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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 6 KB, 170x250, chef pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6455779 No.6455779[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who /vegetarian/ or /vegan/ here?
Daily reminder that if you can't live without meat, you're objectively pleb, unhealthy, and a horrible person

>> No.6455830

thanks for the kek OP

>> No.6455844

No problem
Have fun with the heart disease lad

>> No.6455900


Enjoy your lack of vitamin B12, cholesterol, coenzyme Q10, EPA and DHA, vitamin D3, creatine, carnitine, carnosine and high quality protein while I enjoy the best of both worls, cuck.

>> No.6455912
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, NOW I'M ANGRY!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'know, I could give a fuck what anyone other than me eats, but I've had a bad enough day that if I could, I'd staple your tongue to your taint.


>> No.6455917

I'm not, but I find vegans and vegetarians to be much more agreeable, intelligent, and educated than carnists. I understand that I could live without animal products, but a little bit here and there is easier and more convenient than going all in. I for one welcome our new vegan overlords.

>> No.6455941

>defending being a picky eater

You sound like one of those crazy religious people that think fasting makes you godly or something like that

>> No.6455955


>> No.6455957

>carny fags get out reeeeeee

>> No.6455963

>a horrible person
>any year

>> No.6455965


>> No.6455969

>what are vitamin supplements
>being ok with causing cute cuddly animals to die

>> No.6455978


>calls meat eaters pleb
>has a diet so shitty it needs to be supplemented

>> No.6456049

Though vegans tend to be more slim, they drink less and don't smoke...you are incorrect about them being "healthy".

Vegans are in need of more medical attention, they lack nutrients that fight degenerative aging process (Look how rough Pam Anderson appears now), they are more apt to have mental illness and they lack B12 and Omega3.

Vegans are far from healthy.

>> No.6456058

abstaining from alcohol is pretty correlated with poor health

>> No.6456063

>they are more apt to have mental illness
Chicken or the egg scenario here. Are the mentally ill because of veganism, or did their illness cause the veganism?

>> No.6456093

ooo... conundrum

>> No.6456179

>Look how rough Pam Anderson appears now
she took many many dicks as well and she's nearly 50, of course she's looking a bit rough, not necessarily related to her being vegan

>> No.6456185

Unsure if poor quality bait or the nutritional deficiency has finally gotten to you.

>> No.6456205

>he thinks they dont exploit animals to make vitamin supplements

>> No.6456273

Eat bee pollen and honey you avarage noob. God ti3r nutrition.

>> No.6456281
File: 49 KB, 552x589, 1429582904325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw vegetarian people claim that fish isn't meat

>> No.6456287

Proper nutrition isn't being met on the SAD diet or all over the globe for that matter.

Nobody can gather the nutrients in proper proportion other than bees. Not even close. I'm vegan and I eat bee pollen and raw honey, both local btw.

Get a clue people. 35grams of bee pollen per day supplies 99% of your daily nutrient requirements.

>Hurrrr durrrr

>> No.6456290

Three years since I became vegan.

>has a presidential physical fitness award.
>out performs self on vegan diet.
>idiots still eating meat and drinking udder puss can't compete on my level
> I got that award before I went vegan.....

>> No.6456291

honey is basically HFCS

>> No.6456298

Eat bee pollen you turd with a pulse. It's more nutrient dense than any other food and it's vegan as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.6456300

Nectar specifically harvested for it's nutritional content by flying angels is as good as it gets. You are so brainwashed it's not even obvious to you.

>> No.6456352

>I'm not a vegan guys, I swear!

>> No.6456358

behold the worst trip on /ck/