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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 5 KB, 259x194, gold bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6471576 No.6471576 [Reply] [Original]

Anything more ridiculous than edible gold?

>> No.6471583

Nope. Except maybe putting a mercury amalgam in our mouths, but that at least has some argument for utility.

>> No.6471626


Yeah. Bottled water.

The edible gold thing is silly, but at least it makes sense from a "look at me I'm rich" sort of thing, like designer-brand clothing.

>> No.6471685

Steak cooked rare.

>> No.6471822

Edible diamonds?

>> No.6471827


>> No.6471836
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>> No.6471839

"activated almonds"

>> No.6471847

You clearly know nothing of almonds anon.

Enjoy your unactivated form. You are what you eat.

>> No.6471851
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Activate deez nuts in yo mouth, bitch.

>> No.6471855

The composition of gold in itself makes it already edible. What makes "edible" gold any different? It can't oxidize or otherwise chemically reduce itself in any environment.
Now, why the hell people would want to do that?...beats me

>> No.6471863

Toxicity is minimal, but not non-existent.

>> No.6471895

Eat potato skin?

>> No.6471901

What's more retarded than edible gold are the morons that stand in line for edible gold at a shithole like serindipty in nyc. That shithole is an embarrasement to nyc but it makes the news and draws in stupid tourists.

>> No.6471912
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>a homemade coconut

>> No.6471991

Please, please tell me that English is not your first language. I can't believe that someone doesn't understand grammar this basic. Are commas really so difficult to understand?

>> No.6472005

You're on the internet. your dum if you think u can go in expecting their to be intelligence and not find you're self consistently loosing.

>> No.6472011

Low quality bait anon, very low quality.

>> No.6472022

It's not meant to be bait.

>> No.6472050

The Police - Shadows In The Rain (live in Los Angeles '81)

Select all sushi below

>> No.6472076
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>a homemade coconut

>> No.6472080

Your mum's pussy game.

>> No.6472085

Hey, you meet bofa?

>> No.6472114

In Soviet Russia BOFA MEET YOU!

>> No.6472139
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I grind stolen Picasso sketches into my favorite spanish seasoning recipe.

The other secret is to cut the good spanish paprika with some sweet hungarian shit for some depth.

>> No.6472148

$100,000 wine
$2,000 fish eggs

>> No.6472254

edible platinum

>> No.6473231
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>> No.6473251

Ranch dip.

>> No.6473340

Fuck I have these

>mfw Its safer better to leave them in than remove them and replace them with newer resins.

>> No.6473374

Edible roentgenium

>> No.6473394

edible scandium

>> No.6473886

coffee beans picked out from animal shit.

>> No.6473892

A different anon here, not native speaker. So what's the deal with homemade coconut? To me it sounds ridiculous. Coconuts grows on palm trees, you don't make them at home.

>> No.6473899

Food colouring.
Flavour enhancer.
Numbers in the ingredients list.

>> No.6473901

I'm genuinely offended by gold leaf on food. There are so many starving people in the world, and here we are literally eating money. It's disgusting.

>> No.6473907

In reality it costs pennies. It's rolled so thin you are getting scarce milligrams of it.

But yeah, the resulting food is outrageously expensive for no good reason.

>> No.6473909

Bottled water is sort of a necessity in a lot of places in the world.

>> No.6473912

anon, "homemade" should have been considered a part of the list, thus warranting a comma after it
how they phrase it in that makes it seem like "homemade coconut" is one of the ingredients

>> No.6473913

doesnt matter if the sentence is correct, the grammar is horrible and it leads to the "homemade coconut" joke
It shows both the guy's retarded writing and the magazinewhateveritis retarded editing

>> No.6473917

Thanks. Now I see, a homemade coconut [and misc] muffin.

>> No.6473926
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>and the magazinewhateveritis retarded editing

might've been on purpose, the other half of the page is a nutritionist destroying his diet.

>> No.6473969

>thus warranting a comma after it

No. Come on.

>> No.6473973

Outside Canada it's a necessity.

>> No.6473974

green eggs and ham

>> No.6474006

is the nutritionist part legit? never seen it before

>> No.6474183

In more developed countries bottled water is pretty frivolous, but it's really needed in poorer countries with brackish/contaminated wells or otherwise scarce water.

>> No.6474186
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>> No.6474195

>but it's really needed in poorer countries with brackish/contaminated wells or otherwise scarce water

Not really. Bottling it in small containers is a huge waste of resources. It makes more sense to simply heat or filter the water at point-of-use for cooking purposes. Small bottles are a much more costly trade-off for convenience.

And if it's convenience you need--perhaps if you are backpacking or camping in an area without safe drinking water--then you can get reusable bottles with a built-in filter. Fill up the bottle from a stream or whatever and it filters it for you. No need to waste dozens if not hundreds of plastic bottles when a single inexpensive device can replace them.

>> No.6474202 [DELETED] 

You are retarded. bottled water comes in different minera content and depending on where you live, you might want something that isn't available in a 100 lm radius.
+ You sometime need to take some water for a trip or something. It's not more retarded than having a gourd. Your whole argument could also be used for any bottled beverage to begin with.
Guess what, even you Coke is just a powder to begin with. they shouldn't sell you the water.

>> No.6474212

>You are retarded. bottled water comes in different minera content

I was talking about ordinary bottled water. It does not contain appreciable mineral content from a nutrtion perspective, it contains just a little for flavor. I was not talking about mineral or electrolyte supplements. Of course if you had a medical reason to need a mineral supplement then by all means drink it. But that's not what we're talking about here.

> You sometime need to take some water for a trip or something.

Right, that's why I suggested the re-usable bottle with a built in filter. Why spend $1 (or much more in some places) over and over and over again when you can buy a $10 item once and use it thousands of times?

>>Your whole argument could also be used for any bottled beverage to begin with.

Most bottled beverages don't have anywhere near the crazy markup that bottled water has. I don't mind paying for a bottle of wine, for example, because that takes actual effort to make. The problem with bottled water is that water is generally so cheap that it is very nearly free, but put it in a bottle and the price goes up by a factor of several thousand. Paying $1 for a bottle of water is the finiancial equivalent of paying $40 for a coke or $10,000 for a bottle of wine. It's a crazy high amount of money for what you are actually getting in return.

>>Coke is just a powder to begin with. they shouldn't sell you the water.

Agreed. It would be easier and cheaper to transport that way. Which is why restaurants buy the concentrate, and then sell it to you for a higher price. Of course that makes sense. That's why they are making money when you buy a coke, while you are losing it.

>> No.6476444

>Fill up the bottle from a stream or whatever and it filters it for you

I am 99% sure a bottle with a built in filter is not going to do it for some random fucking stream water. Enjoy your cholera though.

>> No.6476449

>Its safer better to leave them in than remove them and replace them with newer resins
Why is this so? I have resin fillings, and am worried about BPA and such

>> No.6476453

>I am 99% sure
What you really mean is "I'm going to make up bullshit and hope nobody calls me out on it". You can filter cholera out of water with fucking CLOTH.

>"A simple method of filtration that was effective in removing 99% of the cells of V. cholerae was developed.
>This method employed sari cloth folded 4-8 times to filter natural water for household purposes including drinking."

Get the fuck out and don't come back.

>> No.6476467

>not 100%
>not the same filtration method
>ignoring that most filters built into reusable bottles are shit and break easily
>still just one disease among many other things to be found in stream water that will fuck you up

How about YOU get the fuck out.

>> No.6476576

yeah, no. filters will at best take out pathogens, but do nothing for chemical toxins, heavy metals, and other small molecules that could be present in water sources close to human habitation.

face it, bottled water is no less wasteful or illegitimate than juice in a bottle. we're willing to pay for the safety and portability of potable water which is something that many people in "rich" countries take for granted. we just don't have free public water fountains or restaurants that give free water here.

>> No.6476578

>nah dogg it's not 100%, fuck it, it's no good
you sound like a Catholic trying to discourage condom use in Africa

>> No.6476584

Let's All Love Lain!

>> No.6476641
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Oy vey... I mean, that's so true! Building a water treatment plant is a frivolous waste of money, better to keep on buying bottled water, goy... I mean, dude!

>> No.6476657

It literally says a homemade coconut. Wouldn't homegrown coconut make more sense?

>> No.6476658

You mean like a Camelbak Groove or a Waterbobble? Those things are meant for filtering tap water that's been treated with chlorine. To remove the bad taste.

If you really want to filter your water, I suggest you get a proper pump-action water filter or, if you're using an hydration bladder, an in-line water filter. This still won't do much for chemicals, but at least you won't get giardia, cryptosporidium, or any other water-borne nasties.

A shame you can still get them from washing your hands, face or anus with contaminated water.

>> No.6476726

Ah, the feeling of living in a country where mineral springs are plentiful.

All of bottled water here is mineral. Some quite flavourful.

...not to mention the few springs with really special mineral water. So salty it twists your mouth, stinking of rotten eggs (hydrogen sulphide) or with a distinct taste of kerosene (crude oil bearing lands). They all have their medical applications, but some are actually prescription-only.

Still, enter any store and pick from at least ten different flavors, all different mineral waters. You have to look for actual plain non-mineral bottled water.

>> No.6477177

It's not ridiculous. It's to spice up a dish with some easily accessible humor just like you would add various vegetables to add color.
That's where the expression "comedy gold" comes from.

>> No.6477193

>I am 99% sure a bottle with a built in filter is not going to do it for some random fucking stream water

You simply don't know what you're talking about. They make small portable filters for exactly this purpose: campers, backpackers, hikers, etc. that need to make random stream or pond water safe to drink. The filters are specifically made to remove harmful bacteria, cysts, etc. Check a camping supply or outdoor store, these have been around since at least the 90's, and probably earlier.

If you're extra paranoid you can get a small handheld reverse-osmosis unit that you operate with a hand lever. That will remove anything, even chemicals. Katadyn is a well-known brand.

>> No.6477402
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While these portable water filter systems are pretty cool, it's not the same as treated water or water from a (modern) well and one should really boil the water after running it thru a filter just to be safe.

>> No.6477418
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Gold rolling papers.

>> No.6477426
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you made me laugh

>> No.6477453

The coconut is not homemade. The coconut is in a muffin with all of the other things listed. The muffin is homemade.

>> No.6477463

>one should really boil the water after running it thru

Why? The filter is so fine that it removes pathogens. That's the whole point of it--it replaces the need for boiling.

>> No.6477529


>> No.6477610

It says a home made coconut AND carob AND blueberry AND goji AND stevia muffin. Holy shit.

>> No.6477667

They're soaked in water and then dried back out. It makes them easier to digest for pussies with weak stomachs or something. I don't give a fuck

>> No.6477681

>it's okay, lets just build advanced infrastructure with none of the required support infrastructure, people who know how to run it, or any sort of system to train other people in how to run it

>> No.6477692

/out/ here. The best water filter out there is $25 (Sawyer). It's what I use. I've never heard of a water bottle with a built-in filter but it's probably shite.

>> No.6477874

> aaahh people spend their money on things they want
I don't see you working in a developing nation.

>> No.6478898

Pepsi cola

>> No.6480455


>Don't get fillings, kids!

>> No.6480469
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>> No.6480476


i kno so ridiculous right?

>> No.6480486
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>> No.6480497
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>> No.6480572

Smokeable gold. Too lazy to find a picture but some dumb whore I know buys gold papers for her weed

>> No.6480656

edible argentum

>> No.6480880


And people wonder why Morrisons are running a crazy deficit.

>> No.6480893

Edible Dioxygen Diflouride.

>> No.6480897


But nobody ever advertises that as edible. It doesn't count.

>> No.6480901


You're not understanding. Bottled water is shipped to these places because the water is simply unsafe for consumption. Boiling the water may make it safer, but it certainly isn't palatable. If you want to pay for the millions of filters that are needed in undeveloped countries around the world, then go right ahead. Bottling and shipping water is the cheaper choice.

>> No.6480933

30 oz/hour
2.5 lbs

Paranoia has a price, it seems. Nice when you have no choice but to filter salt or chemically contaminated water. Wonder how many gallons the filter lasts.

>> No.6480943
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Lol what?
Bottled water isn't shipped to "those places" because water is expensive as hell to ship. Go to a village in Thailand, India, Mexico, etc, and you simply won't find the same kinds of brands of fancypants bottled water that you see in a corner store in the west, if there is any at all. Bottled water is an expensive convenience luxury in developed nations.

>> Boiling the water may make it safer, but it certainly isn't palatable.
And a person in "those places" isn't concerned about palatable, they're concerned that they have water at all. Pic very much related. Worrying about the flavor of your water is a first world problem.

>>pay for the filters
The point is that the filters are cheaper than the bottles are. Much cheaper. For example, a Brita or similar filter cartridge costs about $20 and filters 100 gallons of water. The cheapest generic-brand bottled water I could find was sold by Wal-mart; $3.98 for a 28-pack of 20oz bottles. That's 0.7 cents per ounce. For comparison purposes it would cost you $89.60 to get that same hundred gallons of water clean water. That's a hell of a lot more expensive than the filter.

>> No.6480984


They don't fucking use bottled water in poor places in the world, especially the dirt poor places that really need it. Source: I've been there. The poorest of poor places get these straw-like devices from humanitarian efforts that allow them to drink from any water source safely. Places that have more water develop their own filtration systems. Nobody uses fucking bottled water besides first world and second world countries (and its rare in most second world countries).

> Boiling the water may make it safer, but it certainly isn't palatable
>the water isn't platable

You are full fucking retard. Combined with your general lack of knowledge regarding shipping bottled water (lol) I'm going to insist you are a goddamn idiot.

>> No.6481171

Anons once again proving just how cancerous /pol/ and /r9k/ are to all of 4chan..

>> No.6481176


Were you always unable to recognize sarcasm, or is this a new symptom?

>> No.6481194

Wow, sarcasm?? In that post??

When you get there proceed to kill yourself.

>> No.6481212

apparently there is a risk of mercury exposure during the removal of the amalgam, but there seem to be disagreements.

>> No.6481218

Edible Underwear.

>> No.6481227

the anti-gmo movement

>> No.6482135

The anti-anti-GMO movement.

>> No.6482381

Why did I read this in Zek's voice...

>> No.6482412

The anti-anti-anti-GMO movement.

>> No.6482457

What else are the astronauts going to wear?

>> No.6482585
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>not understanding

>> No.6482629

Is absolutely undeniably righteous

>> No.6483140
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Found this thread

To contribute, I'd say pufferfish. Why would you deliberately make sushi out of something so poisonous when there's thousands of other fishes in the see