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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6471733 No.6471733 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we discuss foods from video games, comics, movies, tv shows, and books.

Things you've always wanted to try, things you have tried, or foods that are just interesting


>> No.6471748
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stop that, you.

>> No.6471780

Soylent Green

>> No.6471789
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>tfw you'll never try slowpoke tail

>> No.6471887
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Bumping with the food from this scene in 'Hook'

>> No.6472164
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I wouldn't mind trying chefs balls out

>> No.6472217
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>> No.6472237
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>> No.6472244
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>tfw you'll never make aged tchea juice

>> No.6472255

>TFW I tried to mouse over the images in the picture, hoping a description would come up.

>> No.6472263

Fucking neopets so much nostalgia

>> No.6472267
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>You will be the President of the United States and go through an eldrtitch portal that leads to Easter island.
> You will never cause a group of giant sea monkeys being led by the vice president (who is a fish) to lose their shit because you turned sea water into banana flavored drink.

>> No.6472480
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>> No.6472644
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the food in the beginning of Spirited Away, especially the weird dumpling things

any Ghibli food actually

>> No.6472649

A Crabby Patty https://youtu.be/3WwNbLhreKM

>> No.6472658
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This fucking video man

>> No.6472659
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A classic.

>> No.6472668
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>> No.6472680
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Mother fuckin candy tails


>> No.6472686
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did someone catch my candy dreds

>> No.6472700
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>> No.6472711

these always make me want popcorn chicken

>> No.6472750

In Inherent Vice Doc and Sauncho are at a seaside diner and order "Teriyaki Jellyfish Croquettes and Eel Trovatore" with tequila Zombies to drink. The idea's been stuck in my head since then, wish I could try it.

>> No.6472807

I figured they were just popcorn shrimp

>> No.6472859

Similarly, I want to know what the "Coyote Bush Basket" from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is

>> No.6472862
File: 5 KB, 320x320, so tasty!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6472868
File: 95 KB, 800x200, Wii - Super Smash Bros Brawl - Food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have that pic of all the food from every Smash game?

>> No.6472882

you can!


it can all be found in a place called juifen! those weird dumplings are a meat dumpling in a see translucent skin

>> No.6472897

nice, although the real life counterpart remind me of embryo's

>> No.6472915


>> No.6472935
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Why must cartoon chicken legs always look so good? They seem to be pure meat.

>> No.6472997

that scene from cowboy bebop when spike and jet feast on boiled eggs. It always gives me craving for a few eggs

>> No.6473019
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Now a pretty good IPA

>> No.6473166
File: 125 KB, 600x455, Everlasting-Gobstopper-Wonka-Origami-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all know it's on your list

>> No.6474182
File: 356 KB, 174x172, mmm so tasty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have monster hunter or anime meat

>> No.6474221

Brian Jacques has got Miyazaki beat when it comes to food from fiction, though.

>> No.6474229

I'm not 10 or in the 90s so I'm not into jawbreakers

>> No.6474236

Lembas bread. There are lots of recipes on the internet, but they are always cakey while the one we saw in the film looked more fried bread like and savoury.

>> No.6474240

Lembas bread is described as being waferlike in the books. If someone tried to make it into a cake, that just means they haven't read the books and aren't true LoTR fans.

>> No.6474241
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>> No.6474244
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>> No.6474248

Pan galactic gargle blasters as an IPA and not a mixed drink is just stupid. That brewery should be ashamed of itself.

>> No.6474254

I always associated the McGuffin food from the episode with spaghetti bolognese as I was eating it when I first saw that episode.

>> No.6474258

I always wondered, what are is the meat on the bone thing we see in all Chinese cartoons? The one that is a bone and it has meat wrapped around the middle only.

>> No.6474262

Whoever made it probably doesn't care that much about the books and is just capitalizing on the name. Y'know, typical hipsters.

>> No.6474268

I always pictured bread fried in bacon fat.

>> No.6474273


It's an animal leg. Like a cured ham or roast leg-of-lamb. The bone is the femur.

>> No.6474280

Let the weeb-fest begin.......

>> No.6474288


Any food from Vanillaware is cheating, they make everything look so good

>> No.6474323

Blue milk.

>> No.6474330
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i love bepsi :DDDD

>> No.6474334

>not wanting a mr peter

>> No.6474557

shadow steak ramen sounds hip as fuck

>> No.6474630


Mah nigga, his descriptions of skilly an' duff and hotroot soup and all his other feast chapters made me salivate as a kid

>> No.6474914
File: 6 KB, 190x265, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet rolls. They may not look very appetizing, but the can't help but feel that they would taste amazing.

>> No.6474985

the secret ingredient is semen

>> No.6475015

oh you :^)

>> No.6475035

I don't want to alarm anyone here but you can cook most of this stuff... Is it really 99% fast food and processed shit that you didn't know this? Am I being, as the kids say, "trolled?" Legitimately.

I am serious here.

>> No.6475062

Final Fantasy XI had great descriptions and names for its fictional fruits/veggies/meats. The recipes you could make sounded delicious too.

>> No.6475104

They're on instructables. They even have a revision in case you're a bit pleasantly plump

>> No.6475136
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>> No.6475149
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I don't care that it comes out of a slug's vagina. I'd love to taste some of that sweet sweet slurm.

>> No.6475197

Fucking hipsters. Not every thing needs to be a fucking IPA.

>> No.6475236

>fucking IPA.
really the worst beer...why do hipsters clamor over it.

>> No.6475246

Yup.. It's horrible. More bitter then bitter, tastes like dirt and shit. Just terrible. I get told "you get used to it". Fuck you. Get used to eating my shirt how about that?

>> No.6475251

I always think it tastes like rotting fruit watered down with yeasty pulp, and hops. jesus its awful. I have had ONE that was passable...and even then it wasn't great.

>> No.6475259

Fuck I meant shit.

>> No.6475290
File: 311 KB, 512x272, spiritedawayfood.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

came here to post basically this.

>> No.6475729

>Senzu beans
>No results

>> No.6475791

>Nuka cola
>No results

>> No.6475797

Nuka Cola a shit. Sunset Sarsaparilla much better.

>> No.6475805

I am also disappoint in the lack of magic beans.

>> No.6475812

I'd want to try a reptar bar from rugrats. A krabby party from spongebob. 'Green food' from land before time because they make it look appealing as fuck. All food from pokemon.

>> No.6475838

That show had some great food scenes too. Goku was forever plugging out on something. I remember one scene where they made roasted dinosaur tail look tasty

>> No.6475914


the mushroom episode too

>> No.6475987

I used to love eating lima beans as a kid because those fuckers

>> No.6476024

You know they have to taste amazing if people are stealing sweet rolls so often that all the guards bitch about it.

>> No.6476051

The deli salami from that one episode of Salute your shorts.

>> No.6476056
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You know you wanted some sgetti after reading this bad mother fucker.

>> No.6476078

I'm pretty sure we rioted in elementary school demanding spaghetti after reading that.

>> No.6476343
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these tbh

>> No.6476370
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>> No.6476414

Holy shit these and the strawberry custard I imagine taste so good

>> No.6476807

jeez gramps didn't know you had a computer.

>> No.6476879

everyone in RL has a fucking massive raging boner for drumsticks but they have almost no meat on the fuckers, messy and more trouble then they're worth.

>> No.6477001

I grew up in Taiwan and gotta say nope. Never saw dumpling that looks like the ones in Spirited Away... at least not in the way he illustrated them.

>> No.6477173
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The only answer

>> No.6477199

Those berple nerpples from chowder

>> No.6477718
File: 250 KB, 441x252, Baloo+Bear+Necessities-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever thing in this scene -especially the prickly paws- looked so appealing

>> No.6477725

Those are prickly pear (cactus) fruits, I think.

>> No.6477767


The attention to detail on this food is fucking extreme. I absolutely love that they even go on and create garnishes for each one.

>Chicken Soup
>With skin on


>> No.6477788

>julienned worm
>thick patty

>> No.6478283

>Those are prickly pear (cactus) fruits, I think
Thanks. I was going by lyrics I last heard fifteen years ago.
Looked it up, you were right. He says "pawpaw" and "prickly pear". I guess pawpaw is papaya, but I've yet to try prickly pears. It is now on the list.

>> No.6478323
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>> No.6478330


>> No.6479197

I found a recipe for lembas, the elven bread from Lord of the Rings. I can't remember the measurements, but it had rosewater, a blood orange, honey, and finely ground macadamia nuts. I was an amateur at the time and the batter was too thin to make anything other than cookie-like treats with them. I brought them to class the following day, and people liked them, so that was nice, and the biggest fan of them was a girl I had a huge crush on so that was a plus. If I looked, I could probably find it again.

>> No.6479209

Lembas is supposedly based on hardtack and similar food, so something that's essentially the bar part of a lemon bar seems a bit much. Maybe that qualifies as horrendous survival military food for decadent elves? The hobbits hated it more than anyone else.

>> No.6479274

From what I've read on the stuff, it was meant to pretty much be ration bread, but they said that it still tasted good. An excerpt straight from the book: The food was mostly in the form of very thin cakes, made of a meal that was baked a light brown on the outside, and inside
was the colour of cream. Gimli took up one of the cakes and looked at it with a doubtful eye.
"Cram," he said under his breath, as he broke off a crisp corner and nibbled at it. His expression quickly changed, and he ate all the rest of the cake with relish.
"No more, no more!" cried the Elves laughing. "You have eaten enough already for a long day's march."
"I thought it was only a kind of cram, such as the Dale-men make for journeys in the wild," said the Dwarf.
"So it is," they answered. "But we call it lembas or waybread, and it is more strengthening than any food made by Men, and it is more pleasant than cram, by all accounts."
"Indeed it is," said Gimli. "Why it is better than the honey-cakes of the Beornings, and that is great praise, for the Beornings are the best bakers that I know of; but they are none too willing to deal out their cakes to
travellers in these days. You are kindly hosts!"
"All the same, we bid you spare the food," they said. "Eat little at a time, and only at need. For these things are given to serve you when all else fails. The cakes will keep sweet for many many days, if they are unbroken and left in their leaf-wrappings, as we have brought them. One will keep a traveller on his feet for a day of long labour, even if he be one of the tall Men of Minas Tirith."
I usually imagined it tasted vaguely sweet, with a hint of honey, but the texture was like the crust edge stuff on pop-tarts.

>> No.6479580
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Neopets food is my shit. There should be a cookbook for it.