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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6459540 No.6459540 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or does a burger taste better when you eat it at the restaurant?

>> No.6459541

It's usually warmer, so I doubt it's you

>> No.6459543 [DELETED] 

Nope. Make my own twice as good as any snooty restaurant or dingy fast food joint I ever been to and boy let me tell you.... Mmmm. One of the reasons I always feel so mad when I eat out. Miss my own home cooking!

>> No.6459546

Nope. Make my own twice as good as any snooty restaurant or dingy fast food joint I ever been to and boy let me tell you.... Mmmm.
One of the reasons I always feel so mad when I eat out. Miss my own home cooking!

>> No.6459570

Tastes better when you're with good company.

>> No.6459572

I'm glad I never take confirmation bias with me while I'm out eating. It would just make me waste money on unimpressive food.

>> No.6459573 [DELETED] 

I haven't done a test of this. Maybe I can convince a restaurant to let me bring one of my burgers into their restaurant and eat it there?

>> No.6459576

Oh it's better. They'll spare no butter, oil or whatever else your taste buds enjoy. Salt. You name it, they make it worth 10 bucks. I couldn't make a burger taste that good for 10 bucks. For one, all I have is a stove and 20% fat ground beef from wal-mart. You can't make that shit taste good but the beef is fucking $5.50 a pound.

>> No.6459583

this faggot

>> No.6459589
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I grow my own lettuce so I make my own burgers.

Don't have any photos of my own but they look like pic related.

>> No.6459592

No it does not. A burger tastes better when you are outside on a nice day with friends and family and you give the burger one last flip to make the grease burst into flames directly before putting it on a bun and eating it while continuing to cook and drink cold beer.

Maybe thats just me but fuck eating burgers at any restaurant, except maybe Five Guys because they are affordable and decent quality.

If you have a grill (or frying pan if you're a homo) you can easily cook the burger exactly how you want it, use whatever cheese you like the best, and dress it with any gourmet condiments you prefer. If I feel creative I put anything from swiss and mushrooms to avocado with habaneros on my burgers.

>> No.6459594


what's the patty made of

seems like beetroot but what else

>> No.6459664


I bet you miss a cock in your mouth too you flaming faggot.


>> No.6459708

Kind of off-topic, but...

One time I heated up a skillet as hot as I could, and the fat created a mist that left droplets all over my kitchen. Never again.

Charcoal lets you get the same amount of heat, but the mess stays outside.

I'm going to grill some burgers today. The weather is amazing.

>> No.6459719
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Does buying it and eating in your car in the parking lot of the restaurant count?

then yes, without any doubt

>> No.6459721

>five guys
>decent quality
3/10, it's like you're not even trying

Depends on the restaurant. Most of them, no, it's the same if I get it to go or eat it there. Minetta Tavern, Blue Smoke, and Spotted Pig are all damm good burgers though, better than any takeout.

>> No.6459874

It depends on how you cook. One big difference between restaurant cooking and home cooking is salt. Most home cooks are somewhat restrained when it comes to pouring on the salt. Restaurants are not.

Chances are if you usually find restaurant cooking much tastier than your home cooking salt is likely the issue.

>> No.6459881 [DELETED] 

yeah you pretty much nailed it

other factors that might contribute:
they use more fat in their burgers
they finish with some butter
they are better cooks

>> No.6460010

you lol make lol your own lol burgers lollol because you grow lol lettuce

>> No.6460036
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>tfw drive thru then eating your boiga alone in a vacant parking lot

>> No.6460066

J-Joey does it too

>> No.6460097
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>tfw not internet famous for eating alone in your car

>> No.6460102

I stopped making burgers at home because I fuck up or something. They're never as juicy as the burgers at restaurants. No matter if I cook those shits in butter or whatever. The restaurant burgers are very soft and squishy. Mine turn out tough. What the fuck am I doing wrong?

I don't have a grill. Only stovetop/oven.

>> No.6460103
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Why not try eating food in a bathtub.

>> No.6460121

Your brain tells you it tastes better because it cost ten times more than home made, plus you had to wait 30 minutes for it.

>> No.6460128

would subscribe

>> No.6460135

You are cooking them at too low a temperature and for too long.

>> No.6460171

this man is asking the important questions

>> No.6460206

You dont know anything about food. You dont know how to select ingredients, you dont know how to tell good ground beef from walmart shit, you dont know how to season, grill or pan sear. You dont know that restaurant kitchens have twice the btu capacity of home kitchens. You probably stew more things than fry them.

You cannot make a tasty burger at home because you cant cook very well and have shitty equipment.

>> No.6460294

>Implying you need more than a fridge,
>something to store ingredients inside to separate/seal them
>A okay cutting knife and something to cut on
>A pan you can fry stuff in
>A working oven, electric/gas/coal/sunlight/induction/etc
The only thing a restaurant really gets, is the ability to order large chunks of meat. And large amounts of ingredients, and being able to use them instead of storing parts

>> No.6460543

this is true for a lot of restaurant food. you tend to hold back on seasoning and unhealthy shit when you cook your own food. For instance taco bell puts mayo in everything

>> No.6460619 [DELETED] 

and cooks who know what they are doing, unlike 99% of home cooks

>> No.6461185

Always nice to have my sexuality used as an insult against me. As if living wasn't hard enough it's just dandy to have jerk offs like you remind me that there will always be people out there who want to hurt me because I'm queer.

>> No.6461200

Depends on the restaurant. I use supermarket ground beef in my burgers but one of the places I eat out at grinds their own in-house. Obviously fresher, quality beef will taste better.

But my burgers are usually a lot tastier than those I get at restaurants. And I can make them exactly as done as I want.

>> No.6461206

Cry more, faggot. Nobody would give a shit about your sexuality if you didn't make a big deal out of it.

>> No.6461215

You're the one who used cock sucking as an insult when it really shouldn't be. You don't know my history but you presume that's part of it and that it's a negative aspect of it. It's well within my right to correct that type of bigotry when it presents itself.

>> No.6461262



>> No.6461271

OP here. Just to be clear I wasn't talking about burgers outside vs made at home. What I meant was how the burger tastes takeaway compared to eating in.

Why are trips such autists?

>> No.6461424

Burgers taste best off of my grill.

>> No.6461429

Seriously? I am not wrong to defend myself and lgbt relations with the other boards here whenever a jackass tries to call me a cocksucker and pick on me like that's okay in 2014.

I grill a mean burger too. Can't wait until 4th of July. All the fixins'! Mmm

>> No.6461520


>> No.6462416

To be fair if you are gay, being called a cocksucker is observation rather than insult.

Why are you insulted anyway? Be proud to suck cock, just like OP is.

>> No.6462450

>edgar the edgelord
you're a tripfag, you deserve whatever shit you get. and no one forced you to mention your sexuality - how many on /ck/ do you see telling everyone about how straight they are, and how is that relevant to
>/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.6462467

i can't PPFFFTH understand PFFFTH your accent PFFFFTTTTHHH

>> No.6462473

Food always tastes better when cooked by someone else.

>> No.6462478

Weren't you just barely posting threads with generic straight porn, or was that just someone pretending? Tripcodes aren't hard to figure out, and they definitely don't take long to just dumbly brute force either.

>> No.6462479

>responding to a 10 hour old post
end yourself

>> No.6462480

like that with all food.

No fried chicken tastes as good as KFC

No regular burger tastes as good as mcdonalds cheeseburger.

No fish has ever tasted as good as long john silvers.

Some people manipulate themselves with the work involved and the sense of self achievement that they created something better and cheaper, but truth is you pay for the good stuff and the convenience of having someone else make it for you.

>> No.6462481

on a board where a thread can last up to a week or more without falling off the board depending on the time of year, no one gives a shit about a mere 10 hours. Who the fuck doesn't use the watchlist anyway.

>> No.6462484

It's not really about the 10 hours, but that you replied to one of the few off-topic posts in the thread, feeding the faggot attention.

>> No.6462485

If I found it necessary to parse every single post, in full, every time I responded to someone, I would come here.

You seem to be mistaken anon, I don't care. I don't care even a little bit. And even further, slow boards often either use prior posts as a vehicle for further conversation, or the people who made them come back. That's how it works. That's how it works for me.

Grow up, and stop gnobbling cog so blatantly, it is unsightly.

>> No.6462491

>further conversation
>food and cooking
>talking about porn
>with an obnoxious tripfag

You can't justify this shit, go back to /b/

>> No.6462503

I don't need to justify anything, and I don't care to either. I'll do whatever I want, want somethin' else to happen you better start trying to figure how to come and stop me. Otherwise, learn to deal with it. That's how life works.

Leave any lingering existential questions and endeavors into my framework of value to me, go about your business. The world and /ck/'ll keep on tickin', and you'll be all okay. Unless telling me to kill myself is a subtle hint towards your own misery, but that's your problem too.

If you're curious what makes me tick then ask targeted questions. Otherwise, do us both the favor. Move on.

>> No.6462515

>I don't need to justify anything, and I don't care to either. I'll do whatever I want, want somethin' else to happen you better start trying to figure how to come and stop me. Otherwise, learn to deal with it. That's how life works.

Apply that same logic when reading my posts and simply don't respond to them if it bothers you so much to be called out on your shitposting.
I'll throw in an insult for good measure, you seem like an autist.

>> No.6462518

That logic is an axiom to this conversation from the very start.

I'll throw in an insult for good measure. Glad you finally caught up to where I started. Can't wait to see what happens next.

>> No.6462641


looks pretty good. I would eat it.

>> No.6462707 [DELETED] 

trolling skill level: ace

>> No.6462715
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>> No.6462727



Edgar's first video

>> No.6462732


>wearing an apron under the shirt
>jfc I keked so hard realizing how retarded this all this.

>> No.6462741

I'm only 45 seconds in and I can't stop laughing. What is wrong with me.

>> No.6462745

Watch him actually cook the patties. He'll start talking about his queerness and talk about his browsing record on /lgbt/ real soon.

it's absolutely disgusting .

>> No.6462801

>sea pickehls

why did I laugh so hard

>> No.6462820

Because Edgar is functionally retarded.

>> No.6462839

this is painful to watch.

>> No.6462850
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>> No.6462857


>> No.6462860

If that was my dad he would have dropped me after the first swear word.

>> No.6462868


Is this another Chris-Chan in the making? Fuck.

>> No.6462870

i need your recipe sir.

>> No.6462871

This kid has long burned out-- echos of a distant star, my friend.

>> No.6462880

This video made me atheist.

>> No.6462886


Truth. If it didn't have some sort of redeeming quality, people would not fucking buy it to begin with.

>> No.6462890

whats with all these closeups of the fuckin kids face


>> No.6462899

What WAS he doing with the ipad?

Edgar, get in here man. I need to know.

>> No.6462902


The redeeming quality is the conveinence and speed.

The food itself is shit tier, but many people simply haven't had better because their parents either couldn't or wouldn't cook anything better. It's the big fish in a small pond scenario.

>> No.6462927

>Hates plankton
>Owes his entire existence to phytoplankton and marine ecologies
I am bothered by this. Not too much, but just enough. Education really is garbage. What a half worthless waste.

I kind of skipped around it. Unfortunately, no matter how dead inside and well guarded internally I become, I cannot escape what I seem to naturally be wired for, which is extreme empathy. This kind of cringeable shit just gets to me, it;s awful, uncomfortable, and just makes me feel bad in general. Usually that's not a problem, but being high on stimulants (low histamine, high dopamine in the mesolimbic pathways, cAMP in the prefrontals probably through the roof, I don't even know, serotonin and anadamide I think are the biggest problem right now, kind of feel like I stepped into a time machine) and severely sleep deprived is a major exception. Haven't drank in a few years, might get hammered to complete the BLAST FROM THE PAST this piece of shit but kind of okay in general day is turning into. Shit is turning contradictory, I feel ambivalent and disjointed, and I don't like it.

What has this post even become. Just recognize the value of marine biology, dammit.

>> No.6462929

Probably some kind of crudely drawn Spongebob porn. I remember when my mom freaked out over someone looking up porn on the family computer (1998 lol). Younger brother ended up getting blamed, yelled at by my mom, and later my dad gave him a bunch of old porn mags. I still think it was my dad that was surfing porn sites at night and let little bro take the blame.

>> No.6462930

I think to clarify though, it isn't so much extreme empathy by default. It's more an extreme capacity for empathy if left unchecked, and very finely tuned theory of mind when it comes to judging or evaluating others. Something that, as well, I have not thought about in years.

>> No.6462935

I remember transporting porn between my mother and father's houses (divorced parents) on floppy disks, downloaded via probably 33.6 or whatever kb/s modem. I'm not sure what year that would've been, but there was a certain magic.

>> No.6462939

Seriously, what asshole keeps filming this guy and putting the videos on the internet?

>> No.6462943

You have a terrible palate, everything you listed tastes like dogshit.

>> No.6462972 [DELETED] 

>i enjoy joey threads

>> No.6462984

How do I make my buns sweaty like I get at restaurants?

I love those sweaty buns.

>> No.6462992

My guess is a sibling or relative. Since his family looks fairly rich it could be a nanny. Someone set up everything nicely for him in the Krabby Patty video yet he couldn't even cut an onion on his own.

>> No.6463013

they're called brioche buns

>> No.6463019


>"I'm sorry Carmencita, we can't pay you this month."
>"Eet's okay, being with little Swee is payment all it's own."

>making 800 a week of youtube ads from taking videos of this retarded kid

>> No.6463136

>mcdonalds cheeseburger.
>long john silvers.
>good stuff
Can't tell if trolling or stupid.

>What I meant was how the burger tastes takeaway compared to eating in.
My guess is two factors contribute to this. First, a burger is a greasy meal. Greasy food is delicious when it's warm and juicy, but as it starts to cool it congeals, and then it's kinda gross. Many delicious foods die a little every minute between being prepared and consumed. Then there's the experience factor. Most people enjoy a meal more sitting at a table than in their car. The more you degrade your dining experience the less likely it is the food will taste good. This is why some people like street food and others are appalled at the concept. If you see eating on the street as fun you'll enjoy the experience. If you think of it as filthy you won't, regardless of how delicious the food might be.

>> No.6463142


Steam them a bit, bruh.

>> No.6463465

I've been grilling burgers all week, fucking delicious.

>> No.6465872

That's...almost exactly how I imagined it.

>> No.6465907

So I assume you're frying them in a pan?

1. Flip the burger ONCE and ONCE ONLY.
2. Don't press on in, don't slap it with the spatula, don't move it around. Once it's down on the heat, DON'T FUCKING TOUCH IT except to flip it once.
3. If it's still dry, try frying them with the lid on for the first half of cooking.
4. Don't contaminate your meat with shit like bread crumbs and eggs. If your meat doesn't stay together during frying/grilling, you're using meat that's too lean.
5. Go easy on the salt pre-cooking. If you want more salt, add the rest after you've cooked it. Too much salt will draw moisture out of the meat.

>> No.6465946

My homemade burgers are always better than any restaurant/fast food burger.

>> No.6465959

you cook like shit thats all

>> No.6465966 [DELETED] 

hey OP how does ur bunghole feel now
cuz u got raped

>> No.6465983

>derailing the thread
>being a tripfag
>being a fag in general


>> No.6465990

1. Nope, McGee did empirical testing and it turns out you can flip your shit as much as you want. Flipping once won't fuck you burgers up but it's not necessary.

3. This is something you have to learn from the range you have. Mine isn't hot enough to leave a top on because the water will build up and the energy drawn out from the vaporization of water prevents a sear from forming.

5. As long as he salts it right before cooking he's fine. It takes a bit for osmosis to fuck your shit up

2 and 4 are spot on. The easiest way to learn is to get a probe thermometer and take your cunts off once they hit 130F. Always let your meat rest for 3 minutes as well

>> No.6465993
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>> No.6466049

I'm sure a bunch of professional chefs who know how to cook burgers anyway won't fuck up their burgers just by flipping them, but it's not a good idea. Every time you play with it unnecessarily is an opportunity to lose moisture, which you don't want if you're having trouble with dry burgers. It's also bad because it completely scrubs visual indicators of doneness.

>> No.6466053

it's just you. you can't cook. when I make me some burgers they are way better than at the restaurant.

>> No.6466715
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>> No.6468351
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Bought this a month or so ago and had to take a photo as it looked - and subsequently tasted - so damned good. It was actually a delivery which didn't fill me with much hope before receiving it but I can assure you it was one of the best tasting burgers I've ever had.