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6469555 No.6469555 [Reply] [Original]

Just got out of the cooking industry, feels good.

Industry bitching thread

>> No.6469577

Nice trips

Stories now

>> No.6469582
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Post your stories of being buggered in the walk-in, m80

>> No.6469634

I got out a few months ago, working in a grocery store now. It baffles me how easy it is, and how chill management is about everything. I'm not expected to do 2 hours of work in 30 minutes, I actually get paid a reasonable wage in accordance with my work, and I never have to stay late unless I want to. It's amazing.

>> No.6469646

is this the fazoli's thread?

>> No.6469705

I work fast food. 5 more days of work left.
So excited.

>> No.6469714
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Got any horror stories, anon?

>> No.6469870

Honestly, not really.
I work in one of my schools dining halls. Just mediocre/bad management, lazy coworkers sometimes, lots of people.

>> No.6469890
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Not enough bitching and horror stories in this thread, dammit. I would contribute if I ever worked in the industry but I'm a medicalfag so...

>> No.6469904

I worked internship in the industrial food processing industry.
It was the best shit ever. Regular hours, less workload than most other working-class jobs, but with a slightly better than average pay, tons of free shit from storage, lots of opportunities to work yourself up to the top if you have ambitions about that, no customer service. Really depends on where you work, obviously. But if you get into a serious corporation, you may just be set for life.

>> No.6469908
File: 77 KB, 354x320, Fuuuuuuuuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 8:50 PM
>5 tables all night
>No customers for an hour
>everything is broken down, dishwasher sent home, ready to walk out at 9:01
>phone rings
>jesus no
>"Thank you for calling [small Italian restaurant], how can I help you?...We close at 9 pm, ten minutes...Uh-huh....HOW many people?"
>mfw the entire goddamn FFA convention rolls in at 8:58
>mfw one server, one cook (myself) and the alcoholic owner napping in the office are the only people on staff
>mfw the owner comps the entire ticket because their food was "a little slow"

>> No.6469922

>in the middle of the rush
>"she wants 3 different sauces on her pasta"
>"can't you just like pour it on top"
>no actually, I have to make each of the sauces she wants to order and you should goddamn know this because you've worked here a year
>waste 3 pans and 3 bowls when we're already short on both

>"she wants the chicken on one plate, the noodles on another plate, and the sauce on a different plate"

>guy orders linguini with mussels and clams
>double mussels, double clams
>server only charges for double mussels
>do you think clams grow on trees bitch

>> No.6469927


>Spaghetti and Meatballs
>6 oz pasta, 6 oz of meatballs, 8 oz sauce
>"extra meatballs, and also meat sauce"
>that is 3 times as much meat as pasta
>they finish it
>how do you live with yourself

>we don't have a microwave
>server asks me to warm up coffee on stove
>customer complained it's cold
>no it's not but ok
>coffee is literally boiling when it comes off the stove
>taken straight out to dining room
>gets sent back
>"it's still cold"
>what are you a dragon

>"she wants gluten-free pasta with her chicken parmesan, she has a gluten allergy"
>grill chicken breast, melt cheese on it, put on top of tasteless rubbery corn-pasta
>food gets sent back
>"she wanted the bread crumbs on the chicken that it usually comes with"

>> No.6469930

>implying clams don't grow on trees
pls leave. I'm tired of your kind jewing everyone with your insane clam prices.

>> No.6469933

>parent brings child in to eat
>gives server an allergy card for the child
>allergic to; garlic, soy in all forms, corn in all forms, carrots, two different food colorings, and a bunch of other shit I can't remember
>Rest in peace, kid

>> No.6469938

It was actually a very reasonable upcharge, particularly as we are a land-locked state and he wanted double of both (a total of 32 healthy-sized pieces of mollusk). Clams aren't expensive, but they aren't free either.

>> No.6469947

> beeing allergic to essential things like these

how the fcuk can people live like that?

>> No.6469949

Very miserably.

>> No.6469970

You know they have clam farms right? Being landlocked doesn't mean you can't produce clams.

>> No.6469976

How much do you want to bet that the kid wasn't so much "allergic" as "raised by an insane mother who doesn't understand basic nutrition and thinks corn and soy are literally poison".

>> No.6469981

That's relatively minor, and for the record they only put "in all forms" so that the reader takes it seriously. It doesn't actually often matter what the form is, just that certain compounds are present (usually proteins).

You get used to it. It's both better and worse for them. They're so young they'll be inherently used to it, but they'll never know without discomfort what they're missing. There will be a divide between their world and the world of others.

I doubt it's anaphylaxis though for most of those. More likely they suffer a period of systemic vasodilation, inflammation, and digestive upset. They likely become addled and their behavior changes as well.

To be entirely honest, you can take this however you want. While I fully understand where you're coming from, it's also a bit maddening that people think it's a bigger deal than it is. You do what you've gotta do, but the big deal other people make of it is very wearing. Takes a while before they stop.

>> No.6470006

Helped my partner's family run a very successful 24-hour cafe in the Studio City neighborhood of Los Angeles. A few things off the top of my head:

>two skinny affluent white women with expensive bags
>"What's in the gluten-free muffins?"
>"The flavors are listed in front of each one, but I'll be right back with a full ingredient list."
>print it off the bakery's website
>show it to them
>"Oh...it has tapioca in it, huh."
>"It contains some tapioca flour, I think, just for consistency. Are you allergic?"
>"No...I just don't really like tapioca..."
>"Right, but it doesn't actually taste like tapioca in any way, it just contains a little flour in the dough."
>doesn't acknowledge what I said in any way, breaks eye contact and starts talking to her friend again
>"...Cool, lemme know if you need anything else."

Our orange juice was bought directly from the Trader Joe's twenty feet away and then sold at a ridiculous upcharge. Wouldn't even try to hide it. I was constantly wheeling a shopping cart full of dairy and juice through the front door.

One time a chalkboard menu (weighing probably 25lbs) hung directly over the kitchen doorway crashed to the ground and nearly injured a runner and a customer, but thankfully nobody actually got hurt and sued the place.

One time the health department was feeling vicious and gave the place a B, which sent my partner's mother into a hysterical screaming fit.

>> No.6470180

LA is one of the most vapid cities I've ever been to in my entire life. I hated virtually everything about it aside from the attractive women.

>> No.6470221

At what point is a life no longer worth saving?

>> No.6470230

When it takes more than 4 adult men to lift your ass

>> No.6470241


change the ingredient from tapioca to "extract of Manihot esculenta" and if anyone asks, tell them its a traditional root vegetable grown in Brazil and eaten for it's healthy weightloss promoting qualities.

>> No.6470243


post hamplanet stories NAO

>muh sugars are gettin low
>because of muh condishuns

I'll die if you don't feed me ham stories right NAO!

this goes for you too, cooky. fat people stories are always on point

>> No.6470257

If you're glad to be out, you were never fit to be here anyways.
That said I recently went from a bakery to a private club and holy shit is it absolutely amazing to have a chef and not a manager over me. I have so much freedom and no one freaks out if something doesnt sell well. Before I seriously had to fill out paperwork and go through 3 steps to approve the slightest change or idea to the owner.

>> No.6470264

I worked in a cafeteria where we had a wok station.
We'd prep the veg and meat before hand, then once the day started we would cook most of the food in small batches in the woks in front of customers. The sheer amounts of idiocy was amazing. Nobody ever fucking read the menus

>Hi maam what would you like
>what do you have
>food is quite literally 2 inches away from them behind a clear plastic wall
>menu is on a giant TV in colors that stand out

>have fried rice, brown rice, and white rice
>guy asks for brown rice
>do his order
>he comes back and complains that he wanted brown rice
>Inform him that I gave him brown rice
>he wanted fried rice

>some older white lady comes up
>she looks like a bitch, but maybe she's not
>go through her order
>of course she didn't look at the menu so she takes a good 30 seconds at every stage
>hand her her bowl
>aren't you going to cook it?
>It is cooked maam, we cook it all in the woks and then put it in the steam wells, everything is fresh since we go through the product too fast to actually let it sit
>well can you do it for me?
>we have all of the woks being used and a giant line
>No, I'm sorry maam but we're actually using all of the lines and we have a lot of customers to deal with.
>she looks offended and walks away

Then we have the people who, for whatever reason, ignore the obvious trash cans, and bring their disgusting trays with dirty half eaten food and just leave it on the little sliding bar thing without saying anything.
My favorite are the customers who walk up to you and just shout what they want while staring at you.

>customer walks up
>we don't actually have fries down here sir, we have french fries upstairs at the grill with burgers and hotdogs though, the stairs are located right over there and if you just walk forward and look to the right the grill is right there, you can't miss it.
>just look at him for a second in amazement before repeating myself

>> No.6470273

>cook hands me plate/pan of food
>didn't warn me it was 200 degrees
>put it down and look for a clean rag to grab it with
>"man up pussy"
>fucking niggers and their cotton picking hand genes

>> No.6470276

some of those translate to delivery calls for me
for example, i learned that all habibis are uncultured swine through this job

>is this a delivery or pick up sir
>sir is this delivery or pick up?

>put customer on hold for two minutes because i already had another phone call to finish
>get to her order after 2 min
>what would you like?
>uhhhhhhh chicken.... kebab i mean adana

I put you on hold for two minutes and you couldnt make up your mind?

>> No.6470280

>and eaten for it's healthy weightloss promoting qualities
nice one
just pretend we dont deep fry it and it's as caloric as anything with potato

>> No.6470286

I just don't understand how so many people can be so very, very stupid.
Also, fuck kids. Fuck kids to hell.
And mexicans, near the end of the season we had a few weeks with assloads of mexicans. They would always come in within the last hour of closing too.

>put all my shit up
>everything is wrapped
>no food is out and the closed sign is up

One time I actually watched two people sit in front of the closed sign, obviously reading it, then walk past it, walk up to me and ask if we're closed
I told them we were, so they're like "uhhhh, well if you guys are closed can we like, get the rest of all of the food for free?"

No, you can eat a dick.

>> No.6470287

LA has really nice donut shops and Japanese restaurants, both of which are almost entirely absent from Chicago, where I live. Also the weather is pretty nice.

But yeah just about everyone and everything from LA is scum.

>> No.6470288


>> No.6470296

well at least kids have the excuse that they are young so they are dumb no matter what
fuck their parents, that't the real thing, for raising spoiled shitheads that think they can do everything

>> No.6470301

It's quite perplexing to me as well. I once had someone call and ask us to prepare an order for 8 guests to eat in the restaurant. He wanted everything to be ready when they arrived essentially. I told him no because the food would be cold regardless. He blew up a tit and actually drove down to the restaurant to yell at me and the owner had to literally kick his ass to the curb. It's the entitlement thats scary dude.

>> No.6470310

>ITT food workers think they're better than other people

>> No.6470316

Yeah, I hate the kids but it's like whatever, kids are kids.
I usually started the order before they even ordered because 99/100 times I could guess what the little turds wanted

Fusilli with butter, almost every time. Eventually I just stopped asking what kind of pasta they wanted and just made giant batches of it when I saw a group of 4.

Pizzas were awful too because they took ten minutes to make, and we put them under a heat lamp for customers to freely take.

It was awful when I was the only one there, I would go to make pizzas, come back, and people would just take one slice and walk away leaving 3/4ths of a pizza sitting there.

Or the giant swarms of little shits who only wanted cheese.
>lunch rush
>mom walks up and takes five pizzas
>asks for four more cheeses
Jesus Christ, are you and your 3 children really going to eat nine pizzas?

We went through about 300 pizzas in 2 hours once, I was there alone and the chef and the procurement guy had to come over and help me since I couldn't perform all four duties simultaneously.

It was horrible and awful in every way imaginable but I still had fun and loved my coworkers, and plan on going back again next year. It's my first industry job outside of dishwashing.

>> No.6470318

Oh yeah, another tale from this place - if it wasn't obvious already, expect any social media-conscious restaurant to have some kind of scheme to generate positive Yelp reviews, since 4 and 4.5 star rated businesses tend to attract customers while lower ratings drive them away.

The owner gave a $20 cash bonus to any employee who got mentioned in a 5-star review that passed the Yelp filter. Didn't even matter if it was fabricated. So many people made so much money from getting their friends to write reviews for them.

>> No.6470346
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I share you feels, OP. Recently quit my shitty job.

>Hired as temp worker for 5 star kitchen.
>Huge turnover, people quit constantly, they're desperate
>2 permanent staff serving over 100 people per night
>No work breaks, even for 9+ hour shifts
>No plugs in sinks, fucking scrunched up aluminium foil instead
>Dishwasher doesn't lift high enough to wash all the plates, constantly chips them
>Scales are wildly inaccurate
>Nobody else cleans pots/pans properly, fucking month old black burnt cheese gunk stuck on the bottom of everything
>Doesn't pay for training, which is illegal
>Expected to scoop oil from X gallon oil drums into other containers with a tiny cup
>Waitresses barely speak English
>Rat shit in meat storage
>Boss gives false information about superannuation, application rejected because of it, I was blamed
>Chef was extremely cringe worthy 9gagger that quotes family guy all the
>Pay delayed for 6 weeks, only given after I threatened to call the fair work commission three times.

>> No.6470349

Sauce on doujin?

>> No.6470355

>5 star

>> No.6470371


>Small cafe constantly filled with 2x the amount of people we can seat
>Only 2 employees cooking, making coffee, and bussing for ~30 people at a time
>People order food specifying that they would like to have it in the cafe even though there's no seating available
>literally just standing and eating their food in the cafe when it's nice and sunny outside

>same situation above
>"Hello, I'll be with you in a minute"
>Proceeds to tell me his order while I'm making an espresso
>Stands and eats inside

>> No.6470380

Lol all these horror stories with waiting.

Why cant it just be order food, wait for cooks to call out your number and give you your food in a compostable take out container. Example: Chego restaurant in LA its like Chipotle but your food is made when ordered and isnt sitting in a warmer. Get the fuck up and grab your own utenseils and drinks. Waiters are unnecessary as fuck for most restaurants.

>> No.6470393

Because people are too fucking stupid for that.

>> No.6470394

post more ahegao faggots

>> No.6470434

I worked a similar setup, but very different customer base. It was in the financial district of R____ and so our main point of business was these young republicans on their lunch breaks, new EXACTLY what they wanted and expected special treatment because the owner would lie his fucking head off.

>can I have the vegan marinara on my pasta
>actually our marinara has chicken broth [!!] in it
>last week Steve gave me this vegan marinara sauce

do I tell them that the owner lied and said the marinara sauce, which he cut with like a gallon of watery chicken broth to make it last longer, was vegan? no, I have to make up some lie on the spot about why we don't have the vegan shit any more.

>> No.6470436


>> No.6470455

riculous, I don't know why people do this. there are some people who get to a restaurant a few minutes before closing think they are "just in time" even though they could still be there easily an hour after they close

like, plan your dinner out a little better.

>> No.6470462

clam farming takes place in the ocean. i've never heard of a particular instance where it occurs inland anywhere

>> No.6470482

worked in restaurants for 5 years. was a lot of fun but a lot of hard work too. always working late nights and weekends got to me, it became impossible to have a real social life

I lucked out and got a job working to help write recipes for a publishing company. I get to work M-F 9-5 in an office and work with out chefs in the test kitchen to write actually good recipes. My hands never have to touch another pan or open another stove door unless it's for my own pleasure. Plus I'm making over twice what I used to make, so I can't complain.

>> No.6470520

I just got offered a job as a bakers apprentice and a bakery near me, they mostly make sourdough bread.

Any tips? I am really nervous about it.

>> No.6470557

Don't leave your doughscraper in the bread

I did once. They never stopped giving me shit for it.

>> No.6470608

The more sour my sourdough the better.
You do that for me and I'll give you as many yelp blowjobs as you want.

>> No.6470711

I've been working at Burger King for the last 9 months, and I fucking hate it. I'm trying to find a real kitchen job right now. I live in a tourist town, and lots of places are hiring for the summer right now, so hopefully I'll find a new job soon. I would way rather be prepping or doing dishes than what I am doing right now. Fuck fast food.

>> No.6470730

How does someone get into the cooking industry? I mean I live in a kinda rural area and the closest "city" is like 30-45 mins away. I mean should I be doing more networking type stuff? I have a decent amount of contacts but all that's really good for is letting me go to a separate call center.

>> No.6470743

>white women
>Studio City
no, my friend, those are Jews.

>be me today
>working in a VERY Jewish neighborhood of LA
>"two skinny affluent white women with expensive bags" come in
>they called earlier, said they had a $20 internet whatever coupon fucking thing, but it expired on the 28th, "can we still use it?"
>"okay, come in, use it"
>their order comes out to 20 something bucks for two dank ass meals
>they are scared shitless when I read their total, i forgot to put the $20 discount on it
>they get their meals for $9 bucks, and proceed to give me and my coworker a hard time
>complain that the table outside on Los Angeles fucked up sidewalks is wobbly
>make me put napkins under the leg
>they don't even buy a $5 drink, they are drinking our water out of wax paper cups
>they knock the wax cups over the fucking counter on accident
>of course, no tip
>"sorry, we're just in a rush and we're really famished"
>messy eaters, left crumbs and shit all over the table
>ask for salt, "oh that's way too much free salt!"

Jews. gotta love 'em.

>> No.6470757

My family does this shit all the time and wonders why I refuse to go out to eat with them when they call me at 9:50 to go to a place 15 minutes away that closes in 10 minutes.

>> No.6470854
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when the dumb cunt waitresses take orders wrong and then bitch about how the customers are complaining, like bitch I cooked the order on the ticket but have to remake a fucking plate for the millionth time this week because you can't do you goddamn job. fukkin twats

also, when the waitresses make the same hourly rate I do, but keep %100 of the tips. fuck that shit. I've never heard a customer say "oh yes the service is wonderful" its usually something like "the food was delicious". they came there for food after all, not the service.

>> No.6470869

lol seriously?
apply at a restaurant/diner/whatever
its that easy. you might start as a dishwasher if you have no experience cooking. but even washing dishes is a big part of the food industry.

>> No.6471030
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I've heard people say that the dishwasher is the asshole of the kitchen. It's not glamorous, most people pay no attention to it, it deals with all the crap no one else wants to, but if it stops working everything goes to shit REAL quick.

A toast to our underwater ceramic technicians!

>> No.6471036

Why did you answer the phone?
Don't answer the fucking phone!
Tackle and viciously beat who ever goes to answer the fucking phone!
This could have been easily avoided if no one answered the fucking phone!

>> No.6472300
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>Work as cafeteria janitor
>One teacher in the morning insists on always pulling the lunch ladies out of their break in between breakfast and lunches so they can make on meal for that one specific teacher
>mfw the lunch ladies and I have to be polite as shit lest our respective bosses-bosses get pissed at us
>Same teacher has a key to the school doors, but never uses it because she insists that I stand and wait by the door to open it once she's back from whatever errand she does
>I eventually just keep the door open so I can get back to work
>Other teachers complain that I am keeping the door open, school shooters could come in
>Keep it closed
>That one teacher gets mad at me and the lunch ladies for not kissing the ground she walks on

>> No.6472423

>that gluten shit
Half of the time, these people who claim to be "gluten allergic" didn't even know what the word "gluten" was until 2010.

>> No.6472466

bunch of phonies with an intolerable culture

when somebody from southern california starts talking to me i want to strangle them. something about their tone/inflections are just unbearable.

>> No.6472479

doesn't matter the owner got what he wanted: positive yelp reviews.

unfortunately he should have focused on making better the things that beget positive yelp reviews.

>> No.6472488

>It was in the financial district of R____

what are you dostoevsky?

>> No.6472492

Not to mention it's gluten intolerance. Not allergy.
I have to deal with these retards all the time.

>> No.6472500


>"she wants the chicken on one plate, the noodles on another plate, and the sauce on a different plate"

hey man you were serving a brilliant detective, be considerate

>> No.6472511

i hate how waiters think being friendly is good service.

if you're fast, quiet and refilling my drink when its empty i will give you a tip. otherwise fuck off. another thing i like is being knowledgeable about the food. for instance, if you know the hamburger meat is high quality and can prove it by telling me where it comes from, then i know i can enjoy a pink juicy burger. if you know its not high quality then i know i should order it cooked. i consider these things when tipping. i dont give a damn about your personality, though that's probably what other idiots tip for. get in, get out, tell me about the food, refill my drink, stop interrupting my conversation, bring the fucking check in a reasonable amount of time, dont fuck up my order and you get a fat tip from me.

>> No.6472532
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>head chef is 50 something years old and been cooking all his life
>he cooked a dudes steak
>guy wanted medium well
>chef cooks it fucking perfectly
>it gets sent out
>it comes back
>"he says its not cooked enough and its too pink"
>chef throws it into the fucking microwave
>its started to curl on the sides
>we're all laughing
>it gets sent out
>waiter comes back and the guy said it was perfect

>> No.6472570
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>> No.6472724
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>> No.6472746
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>used to work at this brand new bakery opened by an old jewish guy
>all the managers were Jewish so the favoritism was obvious
>always understaffed
>lunch rush comes around
>these 2 Russian yuppies come in
>one of them wants a ham sandwich
>"is the bread gluten free?"
>"I don't want any ham or cheese"
>"No mayo I just want lettuce"
>in the end, her sandwich is just some lettuce between a ciabatta roll
>tfw still charge her the full price ($10) for the sandwich
>mfw she was slightly overweight and obviously does not know how to eat healthy

>> No.6472866


Show up to work wearing a Star of David necklace some time and you will be promoted. I have a friend who interviewed at three different banks for teller positions. At the third and final interview he wore one of those necklaces and was instantly hired.

>> No.6472903

Too bad that wouldn't work because I'm Asian.
Also got layed off after I took a three day break due to "budget cuts". Only upside to working there was free food and first dibs on the fresh baked bagels.

>> No.6472916

Been cooking about 7 years currently a sou

>the amount of times people come in 5 mins before close and I cook their meal while fantasize about holding their heads under the oil in the fryers as their screams create bubbles

the worse was when I cooked in Detroit, cooking for black people drove me up a wall, their eggs and beef can't be anything other than completely fucking obliterated well or they send it back and demand it free.

>eggs aren't cooked enough
>do it again
>not enough
>do it again
>not enough
>completely fucking obliterate it hard a f
>they said it was okay but still wasn't cooked enough
>all my rage

>> No.6472918

If the restaurant doesn't want to stay open late then they should have a rule like "no seating after X o'clock". People here constantly complain about customers ordering food right before closing but if the business doesn't make a point of having a "last call" then it's not the customer's fault.

>> No.6473269


>jewish deli
>ham sandwich


>> No.6473289

Deli is a normal deli. Just because the owner's Jewish doesn't mean everything is.
>my manager would take fridays off because he was Jewish
>my co-workers and I all knew he used it as an excuse to not work because he's lazy as fuck
>would sneak back into the office whenever we had enough people
>micromanaged everything
>wouldn't let you use a fork to eat something with during break because plastic ware costs money
God I hate working for Jews.

>> No.6473318
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>Me, a few months ago
>Part time at a barbeque joint; working saute
>Order in, shrimp and grits
>Oil in pan, saute onions and roasted bells, add grits, milk, salt. Heat to perfection. Finish with cheese.
>Plate up, top with grilled shrimp and green onions. Looks fantastic.
>Order comes back
>"She didn't want onions or peppers"
>No mention of this previously. Whatever, re-fire.
>White grits and shrimp on new plate
>Comes back AGAIN
>"She didn't like the marinade on the shrimp. Can we do it without shrimp?"
>Another plate of grits, completely bare.
>"She says they're too salty."
> Bullshit, I tasted those grits!
>She still wants her damn grits.
>Fire ANOTHER pan of grits.
>Jesus, what a bitch....
>Server comes back with a plate in her hand
>"She says they're bland. She wants the fried chicken instead."

>> No.6473322 [DELETED] 
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>tfw just got out of my last day
feels good man

>> No.6473332

The waitstaff are almost all retarded, they know nothing about food (and as such can't even do their own jobs well because they can't properly recommend things or answer customer questions), yet they make 4x as much as the BoH. Awesome.

bla bla bla people with fake allergies, etc

Still happy to be in the industry though, maybe you're just a pussy

>> No.6473338

dishwasher here. My restaurant also serves chicken and grits and I would murder that customer with you. Cleaning that shit is awful.

>> No.6473406
File: 348 KB, 800x570, 1419601470576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this image from. I need to know /ck/

>> No.6473463

I work at a private establishment that also has a cafe for quick refreshments and a quick snack/bite. I work on the floor and part time in the cafe. Mind you, we're supposed to be taken seriously as this is an upscale establishment.

>The owner won't train us to work an espresso machine, which requires a food handling license in my state. This means we cannot give out ice either.

>We literally get all our snacks and sandwiches from Costco. Costco is within view from our building. Our sandwiches have fucking mystery meat on them that sometimes no one on staff can identify. That doesn't mean it is disgusting looking, it just... does not fall under the categories of Roast Beef or Pastrami. And it isn't Ham. It is an unknown beast.

>We keep these refrigerated. We can't heat them up either. No food handling license, remember?

So we have scalding, burnt drip coffee, a wide variety of tea, and Costco snacks. Also some idiot left decaf in the carafe and closed the lid and it grew mold. I petitioned that we get new carafes because they're old as fuck, but the decaf mysteriously returned, cleaned out.

My favorite guests are:

>Slimey Eurotrash. They look at the menuboard and then ask for espresso. Nigga there ain't no espresso on the menu board. I wrote it. I'm mad too. But if you look at the board for a literal minute and then ask for an espresso macchiato, you deserve my feces down your throat. When I tell you we only have regular coffee, I get a sneer and a sound of disgust. It is, obviously, my fault afterall.

>Slimey Eurotrash also bring their trash up to the counter when a trashcan is in plain sight.

>Slimey Eurotrash place their teabags on the lids of their cups. Standing. The TEABAGS ARE ALWAYS STANDING. NEVER SIDEWAYS. These are left on the tables.

I hate traveling Europeans so much.

>> No.6473489


They are called Eurotrash for a reason Anon.

>> No.6473692


You lazy fuckers I wanted source too but I found it by searching and using my goddamn brain. Here's the source.


Only because like you guys I too am horny

>> No.6473696

I fucking hate my phone sometimes.

>> No.6473730

>work as a line cook at a diner-esque kind of place
>just make wraps, soup, fried shit, and that kind of fare
>on the fringe of a yuppie neighborhood so a 1/4 of the time someone orders something they request it be in a lettuce wrap or with gluten-free bread
>have neither of these things
>always get yelled at by bitchy white women in their mid-30s as if I own the place and as if they have some sort of right to these trendy, stupid things
>always threaten to tell the owner that I am doing a poor job or to write a poor review because we lack these things or for other inane reasons


>people who need to wait a bit longer than 2-3 minutes and claim they've been waiting for 10 minutes when it explicitly states on my fucking order board the time that the order was taken

I'm getting very tired of serving waspish cunts all day, pls save me

>> No.6473732

goddamn I hate those guys. I got a customer at the deli I work at that came in 5 mins before closing. I was already helping a customer that was a nice regular and never gets anything messy, just some simple stuff.
the other stands at the far end of the counter and just shouts 'CAN I GET SOME SERVICE OVER HERE I NEED 2LBS OF xxxxx'
I pretended not to hear him and handed my customer their stuff then walked over to the guy really slow. the look of embarrassment on their face when they realize they acted stupid in frojt of a person that wasn't me was delicious

>> No.6473733

>not using firefox mobile and the exh apk to browse sad panda on the go

>> No.6473736


If they were truly an awful customer they would have plowed on with their rudeness and been even more aggressive in order to save face

This shit happens all of the time where I work because most of the customers are passive-aggressive bitches; even if they realize they're wrong or are being unjust with their criticism, they'll just turn up the rage in order to drive home that they're 'better' than the people who are serving them

People can really suck dick sometimes

>> No.6473741

Fellow linecook, I feel your pain and tell you that you are not alone. My friend left to work for a catering company and claims it is much better.

>> No.6473744
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>tfw had a manager who always backed up employees when shitheads like this acted up
>tfw he once told a total bitch to either fix her attitude or go eat somewhere else
>tfw he straight up told a nigger who was clearly trying to scam us for free food "Get the fuck out of here and never come back, you goddamn coon"

Such a good feel having somebody in charge who doesn't bend over backwards to appease customers that behave like faggots

>> No.6473745

> Work as a waiter in Canada
>Older couple comes in
>Man has a really thick accent
>Orders a steak
>" Yes i vould like it medium Vware"
> Accent so thick i thought he said medium well
> Gets his steak
>Obviously sends it back
>im sweating from embarrassment
>He knows my dad and is the main meat distributor guy
>Sorry Uva
>At least he was nice about it

>> No.6473749


this scenario would work well as part of a short Mr Bean sketch, 8.5/10 story

>> No.6473750

I get those every now and then. the one I mentioned was the most recent one. the best one I remember was when my friend sliced a bunch of cheese for a customer and weighted and priced it. the cheese was a super sharp cheddar and we usually put it all on one sheet and then price it before separating it and putting it in paper so it doesn't stick together. this saves the customer a few cents due to the paper weight. my friend told her customer this and he seemed to understand. so after she priced it he got really mad and started yelling. the best part was that this was during the middle of the day so there was a ton of people there. my friend kept trying to tell him she was going to put paper between each slice but he would let her speak. the killer was that his wife started yelling at him and then other customers joined in on yelling at him. fuckin guy just got quiet and walked away. I don't know how I managed to not laugh

>> No.6473758

my manager is like that but to the owner. hes a hardass Mexican that's always yelling. one time I came in late when I first started and I thought he would tell at me. but he was calm and was like ' if you're late call us so we can make some shit up to the owner'
he's a really nice guy when he's calm

>> No.6473792


thats pretty funny

>> No.6473802

happened all the time at the last restaurant i worked at. well, we didn't have Chef Mike, but we did scorch those fuckers on the grill

>> No.6473803

>be in college
>work at a local pizza parlor thing
>pizza, beer, chicken wings, live sports, you get the idea
>one night a literal fedora and his mother came in
>trenchcoat, fingerless gloves, flip flop, cargo shorts, ironic T-shirt, and literally a fedora
>mother is some weird nurse or something
>they approach the counter where I am cashier
>fedora pulls out a receipt from a past order
>starts telling me what he wants
>"extra large, extra cheese, extra sauce, pepperoni, shrooms, peppers, onions-- ALL UNDER THE CHEESE--pinapple, salami, sausage, olives ALL ABOVE THE CHEESE"
>mother gets equally weird gluten free shit
>make their ungodly order and give it to them, it was seriously a disaster way too many toppings
>after 2 minutes after mother comes back to counter
>"excuse me, but the pineapples on my son's pineapples are a little cold"
>okay whatever I explain to her I can take the pizza back and run it through the oven for a bit longer
>"no that will cause the crust to get burnt and taste gross"
>explain the dough will not burn it will cook the ingredients a bit more
>"we can want warmer pineapples"
>tell her I need to get his pizza so we can warm the fucking pineapples
>as soon as I do that I look over at him. he was staring at me and as soon as i made eye contact he averted his gaze right back to his phone
>asks to see my manager because I am being "disrespectful"
>mfw i go to the office to fetch my manager

the worst part was they came back like 2 months later and the mother was awkwardly trying to joke with me saying shit like "remember me?" and smiling. never have i ever wanted to kill a parent with a special needs child in my life

>> No.6473805
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got so mad i forgot my face

>> No.6473809

>Pasta med no feta no tomato no peppers no artichoke

>> No.6473813
File: 8 KB, 238x297, 7CKABZKHZE50W4U4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left higher end dining because of the schedule (never got to see my family, really took its toll on me). I work at a 7-5 diner place, but we do everything from scratch with really good fucking ingredients.

However, it is an open kitchen. It's so fucking asinine. We can't say anything because the whole restaurant can hear everything. Have to hide in the walkin to bitch or complain.

Most people are pretty nice, but there is one bitch who likes her burgers completely dry and her fries burnt. It pisses me off because we grind our own burgers from some dope ass beef. And the fries are also an ordeal because we cut them ourselves, let them sit in water for 24 hours, then blanch them, allow them to cool and then they're ready to be fried. So it's just really annoying to have to cook for this bitch. She's also just really fucking rude.

>> No.6473831


>> No.6473840
File: 48 KB, 400x400, RealNeato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have specific tastes not shared by most people
>Everyone should cater to my tastes by default for reasons

>> No.6473865

Fuck if I was running a restaurant I'd have a bunch of pre-printed waiver forms for these "allergic to gluten". With fill-in spaces, "allergy to _[ingredient]__, requests _[product]_ which contains said ingredient, the restaurant disclaims any responsibility for loss of health or life in case of allergic reaction." A nice legal paper pre-stamped with a red rubber stamp of the restaurant. Sign this please and we will serve you your goddamned crumbs.

>> No.6473896

literally shit taste