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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 654 KB, 836x1588, habu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6461787 No.6461787 [Reply] [Original]

Would you?

It's wine.

>> No.6461791


>> No.6461795

would it kill me? if not yes i would

>> No.6462009

>let's just cram a bunch of dead shit in my poison

>> No.6462016

>What're you having to drink tonight?
>>Do you know how the desert looks after a flash flood?
>Say no more, fam.

>> No.6462031

dude imagine how drunk those animals must be

>> No.6462065

Watching this picture made me feel really uncomfortable. -100/100 please never again.

>> No.6462082

I think they're dead.

>> No.6462085

Scorpion, snakes AND chilli pepper? How much more edgier can it get?

>> No.6462088

Dead babies

>> No.6462097

I tried the one with only few big ginsengs in there
Fucking bitter it almost stopped my breathing

>> No.6462108

Wine isn't poisonous dude.

>> No.6462109

I would, but I'd fuck anything.

>> No.6462112

How long did you watch it?

>> No.6462114

With all this stuff piled in, what remains to drink?

>> No.6462115

No, aborted fetuses.

>> No.6462116

Yeah, to a point. Then again, that can be said for anything. However, the smaller critters can't have as much as humans can.

>> No.6462119

What do you think alcohol does to your body? Unlocks your hidden saiyan potential?

>> No.6462121

Isn't this common knowledge? Those animals are stronger now than they've ever been.

>> No.6462123

The scorpion's rage is what defeated the mighty space gangsters

>> No.6462200
File: 58 KB, 347x403, pickledpunk-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are pickled punks

>> No.6462204

Already have, anon. Took a trip down the Mekong river and stopped in at a little village that made this shit. It's smooth.

>> No.6462370

is there a fetus version of this?

>> No.6462380


>> No.6462417

it's just raelly strong alcohol to begin with, the amount of flavour you'd get from that shit is negligible at first, then as it infuses it taste more and more like rancid meat.
Not worth it unless you run a tourist trap.

>> No.6462435


>> No.6462508

Wine?? Or whiskey? I've seen that with shitty whiskey (because why not), but never with grape-based drinks.

>> No.6462532

>implying celestial savages have grapes

its rice wine

>> No.6462546
File: 30 KB, 274x262, ss+(2015-04-30+at+08.05.29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6462551

the eyes are toxic.

>> No.6462559
File: 157 KB, 640x441, 20_ku-xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of.

>> No.6462570
File: 78 KB, 1037x778, realman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The scorpion and the snake mean it's for Real Men who can handle things that mere plebs and women can't. Obviously it has to be whisky, the most fedorable, duster-flappingest born in the wrong decade of beverages. As you can see from this glass of epic deadly monster islay I am drinking, I can HANDLE this drink because as you grow up your taste buds change and I'm DEFINITELY older than 14.

>> No.6462571

Throw some tiger penis in there and we'll talk.