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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 16 KB, 340x230, French_Butter_Dish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6470406 No.6470406 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking to get a french butter dish for Mother's Day, although reading reviews for different one's on Amazon is not promising. Does /ck/ have any recommendations, preferably for $30 or under?

>> No.6470441 [DELETED] 

sur la table has a few, the stuff they carry is usually high end

>> No.6470447

this, and they have one at the store of a really nice brand on clearance for $30. I saw it last time I was there. They probably have some on their website, as well.

>> No.6470452

Do people actually do this? Jesus christ it's butter, just leave it on the counter.

>> No.6470454


Guess it was only on clearance in the store. Still less than 30, though.

>> No.6470456

This is supposed to go on the counter anon, and it keeps it fresh.

>> No.6470460

It was 90 degrees today and my butter melted.

>> No.6470461

Bit early to get a mothers day present. It was Mothers day in march.

>> No.6470464

Why don't you turn on the air conditioner, anon?

In the US it's in May. I think it's May 10th, could be wrong.

>> No.6470469

Because I'm poor.
It doesn't work, and the rental jews here always take any repairs out of your deposit.

>> No.6470471

Bitch I literally bought a top of the line air conditioner on Amazon Warehouse Deals for 70$. How poor are you that you can't even do that?

>> No.6470477

Poor enough to get a $30 butter bell instead.
Why are you so angry?

>> No.6470480


Looks like it's 180 now because summer. Still a good deal for the thing. Get you shit together, anon.

>> No.6470484

looks like it's $216 now.
I'm am getting my shit together by not buying expensive luxuries and saving my money for the mortgage jews. Thank you for your concern.

>> No.6470489

butter bells are good. Remember to salt the water.

>> No.6470493

what does salting the water do?

>> No.6470500

My mom is in the dirt. just showing up. maybe a flower. Juyst you wold be good. In ""merica the absolute worst day,restaurant wise.do not e decived. If not for her, you would not be here. a flower or call at least.

>> No.6470501

It's the used price. The one on Amazon Warehouse Deals isn't actually used, the box is just damaged slightly and you get a 30% or so discount for that. I always order Amazon Warehouse deals when I can.

>> No.6470502

Makes it a more hostile environment for bacteria, pulls oxygen out of the butter via osmosis thereby reducing the rancidity reaction.
Not a huge thing, it's just better to have salted water than unsalted.

>> No.6470507


That's twice now you've resorted to casual antisemitism.

>> No.6470510

Do you have a problem with him doing that?

>> No.6470555

I'm not the guy you're responding to, but generally I don't like to see it and on blue boards I usually report anything worse than this. There's no reason for it and it makes browsing unpleasant.

>> No.6470563 [DELETED] 

i agree, it's like anudda shoah in here!

>> No.6470566 [DELETED] 


>> No.6470586

Thought about getting a butter bell once but decided against it...

- Have to wait until the butter is soft to load it.
- They don't hold a whole stick.
- Have to load more often than just putting a stick in a butter dish.
- Have to change the water.
- With a butter dish you can load it when there's a little left and use the oldest butter first but with a bell you would have to scrape out the old butter, load in the new and then put the old butter on top or wait until it's completely empty to load it.

Bleh. A butter dish is better in every way.

>> No.6470734

Does anyone else remember butterbellanon? He used to post here. His whole thing was he started dating a vegan girl, and wanted tips on hiding butter underneath margarine in a butterbell so he could eat butter without getting caught. The threads of course immediately degenerated into what you would expect, but I'm honestly not sure whether or not it was an articulate troll, or if he was just that pussy-whipped.

>> No.6470770
File: 996 KB, 4000x3000, P1000673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wifey has this one. It's from Tupperware.
Exact size of the kind of butter we buy.
Easy to microwave as well.
Not really french though...

>> No.6470775 [DELETED] 

Do you defend niggers, white people and asians so steadfastly?

>> No.6470780

Ironically this seems like a complete non-issue to take issue with.

>> No.6470784

Have you been browsing since this morning?

Not only that but you're more or less undermining everything people actually like about 4chan which is anonymity and the verbal looseness of the site thanks to it and the fact there are no moderators (that announce their presence).

You should grow a thicker skin if you're going to continue browsing here, blue board, yellow board, doesn't matter.

>> No.6470790

>water in your butter
Doesn't that sound gross to anyond else?

>> No.6471145
File: 22 KB, 236x316, c145e836640f518f14c87042fd6fe907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember some drama about butter bells a few years ago? It could have been in 2007 or 2014, the years all kind of blend together.

>> No.6471157

Have you plebs never heard of margarine?

You can get it made with olive oil or canola oil so it's kinda healthy.

>> No.6471238

last year, butter bells is gross

>> No.6471252


fucking disgusting

>> No.6471259

It was last year. A guy had formed a fake wall of margarine around a knob of real butter he was hiding from his vegetarian girlfriend.

>> No.6471269


>> No.6471332

Whatever happened to butter bell anon anyway?

>> No.6471359

Some say he lives in...inside each and every one of us...

>> No.6471381


Yep, here you go!


>> No.6471551
File: 16 KB, 400x400, MGTOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats... Jesus

>> No.6472620

butter is waterproof so it never mixes.

>> No.6472646

ya mean hydrophobic

>> No.6472656


Ha I remember those threads. Good times

>> No.6472705 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 495x540, 1352269968861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filthy casual goyim eh?

>> No.6473026

pls no bully

>> No.6474439

>implying water isn't a colloid of 50% water already

>> No.6474474


Yes. Outside of the US we have things called history and culture.

>> No.6474710

Your culture is shitposting

>> No.6474935

>implying water isn't a colloid of 50% water already

>> No.6474946 [DELETED] 


Fuck off you stupid kike.

>> No.6474951

There isn't a single section of 4chan where browsing is pleasant. Your selective fixations are not indicative of the whole, and highly arbitrary.

Besides, what's wrong with antisemitism? I don't see a problem.

>> No.6475189

What is the deal with every thread ending in discussions about jews?

>> No.6475199

They're people everyone questions and are sick of, whether that fact is consciously accepted or not. It's only polarizing because people are taught antisemitism is ultra bad, intolerant, and bigoted, and their culture consistently reinforces this.

It's telling and a bit funny that no one questions the existence of such a specialized word.

>> No.6475207

>babbys first time on 4chan

/pol/ is one of the largest boards and for them to casually bringing up the fact that they hate jews is the equivalent of meme-spouting. just ignore it you newfag

>> No.6475216

>antisemitism is ultra bad, intolerant, and bigoted

To be fair that's said about everyone, not just Jews. Disliking a group of people for no other reason than what their genetics are is really retarded dude.

>> No.6475222

When describing Judaism, I see no issue with it.

Then again I think the world would be a better place if people learned to be disgusted with everyone to a degree, and by extension, themselves as well. That kind of self awareness is what we are missing, and only then can real beauty be perceived.

>> No.6475223

>Disliking a group of people for no other reason than what their genetics are is really retarded dude.

I am more concerned with their mideast polices than their jewnetics

>> No.6475228

He later broke up with vegan gf, then enjoyed a steak.

>> No.6475229

why don't you just put your butter in the fridge like a normal person?

>> No.6475244

why don't you answer this yourself, i'm sure you can figure it out.

>> No.6475256

Butterbell broke up with no one.
He got cucked then sponged off of , then gave his rent controlled appartment to the vegan ex and her new boyfriend.
It was ugly.

>> No.6475258
File: 3 KB, 160x160, butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Be me
>A 1%
>Pay someone to do this.

>> No.6475265

>4.5/5 stars
are you looking for a perfect 5 or something?
good luck, you fucking idiot

>> No.6475269

seriously though
I searched "french butter dish" under home & garden and got tons of products with 4 stars or higher for under $30
stop being a picky piece of shit

>> No.6475816

A Norpro butter keeper is what you want.

Keep the bottom filled with water and pack the butter in on top.
Works like a charm.

>> No.6475832

>I don't know that oil and water don't mix

>> No.6475846

It isn't.
Water is 100% water.
Trust me, I got a D in chemistry class once.

>> No.6475855

>le history
>le culture
>doesn't participate in either
>sits around on his American-designed computer, shitposting on American websites via the American Internet

>> No.6475946

Make sure you break up with your vegan girlfriend first, she's cheating on you anyway.

>> No.6475956


The date varies by country.

>> No.6475958


Some very deadly bacteria thrive in warm salt water.

>> No.6475975

And deadly amoebas thrive in warm fresh water...

>> No.6475977


Canola oil healthy?

I think the reason it is common is because it is cheap. As far as healthy, that remains to be determined.

>> No.6475978

Oh yeah? Are you really going to encounter that bacteria where you live? I'm surprised you even have the internet.

>> No.6476993

Canola is very healthy. One of the best oils to cook with.

>> No.6477003


it seems we are at an impasse. we must combine the warm salt water and fresh water and let the amoebas and bacteria kill each other

>> No.6477017

Or just replace the salty water with vodka

>> No.6477023


It's not bad but I certainly wouldn't call it one of the healthiest.

Plus it has that off taste from the Eucric acid. They might have made it LOW acid but they didn't get rid of all of it.

In case you didn't know, Canola is a man-made cultivar of Rapeseed. the name comes from CANada Oil Low Acid. It's lower in eucric acid than normal rapeseed oil, but it's far from free of it.

>> No.6477036


Water , as hydrogen + oxygen, is actually 100% air

>> No.6477040

my butter is always in the fridge. if this is about it being too hard to be spreadable: let it sit on the counter for 5 minutes before using it. big deal.

>> No.6477045

what happens if you leave unsalted butter out?

how quickly does it spoil vs. salted butter?

>> No.6477046

I'm french and never ever saw this thing anywhere.
I leave mine in the fridge, cold butter with jam is amazing.

>> No.6477107

These things work fine if you use butter like a French person - both for cooking and at the table for your bread on a daily basis. If you use butter less often than that they're not such a good idea. I had one for a while, and the butter often got moldy in it. Then again I only use butter once or twice a week, so it took a couple weeks to empty the thing, and that was just too long to leave butter sitting out unrefrigerated.

The only reasons to use margarine would be being too poor to afford butter or war rationing.

To be fair Jewish culture operates on tribalism, while most of the developed world is operating on a post tribal perspective. Many of the "rules" an observant Jew follows are designed to set him apart from others. The dietary restrictions alone make it nearly impossible for an observant Jew to do something so basic as eating at the home of a non-Jew. This insularity proved a great way to keep the culture alive in a people who had no homeland for most of their history. But setting yourself apart from others is also a great way to put a target on your back, and Jewish history has shown this as well. When you can't accept basic hospitality people generally don't warm up to you.

This. I don't know whether I'd consider canola oil "healthy", but I do know for something that's supposed to be a neutral oil it both smells and tastes like shit. From what I understand that shit taste is the eucric acid. I go with peanut oil because it smells and tastes great, can handle high heat and still manages to be relatively neutral.

>> No.6478020

french canadian is not french there frenchie

>> No.6478046


It's hardly any different than salted butter. There isn't enough salt in salted butter to act as a preservative, it's there for flavor.

Butter goes bad because the fat in it oxidizes (aka goes rancid). That process is unchanged for salted vs. unsalted butter.

>> No.6478133

>What? Leave Butter on the counter? Am I some sort of barbarian?

>> No.6478143


>> No.6478183
File: 148 KB, 741x1000, 2472362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American-designed computer
>literally the pinnacle of consumer-grade technology
Fuck off Japan this is one market you will never breach just stick to loli hentai and RPGs. Preferably both in combination please.

>> No.6480064


>> No.6480086
File: 555 KB, 1000x1000, 47230944_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Character deliberately designed to be highly sexualized and feminine
>Defined hips
>Large breasts
>Minimal clothes

>Someone immediately makes a loli version
I guess I half understand. I've happened across late teen / adult versions of characters based on the loli original, and wished there was more. Unfortunately there's comparatively less of that.

>> No.6481032

Not him, but my AC is pathetic and just wastes electricity and doesn't actually cool the air in my house.

As for getting it repaired... Hm, I should call my property manager.

>> No.6481034

Butterbell-anon was fucking whipped.

>> No.6481424

that vegan chick left him a broken man. i hear he went MGTOW

>> No.6482386


So what you're saying is
>Jewish people are fine
>It's the Israeli Jews I hate with a passion

>> No.6482393

>nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, and other trace gasses


>> No.6482734

Japan designed website

>> No.6482786

Why not just open a window?

I've never had air conditioning. ever.