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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 413 KB, 990x566, enhanced-buzz-wide-2670-1392713658-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6457542 No.6457542 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, my client is due to be executed next week and wants some advice as to what his last meal should be. Any of you have any good ideas here? Budget must be less than $50 for all ingredients so try to keep that in mind.

>> No.6457545


>> No.6457549

toss him a big mac and fries.
take the rest and pocket it.

>> No.6457552

I'm not actually going to be preparing the food or anything. I'm just getting involved because, being a death row inmate, it isn't usually easy for him to contact the outside like this.

>> No.6457561

Choclate milkshake
3 orders large fries from mcdonalds
5 guys double cheeseburger
20 mcdonalds nuggets with sweet and sour sauce

Then find the most ghetto inner city family sized fried chicken meal.

>> No.6457581

What state and race?

>> No.6457588

does the dude not know what his favorite foods are?

>> No.6457657

"anon, you've been a great friend to me… but i have one last favor to ask of you. go to the /ck/ board on 4chan, and make a post asking for my last meal recommendations. i need you to do this"

>> No.6457680

Fugu and a couple pounds of apricot seeds.

>> No.6457685


The thing is, I can actually see this happening. Monitoring this thread.

>> No.6457703
File: 197 KB, 1255x653, 1427663947822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$50 worth of sugar-free gummy bears
>He devours them all just before the injection
>Imagine the spectacle

>> No.6457762
File: 105 KB, 1280x960, blowfish for sale 2011121206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks all fugu is poisonous!
Old wives' tale. It's only poisonous if you get it in the wrong season and place because its toxicity depends on its diet and its diet varies with its location and seasonal availability.
It's sold every December in my area, a time and place where it's never poisonous.

>> No.6457893

Oh my god, please, this! Seriously, this needs to happen.

>> No.6457896

Being that this is 4chan, and everyone eats food..
It's not unlikely that someone who browses 4chan is on death row and has also browsed ck lol.

>> No.6457933

Pint of blood and a gallon of hydrogen peroxide

>> No.6458015

Shoulda taken a picture of the fish itself, not the sign.

The problem with common names is that the same name may apply to different fish from a different species.

Also, not an old wives' tale. There's only one species that's known to be free from tetradontidae and that's the Northern Puffer. Other species that are farmed and fed an artificial diet are also safe since the source of the toxins is bacteria within the intestinal tracts - the diet of the fish has a minimal effect on the toxin concentrations.

>> No.6458018

Not the same type of fish you tard.

>> No.6458025

>Pint of blood and a gallon of hydrogen peroxide
What does that do??

>> No.6458029

If that poster is in the Eastern seaboard, it's possible that they're referring to the Northern Puffer or Atlantic Puffer. Which is reportedly non-toxic.

>> No.6458061

I don't understand

>> No.6458123

I saw a documentary on cooks who make last meals.

I could never do that.

>> No.6458125

They make a ton of poop. When you die, you shit yourself.

>> No.6458131


I would enjoy it.

>> No.6458133

beans, broccoli, nuts, and a gallon of coffee

>> No.6458137

Too much pressure.

Sure, they're dispicable human beings (except when they're not http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wrongful_convictions_in_the_United_States)), but the pressure of cooking someone's last meal would be pretty fucking intense.

I cook people's every day meals all the time, but if it's shit, they can send it back.

>> No.6458150



That chicken looks too dark to be KFC.

>> No.6458206

>diet doesn't matter
You're wrong.
You even admit it in this same post!

>artificial diet
So which is it? Does the diet make them toxic or not? Where does this bacteria come from if not diet? Why does every source I find on the subject specifically state that diet is the primary cause of toxicity? And that seasonable availability is the reason a puffer species in one season won't be as toxic as in another?

>> No.6458213

Somehow that makes me sad. Yeah they're horrible people but why rob them of being able to look forward to this one small thing before they die? It's not like it was all that expensive compared to the other costs of the execution.

>> No.6458235

Threads over guys, the jew lawyer will do this.

>> No.6458246

Because they would make ridiculous requests and not eat it.
Their victims didn't get to eat one last meal or say good bye to loved ones.
I support the death penalty and taking away their choice in last meals.

>> No.6458258

Did you even read the article?

>> No.6458264

Hydrogen Peroxide reacts with blood and would kill him.

>> No.6458299

1 pound fried catfish (the louisiana blue bag should have great instructions, I suggest frying in canola oil) (should hit you 15$ max for 1 pd and seasoning/oil)
Seasoned crinkle fries (5$)
Some nice vegetables (like collared greens or some green beans)
A niced baked sweet/ large red potato with extra butter.
A nice tall glass of water, and a nice tall glass of milk.

If I had been on death row I would highly appreciate a meal like this...

>> No.6458333

Request a celebrity chef come over and create a tasting menu.

>> No.6458341

Look on the bright side; even if they don't like your cooking, it's not like you'll ever see them again to hear about it.

>> No.6458363

What if they haunt you?

>your fooooooooooooood suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks

>> No.6458416

>Because they would make ridiculous requests and not eat it.
That is their choice. If they don't want to eat it so what? The cost to the state is the same whether they eat it or not. They have only deprived themselves by doing this. Just set an upper limit on cost if you're worried about ridiculous requests, which most places already do.
>Their victims didn't get to eat one last meal or say good bye to loved ones.
Their victims were also killed by a vicious killer, and not by the state. I'd like to think that we hold ourselves to higher standards than killers do.

>> No.6458431

We don't.
Fuck them.
It would be cheaper and just as humane IMO to just stop feeding them until they died.

>> No.6458433

Why must itself up every of a park anus stick some quote statue unquote to prove that a hero equals any jerk who was afraid to dare to answer “no”? quote citizens unquote might otherwise forget(to err is human;to forgive
divine)that if the quote state unquote says “kill” killing is an act of christian love.
“Nothing” in 1944 AD “can stand against the argument of military necessity”(generalissimo e) and echo answers “there is no appeal from reason”(freud)–you pays your money and you doesn’t take your choice. Ain’t freedom grand

>> No.6458438


There was one inmate who ordered a ridiculous amount of food. Like pounds of fries, chicken, pizzas, burgers, etc. When it arrived he refused to eat it. I think he did it on purpose as one final "fuck you" to the prison and the inmates. After that the governor of texas or some senator took away the last meal.

>> No.6458441

Seems like a silly thing to get upset over though. As long as the food itself wasn't that expensive then who cares if he chose to waste it? He's the only one who missed out.

>> No.6458445


This was the exact order

>Lawrence Brewer, who was executed on Wednesday, asked for two chicken steaks, a triple bacon cheeseburger, fried okra, three fajitas, a pizza, a pint of ice cream, and a slab of peanut butter fudge with crushed peanuts. He reportedly refused to eat any of the feast once it was delivered.

I agree it is kind of a shitty thing to do but you can't expect much from Texas. They are pretty backwards.

>> No.6458486

You disagree with their viewpoints and they're automatically backwards?
Fuck you faggot.

>> No.6458535
File: 75 KB, 450x722, They+give+these+to+children_16782d_4983068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy, but surely you would not claim that Texas is progressive. They are the opposite of progressive. You know what the opposite of progressive is? Backwards.

>> No.6458537

Why do you have a client on death row? Do you suck as a lawyer? It's a pretty easy job, all you have to do is lie a bunch and yell that the other lawyer is a liar.

>> No.6458570

Sauce on the documentary?

>> No.6458686


How is that a big deal? Wouldn't it go straight to the lunch room for the guards as soon as he refused it?

>> No.6458732


>> No.6458733

no, they might have thought the same thing and put shit in it.

>> No.6458738

So the equivalent of posting your cooking on /ck/ and somehow having the image go viral

>> No.6459845

The symbiotic bacteria seems to be obtained from food sources when the puffer is still in the juvenile stage but once it establishes itself in the intestinal tract, it seems to be there more or less permanently.
An artificial diet devoid of the bacteria that produces the toxin would naturally mean that the fish itself would be non-toxic.

While there is some debate on how much seasonal shifts and diet influences toxicity, there's no debate on whether or not the fish is toxic.

There's some research going on about how the diet of the fish influences the established gut flora of several puffer species but there haven't been published yet.