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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 25 KB, 221x225, tastebud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6461501 No.6461501 [Reply] [Original]

How complex is your flavor pallet (tongue)?

I've noticed that I can usually taste every single spice I put into a meal I have cooked just by concentrating hard. For things other have cooked for me and prepackaged meals I can usually detect 80 percent of the listed ingredients. Maybe averaging out at my tongue having the capacity to notice 30 complex flavors per meal? So yeah, I'm the guy you call when you want a wine taster for your next get together.

How about you? Is your flavor pallet as rich as mine?

>> No.6461508
File: 170 KB, 400x300, palate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice one, retard.

>> No.6461511

Not everyone knows the difference so just shut up.

>> No.6461532

Not everyone can read a dictionary, but they should.

>> No.6461541

assuming this isnt all just an elaborate b8

you continue to be one of the worst trips this board has ever seen.
If you really want to make this place better, as you have claimed, you should kill yourself and/or cut your internet connection

>> No.6461547

So you've read a dictionary? Good for you.

That has nothing to do with the thread. Thus far you're the ones proving to be a real nuisance because you can't even try to participate in one of my threads without being jackasses and changing the subject away from cooking. Stay on subject or don't post in my thread at all. I don't need, nor do I care to hear your criticisms about me.

>> No.6461556

>So you've read a dictionary?
Hasn't everyone used a dictionary at some point in their life?

>> No.6461557

Hey, not my fault you're a total dumbass.

>hurr durr I can taste flavors
Actually that's your nose, faggot.


>> No.6461565

it has everything to do with the thread.

youre being an obnoxious cunt, thats it
thats all it has always been
Every post reflects your self perceived superiority and so we ask you

please fuck off

>> No.6461567 [DELETED] 

I've reported you for a rule violation. Anyone else who has something to say that is combative, insults, or marginalizes me and does not pertain to the subject of this thread will receive similar treatment. I don't need to put up with it.

>> No.6461568

>So yeah, I'm the guy you call when you want a wine taster for your next get together.

What's your phone number? I'm having one this weekend.

>> No.6461573

I think we're being memed.

>> No.6461576
File: 48 KB, 600x600, 7ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize that telling someone you've reported them is against the global rules, right?

>> No.6461579

Do you have proof I did any such thing?

>> No.6461582

Why would I need/want proof? Plus you deleted your post so everything's fine.

>> No.6461584

Edgar pls go. Every post I've ever seen you do is a shitpost. We hate you. At least change your name and try to be better or something.

>> No.6461585

Now delete your post.

>> No.6461589

Nah, it's fine where it is.

>> No.6461590

Jesus fucking christ, will you people stop whining? This was supposed to be a fun thread but you're all ruining it with your ceaseless bitching. Don't want to discuss your flavor pallettes? Fine. Don't post in my thread.

>> No.6461591
File: 17 KB, 1273x93, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6461595

It has nothing to do with the thread. Delete it.

>> No.6461601

I'm trying to quit smoking to improve my senses of smell and taste. I picked a horrible time to try though. I've been reading about the differences it makes and honestly I'd rather quit for taste more than health. My sense of taste is okay but obviously it could be much better.

>> No.6461605

Sure it does. It's been commented on. Wouldn't want to confuse any anons who read through this thread and see your comment linking to a nonexistent post.

>> No.6461612

Well I'm pretty sure that the taste buds having sections thing has been proven not true and I know that wine tasting has been proven to be basically bullshit. Also you sound like a pretentious asswipe. You know how you could have avoided this? By not tripfagging.

>> No.6461622

For some reason the word "palette" just brings me immediate irritation when used to describe anything other than a pallet of wood.

"Color palette"
"Flavor palette"
"png color palette"
"Painting palette"

If it continues, it progresses to bordering on actual rage. It is something that I nearly must make make stop. Similar noises that bring irrational rage are the sound of old parchment paper turning. I noticed this in a library, and then while playing Medieval: Total War 2 some number of years ago. I learned to suppress the agitation for the sake of the game and navigating menus and whatnot, but it wasn't easy.

Otherwise, I don't know. My tongue is my tongue, all it ever has been. I have no other frame of reference to directly compare and don't really care to extrapolate observations about reactions to and commentary on food of others relative to my own, or set up careful and controlled experiments. It doesn't mean much, and I'm not even certain "complexity" is the right lens to be looking through.

>> No.6461627

Not joking, that sounds like autism. You got the sperg?

>> No.6461632

Thank you anon, I appreciate it.
Why do you even tripfag anyway? What's the point? What do you get from it?

>> No.6461649

When you concentrate hard enough do you realize that the reason you shitpost on a chinese cartoon internet forum is because your parents didn't give you enough attention?

>> No.6461671

Not that I know of. These things come and go, and my psyche is pretty trashed in general.

Don't have any problem with memory, theory of mind, socializing, etc. I can choose to be very obsessive though, and can do the same thing over and over yet still experience it differently. That part could be seen externally as vaguely autistic.

Probably not. Acquired language and whatnot very early, no real problems. It's not impossible, but I probably wouldn't care either way.

>> No.6461678

Nah you sound fine then. Some people hate certain noises. I'm sure there's names for all of it, but it really doesn't matter unless you let it matter.

>> No.6461682

he's an insufferable faggot like all other tripfags, but he'll be gone in a little while. like all other tripfags.

>> No.6461690

God I hope so. They drive me insane because the only reason I can possibly imagine having a name would be if you had a good reputation. But everyone hates tripfags. I think it has something to do with the mentality of someone that wants to be a tripfag. I wish I could understand. I guess they're just stupid.

>> No.6461731


Tripfags are hated because they go out of their way to be recognizable on a site designed with ananymity from the gretgro. The only acceptable ones are the pros on some boards like /fit/ /diy/ and strorytrimers on /co/

>> No.6461768


It's pretty obvious he's only doing it to make people mad. It's working really well too. He's good. I think he's hilarious.

>> No.6461774

You know what, I think you're right. And I think he spelled palette wrong on purpose. That was just over the top.

>> No.6461785

I don't hate you because you're a tripcode user, but it does make it convenient to figure out where all the new try-hard bait is coming from. Thanks, friend. Keep tripcoding so I can more easily brush off the things you say.

>> No.6461799

You know that picture is bullshit right? You don't have different "taste zones"

>> No.6461810

I don't know why anyone ever believed that bullshit. It just sounds fake.

>> No.6461813

I wore my knobs all out, anon.

>> No.6461824

I wasn't even in my teens when I saw that and tested what I was sure was an established theory by licking a lemon with only the front of my tongue. I knew it was bullshit then.

I see why people believe it though, bitter is a back of the throat feeling and sour is a middle of the mouth feeling.

>> No.6461826

Saging a thread isn't a proclamation of worth, nigger.

>> No.6461837

Projecting much?

>> No.6461843

Ah, good point. I hadn't thought about that. But the fact that there are even charts attempting to depict it is ridiculous. I remember when I was quite young, I couldn't have been more than 8, there was some show with a bunch of kids and it was a show about science or something. Well they decided to do an episode about the tasting regions and they tested it and they all got entirely different answers as to where the regions were. Even before they did the experiment I thought it was bullshit, but that just confirmed it. It's just one of those things that irks me just a little.