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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6453165 No.6453165 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you pay per lb for chicken breast in your area?

>> No.6453173

I got a 10 lbs bag of frozen chicken breast from costco for $19

>> No.6453182

According to the package in my freezer, $2.39/lb.

I live in Central Texas.

>> No.6453187


>> No.6453188

$.99 a lb. when it's on sale.

>> No.6453194
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Where the fuck?

>> No.6453206

if i see those fucking breasts one more time

>> No.6453214


>> No.6453241
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I wait till they're on sale and it's usually about $2 per lb for the free-range, organic fresh meat. Less for the normal frozen stuff.

>> No.6453246

>$2 per lb for the free-range, organic fresh meat


>> No.6453257

North East USA here,

The normal price is around 3$/lb but they go to 2$/lb on sale. This if for the cheapest ones though, so they look like fucking hulk breasts and are pumped full of water.

>> No.6453275




It's cheaper to just buy the whole chicken here, you can get free-range for a bit mrore since it's still quite a common practice in non-suburban areas (aka pig disgusting shitholes)

>> No.6453309


I buy from a local, free-range farm.

>> No.6453310

who's this fluid druid

>> No.6453313

Nope, you have to wait until it's on sale which means it will only last another day or so.

>> No.6453321

Pro tip: only buy chicken riddled with hormones and antibiotics, you get more for your money. You're welcome. -chef

>> No.6453518
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70 to 110 kr/kg
So 8 to 13€ per kilo.
Whole chicken is only <30/kg and parts thats with bones(i.e: Drumsticks) is also around 30kg/kg

>> No.6453540

danishfag detected

Me too basically

If you pay less than that for chicken around here it'll be 10-15% water injected, and I just don't want to pay for watered down meat

>> No.6453596

6 euro for 1kg

roughly 3-4 dollar per freedom unit.

this is when it is on sale though, but I only buy the meat that is on sale.

>> No.6453600


Thanks Denmark.

>> No.6453602

Teach me how to cook chicken /ck/

>> No.6453614

Depends on which cut, or if whole.

>> No.6453617

About 1.50/lb based on some activated flyiers, so round it to 2USD / lb

All those poor tasty chickens.
Give them a moment of silence

>> No.6453619

It's like seven bucks a pound at whole foods. I know it's expensive but good meat is way better than cheap stuff. I tend to stick with thighs though. Way more flavor and cheaper.

>> No.6453620

Once a moment of silence has been had,
Then those chickens are on the

>> No.6453627

whats a lb?

>> No.6453632

Freedom units. 2.2 pounds in a kg.

>> No.6453652

>fag detected , he's paying his carbon credits

>> No.6453665


like 10 euros a kilo the cheapest, and these are extremely small and thin pieces without skin. Need to go up to 15ish to get thicker ones with skin.

regards, Finland.

>> No.6453676

I prefer thighs and legs too

>> No.6453678

damn why is it so expensive, or are you buying the bio/green/free range stuff?

4 euro for 1kg when it is on sale (I only buy meat on sale)

>> No.6453681

$9.86 apparently. Breast meat is terrible though.

>> No.6453693
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$3.00 per lb.

Downriver Detroit

>> No.6453695


>> No.6453699


sometimes as low as $9/k for low quality meat, usually i see around $12-13, with the fancy organic brands being $15-16. this is for skinless chicken breast. thighs and cuts with bone in are much cheaper.

1 kilo is about 2 pounds.

>> No.6453708


No, it's the normal ass tortured in a cage chicken.

Food prices in Finland are through the roof thanks to high taxation, high prices of everything else and because two grocery store chains own 90+% of Finnish grocery stores, making it easy for them to dictate the prices as high as they want them to be.

>> No.6453721

But you have great schools and health care.

>> No.6453758

no idea but one pack is around 5-7 euroshekels

>> No.6453772

How much I'm willing to pay:
99¢-$1.49/lb for bone-in/skin-on

How much is regular price for boneless/skinless:
Between $1.89-$6.99/lb, depending on whether you go to the stupid people stores (IE Acme and Superfresh) or regular stores and whether it's on offer at the time.

How much is regular price for bone-in/skin-on:

>> No.6453774

Paid 3,69 yurodollars this morning for 600g at the Lidl. When i shop early i sometimes get it for 30% off.

Meat quality isn't that great but i'm a poorfag right now and i hardly buy any other meat from there anymore after getting brutal shits the last time i bought ground meat and cutlets respectivly.

>> No.6453830
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Boneless skinless per lb
No Frills $10 - 14
Loblaws $ 12 - 16
Chinese groceries $8 - 10 (but sometimes iffy)
St Lawrence market $5.99 - 6.99

I just pick em up whenever I see with skin and bone on sale anywhere for under $6 (which happens often enough)

>> No.6453834

About 10 dollars per kg. Pork is less than 6.5USD.

I live in Norway.

>> No.6453836

Muricans look up LCBO (the only place you can buy booze) prices too. Trade off for totally free health care and abortions. I'm ok with it.

>> No.6453847

1.97 on sale right now at the grocery store for boneless.

As low as 0.99 when the organic boneless is on clearance because they have given up on selling it at 6 dollars before the sell-by date.

>> No.6453894

usually pick up a big bag of 12lb's at sam's club for 13.99 USD

other than that if im buying to cook for 2 days instead of in bulk i try to get the higher quality chicken so end up paying about 3.60USD a lb.

>> No.6453920

3-6 EUR per KG

>> No.6453921

Chicken breast - $1.99 regularly, or $0.99 on sale
Tenders - $2.49 regularly, or $1.50 on sale

Texas. Usually places like Fiesta will always have cheap meat, but the quality is bad. Favorite places to buy from are HEB, randalls, and kroger.

>> No.6453960

All the chicken we get fell off a truck. Local crackhead sells it to us for super cheap.

>> No.6453985

hm let's see, after all conversions (yuropoor slav) it comes around to 2$/lb.

>> No.6454054


Actually I retract that

Just came from the store and the thick ones with skin were actually the cheapest at 9.99€ per kg.

>> No.6454073

>everyone in this thread admitting and bragging that they buy the soaked 30% broth $3/lb chicken breasts.

Spend the extra buck and ditch the broth

>> No.6454082

Buy chicken with hormones, your daughter'll get big tits!

And so do you!

>> No.6454085

You should be able to find clubs for 4-6€/kg, that said you are Finland and not Norway. I might be wrong.

Poorland plz, why so cheap? Or is it generally like that in Europa?

>> No.6454090

7$/lb for generic shit

thanks canada

>> No.6454132

15,94€ / Kg = 7,84 US$/lb for this one:

It's a rather expensive supermarket compared to others, but I'm too lazy to even check if others list their products.

>> No.6454142

I didn't look for the cheapest cut, but the closest to OP's description.

>> No.6454147
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>> No.6454151

That's standard price at stupid people stores in my area. Does CA not have smart people stores? I've not been to Toronto in forever but when last I looked, T&T had chickie tits for $3.99/lb.

>> No.6454173
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>15,94€ / Kg

>> No.6454176

16PLN = 4,33$ per kg

>> No.6454195

€2,- Netherlands/Holland.
I buy in bulk on sale, otherwise €2,50.

>> No.6454200

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.6454213

You idiot, chickens are pretty stupid. Torture only works if the subject knows it's being tortured and chickens don't know jack shit, kind of like you.

Go protest on the DC mall for human rights for chickens. I'm not saying be cruel to them, but they're fucking chickens, they don't know what the fuck is going on. How about the insects that they eat, don't you want to give human rights to the insects too, prevent chicken cruelty to peaceful insects, another thing you can protest in DC.

>> No.6454226



>> No.6454234


>> No.6454257

$6 I think. I stopped paying attention because it was more expensive than hamburger or pork chops.

One store has breasts and thighs on sale this week for $2.28/lb. Another is $2.99/lb. I think I've seen legs on sale for less than $1/lb.

>> No.6454290

,98 seconds on Google.

>> No.6454428
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Sold breasts as low as 1.49 per lb at my last job as a butcher.

Had whole tenderloins and ribeyes for 4.99 / lb

miss that job

>> No.6455623
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you guys dont have sales like this all the time?

>> No.6455707

That's bone-in, skin-on. Most of the posts ITT assume boneless/skinless. I forgot what the EPW of chickie tits are. Lemme look it up.

>> No.6455716

2.59/lb breasts
1.57/lb thighs


>> No.6455722

The lean EPW of breast is about 75%.
Bone, fat and skin combined make about 25% of the total weight. That means that if you debone the split breasts and discard the bone, fat and skin, the meat costs about $1.32/lb. Of course, discarding those parts is a waste. The skin and fat can be rendered for cooking grease and can be further processed into chicken rinds while the bones can be saved up for stock. That's why I don't buy boneless.

>> No.6455727

i buy whole birds for like 70c a lb and quarter them myself. its cheaper usually

>> No.6455732

i dont know what an epw is, but there is about 3 oz of bone in a 20oz breast. i weighed it a few times just to make sure it was still metric tons cheaper than the breast, which at this same store is usually no cheaper than 2.19/lb

>> No.6455734


>> No.6455751

Edible portion weight, sorry. I do >>6455727

>> No.6456117

Depends on the brand, but usually around 2-3.50 a pound

but as high as 5.99

>> No.6456261

>tfw I accidentally left 5lbs of uncooked chicken breast in the fridge for 2 weeks and had to throw it out...

>> No.6456378


>> No.6456446

i buy them when they go on sale for $2/lb for sanderson farms chicken

>> No.6456482
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>tfw the least flavorful part of the chicken is the most expensive

>> No.6456491

Supply and demand. Means the thighs are cheaper for us, man.