pasta with broccoli and salty ricotta at lunch and butter pork curry with turnip greens and corn roti for dinner. Not a whole lot. And that's how I normally eat. But there's something about AYCE and WC that turn me into a human garbage disposal.

>> No.6475664

I guess im just weak.

That dinner sounds good btw

>> No.6475665
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Depends on how much ass juice I want to leave my body in an hour

>> No.6475674

2 Double Cheeseburgers
1 Chicken with Cheese
1 Med Coke

I could eat 4 or 5 times that amount, but this is my go to for not destroying my insides.

>> No.6475687
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I don't live on the east coast so I've only had the frozen ones (not great).

My favorite cheap burgers are definitely Dick's. It's a half hour drive for me, but I do it every once in a while.

>> No.6475701

what do you do for the pasta w/broccoli and ricotta?

>> No.6475706

Thank you. All homemade, too, including the bread.


It's basically a Paki tortilla eaten with mustard or turnip greens. The difference is that is

>> No.6475712

That's around 1600 calories. That's not something to be proud of.

>> No.6475722

>difference is that is
The difference is that makki di roti usually has added spices to the dough and some people (like me) make it from a mix of corn and strong flours as well as added vital wheat gluten. That makes them easier to roll.

Slice up some garlic and chili into a pan, top with olive oil, heat, stirring constantly, until the garlic is golden then stir in blanched broccoli florets.
Sauté a bit.
Salt to taste, toss with cooked pasta and top with grated salty ricotta. You can use parmigiano or pecorino if you like or can't find solid, salty ricotta where you are, but I prefer the salty ricotta.

>> No.6477057
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Loaded fries, with bacon cheeseburger sliders/extra onions.

>> No.6477087

An order of 100 with just cheese, bottle of pepto, and a 24 case of bottled water.

>> No.6477624
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Reminder that White Castle has really good breakfast, after concerts me and my buddy would go there everytime, wait till they started breakfast, and get some bacon egg sliders and french toast sticks

You sure will shit

>> No.6478714

>medium fry
>multiple fries in a box







>> No.6478719


That ain't how we say, round here

>> No.6478728

gimme a water, a medium fry, an' THREE KETCHUP. wutchu gwon do bitch?

>> No.6478736

Okay, grampa. And I suppose next time you get a haircut, you're going to make sure to say they cut all of them?

>> No.6478774

But AutismAnon, you already posted ITT earlier... (>>6474806)

>> No.6478778
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4 cheeseburgers and fries.
But when I'm really looking for something greasy it'll be
- 2 bacon cheeseburgers
- chicken rings
- Fucking cheesy bacon fries

>> No.6478782

I generally get at least 6, used to get 8-10 but I've been counting calories like a champ for a while. When I eat White Castles, it's cheating, so I cheat. Also, no onions. (they will still be there, but not so many)

>> No.6478793
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Ten cheese sliders, onion rings, and fries. Oh and a diet. Make sure it ain't regular, I'm watching my weight!

>> No.6478796

20 chicken nuggets, large fries and a few cheeseburgers if i'm feeling extra hungry

>> No.6479276

I fucking love sliders. Will eat the damn things until I get sick. Have to get them with cheese though, it helps combat the terrifying explosive shits that smell exactly like they did going in.

>> No.6479286

Those are chicken rings. They don't have onion rings, they have onion petals. Both are great though.

>> No.6479290

You think he's a proud person?

>> No.6479351

If you haven't eaten anything all day and don't plan on eating later, and you're ~180lbs, 6'1"-3", you're not really going to gain weight from that meal.

>> No.6480810


I would keep driving, last time I was at White Castle it netted me something like 16 dollars for a moderate amount of mediocre food to feed two people. White Castle was always kind-of an "eh" place but over the past couple of years it's gotten downright vile, I'll stick with literally anywhere else.

>> No.6481084

sounds like a sweet date you two had

>> No.6481146

10 jalapeno cheeseburgers and a large clam strip

>> No.6481363

how much does this cost?

>> No.6481367


sliders around here are about 75 cents each, little over a buck for a double. My estimate is...12-15 bucks right there

>> No.6481370

I hate to get all hippy environmental and shit, but, goddamn there is so much unnecessary packaging there holy shit. Fucking tree wasting White Castle

>> No.6481372
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I always forget White Castle has seafood items, how do you rate them all?

>> No.6481378

Seattle native here. Can confirm Dicks as being insanely delicious. Dat delux with fry and tartar. Hnnngg...

>> No.6481389

I once heard a homeless man say he hopes his life never gets so bad that he has to resort to eating White Castle.

>> No.6481441

Is everyone a fatass or suffering from famine? Don't know what White Castle is but whenever I eat at a hamburger joint, I eat one medium to large burger with no fries and feel totally satisfied.

>> No.6481478

>Is everyone a fatass or suffering from famine? Don't know what White Castle is but whenever I eat at a hamburger joint, I eat one medium to large burger with no fries and feel totally satisfied.

Fatasses, or fatasses-to-be. White Castle is mainly in the midwest. Their sliders are quite small, but a small cheeseburger is still 170 calories, so 3 is equivalent to a Big Mac. Getting 8 or 10, plus sides, is definitely a huge meal.

>> No.6481481

white castle makes tiny hamburgers that you can eat in like 3 bites, you go there to porter like 60 hamburgers and that's a light snack

>> No.6481642
File: 48 KB, 800x600, White_Castle_Meat_Patty_Thick_as_a_Quarter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WC burgers are tiny little cutems

>> No.6481680

It takes like 3 or 4 white castles to add up to the mass of a generic fast food cheeseburger. They're tiny as hell. it's their gimmick.

>> No.6481696

First off, they're not 170cal, they're 160cal. Next, it's about four 56g White Castle cheeseburgers to a Big Mac (a 217g sandwich), not three.

>three bites
If you're a girl, maybe. Man here. Two bites.

>31in/79cm waist
Yeah. No.

They're about half the size of a standard hamburger from McDonald's and a third the size of a quarter pounder and quarter the size of a Big Mac. They're tiny, tiny burgers. When I eat at WC, I only get burgers because the fries are terrible.
I once bought a crate of WC burgers, ate several and froze the rest. According to >>6475632, that's a hundred tiny burgers, the equivalent of about 26 Big Macs. I ate about five or six Big Macs worth of WC bacon jalapeño-cheese burgers and froze the rest for future eating.

I don't know why I like WC, but I do. Might be nostalgia from my college days.

>> No.6481846


youpoor detected.

>> No.6481890

>mfw I eat white castle burgers in 4 bites

>> No.6481936

Jesus Christ you got a tiny mouth. I hope you don't suck dick with that thing.

>> No.6481940

Last time I ate at White Castle I felt like I was pregnant with a gigantic shit.

Never again.

I just go to Culver's now.

>> No.6482785

do you even lift?

>> No.6482862

no you didn't

>> No.6482867

It goes like this...one normal sized bite, first. That takes almost half the thing away. Then, you have a U shaped rest of the burger. Sure, you could eat it all in one bite. But why? Savor the flavor even if you have 29 or 99 more to go...Bite that U shaped piece in half. Then put the rest in after. 3 bites. 3. Not 2. Not 4. Just 3. Simply 3. Most of the people who say people are fat for eating so many of these or this or that would be the ones bitching after eating 2 when 30 minutes later they are still hungry or starving. They don't have a clue the size of them and don't realize literally they are dinner roll sized burgers and a Mcdonalds Mcdouble is like 4 of them or so.

>> No.6482878

Yes I did.

>> No.6482887

You're a liar and a cheat and I'm going to have ask you to leave because nobody wants to play with you anymore

>> No.6482896

:throws sand in your face and giggles: tehehe come get me big boy

>> No.6482900

Ohhhh I'm gonna get you for that *playfully tackles anon as they try to run away*

>> No.6483050

Alright, they didn't seem so small in the pics. Don't know the calories of the burgers here, I eat hamburgers like 6 times a year. The joints here suck.

Yeah, Finland's hamburger game isn't tip notch.

>> No.6484170
File: 1.46 MB, 3790x2133, in-n-out-best-burger-chipotle-mcdonalds-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have a white castle in california.
I ease the pain by going to In-N-Out.

>> No.6484176


What is that pink sauce?

>> No.6484198
File: 1.68 MB, 2650x1797, In-N-Out-Matrix-2560-wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their sauce

>> No.6484202


ketchup and mayo

>> No.6484254

Everyday? Nigga you sound unhealthy

>> No.6484258

basically their take on thousand island.

>> No.6484281

Those are good dood