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6455442 No.6455442 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way to eat in order to maximize life expectancy?

>> No.6455445

balanced diet probably also vegetarian

>> No.6455472

20% meat
10% carbs
20% fruit
50% veggies

also never eating in excess, so probably around 2000kcal a day

>> No.6455478
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>> No.6455487

you have to switch to a diet of Soylent which is the food of the future

>> No.6455496


Balanced diet, mostly vegetables and a little meat (but don't be vegetarian because that's stupid) and remaining active and social.

That's why our NHS costs are so high in Italy: because OAPS never fucking die.

>me: did you hear that pepe downstairs died?
>my grandmother: yeah? what a shame, he was so young!
Motherfucker was 86. That's young for us. Fuck. Italians live forfuckingever.

>> No.6455508

>What is the best way to eat in order to maximize life expectancy?

Good genetics

>> No.6455602

So, if I refer to >>6455496 , should I eat Italians?
I've been told cannibalism is much more tolerated in Japan (at least Issei Sagawa is not in jail), and they live quite long too. Should I consider moving there?

>> No.6455613

There is one school of thought that suggests under-eating, that is being slightly starved leads to longer lifespan.

I do not know if this it true, but here's one of the clearest explanations of the concept I've seen.


>> No.6455628

Japanese food obviously, just look at the results.
Rice, fish and vegetables for 90% of your calories

>> No.6455629

That's interesting, thanks for posting it.

>> No.6455637


>> No.6455639

nothing wrong with vegetarian
most animal protein that would be ideal are fish and poultry to a less extent

>> No.6455641

Don't choke to death on your food

>> No.6455644

Eat well
Shit hard

>> No.6455645

Eat 2 AA batteries every day. They'll power you up but are sugar free.

>> No.6455663

eat a low fat diet. no cheese, fried food, chocolate, and anything high in sugar or fat. You're most likely to die from heart related diseases, or a stroke, so keeping those arteries clear is your best bet. Also do not drink alcohol. Alcohol can cause all sorts of organ problems.

To accomplish this, get a pressure cooker (like the presto 1370) and cook stuff with it. I cook rice, beans and potatoes., and various vegetables with mine. It cooks healthy food fast and you'll drop weight easily if you prepare your own meals with this thing.

>> No.6455674

anyone who replied to this thread is a fucking moron. the truth is, we dont know what will make us live longer, because we are just barely out of the agricultural revolution and just barely into real scientific breakthroughs. it will be at least 5 more human generations before we have some solid numbers about our own lifespans in re: medical care and food. anything right now is just speculation and bullshit.

>> No.6455677
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>> No.6455679


>> No.6455682

You're right, we have no idea how food impacts life span so suggesting someone not eat like retarded pig and stuff themselves full of nothing but fast food and fried meat is bullshit

why even try

>> No.6455756

Shut up, you filthy Catalonian mongrel.

>> No.6455774

>yfw the oldest living person ate a shitton of chocolate
Oh what's that, anecdotal evidence? It was because of genetics? Then you would concede that diet is irrelevant and genetics is the only thing that matters, either way chocolate isn't bad.

>> No.6455777


Well, the only thing that has an empirical basis is a low calorie diet.

>> No.6455783

A traditional diet appropriate for your ethnicity ignoring any "nutrition science" shills.

>> No.6455789

The main thing is, quite frankly, genetics.

But we do have plenty of evidence that diets high in plants foods (and thus antioxidants) and fish seem to be very healthy and populations that have diets high in such foods seem to live longer than those that have more meat based diets.

>> No.6455800

Except there's all the nordic countries that rank very high, while having diets rich in meat and dairy (and fish).

>> No.6455805

>mfw the people in my family eat fried garbage and live into their 90s

so much for "nutrition science" I guess

>> No.6455926

Okay, yeah, but to be on the safe side, saturated fats and excessive calories should be avoided.

Ultimately, it is about how on your safe side you wanna be. It also depends on what kind of lifestyle you want to live. If you think sitting on your ass, fat, blubbery, and whatever is more worth your time than the motivation it takes to endure painful, embarrassing exercise and not indulge in too much fun junk food, then do it.

but to be on the safe side, whole foods and exercise are better. Or run the risk by doing whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.6455939

No, I agree in principle. But I don't think meats and dairy in itself is a problem.

>> No.6455975

simply to eat in a way that will minimize your digestive work (monomeals and or correct combinations). also, giving your body periods of rest and needless to say not to eat stufff your body cant use.

>> No.6455983

starve yourself. I'm not even joking. Too lazy to post a link but it's true. A caloric deficient diet makes you last longer. They tested it on rats.

>> No.6455984

I hate to say it but it's probably Soylent.

>> No.6457337

Stop drinking, doing drugs, and sleeping around

The Lord will save you

>> No.6457343

Eat like they do in the Mediterranean areas, they live longest. That doesn't mean go to an Italian restaurant in the U.S.

Japanese diets seem healthy but their diet is too salty and they get heart disease

>> No.6457345 [DELETED] 

thats no way to live

>> No.6457371

start smoking, it's a great lung exercise.

>> No.6457380

Paleo diet

>> No.6457384

this and calorie restriction, japanese serving sizes only confirm this

>> No.6457386


Two things:

1. Restricted calories. Ever notice how really, really old people are really thin? Even the marginally fat ones never make it that long.

2. Easy digestion. One of the reasons why fruits and vegetables are important. If you make your body slog through grease and bread its entire life, you aren't going to live long. Good poops=longevity.

Other than that it's a lot of speculation.

>> No.6457392

So much fatshaming in this thread. Smh you shitlords.

>> No.6457397

Oh and food cooked from whole ingredients, probably not good for your longevity to eat too much processed anything. Most people who say "eat like the mediterraneans" or "eat like the Japanese" forget that a large component of that isn't just what they eat, it's that many of them prepare it themselves.

>> No.6457399 [DELETED] 

you sound fat

>> No.6457400
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long lifespin is thin privilege

>> No.6457403

>Easy digestion.
that's easy. have a little psyllium husk powder mixed with water with each meal.

>> No.6457404

So you're an unhealthily skinny whore to be oggled at and oppressed by men? While I'm a fairly healthy weight wearing comfortable clothes without the insecurities that make me want to appease men by objectifying myself?


>> No.6457405

Not really, you can take as many supplements as you want for fiber and regularity, but at the end of the day eating tons of processed meat can fuck up your colon no matter how fast you can get it through your intestines.

>> No.6457406

i'm a girl, btw

>> No.6457410 [DELETED] 

>unhealthily skinny whore

i'm sorry that no one jerks it to your instagram account chubbyfemanon

>> No.6457411
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shaming a fellow woman for their body type and choice of attire is opressive too, you shitlord

>> No.6458906

So is there actually any scientific basis for this caloric restriction stuff? It sounds too easy and too good to be true. At the very least, it must save money.

>> No.6458930


There has been a correlation between longevity and a caloric restriction diet. Google Dr Aubrey De Grey.

>> No.6458934

How does being social increase life expectancy? What if you catch a horrible disease from someone?

>> No.6458940


Yes there is. It's, I think, the only method right now of extending your life. However, there is no point. Why would I want to live until I'm 100? Wrinkled old man with health issues, can't take care of himself. If they manage to create life extension medicine that significantly slows the aging process then I am on board but until then I am very content with dying when I'm 75-80

>> No.6458944

vegan and vegetarian diets are consistently correlated with better health and greater longevity.

>> No.6458950


>Citation needed

>> No.6458973


>> No.6458983

Who wants to be 90 years old anyway?

I'll eat my shitty diet (at a reasonable calorie level) to stay not fat, and die at a cool 70.

>> No.6459053

The way I see it, maybe you slow the aging down till they have the real health stuff and you'll be much better off for it. I expect some excellent medical developments to occur between now and when I'm 90.

>> No.6459344
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not just rats...

>> No.6459501

Antioxidants. It's what old people crave.

>> No.6459504

Granma just turned 90. According to her, the answer is not to gorge oneself, avoid coffee, alcohol and cigarettes. Also, to her, it's rude to take more than three pieces from the cheese plate.

Other Granpa is 95, doesn't smoke, drinks coffee and alcohol on occasion only. He fell a couple years ago and recovered amazingly well, contrarily to his wife who's earlier fall was the first step in grave. He has a garden and still do some easy work in it.

Both of them are social, kind and peaceful.

>> No.6459607

activate your almonds

grandpa's family is italian, one of his cousin died at 102
she was already in a wheelchair and kinda drooled all the time with really bad vision and hearing, but was conscious and somewhat active and would still be an annoying old lady complaining on how kids these days are all wrong
Grandpa is still alive but he's considerably younger.... He's abour 82 years old now I think... He's the same as when he was 60, just fatter, and he smoked until almost age of 50, and still works even though he's retired.

These fuckers really don't die

>> No.6459616


This dude says carbs are de debbil and he's a doctor.

Dunno, I eat some carbs and sugar, I do a sort of intermittent fast thing in that I only eat one main meal besides breakfast, and I did a bit of fasting to see what it felt like. I also exercise daily, I experience what he says in the video of not really getting hungry anymore

>There has been a correlation between longevity and a caloric restriction diet. Google Dr Aubrey De Grey.

Aubrey doesn't give a damn about diets his objective is to figure out how to put it in a pill and keep you going indefinitely, not little band aids that will let you last 4% longer. Calorie restriction equivalent for humans is serious starvation diet, very hard to maintain

>> No.6459628

Omg. Something is wrong with it's tits! .. And everything else.

>> No.6459774

So I suspected that this was all bullshit until I found out about a man named Luigi Cornaro. He became deathly ill when he was 35 and asked his doctors what he should do. They said: "Look, Luigi, cut down on your riotous living, stop the drinking, cut out the rich food, eat as little as you can, and don't abuse your body. You can get well." So he did it. This motherfucker lived to be 102 in the 15th century which as far as I know is absolutely unheard of. That's even a long time for today's standards. Supposedly he was as healthy and clear as ever till the day he died. Read these two Web pages, it's really interesting.

>> No.6459787


Cool story. But since when does it make sense to draw conclusions from a single anecdote?

For example, my grandfather was a chain-smoking alcoholic. He ate a full english breakfast with all sorts of fatty foods nearly every day of his adult life. And he lived to be 98. That's well above average life expectancy in his country. Does that mean that I should start drinking and smoking heavily?

>> No.6459795

Good point anon. I'm going to look into it before I do anything drastic. But there are other studies and reasons that it seems to be a good idea, this was just the most interesting by far. At the very least, I wouldn't start until I was older than 25 and sure that I was entirely done growing.

>> No.6459800
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no one can eat 50 egg!

>> No.6459826

Imitate the people who live the longest lives:


I believe the Okinawans have been the most extensively studied. Actually doing what people do who successfully get old seems like the best approach, the rest (shit like vegetarianism, paleo etc) are just fad diets whose benefits aren't proven.

>> No.6459838

Eat all the preservatives.
While you may die, your body will last 5ever.

>> No.6459847

>vegetarianism a fad concept whose benefits aren't proven


>> No.6459848 [DELETED] 

>hurrrrr autism hurrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.6459850

Yes, that's more or less what your post appeared as with such idiotic statements in it.

>> No.6459852 [DELETED] 

>assuming everyone on here is the same person
>not knowing what autism is
>being vegetarian
faglord confirmed

>> No.6459854

It literally says in the article you posted
>except for the Sardinian diet, the majority of food consumed is derived from plants

>> No.6459860

Nice damage control if it weren't so blatant you were the same person you fucking moron

>> No.6459861

>life expectancy in italy is 82

Yeah, you're grandmother is probably retarded.

>> No.6459862
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But okinawans live the most because they have the least stress. They live in a better, cleaner version of Hawaii.

Why are these food captchas so stupid?

>> No.6459866

Why are you so stupid?
It's clearly the bread DIRECTLY above the one you just clicked on.

>> No.6459875

>calzones are bread

>> No.6459877

Are you going to be this pedantic towards a capcha?
It is only you that suffers.

>> No.6459883

>It is only you that suffers.

No, it's everyone that suffers. The capcha data is used to narrow down image search results, which means its accuracy is important. Who wants the wrong photos to appear during a search? If I do a search about bread then why the fuck would I want a calzone in the results?

Of course complaining about it on this board is useless; the complaints need to be going to the people responsible for the capcha itself--Google--not this board.

>> No.6459892

>20% meat
>10% carbs
>20% fruit
>50% veggies

You do realize that fruits and veggies is carbs right?

>> No.6459893
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Majority of the food and all of the food are different things. A bunch of fish and some meat are good for you.

It's a combination of factors. Low stress, good social life, good food, plenty of physical activity. The climate seems nice as well.

>> No.6459933 [DELETED] 

proof of your niggerness is coming

>> No.6459936 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 344x122, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy being a nigger

>> No.6459939

>no dairy
>no grains
>veggies and fruits are carbs

U cruisin for a rusin?

>> No.6460067


>> No.6460149


can't if troll or from tumblr

>> No.6460154


>> No.6460310

Not all Italy. The part I'm from, people routinely live into their hundreds. Last I checked, about 33% of men and 28% of women can expect to hit 100. That's much higher than most (all?) of the rest of the world as far as men are concerned.

The reason it's 82 is because you have to average in people from other parts of Italy, too, parts that are culturally unlike the ones in my area. We only started speaking Italian a hundred years ago, keep in mind, so we haven't fully assimilated into larger Italian culture just yet.

>> No.6460330

All those areas are warm and never see snow. That also contributes to longevity: warm, green environment.

>> No.6460357

>I've been told cannibalism is much more tolerated in Japan

Issei Sagawa is not in jail because his father was rich and influential as fuck not because cannibalism is tolerated in Japan you blithering retard

>> No.6460360

Breakfast everyday: Coffee and Cigarettes.

>> No.6460394

pretty much this

>> No.6462603

Near-starvation. Works in lab rats.

>> No.6462623

-No meat
-Moderate amount of cocoa bean staggered with ginger per week
-There are other minor things to counteract malady in systems that can be expected to fail, but for the most part, just an adequate diet and nutrition
-Decent amount of exercise

Might as well say, no processed food. Nearly all of it is garbage and a way to speed your demise.

>> No.6462646

Men have historically been largely disposable beyond the capacity to work and breed, and lived lives that reflected this fact. This greatly skews projected lifespans, perhaps Italy is a cultural outlier.

This has changed a bit modern day. We might be able to derive a clearer picture and more accurate data.

>> No.6462649

Guess I'm going to be living quite a while.

Joy oh joy. Why do I feel so tampered and fucked with half the time, as though everything in my life was engineered deliberately.

>> No.6462677

I'm 6'7''

>> No.6462753

>no chocolate
>no alcohol
>low fat

>longest confirmed human lifespan on record, living to the age of 122 years, 164 days.
>She was reportedly neither athletic nor fanatical about her health.
>Calment smoked cigarettes from the age of 21 (1896) to 117 (1992),
>Calment ascribed her longevity and relatively youthful appearance for her age to a diet rich in olive oil[4] (which she also rubbed onto her skin), as well as a diet of port wine, and ate nearly one kilogram (2.2 lb) of chocolate every week.

Olive oil confirmed to be the elixir of life.

>> No.6462764

Chocolate is extremely good for you. I've decided to stop correcting people because to be honest I'm real close to madness and I probably won't drag myself out this time.

The notion that fat is bad for you, in chocolate no less, which pushes the body to greatly increase lipolysis, is just another misconception. I want to help. But I want to learn too and I can't do it anymore.

>> No.6462822

To add on, I'm getting real tired of a lot of things.

A number of years ago I became fixated on searching for self beyond self. I knew I was replaceable, but I needed proof. And for the most part I found it, if I fizzled out there are others who fill anything I am or have, at least in a broad sense.

Yet now I look around, and where are they? Where the hell are they? Why am I still alone, no matter what I do or where I go? Why is no one else arguing that weight management cannot be meaningfully viewed as a thermodynamic system? Why is no one else talking about studies done in mice with pesticides? Why is no one talking about variances in thermogenesis? Why is no one emphasizing looking at the whole and all the parts that go into it, and emphasizing dietary changes in a comprehensive sense?

I feel like no one gives half a shit. No one listens and no no one truly speaks. No one wants to unravel what actually makes things tick, and no one really wants to find the truth beyond some cheap pretend time. Fuck it, I'm no savior and never tried to be, but you can all have your hell. I know goddamn well why there aren't any of me springing up, here, there, or anywhere. It's time I took my path of least resistance too. If anyone reading feels the same in this world full of fucked up mad people, good luck. I really mean that.

>> No.6462882

Most people have more immediate things to worry about.

>> No.6462891

why would she stop smoking at the age of 117??

>> No.6462895

stimulate your brain, prevent alzheimers

>> No.6462912

ive never got one of those wrong ever.

How's autism going for you?

also my grandma is going to die in a few days, shes 85, mainly just ate rice and chicken

>> No.6462925

Because depression is unhealthy and not being social makes social animals depressed.

>> No.6462942

The aim isn't to live long. That has to do with medical care more than anything else. The aim is to be relatively ailment free till your natural death. This will obviously also lead to longevity as a by-product but you don't want to live long and disease riddled.

So the point is how you stay disease free. The big 3 diseases of age are CVD, stroke and cancer. CVD is avoidable simply by diet control and moderate exercise. Stroke is trickier but diet and exercise play a part here too http://www.health.harvard.edu/womens-health/8-things-you-can-do-to-prevent-a-stroke
So here it's not just how much you eat but also what you eat, high fat, high salt, high sugar and high cholesterol foods are to be avoided.

Finally cancer. This is trickier still but diet and exercise still play a part. The diet aspect is much more focused on what rather than how much here. Eating copious amounts of rice and potatoes will probably not lead to cancer. Animal protein, smoking and drinking are the 3 major concerns here. Animal protein can be severely limited. Smoking can be cut out completely. Drinking can be limited to a glass of wine every other day.

Besides these things you need to keep socially active and mentally engaged. Don't retire at 60 and sit and do nothing for the rest of your life. Build something. Farm. Do anything.

>> No.6462953

Eh. I wonder if that's truly worthy of being treated as so hardwired as we seem to. I've known quite a few very old, ie, late 80's, 90's, 2 in their early hundreds. Some of them, with their faculties fully intact, seem to not really give half a shit. Either they've come to peace with themselves or they feel they've seen it all and are sick of people, I don't know. But it isn't hard to imagine reaching a state where you are not brought any burdening sense of depression by being truly alone, both emotionally and physically.

I've been entirely alone emotionally for the last 7 years or so. Maybe even most of my life depending on how I want to look at it. At this point there is little noticeable contrast so it doesn't phase me much if at all. I function fine and don't get meaningfully depressed, my framework of value has shifted over time and I just seem to work differently.

I don't think it's anywhere near as hardwired as people tend to present it. Yes, there are hardwired basis that make us feel good when we connect with people physically, romatically, socially, whatever, there is neurochemical basis for this "up" or positive effect. But I'd argue any negatives or crippling aspects like depression are easily wired around, and do in fact go away when they're not longer useful or mean anything.

Also, what's healthy and unhealthy is a matter of perspective. I developed type 2 trigeminal neuralgia when I was 17 or so. I can bluntly tell you, I could not have survived had I had a life full of people and retained many of my connections. Health is relative, and often simply a matter of perspective.

>> No.6463037

I dunno, that was in '92 by my calculations and there was a rising feeling in society at around that time that cigarettes were worse than people previously thought. She probably had doctors suddenly telling her they were extremely dangerous.

>> No.6463144

At that point I feel like the stress of quitting would be worse than continuing.

>> No.6463275

"What is 'The French paradox'?" for two-thousand, Alex.

>> No.6463290

I think the French eat a well-balanced diet and don't give any fucks.

I've never been able to see where the paradox arises.

>> No.6463327

A paradox occurs when my knob arises.

>> No.6463341

Of course there are always exceptions and not everyone is the same. People are also really adaptive.

But as a general rule, the places where people consistently live to old age healthily have a culture where old people are actively involved in day to day social life and feel useful and get a sense of meaning from partaking in their community.

Being 90 years old and waking up to a vegetable garden to tend and grandkids to watch and social clubs and friendly games of backgammon and a Church service to attend tends to bring a lot more happiness than shuffling from the bed to the television and wasting away watching game shows.

Also, there's a difference between not being phased by solitude or truly being happy in solitude. The latter also exists, I believe, but those type of hermits are very rare specimens.

>> No.6463370

The point is that the importance is less social interaction or a perception of meaningful involvement / community, and more the continued adaptation to dynamically changing conditions. Mental stimulation. There are many ways this can be maintained that does not hinge on social interaction or involvement, and for some, it might work just as well if not better.

There's nothing more inhuman than what we see fit to do with old people now. Seen too many people carted off to nice ol' old folks homes, drugged out of their mind, and then it's just a relatively quick process of withering. Fleece em of a bit of cash on the way out, but you've got lots of demand and finite beds, so best to keep it all manageable and moving. I must say, I am becoming more inclined to believe it is some vicious campaign. Yeah, we kill em deliberately.

Either way. I'm miserable at best, but I don't have a definition of happiness and I have nothing to miss. This is how it becomes, and you remain and become remarkably functional. I know depression quite well, I've been depressed, and honestly, right now I'm anything but. There has never been a point in my life when I was better off. I have a steadily growing sense of misanthropy and general disgust, eventually I feel it will give way to apathy and then severance and peace. I can see myself as one of those hermits, it's all I've wanted really. Problem is, the rest of the human race exists. Participation in society is immutably non-optional, it is mandatory, or they come and kill you or worse. Only in the harshest environments can you truly return to slavery only to the most natural of truly natural laws.

>> No.6463713

>I've never been able to see where the paradox arises
While you're going on about all the foods to abstain from in order to avoid coronary heart disease, the French are enjoying cheese, wine, and simple carbs regularly and overwhelmingly their tickers are tocking just fine.

A cursory Google search could have cleared that up for you, anon..

>> No.6463759

I know what it is, I'm just saying I don't hold the same values.
A balanced diet and good temperament are more important than having eaten X amount of fat.

>> No.6463824

>I know what it is
>I'm just saying I don't hold the same values
I think you might actually misunderstand it. The French paradox isn't a phenomena that occurs by choice.

>> No.6463939

>I think you might actually misunderstand it. The French paradox isn't a phenomena that occurs by choice.
Why would it be?

I'm saying that I see no paradox because I don't see the French diet as unhealthy.

>> No.6463942

>I don't see the French diet as unhealthy.

so what's your point then?

>> No.6463943

I outlined it here: >>6463290

>> No.6463948


Ah, OK.

I can answer that. It's not a real paradox in the true sense of the word. Call it the French "Paradox" instead. The supposed paradox comes from the fact that conventional wisdom tells people to avoid fat, sugar, alcohol, etc whereas the French eat all of that and more without suffering health issues as a result of it. The conclusion, therefore, is that "conventional wisdom" is often wrong.

>> No.6463952

I know what the French paradox is.

I think you're taking 'I don't see where the paradox arises' to mean 'I don't understand the paradox'.

What it was meant to convey was '...therefore I don't believe there IS a paradox'.

>> No.6463953

ctrl + f

7 results

>> No.6463955

Let's actually try this again, for clarity:

I think the French eat a well-balanced diet and don't give any fucks.

Therefore I don't believe a paradox arises.

>> No.6463977

>What it was meant to convey was '...therefore I don't believe there IS a paradox'.

No, I get that. It's clearly not a paradox in the true sense of the word. My post was explaining why other people believe that it is.

that's just confusing.
I agree 100% with your first sentence. And I agree 100% with your conclusion. I get what you are saying, and I agree with it. But that particular explanation is silly because there is no link between the first and second sentence. What does eating a well-balanced diet have to do with proving or disproving a paradox? Ditto for whether or not they give a fuck or not.

The reason why there is no paradox is simply because paradoxes don't exist in real life. They are theoretical constructs used in the discussion of philosophy. The moment we are talking about real life there is no such thing as a paradox, only misunderstandings among some people who don't know the facts. You know the facts therefore there is no paradox for you.

>> No.6463980
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Like me?


>> No.6463985
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>> No.6463989
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>> No.6463992
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>> No.6463999
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>> No.6464001
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also trips

>> No.6464003
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I don't think it's just mental stimulation. Social interaction in itself, even if it's not very stimulating in an intellectual sense, is very beneficial. Talking to each other, touching each other, hugging, kissing, petting a dog, cradling a baby, all these things contribute directly to our well being and are and have been essential to our species and species like us basically since forever. To deny this is to deny a specific aspect of human existence that is hard-wired into us. Again, there might be some strange exceptions, but virtually all people need this to live a happy and fulfilling life.

So if you don't tend to be much of a people person, you're kind of fucked, since some part of you is and will always be exactly that. I often experience this tension myself between my need for solitude and sort of undeniable instinct as a social creature. If both needs are strong enough it seems impossible to achieve the right balance between them.

>> No.6464004
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>> No.6464020

I think you're just looking at it differently to me. This is how I see it:

Most people believe that the French eat poorly but live long. Therefore, for these people there exists a 'paradox' (however incorrect the use of the term is: I would use 'inconsistency').
I believe that the French eat well and live long. Therefore, for me there exists no 'paradox', or inconsistency in my mental model.

Giving a fuck has been linked to increased mortality in numerous Cochrane reviews I don't care to name as well as a couple of anecdotal reports, including a good one my grandmother tells about a neurotic friend who died of an MI in her fifties.

>> No.6464036

That last bit was tongue-in-cheek.

>> No.6465766 [DELETED] 

Its called "going biking" you nigger.

>> No.6465776

Biking and public transport is for the blacks. I go everywhere in my electric mobility scooter and giant coal rolling SUV because they hate us for our freedoms.


Flyover Land

>> No.6465784

I don't ride bikes, and I'm a skinny rich white guy.

>> No.6466091
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Very low caloric intake is the only proven method, and only if started early in life. About 1000-1200kcal a day for the remaining part of your life. With such reduced food intake it's not easy to avoid deficiencies, so you have to eat according to a strict plan. No alcohol but the trace amounts naturally contained in your food. Caffeine is ok, but no Nicotine either.

>> No.6466096

But they all take the subway, ride mopeds and breathe pollution 24/7.

>> No.6466104

This, except the social part.

>> No.6466144

>Italians live forever
My great uncle died recently. He was 102. He had a wife who was in her 60s and he was still sexually active.

>> No.6466271

Please share his secrets to the good life.

>> No.6466274 [DELETED] 

bang some chick about half your age

>> No.6466288

Is that all? What about smoking Savinelli pipes and drinking wine and grappa in a pattern that ensures immortality?

>> No.6466351

Well, everyone dies alone, right? If you're never alone, you'll never die!

>> No.6466359

Well I don't know, but I've been told. "You'll never die, you'll never grow old."

>> No.6466921

good: plant protein (beans and nuts), also lean meat if you're not veg
bad: sugar and white flour, to a lesser extent dairy and fatty meats
not important: everything else