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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6467363 No.6467363 [Reply] [Original]

>have roommate
>insists that dishes need to "soak"
>he leaves every dish he uses filled with cold water and nothing else in the sink for 2-3 days
>once he is done "soaking" the dish he then puts it in the dishwasher, where it never gets washed because he ran out of dishwashing liquid a month ago and is too cheap to go buy more
>handwashing his dishes consists of rubbing a little bit of hand soap on the dish, with his hand, and then drying it off with a dirty towel
>any time I clean the kitchen he will fuck it up almost immediately afterwards
>makes a frozen pizza
>doesn't put it on a pan or anything, just puts the pizza straight on the rack
>then pulls pizza out with oven mitt, getting pizza sauce all over the oven mitt
>puts pizza on straight on stove and cuts it
>gets shit all over the stove when he does this
>leaves it there
>eats the pizza without a plate or paper towel, getting pizza crumbs and cheese and sauce everywhere

Do you have anyone like this in your life /ck/? Luckily he's moving out in two weeks, I don't know how much longer I can put up with this type of bullshit. I feel like I'm just always cleaning the kitchen after him. I tried talking to him about it, but he got pissed and told me to fuck off and then went into his room and didn't come out. At this point I've just accepted that he's a lazy asshole and that if I want the kitchen clean I'll have to work around it because he won't do anything.

>> No.6467409

OP you gotta understand something: you aint his mommy. Set up a cleaning schedule such as : "ill do trash, you do kitchen, He does yadayadayada.

than just swap jobs every week. Don't let him go into emotional tantrum mode and ignore the problem. You both pay rent (I assume), which means you both put effort into cleaning up. Don't fall for his emotional bullshit

>> No.6467414

Does he just..wash the dishes with the dishwasher water? I guess that's better than the hand soap, since that water is extremely hot.

I was the bad one here - the dishwasher broke and I didn't want to be the one to contact the apartment manager to get the guy in to fix it (I talked to her the last time it broke and I just don't want to seem like a whiny tenant), so it had yet to be fixed. I hand wash all of the dishes now, but they kind of pile up before I do it, so I never dry them. One day I was trying to take a wet glass cup out from inside the cup inside of it, and it wouldn't come out, so I pulled harder...and then it shattered into a million pieces in my hand. Roommate heard me scream and came to sweep around me while I stood there. That was two weeks ago, but I still find some hidden glass shards when I sweep or clean the counter.

>> No.6467431

What the actual fuck? How are there people this autistic?

>> No.6467492

It doesn't matter, he's leaving in two weeks to go move back in with his parents.

He washes his dishes in the sink with hand soap before he eats off them, he just puts them in the dishwasher to store his dirty dishes so he doesn't want to wash them right away. He washes his dishes before he eats off of them, not after.

Are you saying I'm autistic or he is? Is being messy an autistic thing?

>> No.6467503

Cooking a frozen pizza without a pizza pan and not using a fucking plate is autistic as fuck. That goes beyond pure messy. How the fuck did he even eat it? Did he just carry a piping hot pizza around in his hands or what?

>> No.6467517

No he puts it on a plate after he cuts it up on top of the stove. The backwards ass way he does things pisses me off so much that I just try to not to be here when I know he will be. Luckily he spends most of his time trying to make let's plays on his computer and I think he stashes most of his food in his room so I don't see him that much.

>> No.6467548

>Cuts it up on top of the stove
Also an indicator of autism. I mean, I admit, I've made/eaten food straight off the table or put something in the microwave without a plate, but never anything that messy. And not cleaning it up just indicates a lack of basic courtesy that all humans should possess.

>> No.6467550

Murder that autistic shit this is why I'll never have a room mate ever

>> No.6467568

The frozen pizzas I buy literally tell you to bake them on the rack for best results. The other shit is retarded, but there's nothing wrong with putting a frozen pizza on the rack.

>> No.6467790

Putting them on a pan is cleaner and doesn't leave shit in the oven. I get that maybe you don't leave shit in the oven when you do it, but my roommate does. Why? Because he manhandles the whole pizza out of there with one oven mitt and then plops it on top of the stove.

Yes he lacks basic courtesy. I've seen his room though, and compared to that what he does in the kitchen is nothing. It makes me think he might actually be trying to be courteous in the kitchen just because I see the filth he lives in in his room.
>food on the floor
>crumbs everywhere
>food mixed in with clothing that is scattered everywhere on the floor
>trash everywhere
>unwashed silverware and plates on the floor and on his desk
>he has not washed the sheets/blankets on his bed in 9+ months
>his room has a weird smell that I imagine is a mixture of his own cum/BO/and the various food and garbage he leaves on the floor

At least with the kitchen stuff I can manage it. I can't control what he does in his room and I imagine it will be a problem when he moves out because I can't realistically see him actually cleaning any of that shit up. He would probably rather just leave everything but his computer.

Yeah man it's bullshit. If I ever get a roommate again, I will make sure to just get the lease in my name and have them pay me rent so I can just kick them out if I need to. It's not worth it though, I'd rather just pay a little extra to live on my own. I'm about to start a new job that pays decently so it should all work out.

>> No.6467797

What the fuck? That's fucking filthy, and it attracts roaches. If he weren't moving in a couple of weeks I'd tell you to get a new room mate. Who the fuck can live like that in their own filth?

>> No.6467799
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I used to, yes. Last year i got my own apartment and it's been pure bliss since then

>> No.6467816

Oh yeah we had the whole roach argument too. Our apartment complex does spray every month so that's nice. I also have roach baits set up in my room and in the kitchen/living room area. I accepted about three months in that there was nothing I could do to change his behavior so I just developed strategies to manage it. I know we have roaches, but I also know they are probably drawn towards his room and that I never see them. Out of sight out of mind I guess.

I'm looking forward to this mang.

>> No.6467859

That is infuriating. You should murder your friend with a knife of your own choosing. I would recommend something small in order to draw out the process more and make him feel as much pain as possible. Remember to leave the throat for last!

>> No.6467866

What I have to wonder is what the fuck kind of home life do people like this have? Did their mom clean up everything for them so that they never even got into the habit of cleaning their room or what? How can you expect to be a functioning member of society if you can't clean up your own shit?

>> No.6467871

>>have roommate

There's your problem right there.

>> No.6467963

Well I've actually known this guy for a while. I can remember this being an issue with his parents when we were younger. He would always be in trouble for stuff like not cleaning his room, not doing the dishes, not mowing the lawn, etc. Honestly I probably knew it would be like this going in, but I needed a roommate pretty badly.

>> No.6469360

Update for anyone who is interested. I blew up on him today. He had left a dirty skillet that has been sitting there for days and a pan(he used a pan for his frozen pizza this time thankfully, no tin foil so it's dirty and shit) sitting on the stove. I had wanted to make eggs for breakfast and he had left this shit everywhere. He also left a bag full of frozen pizza, I didn't know why it was there, but apparently so he could take it for lunch to work. I put the bag of pizza as well as the dishes into the dishwasher.

He came in and saw the pizza in the dishwasher. I blew up on him and told him he was inconsiderate as shit. He got pissed and told me I was also making a mess because I leave a small pot that I use for boiling water for tea on the stove sometimes. He doesn't realize how much cleaning up after him I do, in the kitchen and elsewhere. He started mocking me. I yelled at him even more and honestly said some harsh things. He got quiet and left and slammed the door.

In retrospect I should've just kept quiet, but it had built up. I'm really not prone to angry outbursts at all. Putting the pizza in the dishwasher was kind of childish of me I know. I had just put it there because we have a small kitchen and the counters, sink, and stove were full of things he had left out and the dishwasher was just open so I put it on top of the open door, not actually in the dishwasher itself, so maybe it's not as bad as it sounds. Anyway, I'm expecting when he comes back he will say something about it. I think I will be able to handle it calmly this time, or at least be able to articulate that this one time isn't the issue, it's the buildup of all the other shit I'm constantly cleaning up after him for.

Sorry for this long post. I also understand this thread might not be on topic, but I feel like /ck/ can sympathize with me on how pissed off a dirty kitchen can make you.

>> No.6469396

you sound like a fucking beta

>> No.6469400

I had a housemate who would drink a glass of water, drink some and leave it half full by the sink. Then come back later and get another glass and do the same. He did this multiple times per day until I refused to wash them. Then he got pissed off and stopped talking to me.

>> No.6469413

I don't know man probably. I really don't like confrontation, at least not with my roommate. It just never works. He just calls me names and then goes to his room or leaves. I'm not going to try to beat him up or something. I've never really been in a fight and even if I did would that really solve anything? I think it would just create even more resentment between the two of us. It's not even that I don't think I could take him. He's fat and out of shape whereas I work out a few times a week. I just don't think it would do any good and would probably make the situation a lot worse.

>> No.6469431
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>Dumbass roommate trying to get laid
>Invites some woman over who wants to cook him dinner
>He has no cookware or food, he only ever eats take out
>Calls me up and asks if this woman can cook my food in the fridge with all my nice cooking shit
>Why not just do it at her place with her food and her shit
>"lol bruh we're experimenting"
>Not with my shit you aren't

Fucking faggot get your own shit or go out to dinner maybe you'd have more money for food and cookware if you didn't buy take out literally every night you fuck

>> No.6469432

Also yeah he does this too. Glasses everywhere. I don't understand that either. I use the same glass and just wash it every few days.

>> No.6469439

>roommate never cleans mess in the microwave after he uses it
>shit splattered all over the inside
>buy a fucking plate cover
>he never uses it
>microwave looks like shit and smells

he also microwaves shit for obscene amounts of time. i'm talking like 10 minutes for one fucking plate.

>> No.6469629

>using a pizza pan for a frozen pizza
Isn't the opposite of what they tell you to do?
Hell, I throw em on the grate, then back on the cardboard disc for cutting.

>> No.6469631

They tell you to place it directly on the rack, but honestly after doing it both ways I've never noticed a difference. I use the pan because it's just easier to deal with.

>> No.6469664

>tfw /ck/ used to have great Roommate Horror Stories thread but normalfags and /r9k/ filth invaded and they are "that" roommate

>> No.6470158

If you can afford a $50 microwave oven, get one from Walmart, wait until the current one is really shit-encrusted, then set yours next to it with an "Anon's microwave" sign on it.

Or stop using a microwave oven. Frozen dinners are shit, and while microwaves are ok at heating a cup of water fast, it's only nominally more convenient/fast than heating a cup of water on the stove, unless you have similar kitchen hygiene issues with pots and stoves.

>> No.6470165

>They tell you to place it directly on the rack, but honestly after doing it both ways I've never noticed a difference. I use the pan because it's just easier to deal with.

Same. I mean it's frozen pizza, it's not like you're striving to retain a Michelin star. Sometimes I'll set it on the edge of a raised cookie sheet so there's a little more air circulation under it, but putting it on the rack just makes a mess to clean, and the whole point of frozen pizza is convenience.

>> No.6470190

What mess are you making with a frozen pizza...?

>> No.6470235
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>What mess are you making with a frozen pizza...?
Depends on the pizza and how careful you are, but cheese gratings or other toppings can fall off (especially when the crust has no lip), crumbs fall off, dough can to stick to the rack, you can get grease on the rack, or whatever. It doesn't take many pizza droppings to stink up the oven next time you use it.

>> No.6470396


>> No.6470448

I mean, I'm no where near as autistic as OP's roommate but I have trouble doing laundry or taking out the trash sometimes from depression. I feel horrible about it, but at least I'm not cutting up stoves and rolling around in frozen pizza.

>> No.6470476

the only thing that's excuseable in the pizza on the rack thing

>> No.6470487

I have never, ever had any of those problems any time I've made frozen pizza in my life.

The cheese is frozen on top of the pizza and doesn't come off and the only way the shit would all start falling off and into the oven was if you were Michael J Fox having a shaking fit while literally throwing the pizza into the oven. The dough is frozen so it wouldn't stick to the rack unless you're trying to bake a defrosted pizza instead of putting it frozen straight into the oven. I've never had grease get onto the rack and very rarely ever have crumbs get into the oven. And even if you did get some crumbs or grease in there, it would all just cook off the next time you pre-heat it to make something else. I've also never had any lingering pizza smells in my oven after cooking one.

I really have no idea what you're on about and I'm probably being trolled but I still felt like I had to refute your ridiculous reasons.

>> No.6470496
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>Michael J Fox having a shaking fit while literally throwing the pizza into the oven

>> No.6470990

My housemate does this too, sorta. He gets a new glass for every drink of water/coke/juice every time and just likes them up next to the sink.

Of course, he also never does the washing up, and uses the fact I'm always using a single mug for tea or glass, even though I use the same ones all day and then rinse/wash them.

He also has this weird ability to go through every spoon and teaspoon in the house near daily. Always taking from the draw instead of the drying rack, so I get to do double the work,

I'd kill him if he didn't buy me wine and pay for I gredients when I cook.

>> No.6470994

Oh man you should see my teacup. I wash it properly every few days and rinse it at least daily or between different teas, but it's got some wicked tannin stains.

But it saves me having to wash up ten mugs and cups a day along with my flat mates fucking mugs. And I don't drink it with milk so there's nothing to go off or get gross.

>> No.6471009
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