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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 134 KB, 1075x452, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6469172 No.6469172 [Reply] [Original]

>live in rural town
>we have a bakery
>Check out their website


>> No.6469175

I assume it's a wedding cake to celebrate the union of a man and his gun,
Since you yanks have such a serious obsession with them.

>> No.6469184

The person that made it is obviously a dirty red.

>> No.6469185

Hey you missed a letter, >>>/k/ is that way

>> No.6469191

We have a thing about the common peasantry being able to have a viable means of self defense against a tyrannical state.

>> No.6469195

I just moved to AZ, an open carry state, from CA, which has stricter gun laws (you can't walk around with one and you need a permit to own one.)

It is a little unsettling coming across a 80+ year old man in a wheelchair with Alzheimer's packing 12 inch revolver with a belt full of rounds. Old people literally rule this state.

>> No.6469217
File: 234 KB, 981x627, police-state.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what else is unsettling?

>> No.6469231

Don't break the law?

>> No.6469239

>tan polymer
no bad
no no no
that is not a sexy state

>> No.6469241

The laws are made by corporations to protect their interests and profits.
I'll do what I need to do, to survive. They'll just have to deal with it, kill me, or be killed by me.

>> No.6469245


>> No.6469251

I would totally buy the gun cake.


It's probably the funnest hobby ever. An AR-15 is like an adult lego set that you can shoot.

>> No.6469659

underaged edgelord detected

>> No.6469776


You put your hands up and say "don't shoot", next thing you know your shot ten times, an obese cop is squatting on you until you suffocate, or your legs AND neck are broken and you're left in an unairconditioned van for eight hours until death

>> No.6469956

I'd try that Kalashnikake.

>> No.6469958

I thought the last case was basically the death penalty for making eye contact, but I'm getting black people summary execution fatigue so I may be a little fuzzy on the details on this one.

>> No.6469963
File: 244 KB, 1100x503, muhdick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy has got it

I would also like to add that mechanically speaking, guns are amazingly crafted machines. I have a real appreciation for how many are constructed

and I can shoot them

>> No.6469973

That's not a real gun, and I bet it's not a real cake either. It's a mockery of both guns and cake.

>> No.6469984

Lol, brown assaulted a cop.

>> No.6470000
File: 2.38 MB, 966x1288, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I own the same rifle!

>> No.6470009
File: 59 KB, 800x600, Srsly Nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black people summary execution fatigue

>> No.6470166

pick one

>> No.6470174

OK, so why aren't the peasantry defending themselves from the obviously tyrannical state? No one is doing shit.

>> No.6470183

You fucking moron. Stormtroopers are literally filling the streets and you are still hiding behind this generic "Don't break the law!". This is the fucking tyrannical government you were warned not to tolerate. Shit, wake the fuck up.

And yes, you break the law every day. Everyone does.

>> No.6470188

Theres so many of them ive stopped caring after maybe 3. Im actually sure that now i can walk down to /pol/ and fit in now

>> No.6470341

>can't tell the difference between an AR and AK
Wasted quads...

>> No.6472181

>I-I'm not a coward!
>My-My country doesn't ensure that the common man is powerless
>T-This guy is j-just some underage retard!
>y-yeah t-that's it!

>> No.6473120

Well, anyway, they're wearing the same dress, pretty much.

>> No.6473134

Doesn't every town, both rural and urban, have a bakery?

They don't all have websites, though. Must be a big bakery for a rural town.

>> No.6473145

based fucking america

tfw can't own an "assault" weapon here

>> No.6473159

Half overdosed on theobromine here. What am I seeing?

Also, is that even an American engineered firearm? Looks vaguely like one of the models that evolved from Russian / Chinese knockoffs.

>> No.6473321

>god bless america

An error has occured comrade.

>> No.6474643
File: 25 KB, 233x255, 1408814922466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an AK
Waste of quads.

>> No.6474661

>underrated post

>> No.6475017

We americans love all guns. We love guns more than we love each other

>> No.6475274

a lot of us yungins happen to agree with the old people on that matter, though I have never seen anything like your description
in fact, I've made the opposite decision in my own family, and I think most here would as well

also sage, because /ck/ not /k/

>> No.6475422

Thus proving gun owners are too stupid to be trusted with guns.

>> No.6475695

Black people with guns?

>> No.6475733

>Waah I can't burn down stores and homes for the elderly without consequence!

>> No.6475743


I guess the parable flew right over your heads...on a cooking board, no less. You both win the Clueless Poster of the Month award. Please don't multiply.

>> No.6476730

>serious obsession about guns
>something bad
Let me guess, you're a britbong? You know that in the early 20th century, you guys were also allowed to carry firearms? Must suck to live in a police state.

>inb4 "muh firearms homicides comparisons"
There is no causal relationship between homicides, firearms homicides and liberal or strict gun laws. Both gun control advocates and their opponents have reached this conclusion after decades of research on the subject.

Vermont has the best (most liberal) gun law in the world and a very low homicide/crime rate. New York has a rather strict gun control policy, with a fuckton of gun homicides/homicides. Britbongs banned handguns, with the result being an increase in gun crime. Estonia made CC legal a few years ago and saw violent crime drop by 30%. In the Czech Republic, CC:ing a firearm is legal everywhere (including schools and universities) except for in buildings where legal matters are settled, and despite this they have a very low homicide rate. The overall homicide rate in the US has dropped during the last 30 years, despite numerous states passing liberal gun laws.

TLDR: there is no factual basis for supporting gun control, but merely an ideological one.

Free men own firearms to hunt and protect themselves against aggressive individuals or a tyrannical government. Do you oppose this? If so, you should just hang yourself and spare us sane people the trouble you will cause us.

>> No.6476744

why have they stuck a big black dildo on the end?

>> No.6476747

Brits banned guns and gun crime increased.
[citation needed]

You can own a rifle here for hunting anyway. Just need a licence for it. Homicide rates depends on the people anyway not the tool. That said killing someone with a gun is far easier than with a knife.

>> No.6476751
File: 129 KB, 700x463, dickguncake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6476791

>Tacticool AKake
>2/10 would not eat

>> No.6477197

>I only let liberal news outlets think for me

>> No.6477320

How many /k/ crossboarders does /ck/ fucking have?

>> No.6477335

I have bad news for you man, your politicians represent their wealthy donors. You're basically living in a tyrannical state right now. And your little gun didn't do jack fucking shit to prevent it - in fact, it might have given you a false sense of security, so that your attention was elsewhere while your tax dollars were funnelled right into the pockets of the wealthy defense contractors and what have you.

>> No.6477476


>> No.6477502

I would estimate a good 25% of /ck/ is from /k/, and that is discounting all the /k/ trips here.

>> No.6477711

>Stormtroopers are literally filling the streets

Uh, not they are not. Not once in my life have I seen police "fill the streets", even when they are looking for an armed suspect. I used to live in a high crime area with gangs and I still never saw this.

>you break the law every day

No I don't.


I live in an open-carry state. We have very little crime here. And the police rarely do anything. They don't even bother to pull you over for going 10 mph over the speed limit. That's because it isn't that serious.

Yes, it must be an underaged retard.

>> No.6477746
File: 141 KB, 853x543, 1386456321414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6477755

I'd shoot my own food if i could.

>> No.6477848

>Stormtroopers are literally filling the streets

When and where?

I think when the cops were trying to hide that Religion of Peace guy in Boston, and found him in someone's back yard, they were on pretty high alert.

Or maybe stopping Dindoos from burning Baltimore businesses down...

Otherwise, citation?

>> No.6477854

/k/ actually loves cooking and other fine arts

>> No.6477879


>I have bad news for you man, your politicians represent the crab people. You're basically living in a crab people state right now. And your little gun didn't do jack fucking shit to prevent it - in fact, it might have given you a false sense of security, so that your attention was elsewhere while your tax dollars were funnelled right into the pockets of the crab people and what have you.