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6464844 No.6464844 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit. I just tried one of these for the first time. Arizona Iced Tea is god tier.

>> No.6464846
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>> No.6464850

I don't know, I like store brand teas more, Arizona tea doesn't even taste like tea

>> No.6464855


yea dude a company that's been hugely successful for over 2 decades, and that apparently everyone but OP who must live in buttfuck nowhere had tried years ago, is doing viral marketing on 4chan

yeah that's gotta be it

although since he capitalized it he's probably just trying to make a fake viral thread anyway, or it's just you responding to yourself

>> No.6464857

>doesnt taste like tea
get a load of this prick

>> No.6464860

I never tried it, should I?

>> No.6464865


well it's only a dollar

most of it doesn't really taste much like tea but a lot of the flavors are still decent in their own right

I like the arnold palmer

>> No.6464868

nah. it's for middle schoolers and college stoners

>> No.6464872

It's just tea flavored HFCS. Enjoy your cavities and obesity, amerifat.

>> No.6464874
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>> No.6464876

I like the Black and White
Strawberry Lemonade is also good.

>> No.6464879

It's nice but I agree with other anons. I wouldn't exactly call it ice-tea.

>> No.6464881


>thinking HFCS is worse for you than sugar
>thinking that drinking something with either HFCS or sugar in it on occasion makes you fat or gives you cavities

ironically almost everyone I hear say this sort of shit irl is fat themselves, and tells me that I'm going to get fat by drinking a gatorade twice a year

>> No.6464887

It tastes like pure sugar and artificial flavoring. Nothing special.

>> No.6464891
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Not American, or obese. and it doesn't contain HFCS, you inbred autistic mongoloid. It tastes like green tea with honey. Kill yourself.

>> No.6464902

I never tried it because I don't live America, retard.

>> No.6464910

I live in New Zealand and it's easily available here anon.

>> No.6464916

Well, I live in Eastern Europe and it's only been around for less than 3 years.

>> No.6464921


i live in Sweden

i assumed that it was widely available in most larger countries, maybe I'm wrong

>> No.6464927

This board used to be so good. What happened ?

>> No.6464934

America here. Fuckin love em! Peach green tea nigga

>> No.6464942

Arizona green tea used to be my go-to drink to combat coughing and cottonmouth back when I used to smoke budz

>> No.6464960

being a teenager and drinking arizona raspberry iced tea and playing diablo 2 all day. good times

>> No.6465039

I legitimately thought you wrote playing with 2 dildos

>> No.6465073
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I actually had this "tea" for the first time. It tastes nothing like tea. It's more like HFCS-water.

>> No.6465078

i don't get people that buy shit like arizona and think they're getting some kind of fine tea drink. they sell the shit in 23oz cans for a dollar, what are you expecting

>> No.6465100

But it doesn't contain HFCS, you fucking retard.

>> No.6465120

It's americunt made. Of course it contains HFCS.

>> No.6465182

That bottle is printed with LIES

HFCS is in every amerifat diet. They're addicted from birth to it.

>> No.6465220

I tried green tea and white tea. It was too bitter and too sweet at the same time, but I'll probably buy other kinds if I can find them.

>> No.6465231
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That'll be 1.25 plus CRV

>> No.6465677

Their half-lemonade/half-tea with peach flavor is the first peach-flavored drink I've ever liked.
The tartness from the lemonade counteracts the oversweetness that ruins just about everything else peach flavored and gives it a characteristic flavor like an actual peach.

>> No.6466048


It`s overpriced shit. It costs four times what I pay for my go-to bottled prickly pear green tea and tastes like sugarwater.

>> No.6466101

I used to really enjoy the green tea with honey and ginseng, but I don't get it much any more. It's sort of bland, tbh.

For whatever reason I prefer their sweet tea nowadays, but I've cut way back on sugary drinks.

>> No.6466113

This always triggers me.

>> No.6466150

Lol, pretty bad but my local store switched most of their Arizona products to the 99 cent plastic bottles which have like 25% less product than the cans which is equally bad. Pffff...

>> No.6466289

Saw some cans in a store for >$3 - In Australia though. Supermarket sells limited flavors in the bottles for $2. Arizona Iced Tea was on the cover of a retail magazine at work - 'Beverage Issue'. Must be trying to push it here or it's been recognized as a fad.

>> No.6466295

Also, made in Germany. Wish I'd taken a photo of the '99c' teas selling at a premium :/

>> No.6466507

Damn nice, I'm jealous. in America these things are laden with HFCS.

>> No.6466528

I fucking loved the green tea with honey and ginseng years ago. Then at some point they started using corn syrup instead of sugar, and I completely lost my taste for it.

>> No.6466530

>literally no corn syrup in the ingredients
oh will you fucks shut the hell up already

>> No.6466537

In America they're made with corn syrup.

>> No.6466538 [DELETED] 

Confirmed. Google the ingredients. There are no fucking HFCs in this shit. Arizona Green Tea is legit

>> No.6466541 [DELETED] 

Prove it

>> No.6466550

No. Look up the ingredients from any US source. There's a reason Mexican Coke is a thing.

>> No.6466589
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Best Arizona

>> No.6466613

pretty sure mexican coke rots your teeth